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Stop the new gearing change petition


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I've been playing this game for 4 years. I'm not new I have worked hard to level my 15 characters and equip them with the best gear that is available to me but I will never be able to get end game gear the way it is now. I have tried to get into Ops but because I do not have the necessary gear I can not get in thus I can not get the necessary gear to do the Ops. I am NOT demanding ANYTHING. I though would like to also have the chance to outfit my toons with end game gear and this system will finally allow me to do that.


To get end to the harder content you need to join a guild. Most guilds do not pug or most people do not pug harder content. It takes a minimum of 1 and half hours just to clear NiM TFB but thats on a good day if that with a group that is running quite a bit together.. A pug can barely get 1 or 2 bosses down at the NiM Level because of the amount of time and effort and skill it takes to know your own class. Ever heard of star parse? Download it and see if you can hit above 5.5k on a dummy? I would say 70% of the people (Being generous) can't even top 5.8k. I know less then 10% of Ebon Hawk can hit about 6.1k on a dummy. Only 3 guilds on Ebon Hawk can effectively attempt Nightmare on the Empire side. If you don't know the fights join a guild that does that will help you learn, but don't expect to be pugged in on NiMs or some HM without knowledge. You would just hinder the group.

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Wow you are the exception most will not even give you the time of day much less teach you the strats.


By chance are you on Harbinger? I really would like to learn Ops


Damn near every PUG I've ran through, someone asks if everyone has been through it. The only time someone is booted is if they consistently don't listen and screw things up for the group by not listening multiple times. Could just be you get in some really cruddy groups.

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I've been playing this game for 4 years. I'm not new I have worked hard to level my 15 characters and equip them with the best gear that is available to me but I will never be able to get end game gear the way it is now. I have tried to get into Ops but because I do not have the necessary gear I can not get in thus I can not get the necessary gear to do the Ops. I am NOT demanding ANYTHING. I though would like to also have the chance to outfit my toons with end game gear and this system will finally allow me to do that.


On a personal note, I'm happy you can get better gear. That's fantastic.


Everyone can have it as far as I'm concerned. It's not like I inspect other players I do not know. And it's not like I'm going to assume someone's gear is representative of their ability to do anything. I literally do not care. I hope you get full sets for all your characters. The more happy people the better.


What I am curious about though, is why "giving everyone gear" has to come in the form of RNG boxes. I do not see why tokens aren't a system ALL players would be happier with.


I haven't seen a single post anywhere arguing the opposite point of view that made sense.

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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!


Hmm...this is why I rarely queue for anything. Muck up once, or not do it perfectly as some of the holes on here go on about and you're cursed/abused/kicked. it would seem a good many players feel this elitism thing is not cool. This is one reason I sort of miss playing on the Bastion and glad I didn't transfer my characters. I was told that the elitist holes transferred off and those left were the nice players. Tis true. I've discovered this after a month of playing on a populated server.

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Hey guys!


90% of people are complaining about this already before it is even released so I'm sure they'll actually listen to us. Please sign the petition I have created regarding it. Hopefully if it gets enough signatures they might listen!





The stupid petition page won't let me vote because my girlfriend used my iPad to do it and I don't use my PC to go to web pages. :eek:

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Hmm...this is why I rarely queue for anything. Muck up once, or not do it perfectly as some of the holes on here go on about and you're cursed/abused/kicked. it would seem a good many players feel this elitism thing is not cool. This is one reason I sort of miss playing on the Bastion and glad I didn't transfer my characters. I was told that the elitist holes transferred off and those left were the nice players. Tis true. I've discovered this after a month of playing on a populated server.


I wouldn't stress about that after 5.0... even half the ranked guys wont have the right gear because they were unlucky with RNG drops... there will also be plenty of less qualified pvpers trying to grind CXP... eventually you'll even see pve people with enough Valor farming it when they can't form an OPS group

Ranked Rating will end up being more meaningless than it is now, unless they change the way it's calculated, ie you don't lose points for losses.

Give it a few months and there won't be that much difference between regs and ranked... most of the ranked guys will probably have quit by then anyway

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Because watching a vid on mechanics via youtube is hard lol :D


I think he's right, at least assuming he's referring to storymode OPs. Vote kicks for inexperience are justified at any mode more difficult than SM.


There are some folks however who unfortunately treat SM like the same rules apply as more difficult modes. My first time ever joining an OP at all was a Dread Fortress storymode PUG. Tank goes AFK right in the beginning and says he will be back in ten minutes, so I alt-tab and have another look at a guide. While I'm looking at the guide someone asked if everyone knew the OP. One person says they've never run it before and gets vote kicked with the justification that they don't have time to carry noobs. :rolleyes:


When I come back, having missed that exchange, I keep quiet and just pretend I've run it before. The OP goes without a hitch and no wipes, and with a noob healer. (me) I have no idea what sort of player the guy vote kicked would have turned out to be, but then neither did they. They didn't even give him a chance, and decided to be a bunch of elitist scum****s. In storymode of all places.


That wasn't the last time I saw someone kicked just for saying they haven't run an OP before, either. I wonder how many never go on to try out another raid, because their first experience in storymode was with a bunch of elitist tools, who expect everyone to have run it umpteen times.

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I think he's right, at least assuming he's referring to storymode OPs. Vote kicks for inexperience are justified at any mode more difficult than SM.


There are some folks however who unfortunately treat SM like the same rules apply as more difficult modes. My first time ever joining an OP at all was a Dread Fortress storymode PUG. Tank goes AFK right in the beginning and says he will be back in ten minutes, so I alt-tab and have another look at a guide. While I'm looking at the guide someone asked if everyone knew the OP. One person says they've never run it before and gets vote kicked with the justification that they don't have time to carry noobs. :rolleyes:


When I come back, having missed that exchange, I keep quiet and just pretend I've run it before. The OP goes without a hitch and no wipes, and with a noob healer. (me) I have no idea what sort of player the guy vote kicked would have turned out to be, but then neither did they. They didn't even give him a chance, and decided to be a bunch of elitist scum****s. In storymode of all places.


That wasn't the last time I saw someone kicked just for saying they haven't run an OP before, either. I wonder how many never go on to try out another raid, because their first experience in storymode was with a bunch of elitist tools, who expect everyone to have run it umpteen times.


Great, can we kick pve nubs from ranked as well

Edited by Icykill_
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Expect deafening silence.. so much so it will probably suck in all sound like a black hole sucks in light... "if" they get around to acknowledging the issue, it won't be till they have a solution or maybe after launch... even then they have to acknowledge that they even care enough about it to change it... or what's the point.


Yep, reminds me of the Contraband Slot Machine mess...


To this day, they have NEVER said another word about it or the lies that were told at the time... Since that day, I've never bought another CC and I never will again. Before that day, I often spent $50-$100 a month on CC.

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But sadly theirs nothing anyone can do. They're going to go through with it.


Just vote with your wallet. It's the only language BW will understand. If enough players vote with their wallets, they will eventually change things. Raging in the forum and crying havoc will get you nothing.

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How many paying players are subs? How many subs are active on forums? And how many people on these forums are against that change?


Also, how many people there are who occassionally play this game and buy something? How many of those "casuals" are there and what do they think?


Is it just me, or are people who play MMORPGs more conservative about changing the game?

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I guess then that when my sub ends in November ttat i will not renew , the idea of grinding for random gear maked little sense , the drops should give us an option for any piece of gear we want , just make them tokens that we turn in to a vendor for the item of our choice , Edited by Beachdudeca
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Is it just me, or are people who play MMORPGs more conservative about changing the game?


Change is fine, but you have to be careful with change...


CU and NGE anyone? Don't wholesale change everything and don't make big changes with little notice or feedback from players.


I like some of the changes over time, there indeed have been improvements over time with SWTOR... it launched without an interface editor for example...


That being said, with each release, it seems like they want to reinvent the whole wheel and turn it all upside down...

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to keep this short.

im playing the game to get the best gear out of nightmare raids... they got removed so ill try it again to get it from HC content. (it cost me a week to get 216 story mode gear before, smart buffs ;) ). i also want to be challanged to get the best gear otherwise i would log on steam and buy a single player game like where this MMO is going to be since 4.0. i dont really wanna spend my time on RNG stuff to get some decent or even the best gear for nothing. may they also implement some achievements for standing on the fleet for one hour and not dying.....


i cant wait for 5.0, if this "nightmare content" come true i'll need to find something where i can spend 13 bucks on.

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To be completely honest I think this new gearing change is a horrible idea and BioWare is making a massive mistake, players will always choose the path of least resistance as other MMO's have shown us time and time again.


I don't know about anyone else but when I wipe on the hardest difficulty raid boss for weeks and finally get the kill the last thing I would want to receive is crystals or some sort of pet/vanity item what's the point. Raiding at the highest difficulty is for the best gear in the game. So why bother if I can just create an efficient HM FP group and eventually get the same gear. Sure it might take longer but 4 people is way easier to manage than 8 or 16 from a raid lead point of view.


I see the merit in BioWare encouraging players to step outside the comfort zone and push players participate in other activities with bonus events from galactic command this is a great idea, the whole loot aspect to it is just a horrid plan.


I'm not saying remove the galactic command or command crates feature, galactic command looks like a great feature I'm just saying put something else in the crates like gear that is no longer obtainable, highly rare unique mounts, pets etc.


BioWare nothing is more important than listening to your player base now more than ever, no one wants to see this community get any smaller.

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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!


This, absolutely. Not signed of course.


It will be over, trying to get in an ops group and being kicked just bc i dont know tactics. Even if i have the required gear. Ops groups can rot in hell, as far as im concerned.


I mean, im fine with them adding more ops and group content, i would be fine with ops players getting gear in ops, but im totally in favor of giving the casual player a chance to have the same end game top gear than an ops player.


There are two types of complainers about this. The ones who just want to keep getting tokens in ops, which im fine with. And the ones who just want end game gear to remain exclusive to a limited group. The latter ones are butthurt elitist snobs, and i couldnt care less about those.

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A lot more posters than usual.


You think. Maybe you should go back and look at the level sync threads.


This will change as much as those threads did, as in it won't.


I am willing to used it first before asking for changes. Which may well happen.

Edited by cloneofdax
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/no not sighed


I will now have a chance to get the top of the end game gear without having to try to complete an Op that I have never been allowed to do by the a holes that kick players for not knowing the strats thus now allowing us to learn them and get the good end game gear. Now I can do anything in the game and earn the top end game gear.


Death to Elitism, that is a good thing, though the special snowflake Elites will not like it.... but they will get over it or leave. Either way I like this system as it benefits the casual players that have a life.


Its A Game, Not A Job!


so your chance at getting gear the way you want to play is more important than others. Got it, good talk.

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