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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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CONFIRMED! 6.0 content. :)


If there is going to be a 6.0 content. As it is now, it seems like the game is going to die after January. People are going to sub for 1 month, play KOTET, grind a few boxes and leave.


Personally, me and a few guildies, already moved to FFXIV. If SWTOR ever decides to be a proper MMO again with as much content as FFXIV has now, I might change my mind and come back. I love the game and really would love to have my friends and guildies back to play, but there is nothing to very little to do. I will not be wasting my time on SWTOR any more. I will play a bit until my sub ends, but that's it.


The more I read about 5.0, the more depressed I get about what they are doing to a wonderful game. They are destroying it. The only reason I have to play this game even a little now, is because of the Star Wars label, because of jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire (whatever little is left of all that.).


BW and EA should really have listened to their player base and pull 5.0 off completely. I don't care about the new DvL event, I don't care about KOTET or repeating KOTFE chapters or new SFs v.2.0. I want proper storylines, even SoR was much better than the trash KOTFE/KOTET are (and yes I read about KOTET somewhere, and if it's true, it's even worse than imagined). I want more events, and more daily/weekly areas. I want more PvP maps and more ops. I want more FPs.


I am going to play other games, but SWTOR in the future it seems. And my money, can go to other games and publishers, that don't try to mock their customers with rehashing old content, and baptizing the same stuff with just new names as "new content".

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If there is going to be a 6.0 content. As it is now, it seems like the game is going to die after January. People are going to sub for 1 month, play KOTET, grind a few boxes and leave.


Personally, me and a few guildies, already moved to FFXIV. If SWTOR ever decides to be a proper MMO again with as much content as FFXIV has now, I might change my mind and come back. I love the game and really would love to have my friends and guildies back to play, but there is nothing to very little to do. I will not be wasting my time on SWTOR any more. I will play a bit until my sub ends, but that's it.


The more I read about 5.0, the more depressed I get about what they are doing to a wonderful game. They are destroying it. The only reason I have to play this game even a little now, is because of the Star Wars label, because of jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire (whatever little is left of all that.).


BW and EA should really have listened to their player base and pull 5.0 off completely. I don't care about the new DvL event, I don't care about KOTET or repeating KOTFE chapters or new SFs v.2.0. I want proper storylines, even SoR was much better than the trash KOTFE/KOTET are (and yes I read about KOTET somewhere, and if it's true, it's even worse than imagined). I want more events, and more daily/weekly areas. I want more PvP maps and more ops. I want more FPs.


I am going to play other games, but SWTOR in the future it seems. And my money, can go to other games and publishers, that don't try to mock their customers with rehashing old content, and baptizing the same stuff with just new names as "new content".


I hear you. I feel the same. I really, really, really hoped BW would pull a Houdini and make 5.0 awesome.


But I simply refuse to do the content I have been doing since launch again. The RNG is secondary to the fact that outside of maybe (just maybe) the Uprisings, there is no genuinely new MMO content. Not even daily areas? Why did we not have a 4.0 daily area in Zakuul? Its mind-boggling.


Sadly, for the folks I play with, I doubt a new op would bring us back. We'd need a Legion-sized 6.0 with genuinely new content to do that.

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When you get round to telling us conversion rates for crystals, as in how many credits we get per crystal can you also tell us conversion rates for vender items please.


Such as if a mod cost 2 common crystals how many credits will they cost after 5.0

A guardsman costs 200 WZ comms, how much after in credits after 5.0

Exotic isotope mats cost 25 glowing crystals how much in credits after 5.0




I think this is something we need to know ASAP so we can decide if we want the credits for our crytals or to use them up on gear, dec's before hand. So is it possible to give a chart before hand?

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If there is going to be a 6.0 content. As it is now, it seems like the game is going to die after January. People are going to sub for 1 month, play KOTET, grind a few boxes and leave.


Personally, me and a few guildies, already moved to FFXIV. If SWTOR ever decides to be a proper MMO again with as much content as FFXIV has now, I might change my mind and come back. I love the game and really would love to have my friends and guildies back to play, but there is nothing to very little to do. I will not be wasting my time on SWTOR any more. I will play a bit until my sub ends, but that's it.


The more I read about 5.0, the more depressed I get about what they are doing to a wonderful game. They are destroying it. The only reason I have to play this game even a little now, is because of the Star Wars label, because of jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire (whatever little is left of all that.).


BW and EA should really have listened to their player base and pull 5.0 off completely. I don't care about the new DvL event, I don't care about KOTET or repeating KOTFE chapters or new SFs v.2.0. I want proper storylines, even SoR was much better than the trash KOTFE/KOTET are (and yes I read about KOTET somewhere, and if it's true, it's even worse than imagined). I want more events, and more daily/weekly areas. I want more PvP maps and more ops. I want more FPs.


I am going to play other games, but SWTOR in the future it seems. And my money, can go to other games and publishers, that don't try to mock their customers with rehashing old content, and baptizing the same stuff with just new names as "new content".


Thats a very similar response to what guildies we have left are saying. Pay a month then get out. We just did a massive stint doing old content, then another crappy DVL "event" to do it all again. There willing to wrapup the mediocre story but there not wasting time or money to do old content over and over again and there isn't a single thing exciting about 4 man content designed like SF (no matter how many difficulty levels it has given CXP is all about how fast can you clear things and get on with the next one to see just one more pull of the slot machine loot handle)


It's getting depressing.

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Concerned about the cartel coins I spent to unlock Expertise crystals for account. If expertise is going away then am I getting refunded my coins for unlocking these soon to be useless items so I can use them for something relevant tot he game in 5.0?


Also, please take some advice from an old man who was a game dev for the oldest running rpg/mmo in the world (text based MUD with 400-1500 players online at any given time ON ONE SERVER). RNG for high end gear is a sure way to drive your customers/subscribers away. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.


I don't want to see swtor die. I enjoy the game. Please listen and consider.

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I guess I'm a bit on the fence about these changes, I just need a couple of questions out of the way and my worries will be put to rest:


1) I'm kind of lost on what kind of gear will be dropping from these crates; will we be seeing token/set bonus gear drop from these crates or will we be seeing a mix of vendor and set bonus gear drop.


2) Will grouping with other players affect this "CXP" the same way normal xp is? (Increase in xp for group)

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I guess I'm a bit on the fence about these changes, I just need a couple of questions out of the way and my worries will be put to rest:


1) I'm kind of lost on what kind of gear will be dropping from these crates; will we be seeing token/set bonus gear drop from these crates or will we be seeing a mix of vendor and set bonus gear drop.


It will be set bonus gear, though we don't have confirmation that it will only be set bonus gear. OTOH, there is no "vendor gear" any more at end-game, the only source of endgame gear is crates or crafting. Crates will contain more than the gear, in addition; vanities and schematics are known.


2) Will grouping with other players affect this "CXP" the same way normal xp is? (Increase in xp for group)


Group content will award cxp at a higher rate for similarly difficult activities. More difficult activities will award cxp at a higher rate than lower difficulty content with the same group size.

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Galactic Command should not replace the current loot setup in Ops. If anything, it should compliment it. That way, people that want to push for Ops can do that and gear up at their own rate (which GC would assist with that) while other players can take their time doing whatever and gear up at their own pace as well (and who knows, maybe they'll want to learn ops).


Also, leave in the data crystals to purchase gear mods (mods and enhancements only, similar to current PvP mods and enhancements). With gearing through GC, players are going to be more limited on how they gear their toons (PvE vs PvP). Convert WZ comms to CXP (obviously a very generous amount in comparison to the level requirements).

Edited by GeneralDecoy
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So......all the money people have spent on unlocking expertise crystals will be wasted.......can you lawfully sell someone a product and then take it away? I hope there is some kind of compensation to those you sold a product too, then removed......
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If there is going to be a 6.0 content. As it is now, it seems like the game is going to die after January. People are going to sub for 1 month, play KOTET, grind a few boxes and leave.


Personally, me and a few guildies, already moved to FFXIV. If SWTOR ever decides to be a proper MMO again with as much content as FFXIV has now, I might change my mind and come back. I love the game and really would love to have my friends and guildies back to play, but there is nothing to very little to do. I will not be wasting my time on SWTOR any more. I will play a bit until my sub ends, but that's it.


The more I read about 5.0, the more depressed I get about what they are doing to a wonderful game. They are destroying it. The only reason I have to play this game even a little now, is because of the Star Wars label, because of jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire (whatever little is left of all that.).


BW and EA should really have listened to their player base and pull 5.0 off completely. I don't care about the new DvL event, I don't care about KOTET or repeating KOTFE chapters or new SFs v.2.0. I want proper storylines, even SoR was much better than the trash KOTFE/KOTET are (and yes I read about KOTET somewhere, and if it's true, it's even worse than imagined). I want more events, and more daily/weekly areas. I want more PvP maps and more ops. I want more FPs.


I am going to play other games, but SWTOR in the future it seems. And my money, can go to other games and publishers, that don't try to mock their customers with rehashing old content, and baptizing the same stuff with just new names as "new content".


My wife and I already have lifetime subs to STO, and they've significantly improved ground combat in that game. The space combat was already light years ahead of SWTOR, and now the ground game is catching up. Also, while not fully VO'd, the storylines are really good.

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So......all the money people have spent on unlocking expertise crystals will be wasted.......can you lawfully sell someone a product and then take it away? I hope there is some kind of compensation to those you sold a product too, then removed......


they are turning all the expertise crystals into mastery crystals. it's in the dev tracker somewhere.

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This expansion is shaking out to be Knights of the Why Bother?


If you're only interested in harder modes for the better gear why bother running higher tier content if you'll still accumulate points? If Tactical FPs and Story Mode Ops will still be bolstered, gear will pretty much be moot. If gear no longer means anything who cares how fast people progress through the Command ranks?


Well obviously if dead easy content bores some folks they'll want to move through the ranks quickly. Problem is that they depend on filling their ranks with those that need the gear incentive. Maybe enough of the latter will be tempted enough to grind the ossified content yet again. I have my doubts.


Yeah I know, it's going to be an absolute trainwreck for PvP. The first week or two should be fun enough until those with all the time in the world outpace those without.

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If there is going to be a 6.0 content. As it is now, it seems like the game is going to die after January. People are going to sub for 1 month, play KOTET, grind a few boxes and leave.



Personally, me and a few guildies, already moved to FFXIV. If SWTOR ever decides to be a proper MMO again with as much content as FFXIV has now, I might change my mind and come back. I love the game and really would love to have my friends and guildies back to play, but there is nothing to very little to do. I will not be wasting my time on SWTOR any more. I will play a bit until my sub ends, but that's it.


The more I read about 5.0, the more depressed I get about what they are doing to a wonderful game. They are destroying it. The only reason I have to play this game even a little now, is because of the Star Wars label, because of jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire (whatever little is left of all that.).


BW and EA should really have listened to their player base and pull 5.0 off completely. I don't care about the new DvL event, I don't care about KOTET or repeating KOTFE chapters or new SFs v.2.0. I want proper storylines, even SoR was much better than the trash KOTFE/KOTET are (and yes I read about KOTET somewhere, and if it's true, it's even worse than imagined). I want more events, and more daily/weekly areas. I want more PvP maps and more ops. I want more FPs.


I am going to play other games, but SWTOR in the future it seems. And my money, can go to other games and publishers, that don't try to mock their customers with rehashing old content, and baptizing the same stuff with just new names as "new content".


Pretty much this. Not going to bother with PvP with the new gearing setup being RNG based, and considering that's the only "fresh content" (each match is different) and not even receiving any new maps, I'm failing to see the point aside from completing the story arc on one character.

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But seriously, I like the new gear changes.


I like that everyone has access to them. I don't like that they're entirely reliant on RNG, as well as not having Command Rank being a legacy wide feature.


Edit: It really is that straight forward. I'm not going to mess around grinding Command Ranks per character, just to be screwed over by RNG each time, as well as bothering to gear .....20+ alts? Not happening.

Edited by Transcendent
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While discussing what a disaster this new system is going to be for PvP with some guildmates I think I might have stumbled onto a way that this can be fixed. The giant assumption I'm making is that Austin isn't married to imposing this epic grind that's fooling nobody.


Bolster everything. Bolster PvP instances to the top gear tier. Bolster NiM and HM instances to their minimum recommended gear tiers (eg. HM Ops would be 216, NiM 220). The PvP folks have the gear parity that is essential to their playstyle and the PvE folks can start with the difficulty mode they're interested in.


Getting back to where you were is NOT an incentive to engage in a lengthy grind. A lengthy grind preventing people from doing the content they're interested in is a huge disincentive to continuing to play.


This is just a band-aid. The real fix for PvE is to a return deterministic gear progression.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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