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The new changes sound really awesome


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Dark vs. Light Side Battles

Starting with Knights of the Eternal Throne, players will be able to choose whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server .

These Dark and Light side choices will influence the balance of the two sides of the Force on each server, reflected on the dark vs. light side meter shown at the bottom of the Galactic Command interface. As one side begins to dominate, players will begin to see the impact all around them. For example, if the dark side is growing stronger (i.e. reaching “Dark 4”), suddenly players may see Sith Acolytes begin spawning and attacking Alderaan and Tatooine! Keep your eyes open as your efforts change the galaxy around you.


To be declared the winner of the dark vs. light side war, one side must reach “Dark 5” or “Light 5”. Upon winning, a few things will happen on the server based on your character’s alignment. If your character is aligned with the winning side (e.g., your character is dark side, and the dark side won the war on your server), you will reap the following benefits:


Bonus Command Experience points earned

Access to a special cosmetic item vendor

If your character’s alignment matches the losing side (e.g., your character is light side, and the light side lost the war), they will receive the following benefits:


A bonus to all light side points earned

Your galaxy will remain in a “victory state” for a period of time before the war resets. However, this time, the losing side will have an advantage to try to swing the balance back in their favor.


Galactic Command offers ongoing challenges and rewards every time you log in to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. Whether you are playing alone in your favorite gameplay mission to gain Command Rank, or joining with other players or Guilds to win the Dark vs Light side war, Galactic Command will keep you fighting for control of your galaxy !


How cool is that? I wonder if we will still get to participate if our character has already played through kotfe.

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How cool is that? I wonder if we will still get to participate if our character has already played through kotfe.


Random gear? THATS A TERRIBLE IDEA. BW should know that from when they did it with PVP gear and it was universally hated.


Random gear that you cannot use and from the sound of it. Not transfer through legacy like you used to so at least one of your toons could use the armor,mod or enhancement. ANOTHER TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECT if that turns out to be true.


Random gear to make sure you may never put together a complete set or even get the secondary items like ears,implants or relics. ANOTHER TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECT.


There is nothing good about RANDOM gear from crates. Look at how rare what you really want comes from cartel crates. Now imagine that with Command crates for gear you need.


nothing about RNG gearing sounds good.

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Yeah but everything except "Absolute RNG" seems either fantastic or, at the least, a small improvement.


I am SO happy they are FINALLY ditching expertise. And it is wonderful that now every activity that a player might enjoy at L70 will contribute to getting unified rewards. The whole LvD thing sounds like a lot of fun.


I retain hope that between now and KOTET release they will remember what happened with absolute RNG when the game first launched and improve their system.

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Random gear? THATS A TERRIBLE IDEA. BW should know that from when they did it with PVP gear and it was universally hated.


Random gear that you cannot use and from the sound of it. Not transfer through legacy like you used to so at least one of your toons could use the armor,mod or enhancement. ANOTHER TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECT if that turns out to be true.


Random gear to make sure you may never put together a complete set or even get the secondary items like ears,implants or relics. ANOTHER TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECT.


There is nothing good about RANDOM gear from crates. Look at how rare what you really want comes from cartel crates. Now imagine that with Command crates for gear you need.


nothing about RNG gearing sounds good.


Not sure what got you on about Random gear. I was talking about the dvl and the galaxy changing with that outcome. Sith attacking and spawing on alderaan etc.

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How cool is that? I wonder if we will still get to participate if our character has already played through kotfe.


It's a terrible idea for one obvious reason. You are FORCED to be either Light V or Dark V. I have been playing this game since launch and my character has always been neutral/clouded. I never had any interest picking an extreme and BioWare even stated they would support a "neutral" path for players for years.


This punishes players who refuse to be Light V or Dark V. Now, I'm going to be forced to pick a side just so I can gear my character. Nothing about this is "awesome."

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It's a terrible idea for one obvious reason. You are FORCED to be either Light V or Dark V. I have been playing this game since launch and my character has always been neutral/clouded. I never had any interest picking an extreme and BioWare even stated they would support a "neutral" path for players for years.


This punishes players who refuse to be Light V or Dark V. Now, I'm going to be forced to pick a side just so I can gear my character. Nothing about this is "awesome."


I'm not going to say this definitively because it's very possible I'm the one misinterpreting, but I think you have it wrong. It was stated that your "alignment" is a toggle, not based on your character's actual alignment. This statement, for example, "Starting with Knights of the Eternal Throne, players will be able to choose whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server."


The bits about reaching Light V or Dark V would be in reference to the entire server, the "galactic alignment" as it was in the livestream (image from Dulfy's write up).


So, unless I'm misunderstanding things, it's actually the opposite. It has nothing to do with your character's personal alignment and your choice for "which side to fight for" is chosen via a toggle, which I would guess works similarly to invading planets in Conquest.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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I'm not going to say this definitively because it's very possible I'm the one misinterpreting, but I think you have it wrong. It was stated that your "alignment" is a toggle, not based on your character's actual alignment. This statement, for example, "Starting with Knights of the Eternal Throne, players will be able to choose whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server."


The bits about reaching Light V or Dark V would be in reference to the entire server, the "galactic alignment" as it was in the livestream (image from Dulfy's write up).


So, unless I'm misunderstanding things, it's actually the opposite. It has nothing to do with your character's personal alignment and your choice for "which side to fight for" is chosen via a toggle, which I would guess works similarly to invading planets in Conquest.


Well, the actual writeup says


If your character’s alignment matches the losing side (e.g., your character is light side, and the light side lost the war), they will receive the following benefits:


However, it doesn't say if your personal Light or Dark level matters, just that your alignment matches the winning or losing side.

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It's a terrible idea for one obvious reason. You are FORCED to be either Light V or Dark V. I have been playing this game since launch and my character has always been neutral/clouded. I never had any interest picking an extreme and BioWare even stated they would support a "neutral" path for players for years.


This punishes players who refuse to be Light V or Dark V. Now, I'm going to be forced to pick a side just so I can gear my character. Nothing about this is "awesome."


You can read, yes? Read the part where it says one SIDE. You choose light or dark if you want to participate. The side that reaches level V first wins. It does not mean you personally win upon reaching level V. It means the faction must race against another faction. At the end of the contest the winning team affects the galaxy. DS = sith spawning. Then it'll reset and start a new giving an advantage to the losing team.

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Well, the actual writeup says




However, it doesn't say if your personal Light or Dark level matters, just that your alignment matches the winning or losing side.


Sure, but this:


"Starting with Knights of the Eternal Throne, players will be able to choose whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server ."


Still implies (to me, at least) that your "alignment" in regards to this system is a toggle and isn't based on your actual LS/DS alignment as we know it now. Again, I could very well be wrong but that's what I'm getting from it.

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Sure, but this:


"Starting with Knights of the Eternal Throne, players will be able to choose whether they are fighting for the dark or light side of the Force™. Upon doing so, all actions, including killing elite enemies, completing Missions, and making story choices will contribute to the ongoing dark vs. light side war on each server ."


Still implies (to me, at least) that your "alignment" in regards to this system is a toggle and isn't based on your actual LS/DS alignment as we know it now. Again, I could very well be wrong but that's what I'm getting from it.


Hunh - OK, the official description could be read either way, except the "winning side" writeup is pretty clearly your toggle, not your karma meter. The "losing side"writeup is more ambiguous

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Not sure what got you on about Random gear. I was talking about the dvl and the galaxy changing with that outcome. Sith attacking and spawing on alderaan etc.


You said the new changes are awesome.


I listed a new change that is not. Pretty simple.

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You said the new changes are awesome.


I listed a new change that is not. Pretty simple.


Random gear is a system that's been in nearly every MMO since, like, forever. Nothing new, nothing bad, just different. Crafting will still produce gear of the proper item rating that will get you through any content you need. You can continue to get crates after hitting max command rank, so that the "RNG" isn't some limited time thing. You can try an infinite number of times doing any content you like.


Since we don't know how rare the types of gear we want will be, complaining about RNG is too soon. It could be such that, effectively, it only takes on average a few hours of grind to gear yourself properly. It could be much, much longer. We do not know. RNG will only be a problem if they tune it improperly, and even then there are adequate substitutes.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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The bad is severely outweighing the good here. I hate doom and gloom as much as the next person but it's hard to remain positive when just about everyone I like, like AND even dislike are leaving because of this terrible joke coming our way. Had some of these ideas been implemented a while back, they may have been enticing but too little, way too late.
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The bad is severely outweighing the good here. I hate doom and gloom as much as the next person but it's hard to remain positive when just about everyone I like, like AND even dislike are leaving because of this terrible joke coming our way. Had some of these ideas been implemented a while back, they may have been enticing but too little, way too late.


Yeah really someone should just make a thread where people just whinge about an expansion that's yet to be released and all of the things they're certain it will be. Call it doom and gloom. But no. No one would be happy with just 1 thread of d&g to hyperventilate and threaten to quit in. Each player wants to make their own d&g post and then d&g all over all other posts.


I think we should wait until it's released to d&g but I doubt that will change. Some *NEED* something to be unhappy about otherwise their life has no purpose. Yes this is what I think about people threatening to quit. I've left the game many times (usually financial reasons) but I don't make threats prior. I just unsub.

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Good or bad it's far to early to tell. There are things I like the sound of and things I don't. Really though until we see all the changes and how it works in-game and not just one aspect of it, all these doom and gloom threads as well as this is fantastic threads are a little premature. Still am hoping for the best and if nothing else still new story.
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New changes are terrible. Random gear is terrible. No new group content, just grind ON EVERY TOON so you have an 8% chance of getting that last headpiece you need to complete your 6-set bonus.


And it's not even legacy bound, so not transferrable to another toon.


Let's see how great it is when my mara gets 10 tanking bracers, she has ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR.

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