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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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I love the rest of the game, and pvp was really fun in Beta and in the first week after launch, but it's just horrible now.



+1. This pvp system is horrible. And dont get me started on the reward system. Why would they make it so complicated and tbh quite stupid. First off you need to gain warzone commendations, then you turn those into mercenary commendations. Then you need to earn more warzone commendations, to buy a bag that MIGHT give you set items/items, or just new commandations. You get 3-4 commendations. And heres the kicker, items of those commendations cost all from 20 to 50. And no item richer, your back at grinding warzone commendations in the hopes that that next bag might give you an item.

The entire thing is tiresome and just plain annoying. Random loot and random commendations might work in flashpoints and Hard modes, but when you'v been grinding pvp for a long time, and all you have to show for it, are a couple of commendations, it really takes the spirit out of you. And then some other lucky bloke gets two items in a row in his.

Getting pvp set-items/items based on luck.....GJ!

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level 40-50 bracket wont slow down the pvp


Technicly it would for a short while. At least for the level 40+'s.


However over the next month that would balance out. And if more players feel comfertable and actually enjoy PvP, the numbers in the end would be higher.



Not every round is a match of 50+'s beating lower to mid-level characters. But enough are that we need bracketing or something to balance the warzones.



Check this post out on the same topic: The State Of PvP ( Warzones ) - Brackets Desperately Needed!

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Not everyone got the time to play all day+night.


I didn't play all day and night and found 1-50 amusing and easy. I didn't space through missions and managed to get 50 not too long after the early access released. It's silly to claim level 50's shouldn't be PvP'ing with those that are of a lower level. You're still missing a vast majority of your spells the lower level you are, that should be one of the biggest hints there is.

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Stop being a slacker and level to 50, problem solved.




not everyone enjoys rushing to 50, some people actually like exploring the leveling stages of the game and many do so with different classes aswell to see what they like best, the story and all that stuff.


the best solution would be to give 50's a bracket fo their own... THAT would be problem solved without problems to anyone.

if there arnt enough 50's for their own bracket thats though... but I didnt rush, and for example, am having hard time finding groups for flashpoints 35+ for the same reason, and am not bothered about it, I KNOW the early stages of MMO's high levels are fewer... so why rush?

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I think a lvl 50 should be able to 1 shot a lvl 11 I dont get how it works. You can be lvl 11 and take down a 50 if you know what your doing.


Its not just the lowbies skill that matters. If the lowbie has more skill than the 50 the 50 skill has a better chance of winning just because everything else is in his favor. More abilities means he can afford to mess up more and the same goes for gear.

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


I disagree. Level 50 players needs their own bracket but level 10-49 is fine.


I just played a warzone 10 minutes ago and I got slaughtered by a level 50 Operative again and again in 2 Seconds! He always sneaked up to me, hit me once (minus 80%HP!!!), hit me twice and I was dead. I'm a level 45 Sentinel with good gear for my level but I didn't stand the slightest chance. That's no PvP but bull*****!


Players with level 50 pvp gear are so heavily overpowered compared to players with level 49 or below. I can see the point in minimizing waiting times for level 50s but PvP is no fun when you get dominated by you enemy and you can't do anything about it.


We need a Level 50 PvP Bracket, that's for sure.

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I dont really understand these topics anymore... None of them are started by people even close to the home stretch.


I will admit right after release these topics made sense to me. Now... I am wondering *** you are still doing below lvl 45 -.-


some of us are enjoying the game instead of treating it like a foot race to the end. The people currently at 50 or the ones who were 50 7 days ago are the same tools taht stand in line to catch a movie's first showing, buy an ipod first, etc etc etc... just so they can brag. Those same tools will be complaining 2 days from now about thelack of content and being bored. No one should give them the time of day, and they should all be shoveled into their own little bracket.

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Arn't there Warhammer developers running PVP? If so, were screwed


Yes, unfortunately. And, unlike good developers, these do not seem to have learned from their mistakes in the past.

The WAR pvp system was good. Very good if you ask me. Huge scale fortress attack defense were awesome.

The problem with WAR were the pve part of it, and the bugs, and the lack of polish, things like that. If you consider only the pvp part of it, I'm sure we have there the best mass pvp in mmo games.



On topic: Level 50 are killing the fun in pvp for any non-50, because of the level difference, which isnt "compensated" properly via the HP / dmg multipliers: as a non 50 you'll still do less damage, and resit way less than a 50, even if your HP/dmg has been scaled up.

And also because of items, as all level 50 are already working on their pvp sets and wear Expertise items, to make them even more powerful than the standard level 50.


For me the biggest problem in Warzones is the responsiveness of skills and the delay of 1,2 sometimes 3 seconds between the actual skill and the effect ingame: this, mainly, makes me unable to play pvp warzones, on a rig which can run BF3 in ultra on 64-players maps...

But it's another problem, isnt it?! :D

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To make it simple, I think they should make only two brackets:

10-49 and 50 alone.


The unwanted effect may be the birth of some kind of level 49 twinks, but at least for those who want a normal pvp experience will pvp a bit during leveling, and then start to pvp for good at level 50, I doubt a lot will stuff themselves like madmen at level 49, mainly because they cant really avoid gaining exp, and will eventually reach level 50 even if they dont want to :cool:

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill


It amazes me that people still do not think there will be a 50 bracket. This is really quite simple.


If there were a level 50 bracket right now their que times would be unreal, and then opposed to lowbies being pissed about getting farmed by 50s, you'd have 50s being pissed about hour long WZ ques.


Bolster does it's job from 10-49, equiping the level 50 gear provides a massive amount of HP and Expertise which makes the bolster buff useless. Obviously there is going to be a 50 bracket. Have patience.

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I dont really understand these topics anymore... None of them are started by people even close to the home stretch.


I will admit right after release these topics made sense to me. Now... I am wondering *** you are still doing below lvl 45 -.-


the game came out 11 days ago... 11 days.

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Played a "fun" match run now. Stack of pvp geared 50s vs lvl 14-45 (and 1! 50) randoms. They took a ball and walked to our line scoring and then killing everyone there, then they went for another ball and did the same thing... Only thing keeping them from scoring 6:0 in 3 minutes was knockback... Diing is fun, but its not a dwarf fortress >_<



I hope Bioware will fix that stupid **** soon.


p.s. dont tell me that "1hour queue" thing, the servers will be full of 50s soon. PvEs have a hard time finding people too.

Edited by Vesperr
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10-50 WZ solve the short term solution of meaning everyone gets in, and fast. There are a lot of 50s in WZ now and it's evening out, fresh 50s are on the same ground as lower levels, it's just the PvP gear where the gap becomes apparent.
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not everyone enjoys rushing to 50, some people actually like exploring the leveling stages of the game and many do so with different classes aswell to see what they like best, the story and all that stuff.


the best solution would be to give 50's a bracket fo their own... THAT would be problem solved without problems to anyone.

if there arnt enough 50's for their own bracket thats though... but I didnt rush, and for example, am having hard time finding groups for flashpoints 35+ for the same reason, and am not bothered about it, I KNOW the early stages of MMO's high levels are fewer... so why rush?


Everyone has their own play style and i respect that, but giving people their own level 50 brackets ? That's a complete joke considering even right now there's only 29 level 50's online on my server and i can guarantee you the majority of them don't PvP.


Give the newbies some expertise on their gear, obviously not as much as the level 50's but something to start out with. I believe there's a PvP set for 20-30-40 and 50 ? Make the expertise go higher and higher for each set if the complains stay. I don't mind competitive PvP as a matter of fact i enjoy it more than owning people. However it does seem most people "aren't as good" because they simply don't have the good spells yet and they don't know how to play the class properly.

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50 bracket needs to be made within the next week. Just had a 50 powertech with 21k hp..thats TWENTY ONE THOUSAND HP. Bolster is not making up for that, thats double the hp of the highest bolster I've ever had. Other 50's are getting 14-15k easily now with gear, and this is just the survival part, not even going to get into how much better their damage is.


50 bracket please.

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10-49 and 50


two brackets, thats all thats needed.


i enjoy pvp from time to time, but about 5 min ago on huttball we were farmed for 14min by a team of full 50ies. 7 sith sorc's and a tank of some sort. just healing and pewpewing everything to oblivion.


Nah, it was fun when everyone were leveling, now its just horrible.

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