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Who else is excited??!


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I don't care (much) about achievements. What little gameplay there is in these (barely) interactive movies simply isn't worth the effort. I'll do it without the extra "challenge" and be done with it. CXP and the New Gearing Experience is such a non-starter of an idea that my only interest will be bolstered content that makes gear irrelevant.


Yet another 5.0 feature I plan to utterly ignore. When I run out of people to play with then so will my sub. EA is doing a fantastic job of hastening that event.

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Stop lying to prove a point. 5.0 brings new content and kotet chapters will be replayable too.

Please, feel free to list all the wonderful and exciting things coming with 5.0...I don't see anything "new", just more of the same worthless crap 4.0 dumped on us...except you can repeat it. Calling Heroics "Uprisings" doesn't change what they are. Making things "harder" isn't new either.

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I recently started playing Life is Strange, a game where your choices shape everything and have an actual impact on just about everything in the game. It may be light on gameplay but it focuses on story/decisions and nails it. Often they are very difficult decisions with many trade offs, not the Mary Sue vs sociopath choices we have in this game where it's clear cut. You can't compare the swtor expansions to a game of that caliber in terms of decision making, and I chuckle everytime Bioware lists story as their differentiator and competitive advantage in this game.


I love Bioware games and many of them have spectacular stories (ME, DA) but this game post level 50 is not one of them. I subscribe for ranked pvp and for operations- I do each expansion once to give Bioware a chance and I'm always let down. Unfortunately because this is an MMO, your choices can't have huge consequences because then the game environment/characters wouldn't make sense for other players who choose differently.


I've thought about trying that game, but the highs school setting makes me cringe. I don't want to go back to my emo high school years in any way shape or form.


On topic, I will not be running through Kotfe ever again, I'm having a hard time with the 2nd run through on my knight. I just never want to log into him to finish it. ugh. I can't imagine having to deal with MORE skytroopers. I am not optimistic that Kotet will be any different. In fact, I'm dreading trying to finish the story.


What I am excited about are the Uprisings. And then, I want the Kotet expansion to be over so that the writers/devs can focus on the Star Wars story, ops, more customization options, and bringing our companions back. I've never considered myself a Ludite, but I definitely pine for pre-kotfe SWtor. The good ole' days.

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I can't wait to replay the endless, boring, faceless waves of skytroopers of Anarchy in Paradise and other chapters. Who else wants to AoE spam a boring story again, to see that no, none of my choices would have mattered, no matter how many times I try? I know I do!


and if that wasn't enough, we recently learned in the stream that you have to do it with Kaliyo to boot. Can't use any companion you want but only the one from the story.


That should push you over the edge into bliss.

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Please, feel free to list all the wonderful and exciting things coming with 5.0...I don't see anything "new", just more of the same worthless crap 4.0 dumped on us...except you can repeat it. Calling Heroics "Uprisings" doesn't change what they are. Making things "harder" isn't new either.


TUXs you're the most enthusiastic person I have met. Show a bit of that enthusiasm now. :p lol


I am actually looking forward to the upcoming stuff, I know many are upset about no new operations and lack of end-game content though we got Pvp maps and new dailies at the Eternal Championship with KOTFE. So who knows what will come with KOTET.


I am looking at the plus side and seeing how things will go, if Commander Crates are similar in idea to the Heriocs Crates that give gear to people between levels 10-61, which wasn't awful but who knows, I'm just a wait and see may not be as awful as people think.

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and if that wasn't enough, we recently learned in the stream that you have to do it with Kaliyo to boot. Can't use any companion you want but only the one from the story.


That should push you over the edge into bliss.


LOL! You win a cookie for that last part !

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I can't wait to replay the endless, boring, faceless waves of skytroopers of Anarchy in Paradise and other chapters. Who else wants to AoE spam a boring story again, to see that no, none of my choices would have mattered, no matter how many times I try? I know I do!


I'm excited that maybe some of the haters and trolls will finally leave the game and stop bringing the rest of us who are actually enjoying the game down. :rolleyes:

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i couldn't care either way right now... until we get confirmation on our companions coming back and my characters get their voices back i'm not playing any of these latests expansions that took those things away, if they can't get the original VA they can always get a sound-alike...
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I am looking at the plus side and seeing how things will go, if Commander Crates are similar in idea to the Heriocs Crates that give gear to people between levels 10-61, which wasn't awful but who knows, I'm just a wait and see may not be as awful as people think.

I hope you're right :) I hope it's better than I expect...I truly do!!! I just know that RNG and lack of anything above 4-man group content is NOT a good thing. We didn't need more 4-player content...we needed 8+ group content. But maybe this will be better than I expect...I tend to keep my expectations very low prior to an update.


Just keep in mind that Commander Crates give TWO pieces per crate, not one. And Commander Crates are notorious for giving you the same items time and time again.

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I'm excited that maybe some of the haters and trolls will finally leave the game and stop bringing the rest of us who are actually enjoying the game down. :rolleyes:

Many have already. Quite a few of the people complaining now are people who once defended the game.

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I'm excited to see if they ever publish metrics on which chapter is played more/less. I'm willing to bet that Chapter 12 will be the least re-played chapter of all times.


Chapter 12 Vision in the dark IS the chapter I wish I could skip . I mean in the teaser it looked so full of promise , I even saw peoples log back in from a long time ago lol . But now..all I want is a Skip button !


I take Kaliyo chapter over Valk and his Ha Ha fight .

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I am looking at the plus side and seeing how things will go, if Commander Crates are similar in idea to the Heriocs Crates that give gear to people between levels 10-61, which wasn't awful but who knows, I'm just a wait and see may not be as awful as people think.

How much of it made a difference? Level-sync and bolster pretty much made it negligible. In other words, it wasn't gear I needed to count on.


End-game gear is more or less essential for harder mode content. Now people are going to care how that die roll falls. And those lever pulls are going to be far less frequent than you get from running heroics. The pain will be real.


Many people here have been down the road of RNG gearing before (it used to be a huge problem with Wildstar). It will be at least as awful as people are predicting. Have fun failing at re-running the story in challenge mode because of RNG.

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I'm excited that maybe some of the haters and trolls will finally leave the game and stop bringing the rest of us who are actually enjoying the game down. :rolleyes:



Are you a millennial? Because you sound like one of those college kids that need's a safe space for every conversation. Life isn't supposed to be one big circle jerk, echo chamber of positivity you know.


Me personally? I'm not playing any of the new expansions,they killed the story arcs of vanilla and ruined most of our previous companions. I'll just stick to my main story and previous expansions (Hutt cartel) if i want to do solo content.

Edited by embrm
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What is this thread about? Why is everyone convinced they have to play through KOTFE over again?


Yes, u will need to do it if you want achievements. It will also be a good source of CXP in case you are soloing stuff and dont want to go Uprisings, Ranked warzones or NiM Operations.

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and if that wasn't enough, we recently learned in the stream that you have to do it with Kaliyo to boot. Can't use any companion you want but only the one from the story.


That should push you over the edge into bliss.


Oh, I completely forgot about that! Now all I need is my tokens and well-working gearing system taken away and my mind will be totally blown! If they even make level 20 influence requirement for replay, I'll have to buy a dozen level 60 token to fully experience the perfectly unchanging KotFE experience!

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I've played through KOtFE 3 times (Sith assassin, warrior, and sorcerer and frankly I've had enough of it to last me at least 6 months before doing it a 4th time. I must say I've enjoyed the sorcerer the most, she kicks butt. I've blown through all 16 chapters with her and been killed maybe 6 times. I love the Force Storm AoE...holding my arms out like Jesus and raining down torrents of electricity on troopers, Jedi, officers, rogues, etc killing 3 4 or 5 at the same time. I skipped over the grinding Alliance chapter because it has no effect on the final outcome in Chapter 16 and I'm really tired of it.
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According to Dulfy's notes of the livestream, BW thinks they are giving players what they asked for by making KOTFE/KOTET chapters repeatable:


Repeatable Chapters & Challenge Modes - Player feedback on replayability and story difficulty.


Something tells me that BW has a different definition of "replayability" than many players do. So, let me tell you what definition I use:


Replayability means content that is varied and interesting enough that it bears repeating with alts so that you can make different choices and explore different paths.


It does not mean adding game mechanics which allow the same character to repeat the same story content over and over.


So, sadly, no I am not really excited for this either.

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