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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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This is one of the most whining thread's i've come across. If you think at level 25 you should have a fair fight with a level 50... you're either dreaming or on drugs.


Then why put them in a Warzone together?


That doesn't make any sense.


If you put them in the same warzone then surely they shouldn't be there to be cannon fodder for level 50s?

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Originally Posted by Wbuller

MaximusNem - yet another one telling u to learn to play. What does it take to make u understand that killing someone with 6-8k less hp, hitting him 2k harder EVERY SINGLE HIT, isn't about skill?

Because that is how it is with a lvl 40 normal dude meets a lvl 50 pvp geared dude


You clearly aren't referring to warzones then.




Yes, I am referring to warzones. Honostly, I do not quite understand what u mean?

Ur saying that it's not possible to meet such ppl in a warzone as lvl 40?

Well, wake up. I've met such premades of four several times.

I'm 14k hp at lvl 40. They were 17-21k at lvl 50. My highest single hit was 3k, theirs were 6k.

My average dps was at it's top 180, theirs 380 (in cause someone says my dps sucks, I haven't seen a single person around my lvl hitting more than 210 dps)


And I'm not talking about some fresh 50's with blue gear, but 50's with 4 set bonuses with full epics and stuff - in a 4 man premade. Have met such teams several times. Even had the pleasure of being on the right side with such a premade. And as player posted earlier about 50's pvp geared premades; ''It's not a question of will we win, but how fast''

Edited by Wbuller
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Im just tired of people saying we shouldnt pvp at lower levels and to level up if we dont like it. If thats the case why even unlock pvp at level 10?


Granted this is my first mmo and Im still learning, but its hard to learn when peoples response is to call you a noob instead of giving sound advice. Not everyone spent the last 10 years playing WOW. Games with a subscription were a luxory that until recently I just couldnt afford. Now I try to get into this game and when it comes to grouping or pvp people are just rude.

Edited by Optiklown
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I agree that the system in its current state promotes pub stomping with high level characters way to much. It also seems that many of the early access servers are the people that are running into guilds or groups of people at level cap wrecking everyone else in PVP.


It seems like BW did make a mistake in the way they did their early access because people that want to take their time and enjoy the wonderfully voiced story but also want to dabble in pvp from time to time throughout the experience, and they play on an early access server are having issues doing so. That sucks, it is punishing people for paying in advance and playing the game like most of the devs hoped their customers would play it.


On the other hand there isn't an easy fix, sure they could take population numbers of lvl 50 players that are pvping on a specific server during all times of the day, figure out which ones are ready for a 50 only bracket and then implement the fix.


But that seems like an in ordinate amount of work when they can just wait a couple months at the most and everything will even out, the max lvl players will be there on all the realms and then put a bracket system in place.


But this is all assuming that there will be a bracket system ever. They could technically never do a bracket and just put that work into making a rated system with rewards for 50's only that would have enough incentive to pull most of the 50s out of the current pvp system. It would ensure that the current system would never really die off since all new players would be in the same system even some new lvl 50s trying to gear up for the rated matches, and there would also be a place for the 50's to go that would be a fairer fight.


This plan may piss off some people and maybe even loose some subs but if in the end they put a good enough system in place they will get their market share and hopefully continue tweak it. I think it sucks BW made a mistake in giving early access to some servers but I don't think they are going to keep those servers ahead of all the other servers because it would create to many logistical problems. Just chill out if your on a server that is full of 50s pve, make and alt, or just deal with it and qq on the forums, but understand I'm sure BW is kicking themselves for the mistake...

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Like I said, just change the algorithm so that levels are relativly balanced on each opposing teams. Aka more or less the same amount of 50s, 40s, .. and level 10s... it ain't so hard, and as time goes there will just be more and more 50s in each time and less lowbies (though still a few). Then no brackets, no "awful" waiting time.




so a "4-man 50 premade" will be more likely to end up against a "4-man 50 premade" too. Of course the debate between pug and premade is a whole other can of worms.

Edited by Avatorius
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Im just tired of people saying we shouldnt pvp at lower levels and to level up if we dont like it. If thats the case why even unlock pvp at level 10?


Granted this is my first mmo and Im still learning, but its hard to learn when peoples response is to call you a noob instead of giving sound advice. Not everyone spent the last 10 years playing WOW. Games with a subscription were a luxory that until recently I just couldnt afford. Now I try to get into this game and when it comes to grouping or pvp people are just rude.

The way it worked in WAR was fine, you had brackets of 10 levels each and there were plenty of people playing on the lower levels and higher to have a much more fair spread of players, I think the servers pop seems much smaller though in this game.

Edited by Manigma
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10-40 and 40-50 seems like it would work pretty well, at least for now. I'm sure eventually there will be more than enough 50s to make it their own bracket.


Bolstering DOES help quite a bit when you're say a 23 fighting a 40, but as others have pointed out if you're fighting a level 50 that knows that he's doing, you have basically zero chance. The fact that it's POSSIBLE for a group of 20 and 30s can beat a team of 40s and 50s (and I've done it) is hardly proof that anything is fine.

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Lol, I find ur reply quite funny. Talking about it's not supposed to be easy n stuff. And indeedm ur pretty damn right it's not - not easy for low lvl's vs pvp geared 50's.

But wait, how about the 50 pvp'ers? As hard as it is for low lvl's vs those, so damn much easier is it for them.


U honestly think I'm QQ'ing because I want an 'easy mode'? Plz read my posts again then.


(plz notice the keyword in my posts - 50 PVP'ERS. Those with the 50-75% hp advantage, with the 3k higher hit than ur highest hit advantage and those who can 2-3 shot one, - not fresh lvl 50's with average gear and hp's just like u)


And yes, ofc premades have an advantage. And of course should dedicated players have such an advantage - anyone can have that. I find nothing wrong with that.

But what u basicly are saying are that it is alright to give them a double advantage - an 'easy mode' one might say


As to ur video, I'm sure ur right. And that's cool. But as i might have noticed in my previous post, I 'QQ' about the huge advantege high lvl pvp geared ppl get.

I bet their odds would have been pretty damn different if they were up against 19k hp juggernaughts, 18k operatives etc etc. Ppl who -despite how well they work together - could 3 shot them.


You think they started the game at level 50? Nope. Most of them paid those dues, just like the rest of it.


You want that advantage? Earn it. Don't ask for it be spoonfed to you.

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You think they started the game at level 50? Nope. Most of them paid those dues, just like the rest of it.


You want that advantage? Earn it. Don't ask for it be spoonfed to you.


Oh the "I earnt it card"


So, easy fix, double the subscription for level 50s going into Warzones.


Then you can really claim to have earnt it.

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What a original thread, I have not seen a thread like this before.


Oh wait this might be the millionth one, never mind OP continue crying about how low levels get beat up since they won't shut up about it..


Because its an obvious problem...


Some people are just morons.

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What a original thread, I have not seen a thread like this before.


Oh wait this might be the millionth one, never mind OP continue crying about how low levels get beat up since they won't shut up about it..



Up until today I was doing great in PVP, today I EVERY SINGLE TIME I QUEUE'D I went in against an almost full group of level 50's. I am level 38. It was taking our entire team to kill two of them, and they would usually mop about half of us out, then the rest of their team would show up to finish it off.


I don't mind a challenge, I don't mind losing. But when you obviously have no chance at all, what is the point of playing? This is what the OP is referring too here, he's not crying that he got beat up by a guuurrlll. He's complaining that level 50's have an unfair advantage over the lower level players in PVP, which, let's be honest here, is absolutely true with the way the gear is built. Get off your high horse, stop insulting people. Not everyone rushed to level 50 as fast as they possibly could. Some of us are enjoying the content.


If they would implement a bracket system it would solve alot of problems, the hardcore people would have their ranking system, the non-hardcore people can continue to dabble happily. I really enjoyed pvp up until today, I still enjoy it, but if this isn't corrected, soon the only people you'll see in the warzones will be new people who don't know better yet, and lvl 50's.

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Having a pvp'ed a bit on my level 30ish toon. I have the following observations and the consequential suggestion


1. Level 50s are not the problem, level 50 gear is the problem (high expertise level 50s hardly get hit by me and hit me really hard.)



Levelling via PvP should give you access (via commendations maybe?) to expertise gear that you can use to hold your own against pvp players. The expertise should be little but also be similarly bolstered so that the match is fair in warzones but doesn't really help in world pvp.


2. Level 50s have access to talents and abilities that lower levels do not.



Leave as is, bolster is enough to compensate for some missing talents and abilities.


I like to do missions with a break to pvp. As a result of this pvp I collect commendations which I use to buy gear or boxes, but the gear this provides does not have expertise which is a pvp only stat.


Most of us low level toons understand that a level 50 toon will have an advantage over us even while bolstered. What we are finding frustrating is that as more people who are level 50 start destroying us in the battleground, the battleground ceases to be fun for lower levels. i.e. The advantage they have is strong enough to cause many lower levels to stop queuing until they are 50.


As a result you will end up with a forced level 50 bracket where nobody less than 50 will queue for pvp as they have no fun pvping.



Make commendations reward expertise for low levels or the 11-50 pvp bracket will become 50s only.

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Up until today I was doing great in PVP, today I EVERY SINGLE TIME I QUEUE'D I went in against an almost full group of level 50's. I am level 38. It was taking our entire team to kill two of them, and they would usually mop about half of us out, then the rest of their team would show up to finish it off.


I don't mind a challenge, I don't mind losing. But when you obviously have no chance at all, what is the point of playing? This is what the OP is referring too here, he's not crying that he got beat up by a guuurrlll. He's complaining that level 50's have an unfair advantage over the lower level players in PVP, which, let's be honest here, is absolutely true with the way the gear is built. Get off your high horse, stop insulting people. Not everyone rushed to level 50 as fast as they possibly could. Some of us are enjoying the content.


If they would implement a bracket system it would solve alot of problems, the hardcore people would have their ranking system, the non-hardcore people can continue to dabble happily. I really enjoyed pvp up until today, I still enjoy it, but if this isn't corrected, soon the only people you'll see in the warzones will be new people who don't know better yet, and lvl 50's.


You posted a big wall of I got beat up, and I hate it..


Go level up.

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Having a pvp'ed a bit on my level 30ish toon. I have the following observations and the consequential suggestion


1. Level 50s are not the problem, level 50 gear is the problem (high expertise level 50s hardly get hit by me and hit me really hard.)



Levelling via PvP should give you access (via commendations maybe?) to expertise gear that you can use to hold your own against pvp players. The expertise should be little but also be similarly bolstered so that the match is fair in warzones but doesn't really help in world pvp.


2. Level 50s have access to talents and abilities that lower levels do not.



Leave as is, bolster is enough to compensate for some missing talents and abilities.


I like to do missions with a break to pvp. As a result of this pvp I collect commendations which I use to buy gear or boxes, but the gear this provides does not have expertise which is a pvp only stat.


Most of us low level toons understand that a level 50 toon will have an advantage over us even while bolstered. What we are finding frustrating is that as more people who are level 50 start destroying us in the battleground, the battleground ceases to be fun for lower levels. i.e. The advantage they have is strong enough to cause many lower levels to stop queuing until they are 50.


As a result you will end up with a forced level 50 bracket where nobody less than 50 will queue for pvp as they have no fun pvping.



Make commendations reward expertise for low levels or the 11-50 pvp bracket will become 50s only.


Your post reminded me....


....what happens to these crybabies outside the WZ when they're NOT bolstered?


Anyway, that's actually a great idea. Might need to tweak the scaling of expertise, but giving that low level gear expertise might actually help with survival a bit.

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lazy *** low lvls are killing pvp, lvling isnt hard in this game and you can make a lvl every 2hours at low lvl, these people are just lazy and ruin the lvl 50s experience. because we gotta carry them nubs, and they have the nerve 2 call themselves pvpers, and refuse to pve abit to get atleast in the 30s.


wasting everyones time, being crap, like really what goes through your head, im gonna get to lvl 10 and then slowly pvp to lvl 50, and miss craploads of weekly and daily boxes, so when i get there, i have no good gear, and everyone outgears me by miles.

Edited by Toothsome
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lazy *** low lvls are killing pvp, lvling isnt hard in this game and you can make a lvl every 2hours at low lvl, these people are just lazy and ruin the lvl 50s experience. because we gotta carry them nubs, and they have the nerve 2 call themselves pvpers, and refuse to pvp abit to get atleast in the 30s.


wasting everyones time, being crap.


Yep, Yep, and Yep

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I have two jobs, wife and child, visited some with family over the holidays...and I hit 45 last night. I started on the last day of early access, and I haven't powered through any content. If I had started on the first day of early access, I would be 50 and fully geared. All while having "a life".


You might just not be as good at games as you would like to believe :)


Do you have a bullet in your brain that is slowly killing you? I am just asking because that guy in "James Bond - The World is not Enough" couldn't sleep either... Maybe you should consult your local doctor?

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I eat level 50s :) Play them in their zone that isnt comfortable. Take them away from what they know ;).


For Example.. i've taken down sages by force pushing them into a pit in huttball and charged after them. Making them panic thinking they have to get away as quick as possible. Not knowing i've already eyed up the speed boost and cut off their route to the free healing pick up :D


Hehe, very nice, same with me even in the enemies endzone pit area i steal their speed and health lol.

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ZombieMeerkat: Quote


''You think they started the game at level 50? Nope. Most of them paid those dues, just like the rest of it.


You want that advantage? Earn it. Don't ask for it be spoonfed to you''


U just don't wanna understand, do u? Just wanna defend ur birthborn nolife, ''I'm lvl 50 faster than u, so I'm rightfully gonna pwn low lvl's'', right. Or what the ... are u trying to say?


Where the f@ck do I complain about ppl having lvl'ed to 50? Where the f@ck do I ask for an advantage to get spooned for me???

I don't f@cking wanna ''earn the advantage'' (as u say) lvl 50 pvp'ers got vs low lvl's.


I want 50 pvp'ers to fight vs 50's pvp'ers. A tiny little little bit balance to the pvp in this game.

So that everyone else joining the game later than u obviously have, can join a pvp and actually do something other than getting 3 shotted by one of those who did not (ofc) 'start the game at lvl 50' - but yet have had much more time to lvl n grind gear (or simply bought the game earlier) and therefore should fight vs someone equal to them.

Edited by Wbuller
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I dont really understand these topics anymore... None of them are started by people even close to the home stretch.


I will admit right after release these topics made sense to me. Now... I am wondering *** you are still doing below lvl 45 -.-


Some people have lives you pimply faced **** who lives in your parents basement. I have a full time job, a daughter, and a girlfriend you idiot. We can not all play every day dumb ***. Get a life you ****!

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