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PvP and PvE Gearing in Eternal Throne


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Will the new Endgamegear be characterbound? Is it still based on Mods? Can you still share one endgame equip set with legacy gear on different characters of the same class?

Mentioned in the stream the gear from the crates are character specific, ie BOP.


Now hopefully we`ll have a way to unlock the items (for the look obviously) on other characters.

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The more I think about this from a pvp POV the worse it becomes. A PvE player can earn the best gear in PvE and come into PvP and immediately have top level gear for PvP and have an advantage over players of a similar or even slightly better skill level. Its the same problem that led to expertise being used.
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The more I think about this from a pvp POV the worse it becomes. A PvE player can earn the best gear in PvE and come into PvP and immediately have top level gear for PvP and have an advantage over players of a similar or even slightly better skill level. Its the same problem that led to expertise being used.


...do we know that for sure? Or will there be some other sort of balancing system in play that they haven't mentioned yet?

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How can you do the hardest difficulties without having gear first? This seems contradictory to me. Surely you first need a decent set of gear before you can touch NiM?


Fair point, but that isn't too dissimilar to how it works now. If you are someone who loves Operations, as an example. You may start in Story Operations to get your Command Rank up and gear up until your character is ready to move into Master (Nightmare).


In general the rule for CXP is that the more players that participate in content, and the harder that content is, the faster you earn it. Although it isn't as fast a Master Operation, doing a Story Operation is still worth more CXP then doing Heroics would be.



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This sounds a lot like the Champion Point System in ESO. You reach max level, then have to earn x number of champion points to have the highest level gear. You earn champion points by continuing to play the game. Running group content gains champion points faster and gets you a chance to earn better gear.


For folks doing LOTS of endgame group content the grind is quick and far less "grindy" than running the same couple of Ops week in and week out for months in order to get a full set.


Who knows, this could be enough to pull me out of ESO 2 nights a week instead of just 1...

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Fair point, but that isn't too dissimilar to how it works now. If you are someone who loves Operations, as an example. You may start in Story Operations to get your Command Rank up and gear up until your character is ready to move into Master (Nightmare).


In general the rule for CXP is that the more players that participate in content, and the harder that content is, the faster you earn it. Although it isn't as fast a Master Operation, doing a Story Operation is still worth more CXP then doing Heroics would be.




There is a however of course :)


Right now as a guild we know which gear will drop and we can divide it and make sure all are geared up so we can hit the next difficulty mode.


In the new set up each individual is dependent on RNG and people might get left behind because of it. Also it looks like it will be harder to gear up alts, so if one of the healers can't make it the group is screwed because others have not been able to gear up their alts properly yet.


It looks like it will slow things down to the point that with some bad luck in RNG, the group content like HM operations can't progress because of RNG keeping people from being geared enough.


Add to that that the ops are all old, a lot of people are not gonna want to do EV and KP HM for a long time again in the hopes of getting gear that's good enough for other ops.


I do see this as a weakness in this system, though I will say that I do see a lot of positives in it as well, but I would hate for guildies to be left behind because of RNG and the rest of the guild being unable to do anything about it like we can do now with gearing runs.

Edited by Tsillah
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This sounds a lot like the Champion Point System in ESO. You reach max level, then have to earn x number of champion points to have the highest level gear. You earn champion points by continuing to play the game. Running group content gains champion points faster and gets you a chance to earn better gear.


For folks doing LOTS of endgame group content the grind is quick and far less "grindy" than running the same couple of Ops week in and week out for months in order to get a full set.


Who knows, this could be enough to pull me out of ESO 2 nights a week instead of just 1...


ESO drops gear from bosses and specific mobs you don't get it as a reward from gaining CP levels. Its a fundamental difference.

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...do we know that for sure? Or will there be some other sort of balancing system in play that they haven't mentioned yet?


Well then they should have detailed it, this is fundamental info that should be detailed upfront like the other info they've just revealed.

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ESO drops gear from bosses and specific mobs you don't get it as a reward from gaining CP levels. Its a fundamental difference.


That is correct, hence the reason I said it sounds a lot like the CP system, not that it sounds just like, exactly like or the same as. The point being that the ideas are similar, executed differently and with a different result.


Similar to running undaunted pledges, only you have to "level up" before you get your "key" thus slowing gear progression significantly.


On the other hand, someone who decides to focus on a single toon and and master that character completely (spending every night running the hardest content for the fastest CXP gain) could get gear faster than grinding it out in Ops. That is all dependant on the rate of CXP gain of course.

That being said, I think that we need to know how many Command Rank levels there are and what the rate of CXP gain will be.

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Mentioned in the stream the gear from the crates are character specific, ie BOP.


Now hopefully we`ll have a way to unlock the items (for the look obviously) on other characters.


they said class specific. what time in the stream is that quote?

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I do see this as a weakness in this system, though I will say that I do see a lot of positives in it as well, but I would hate for guildies to be left behind because of RNG and the rest of the guild being unable to do anything about it like we can do now with gearing runs.


It depends on what the GXP gain for disintegrating items is. If you disintegrate the entire contents of a pack, how close to getting another pack are you?


To a lesser extent, how many packs can you get from running each type of content?

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I just came across a mission that i not done in almost a year both Pub/Imp have it M14X and Lieutenant Piece do 20 PVP battles and when you reach the point of hand in how they both give you 1,000 pvp coms to go buy some gear. With this chance now how well it effect there mission going forward in 5.0? Cause we all know some well be reaching this point come 5.0:rak_02:
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This sounds a lot like the Champion Point System in ESO. You reach max level, then have to earn x number of champion points to have the highest level gear. You earn champion points by continuing to play the game. Running group content gains champion points faster and gets you a chance to earn better gear.


For folks doing LOTS of endgame group content the grind is quick and far less "grindy" than running the same couple of Ops week in and week out for months in order to get a full set.


Who knows, this could be enough to pull me out of ESO 2 nights a week instead of just 1...




in ESO the champion points are account wide and if u got max CP (501) each toon you start got 501 points to spread from the start.


it got nothing to do with gear at all.


here in swtor 2.0 they will have you grind your command rank for each and every toon.

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Someone just pointed out on reddit that whilst ranked will supposedly earn the highest cxp ranked pops can be very rare, the speed of your gearing will thus depend on whether you play at a time that has ranked pops occuring. And this is after they made pvp gearing largely dependent on normal wzs. Its another regression.


And if you're preferred or f2p may as well give pvp up, you can't earn cxp therefore you will never be able to compete.

Edited by Morrolan
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How do you justify the new gearing requirement for PVE'ers who are able to clear the content (HM/NiM) but do not have the time to grind XP to buy RnG crates. The small amount of the progression raiding community that still does exists raids for gear and typically only plays for that aspect of the game 1-3 nights a week for a few hours.


Surely the intention isn't to distance yourselves (Devs) from the NiM raiding community further as we await January group content announcements...

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Ok the big issue I have here, is if the gear you get is random how do you make sure that the gear you get will improve what you have as the current system allows you to choose the type of gear you get E.G. stalker (DPS) and survivor (Tank) for Assassins and Shadows as an example allows you to make sure that your gear is useful to that char and being able to make that move from SM to HM to NM, but the new system throws this away.


An example can be that you get to level 70 and you play a Healer and you need Healing gear with the set bonus, so when you open a Command Crate and all you get is DPS gear which may be better in stats but makes you not as good at Healing this becomes an issue for you, this is worse for Tanks as they need very different stats to a DPS and vice versa.


The current Level 60 Heroics (or lower) work as it allows you to choose the gear you get Tank gear for Tanks and DPS gear for DPS. I'm not going into getting gear for alts as the gear you get is restricted to your current class and that is another issue with the new system as most raiders use more than one char and class to raid.


I'm fine with most of the new changes and I like the Idea but you need a way to make sure players get what they need to do for their role in Group content (Tanks getting Tank gear, Healers getting Healing gear etc.)

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