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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

On a Serious note, how many are staying.


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There is so much rage about 5.0. Heaps of people saying that they are going to leave. But that happens every change in the game that we dislike.

But let's be honest, some obviously do follow through and leave over some of those changes. Our community gets smaller and smaller after every stupid change and inaction to fix things.

And for every forum poster who leaves, how many no forum posters or visitors leave and we never know. I would guess a lot. Maybe for every poster who leaves, 10-20 non posters leave.

After 4.0 launched, lots of people gave it a go and then said they were leaving if things weren't changed. Guess what, they did.

It's not a false assumption that a lot of the people who QQ and say they are unsubbing, actually do follow through. My whole pvp guild has basically quit. Over 30 players. As far as I know, only 2 of us still sub and play. But I'm the only one who plays regularly.

Since about March, the pvp community has declined faster than I've seen since launch. PvP people have unsubbed and we now have the final shell of dedicated PvPers remaining. Any new players are casual noobs who do pvp to farm pve stuff.


So, my question is, how many of you are "seriously" thinking or are going to unsub if this is as bad as we all expect it is?

How many of you have already unsubbed and are just waiting for it to run out?


I'm going to give it to Christmas to decide. But I'm 2/3rds out the door already.

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Unless BioWare HQ is nuked, then my reigns remain right here where they always have been.


That being said, I can see why people are leaving. If I hadn't already invested a good amount of time and $$$ into the game, I'd probably be gone as well.

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Ive subbed since launch thru thick and thin , outta town on location for months... subbed , quit for almost a year ...subbed, my swtor story ended at level 50... subbed. So far and please correct me if im wrong the reasoning behind gear grind is to learn our main class better. HA whatever Its well known that the best thing ever done for pvp was cut gear cost out ,so we can run alts and cut out any advantage in gear. So im gonna get my toons 70 and if its even half as bad as it was in the past im done for good. EA closed all its forums on the other games permanently and only swtor remains. gear grinding ha Ya right. Im bummed to, i really enjoyed this game for pvp, idk if there will be a 6.0 but most likely swtor closed forums. 5.0 was designed to kill the dying horse .. maybe im wrong idk to me gear grinding = goodbye not happy either 15 $ a month since launch ... cant these ppl call mickey mouse to fix it ?
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prev 5.0, my server is dead, no pvp anyways, and I liked to pvp. They don't have any vocalized plan to merge servers so it appears game is already dead to me. The warzone commendation plan is stupid to me and their 5.0 plan seems geared towards pve and is basically eliminating the pvp structure and opening it up to pve players. Not a issue except its more conquest which usually means lots and lots of players who will afk or lose on purpose just to get their conquest points so it kills pvp everytime that happens, so I expect the few dedicated pvp players will be done. SO due to lack of activity..whats the point after that. And honestly I think this is why Bioware is going back to full subs they know that is a great way to eliminate casual players so guess what they know its over. Having said that Ill stick around, not because I expect a massive turnaround but because I want to see this play out exactly how I know it will end. A great game, destroyed by bad planning, an elite group who whined and complained demanding the game be on easy mode, this was granted which just drove good gamers away and left credit farmers, bots and credit spammers. The very group that was complaining I'm sure. I just want to stick around to see the end.
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I'll stay, in part because no other game that my computer can handle looks attractive to me now. But I have heard from a large number of dedicated pvp players that they are leaving and several have already begun plans to jump to another game.
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sorry that i don't care about your sexual preferences, your race, religion, gender or the color of your eyes,

but let me give you a small overview.



our guild had about 300 players. some very active, some not. all subs. with the 90cc-transfer,

about 80% moved to other servers. the most transfered to the same server.

exept 1 player, all 20% of the remained players stopped and unsubed, of course.

this player joined us some weeks ago.


about 60% of the players found their way to the same server und started to raise our colony and new home.

because of the lack of content we shrunk to 15% of the former guild, after the release of the new pvp maps and the annoncement, that there will not be a new operation in 4.0.


from these 15% we have about 10 active players, some more are still subs, joining rarely the game. i think we have around 20 players left, about 30 with active sub.


the 20 accounts with active subs or just rarely logins, will stop und unsubed with the 5.0 anouncment.

so from a former guild we have just have 3% left with the start of kotet.



what about these 3%?

i unsubed, the others just play via gtc and stop short after release.

we will take a look at the new changes and see what happens. if

there is no new operation announced in january, i think we will keep

about 1% of the rest, not me included.



if you ask anybody who left, all say the same: no new content, no subscription

and the last action, with the bop-pvp-coms was the final touch for many.

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With 5.0, I'm going to reinvolve myself in ops, something I haven't done since the 3.0 era. A new PVP meta, looks interesting a little bit of power shift between the fotm classes, so that'll be interesting.


Really, the things I'm dreading is the fact gear pieces are going to be RNG from crates. I'd much prefer a token system, that allows you to get the piece you need. Example would be say command rank 1 is a bracer, 2 belt, 3 chest piece that you can then go and exchange for the set bonus you want. Something clear and defined. Grinding for RNG is just bleh. Especially when you need to do it several times for each gear tier.


But, there really is nothing else out there that's peaking my interest at the moment. I do play a little overwatch but it gets stale after an hour or two straight. So looks like SWTOR will keep me until at least first quarter 2017.

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I am going to stay, but will expand my horizon a little. I progression raided in 2.x, added PVP in 3.x and in the 4.x era did nothing but PVP.


In 5.x, I think I am going back to doing both again. I am not going to quit, but the time (and money) spent on the game has declined a lot and will continue to decline, unless they introduce real new content. The grind i will do to a certain degree, but it will be laid back, even if that means that I am at a gear disadvantage in PVP.

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I've made no secret of my distaste for the new gearing system - but I've had patches I really didn't like before, and still stayed.


My entire decision is going to be based on whether I can effectively gear up for PvP and remain competitive by exclusively doing warzones. Both for my main toons and alts.


I'd be interested in knowing how many preferred players we're going to lose. Obviously we can't hear their voices on this forum.

Edited by Jherad
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I'd be interested in knowing how many preferred players we're going to lose. Obviously we can't hear their voices on this forum.


My best guess is it'll decline the further into gearing people get. Can't imagine being drilled over and over by min/maxed people in the highest tier gear is going to be fun for the guys who are still sitting in 208 pvp gear or worse. Or maybe they'll just hide out in mids/lowbies. As for the PVE preferred players, RIP. No more ops passes.

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I have already 12 Endgame Toons in Guild Wars 2, I just play WOW Legion PVP free and have toons in all relevant MMOs. SWTOR I make only because of my guild and because of GSF. As long as my guild remains in SWTOR, I also remain. Possibly as F2P in 5.0. Edited by Magira
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I have subbed 2 accounts since launch. The wife's and mine. She has all but quit just doing the chapters and alliance alerts, I have only really been doing same plus pvp.


Our whole guild that we imported into the game at launch has given up on swtor. I will keep our 2 subs going through the chapters to see them and end to it but if the gear grind to be competitive in pvp is to tedious I am done. I have never been into ops or fp's really was just in it for the pvp.

Will be looking into the swgemu this weekend as an alternative in case I decide to leave.

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I have wanted to quit for 1-2 years, but I seems to be stuck here :(


I have tried a multitude of other games, but nothing really captivates me like Star Wars. As I am writing this I am sitting in beta queue for Revelations Online, but I doubt it will be my "new home".

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I have wanted to quit for 1-2 years, but I seems to be stuck here :(


I have tried a multitude of other games, but nothing really captivates me like Star Wars. As I am writing this I am sitting in beta queue for Revelations Online, but I doubt it will be my "new home".


How long is the queue?


Nevermind, already saw the thread.

Edited by Tsetso
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I dropped out in June because I didn't feel the sub was worth the story and the PvP had gotten stale.


Just came back last month to get ready for new expansion and finish off story. I will stay again until PvP / other content becomes stale and then I will unsub for a bit. I'm guessing six months max. But maybe they will surprise me.

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I will stay until I have played one character through 5.0 far enough to get a true feel for the changes and sense of the gearing situation.


I tend to be optimistic but that doesn't mean I will stay if the changes are lower than my requirements.


I occasionally stop my subscription for a month or two just for a break and reset...When I come back I generally enjoy the game much more for awhile.


Basic theory...If the game isn't making me happy in 5.0 I will bounce and check back from time to time....Currently my plan is to check it out then decide.

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