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People On The Fence: What Would It Take To Keep You


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The forums of many many games are filled with a few players that complain.


Yes... but many of these people aren't blind haters, there sensible posters who at one time or another had a lot of faith in Bioware. The nature of forums that there always be "haters going to hate" and white knights to defend, but past replies have been from people originally in the mixed bag.

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Nothing really. I'm not planning on sticking around. Experience has shown than non communication means garbage incoming.


And nobody, NOBODY, buys the idea that they've been keeping everything on the hush hush because of spoilers. If new ops were being released they'd be excited to announce that. Why would they keep that a secret? If our companions were returning why wouldn't they say yes they're coming back in an exciting way? Things like that make people look forward to what's coming. I would think long time players would be weary of asking about ops and returning companions by now.


We'll get RNG boxes and different difficulty levels of the same thing. And that's pretty much it. Sorry, but I'm not exactly rubbing down the goosebumps here.

Edited by Piepyr
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I suspect EA and Disney keep things hush hush. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED NEW OPS. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED AT LEAST 1 RETURNING COMPANION IN A CHAPTER DESCRIPTION. I strongly suspect there might be 2 at least but anyway.


I caps locked since some have difficulty reading :p


Due provide a basis of this theory by telling me the last time EA has done something like this.

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Boy, I'll be happy if this game is still alive in 2018!

With the current changes and all, which, for the record, for me are neutral or positive, but just because I am a solo and casual player, but I don't think the current strategy is enough to keep the game alive long after 5.0.


That being said, my dream list (for any of these, I realize, I have less than 1% chance):


1. Return to Class stories: when they say all the time people wanted more story and that's what they are getting, they are just hiding the fact that instead of rich personal class stories, they just lazily lumped both factions into the same story, making sense for them or not

2. Return to Companion stories (could be old companions, or if voice actors are not available, at least try to do similar with new companions)

3. New full planets that are explorable (added bonus: daily areas), instead of corridor spamming tunnel vision experience

4. Anything new added to keep busy after story content is done (until new is released), some of which has been interesting in the past, like new events (like the original rakghoul event which had story elements, with collectable story codex entries), seeker droid, dailies, you name it, something new to keep us playing, other than grinding for a dozen mute uncostumizable companions


I know, I didn't mention group content, which most of the vocal community wants, but there are already a lot of people demanding it anyway.

And I know it's an MMO, but let's not go into that.


I hope Bioware is at least reading that, although I doubt any of the above will be realized, because they would need to invest in the game, which they don't seem to be willing to do.

Having said that, probably will be subbed until the servers are shut down, just to redo class stories with different genders and alignments to experience different choices and love interests. And I know, I don't have to sub for that, because original content is basically free and abandonware (no patches), I just want to enjoy the game in it's past glory. I hope they release the content on a DVD, when all servers are shut down (hope, but don't hold my breath).


This is a video game. I don't at all understand voice actors employment status dictating a characters disappearance from the game. Hire someone else to read the script.


Get the Story off Zakuul

Add PVE Endgame Content

Remove RNG Gearing

Balance PVP

Return to Class Based Story

Add Joystick Support to GSF


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I suspect EA and Disney keep things hush hush. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED NEW OPS. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED AT LEAST 1 RETURNING COMPANION IN A CHAPTER DESCRIPTION. I strongly suspect there might be 2 at least but anyway.


I caps locked since some have difficulty reading :p


What new ops?


Which companion? Or are they not saying anything about that because they don't want to SPOIL it when you play through the whole damn thing only to find out you still don't have your LI back.


Seriously? One or possibly two returning companions? But which one is a secret?


It is to puke.

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Companion gearing

Gear drops from Ops bosses

War zone comms

Hidden strike make an official return ( not the fake one coming with 5.0 )

Level sync removed

One server for each location ( us east and us west, Germany, France, England, Pacific )

Cross server queues for pve and PvP

More war zones

More operations

More flashpoints

More inventory and cargo slots

Pilot professions 3 of them, republic, imperial, and privateer. Tied to crew skills. Craft ship parts for fully geared out player ships. Pve free roaming space with missions and story. Can cycle through all 3 professions as many times as we like. Repeatable missions and story for rewards and RE for mats. Fighters huse gear. Engines, shields, blasters, torpedoes, power generators, capasitors, droids, companion slots, large persistent PvP area with main objectives for 2 sides with minor side objectives. Think Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed but with SWTOR flavors





But most of all RNG gearing removed

Edited by Liquor
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I suspect EA and Disney keep things hush hush. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED NEW OPS. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED AT LEAST 1 RETURNING COMPANION IN A CHAPTER DESCRIPTION. I strongly suspect there might be 2 at least but anyway.


I caps locked since some have difficulty reading :p


They announced around this time in 2014 that they would NEVER go 14 months again without a new raid. Here we are 23 months later ..... Think about that, in the last 37 months (2/3s of the game's life) we have received two new raids.


In fact, they said in late 2015 that "they were working on an operation for 2016" .... does that sound familiar? It should because they just said the exact same thing only changing the year to 2017.


We've already had RNG gear. 1.0 was like that. I guess since none of the original Devs are around they figure maybe it will work this time ....


There are 9 chapters confirmed as being it for this expansion. By my count of the original 40 companions minus Tanno Vik so 39 we were returned 18 (off the top of my head*) through 16 chapters of KotFE. That leaves 21 to be returned in 9 chapters of KotET.


*Yuun, Telos, Xalek, Torian, Blizz, Gualt, Vette, Rusk, T7, Scorpio, Kaylio, Lokin, Pierce, 4X, Bowdarr, Qyzen, Guss, Jorgan

Edited by ekwalizer
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I personally disagree with the idea of making "one time" or "special" items obtainable again. I don't have like...any of those because I was gone for so long and I also don't do PVP. However the people who do deserve those rewards and to just blindly re-release them to those of us who didn't earn them would be wrong.
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return to individual class stories and no more silent protagonist. if you are going to focus on the story, then focus on a STORY

ability to change clothing for ALL companions

that promised group content - in general better communication and more consistent content updates

relaxing preferred restrictions and going with "buy expansions" model instead

and while I'm at it... more cosmetics that can be acquired through gameplay/achievements fewer stuff reserved to CM


or in other words. yeah, I'm pretty much done, once this last block of subscription runs out.

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I caps locked since some have difficulty reading :p


I would gladly pit my reading skills against the source of this claim that you make about them saying they're gonna make a new ops. If anything they've gone out of their way not to use the word ops or operation.

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Your list


I used your stuff :D


Gear drops from Ops bosses

War zone comms

Level sync removed

One server for each location ( us east and us west, Germany, France, England, Pacific )

Cross server queues for pve and PvP

More war zones

More operations

More flashpoints

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I would gladly pit my reading skills against the source of this claim that you make about them saying they're gonna make a new ops. If anything they've gone out of their way not to use the word ops or operation.


^ Truth...


There is nearly zero chance we'll ever see another operation, that content team is long gone and we have heard nothing of them hiring a new one, and we would since EA is a big huge company and they post job openings publicly...

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Im not in the fence of leaving, but eventually i will be, so what would keep me would be:


1- More story, i mean stuff like KotFE, and also expansions like RotHC if they ever make them again.


2- Removal of rng from Command boxes. I want those boxes to stay so that casual/solo players can gear as any other player, but without the rng. Sort of "timers" that give you guaranteed new pieces when you opened X crates, etc.


3- Direct purchase items. Platinum items directly purchasable from CM for coins, in sort of rotation, for those of us who are hated by the rng, and who cant afford 80-100 million for an item on the gtn (im talking like 85%-90% of players here).

Its fine if others get to have it first and show it off, but this is a game,i spend money like everyone else and i wanna the cool stuff.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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For me; its a matter of if I would start my own sub back up rather than keep me. This is one account I pay for, for my son who just likes to play the story. I had planned to re-up right about now but there are a few things in 5.0 that has me taking pause.


1. RNG for gearing. The thing I loved about SWTOR is that when I don't have time to play; I could just not play and come back when I do. If this winds up being a grind with the chance of no payoff; I won't get to the point where I am doing what I want to do at top level. Having it take some time and effort is fine, because I have no interest in getting there first; but I do like to eventually get there.


2. Kind of secondary to 1; is how alt friendly this game has been partly because it was so easy to gear in PvP and; you could start your progress gearing before max level while leveling up. Also; for a change of pace and to learn a class that has been killing you in PvP, lowbies and midbies was a good place to go. Now; I fear that lowbies and midbies will take a hit now that you cannot work toward gear there; it pretty much just becomes a slower leveling experience. Then add this to #1; while you are playing an alt, you are not working toward that next RNG box on your main.


3. Adding grind is not an equivalent of adding content. Story is nice but done pretty quickly, yet grinding will not keep me subbed beyond that if thats the intention. Talking about possible future plans of refocusing on group content does not inspire confidence after the entire "better than cross server" thing they have danced around for what? 2 years?


So I guess I griped and didn't offer what would keep me here so bullet list


1. No RNG


2. Need to remain alt friendly and add incentives lowbies and mids to where you feel like you're still making progress rather than hindering your main


3. Need to see tangible new content coming.


add in as well


4. Cross server or at least every warzone cross faction. Cross faction would be huge for me if I do have to be stuck with a single main. Let me play my gunslinger over my sniper without worrying about giving up on queue pops.


5. Cherry on top would be more communication and quicker action on bugs, cheats and exploits, and balance more than once or twice a year.

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I suspect EA and Disney keep things hush hush. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED NEW OPS. THEY HAVE ANNOUNCED AT LEAST 1 RETURNING COMPANION IN A CHAPTER DESCRIPTION. I strongly suspect there might be 2 at least but anyway.

I caps locked since some have difficulty reading :p

Prove this, especially that part about returning companions.


nothing I have read from the PTS feedback on each chapter contains anything remotely like this - the only companions seem to be Koth (and that's only if you got rid of him with your darkside choices) and Senya. I think it's a forgone conclusion that Arcann will turn up somewhere, probably as a companion. There is no indication of any of our original companions returning so no Quinn, Vector, Khem Val, Zenith, Corso, Andronikos, Scourge, Doc, Elara et al)


The only group content announced is UPRISINGS


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Oh here we go again. The game doesn't cater to your specific wants and desires so it's in maintenance mode. :rolleyes: Just because it's not your favorite flavor of ice cream doesn't mean it's not ice cream.





Having worked for a headhunter group that had EA/Bioware counted among it's clients I know for a fact this game isn't anywhere near MM. LOTRO, DDO, Wildstar, all Daybreak titles those games are in MM, Games that are in MM don't expand their dev teams, nor do they replace devs,artist and sound people that move to other pastures but I digress.


In any event I'm not on the fence, by any means but I would like to see more FP, a continuation of personal stories and a space game that is more like SWG and less like Star Fox. Oh and if they would please start polishing their jacked up engine, improve the sound/music give us more options for video settings. And finally keep refining housing it's nice, but there could be a lot of improvements.

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Could have sworn you can get all of your companions back with that terminal at Oddesson or whatever that planet is called.

When 4.0 first dropped, there were some companions that wouldn't come back from the terminal (e.g. Elara for the Trooper).


Was this changed in a later patch?

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