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Swap Character sex 5.0


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I doubt that would ever work, you'd romance Kira as a male, swap to female, romance gone? As you can't be gay with vanilla characters.

I'm sure there are other issues as well, but that's the first one that came to mind.


Never gonna happen! As levelling is easy enough, I'd just reroll if I wanted a gender change.

Edited by Eshvara
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I doubt that would ever work, you'd romance Kira as a male, swap to female, romance gone? As you can't be gay with vanilla characters.

I'm sure there are other issues as well, but that's the first one that came to mind.


Never gonna happen! As levelling is easy enough, I'd just reroll if I wanted a gender change.


Who cares if it makes you gay or not. It should still be an option. I've been asking for the gay option for a long time anyway. I really don't see the issue, the responses to the story don't need to change, they just need to be unisex.

But I've argued that point over and over for many years. I'm not going to fall into that trap again.


Maybe as a work around to this "falsely" perceived issue, they could limit the sex swap to characters that have already finished the vanilla story. I can't see how that can cause any issues with them being gay or flagging story problems.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Who cares if it makes you gay or not. It should still be an option. I've been asking for the gay option for a long time anyway. I really don't see the issue, the responses to the story don't need to change, they just need to be unisex.

But I've argued that point over and over for many years. I'm not going to fall into that trap again.


Maybe as a work around to this "falsely" perceived issue, they could limit the sex swap to characters that have already finished the vanilla story. I can't see how that can cause any issues with them being gay or flagging story problems.


It's not about who cares about if they are gay or not, it's about the most likely technical complications. I don't know what trap you're talking about, but I assume, you're making certain assumptions that don't apply to this argument.

Things would probably be very buggy or really hard to implement making it not worth doing so. Like repeating vanilla content on hard mode like kotet and kotfe.


Even if you have finished Vanilla, it's not like everything just stops there.


That said, I'm not against a sex swap, I don't see why anyone would. But I can see that it's going to be a real challenge getting it into the game with things as they are in Swtor. This isn't WoW where a toons "husk" doesn't really matter.


And I guess with everything I've said, I kind of am against the idea from a technical point of view, as implementing this would take a lot of time and cost a lot of money. It's not worth it when there are other things far more important than a gender swap.

Edited by Eshvara
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Previous official developer response to this is that it's never going to happen, the characters' genders are tied into too many things (including above mentioned story and dialogue flags) and making a disconnection is technically unfeasible. Note they didn't say it was impossible, just not a reasonable thing to do. And considering how buggy things are often left in TOR even when they're minor, easy-to-fix things, it really is for the best that they don't hack away at core character mechanics.
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Who cares if it makes you gay or not.


Nobody, stop reading what isn't there.


It can't be done because of technical limitations with regards to vanilla characters and romance.


Nobody cares if characters are gay or not, the limitations in the story and dialogue do though. It would mean reworking a lot of lines which they won't or can't do.


That's all they were saying, they weren't arguing on whether gay characters should be in the game or not.


Whether that should have been in from the start is an entirely different debate and has no bearing on what can and can't be done with regards to in game sex change.

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Nobody, stop reading what isn't there.


It can't be done because of technical limitations with regards to vanilla characters and romance.


Nobody cares if characters are gay or not, the limitations in the story and dialogue do though. It would mean reworking a lot of lines which they won't or can't do.


That's all they were saying, they weren't arguing on whether gay characters should be in the game or not.


Whether that should have been in from the start is an entirely different debate and has no bearing on what can and can't be done with regards to in game sex change.


Basically all of this.


People disagreeing on the sex swap doesn't mean they're against people being gay or their characters. It's like you just want to purposefully see it that way. Which is rather sad. (To the op)

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How about AC change while we're at it? :)

This would be good. They have same story anyway, just need to change abilities and weapons etc. I literally have no way to find out if i like playing as sniper or operative before i have tried them and levelled them to higher levels. And if i am average guy who does not play 24 hours a day like i do, i would not bother to making new character.

Advanced classes share everything expect weapons and abilities - should not be hard to give players option to change without having to play trough the game in exactly the same way just to get advanced class you want.


No it is not same as allowing you to change from Imperial Agent to Sith Warrior, as story and weapons and abilities and companions and dialogue and armor and so much more is completely different. Advanced class is quite close to being just that, advanced class. Not different class. I don´t care what other games do with their equilevant of advanced classes unless it helps to improve SWTOR, as i am not talking about those games, i talk about SWTOR.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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Basically all of this.


People disagreeing on the sex swap doesn't mean they're against people being gay or their characters. It's like you just want to purposefully see it that way. Which is rather sad. (To the op)


Wow, seems like all of you are making the issue of it. I put it in as a disclaimer so you knew my point of view.


The sex swap could still be done in vanilla if they took the flags out and just made it unisex. It's not technically impossible as others have indicated. All that is needed is a few lines or changes of code that stop it asking "is this a male character or is it a female one". ie change from "if x=x, then do 'a' and "if x=y, then do 'b'... to "if x or y =x, then do 'a' or 'b'.

That is an over simplification, obviously real coding is different. But I do coding and it's not hard to change flags. It might take some time though, but that's what interns and plebs are for. As long as they test properly it before it went live, then it wouldn't need to even cost much to implement.


Regardless, I offered another solution that doesn't effect any vanilla content at all. Allow people to swap, but only once that character has completed the vanilla companion stories.

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This would be good. They have same story anyway, just need to change abilities and weapons etc. I literally have no way to find out if i like playing as sniper or operative before i have tried them and levelled them to higher levels. And if i am average guy who does not play 24 hours a day like i do, i would not bother to making new character.

Advanced classes share everything expect weapons and abilities - should not be hard to give players option to change without having to play trough the game in exactly the same way just to get advanced class you want.


No it is not same as allowing you to change from Imperial Agent to Sith Warrior, as story and weapons and abilities and companions and dialogue and armor and so much more is completely different. Advanced class is quite close to being just that, advanced class. Not different class. I don´t care what other games do with their equilevant of advanced classes unless it helps to improve SWTOR, as i am not talking about those games, i talk about SWTOR.


Agreed, changing the Advanced class should have been an option all along, the same as how you can change disaplines.

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If they ever figured it out, that would be a nice shortcut to romancing the same sex. I'd totally start as female, romance quinn, then switch to male ;)


...and if Quinn isn't into Males...?


I don't agree with making all comps open to any form of romance, as much like real life, not everyone is bisexual, and not everyone is straight, people have different likes or interests and I can only see very few vanilla companions being bisexual, IE Kaliyo. Story> a selective amount of player interests, I would much rather have the story fit the user than it bend to the person.

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This should NEVER be an option in any game, same goes for species/race change. You made the choice to be a male Zabrak Knight you should have to live with that. No leveling up then switching to a female Mirialan. There need to be permanent choices and your gender is one of them. I hope BW never allows gender swapping. Live with your choice.
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...and if Quinn isn't into Males...?


I don't agree with making all comps open to any form of romance, as much like real life, not everyone is bisexual, and not everyone is straight, people have different likes or interests and I can only see very few vanilla companions being bisexual, IE Kaliyo. Story> a selective amount of player interests, I would much rather have the story fit the user than it bend to the person.


I could see Jaesa being bi. Lol!

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...and if Quinn isn't into Males...?


I don't agree with making all comps open to any form of romance, as much like real life, not everyone is bisexual, and not everyone is straight, people have different likes or interests and I can only see very few vanilla companions being bisexual, IE Kaliyo. Story> a selective amount of player interests, I would much rather have the story fit the user than it bend to the person.


You're not going to compare a space wizard game to real life, are you now? :rolleyes:


Story fit the user? You mean like, me, the user? The one who pays for it? Or the fictional character Quinn, who is absolutely straight in real life :confused: ?

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You're not going to compare a space wizard game to real life, are you now? :rolleyes:


Story fit the user? You mean like, me, the user? The one who pays for it? Or the fictional character Quinn, who is absolutely straight in real life :confused: ?


I have to admit that it does kinda suck that there wasn't a male or female companion in the original class storylines that was bi, although I have always wondered if Talos was gay. Lol!

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Wow, seems like all of you are making the issue of it. I put it in as a disclaimer so you knew my point of view.


The sex swap could still be done in vanilla if they took the flags out and just made it unisex. It's not technically impossible as others have indicated. All that is needed is a few lines or changes of code that stop it asking "is this a male character or is it a female one". ie change from "if x=x, then do 'a' and "if x=y, then do 'b'... to "if x or y =x, then do 'a' or 'b'.

That is an over simplification, obviously real coding is different. But I do coding and it's not hard to change flags. It might take some time though, but that's what interns and plebs are for. As long as they test properly it before it went live, then it wouldn't need to even cost much to implement.


Regardless, I offered another solution that doesn't effect any vanilla content at all. Allow people to swap, but only once that character has completed the vanilla companion stories.


No, the reason it can't be done, is because it would need slight voice rework due to gender pronouns.


We also have no idea if models of the character are tied to the scenes.

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You're not going to compare a space wizard game to real life, are you now? :rolleyes:


Story fit the user? You mean like, me, the user? The one who pays for it? Or the fictional character Quinn, who is absolutely straight in real life :confused: ?


People in this space wizard fantasy world function similar to in real life, and with the exception of most of star wars lore VERY few people have been stated to be something other than straight.


And uh.. yeah.. I meant for it to NOT fit the user ... :(/

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No, the reason it can't be done, is because it would need slight voice rework due to gender pronouns.


We also have no idea if models of the character are tied to the scenes.


Actually they wouldn't. But I'm happy to be proven wrong. Can you provide a cut scene that would require a rework for gender pronouns as I have never come across one.

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And uh.. yeah.. I meant for it to NOT fit the user ... :(/

But male characters can flirt with Theron! :( Please don't take my Theron away from me, he's the only one I enjoyed romancing cause it got funny in SoR. Plus for an animated character he's hot! *cries*

Edited by DarthEnrique
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This should NEVER be an option in any game, same goes for species/race change. You made the choice to be a male Zabrak Knight you should have to live with that. No leveling up then switching to a female Mirialan. There need to be permanent choices and your gender is one of them. I hope BW never allows gender swapping. Live with your choice.


Mad much?

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