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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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To help get newer under geared players up to gear level with those that are well geared, we can run EV and KP SM in roughly 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Letting the person we are gearing have all the drops gets them 10 pieces of NON RNG gear in 2 hours. With the system they are proposing, it will take roughly ten hours to do the same. 5 times as long. And, of course, that is assuming the RNG gods favor you that evening.



I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this wasn't the intended function of putting priority gear on those Ops. Prior to 4.0, how long would it have taken?

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I watched the live feed and well one thing they said that current gearing was hard so they wanted to make it simplier to gear up. But imo it's not so hard to gear up and not really a need to change it. For me it feels they could used the time it took them to develope this new system to come with new Ops, WZs and FPs instead...


That was clearly just an excuse and not the actual reason which is to make acquiring gear more of a grind. They've alleviated it a bit but its still a grind. You're 100% right they could have used the resources spent on this on more group content. There was no need for it game wise.

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That was clearly just an excuse and not the actual reason which is to make acquiring gear more of a grind. They've alleviated it a bit but its still a grind. You're 100% right they could have used the resources spent on this on more group content. There was no need for it game wise.


i don't think that that is accurate. there is always going to be a grind of some kind, and the old method of gearing has been around long enough for everybody to know the shortest routes. i believe they are trying to create exactly what they say: a gearing system that allows players to get the best gear doing whatever they want. if it weren't for the rng aspect of it, i think they would have gotten a much fairer response to it.

Edited by sumquy
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While I agree with the entirety of what you've written, I think part of it is simply looking for a way to get casual players raid gear. I'm not sure why they seem to think this actually is important but from that standpoint, I don't have much of a problem with the concept. It's actually neat.


It's just - as usual - it's poorly designed and horribly executed. It destroys the enjoyment of the game for me, and everyone I know. And - it appears we are far from the minority here, on Reddit, and within my own guilds.


The fundamental problem is there's no one at the table that actually raids or PvPs as a primary style of gameplay. Because if there were, this sort of thing wouldn't make it past the wall of stupid.


This game continues to bleed potential and it's pretty clear why.


I think the "forum scandal" was defused. It's a system that rewards pretty quickly during ops and then raiders could do supplemental things in game, if not fully geared. I never thought this was the problem with the system.


The issues that they haven't dealt with, on the other hand, are the low server populations (which they haven't dealt with) and hiding GC behind a paywall (they could have capped the GC level for preferred).

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I think the "forum scandal" was defused. It's a system that rewards pretty quickly during ops and then raiders could do supplemental things in game, if not fully geared. I never thought this was the problem with the system.


The issues that they haven't dealt with, on the other hand, are the low server populations (which they haven't dealt with) and hiding GC behind a paywall (they could have capped the GC level for preferred).


They have made it less bad its still a steaming pile of .... . The issue is not dealt with its just not as bad. I have cleared everything apart from revan (sobs) at lvl but now I need to fring for about 50 hours to go back to the harder ops seriously they can go .................


The whole reason they have server population issues is their neglect of the pvp and raid players, those are the guys you would normally see logged in 5 days + a week, but as was shown in kofte the total neglect of raiders saw a massive fall in the active number of players just as it has done in the past when the pvp players have been neglected the most infamous case being everyone server transferring to setup a healthy 8 v 8 pvp scene and Bioware knew exactly what was going on but still totally butt raped them and announced there would be no more 8 man ranked pvp after they had let them spend real cash on the transfers.

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[*]Yes. All end-game gear (level 70+) can be earned by doing almost any activity. However, someone doing Nightmare (Master) level Operations, as an example, will get there substantially faster than someone doing easy/solo content.

Shouldn't it say, "will get there substantially faster on average than someone doing easy/solo content"? Because the crates are RNG, it is possible for some lucky Heroic Mission enthusiast to get a full set (armor, main/offhand, left side gear--everything) from their first 14 crates, with no repeats, while some unlucky raider runs Master Operations over and over and over and just can't get that second damn implant. Hopefully they will tune the numbers so that such a scenario (and ones like it) is extremely unlikely, but with randomness, they can't tune the numbers so that such a scenario is impossible. Good luck, everyone!

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If you are in an Operation you will get CXP for the following things:

  • Killing any enemy which is "Gold" or higher (this includes any bosses).
  • Killing the boss will grant each person in the Operation a BoP consumable which grants a burst of CXP.
  • If you queued through group finder, you will receive bonus CXP for completing the Op.


Whats the equivalent for pvp? We will earn cxp through dailies and weeklies, but can we get extra cxp for say gold medals? Can we get a BOP consumable?

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Whats the equivalent for pvp? We will earn cxp through dailies and weeklies, but can we get extra cxp for say gold medals? Can we get a BOP consumable?


Oh, frell- I hope not. There's already idiots who cause warzone losses by medal hunting/ trying to top the leaderboard. I'd rather get fewer medals and win a warzone (which should be the extra CXP) as opposed to getting more medals and losing.

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I think the "forum scandal" was defused. It's a system that rewards pretty quickly during ops and then raiders could do supplemental things in game, if not fully geared. I never thought this was the problem with the system.


The issues that they haven't dealt with, on the other hand, are the low server populations (which they haven't dealt with) and hiding GC behind a paywall (they could have capped the GC level for preferred).


The issue is that GC is just a wrapper to hide the fact that we are doing the same content all over again.*


*It remains to be seen if Uprisings are any better than SFs were.

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Oh, frell- I hope not. There's already idiots who cause warzone losses by medal hunting/ trying to top the leaderboard. I'd rather get fewer medals and win a warzone (which should be the extra CXP) as opposed to getting more medals and losing.


The whole medal system is antiquated and not relevant to real player contribution in a match. The whole thing should either be scrapped to stop medal farmers or it needs a massive overhaul that rewards real contribution to matches.

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Oh, frell- I hope not. There's already idiots who cause warzone losses by medal hunting/ trying to top the leaderboard. I'd rather get fewer medals and win a warzone (which should be the extra CXP) as opposed to getting more medals and losing.


Blame EA for that. If players want arenas/deathmatches, why does EA keep forcing them into objective maps by not letting them choose their preferred style?

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I don't know how these crates will work exactly but it sounds like RNG and I fear that it if you're unlucky you may take a while to get a complete set of gear together before being able to run HM ops for example. So you get left behind while other guildies who were more lucky are able to do HM content while I sit grinding whatever.


Can you say something about being able to reliably get a set of gear together that allows you to do HM content or will we get people shut out because they have bad luck?



The first time I get duplicate gear and find out I cannot transfer it, I am cancelling my subscription.

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RNG in the loot crates was a huge disappointment to hear. Huge. And then on Reddit I saw remarks that items are BOP. Please don't do that if you're going to make this crap RNG. At least make it legacy so a dupe item can be passed to another character.
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Hiya devs,

Good to know RNG gear will be based on discipline, as that will give us a bit of control over prioritizing our main/alt gearing. This might be a system an old raider can live with but I have one suggestion that would make gearing even easier, as that is the intended goal.


Is there any chance you would consider, as a very rare drop from top tier CXP boxes, a gear omni-token that could be exchanged for any class and any slot of gear?

Or maybe vendors that sell class specific gear at a ratio of; X number CXP boxes -to- one slot piece?

(Even if it is a high ratio, then those of us not blessed by the RNGods, could find a way to have faith in the system xD )


Admittedly, the RNG system will really help to simplify gearing for about 50-70% of the slots* but once doubles become more and more common and that last piece becomes more and more elusive... it would be really hard not to wish for the ability to target X raid for Y boss as it used to be. QQ

Also, even after our mains are fully geared, this would provide a loot based incentive to continue to support the team, guild, DvL events.


Here's to wishful thinking




*for player who find the current system daunting

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Betrayed’ Cinematic Trailer

did you come up with that title to b just mocking to preferred status players?

Pay to win


I fell betrayed yes...payed artifact autorizaion account and over 14 character slots ,CC coins to transfer alts from dying servers, and now u tell us u have to make a min of 2 months grind just so I can b competitive with 1 alt in pvp, then start over again 2 months grind just so I can use the legacy gear from alt A to alt b. and if that wasn't enough,when subscribtion runs out, cant get any cxp on any of my 51 alts on 2 servers ie cant gear up , ie Pay to win ...GG bioware.

the new dvl bosses = reskin of commanders . ( nice skin lol )

what motivation does some one that subs but cannot b sub all year ,there is left to play this game?

pvp will b a nightmare , with people who have an idea what to do that stop playing the game (y? no new content )

the influx of players that not have idea from right to left (true story) ..ahhh forgot to mention count from 1-8 .same story when u introduced the pvp quest to get comp...im sure the community remember that nice experience.

and about ops...I know so many that use passes to do ops , an other big chunk of community with no motivation to participate. but hey'' u can get endgame gear from anything now.......if u obviously pay ''

so yeah ,I say u really nailed it with cinematic trailer title Betrayed

if I pay for an expansion seems legit to keep having access to that content ...(now here in reality there will b no new content except for some new WB ''yay'' ) I can understand preferred getting it at a slower rate...but not get possibility to gear up if not pay,that I don't get..

if cxp will not be legacy , then this expansion is just a mid finger to a big chunk of veterans ,A GRIND fest , and a PAY TO WIN.

hope u consider this.

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:) :) :)


I am a casual player. I think most people playing this game are casual players. I don't have the time to commit to raiding due to work, children, etc.

The server I play on is also not very busy so I hardly get into operations.


If you read carefully then you will notice that the new armour drop system will give casuals and hardcore players the opportunity to get the best gear. As a hardcore you will get there significantly faster and you can work on several alts while for casuals it will take long and we should probably stick to 1 or 2 alts.


We will now get the best gear by doing whatever we love to do in SWTOR. Questing, solo, pve, pvp, etc. We are not forced to play or do what we do not like.


So overall I prever this new system and I believe this will make casuals stay, and casuals are the financial backbone of this game as the hardcore players are the minority. It is a win win plan, the hardcore will get there MUCH faster and will get there on many alts, and the casuals will eventually get there on 1 or maybe 2 alts.


Thanks for reading.

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So why would I run OPs in nightmare mode with highest command level if the best crate gear drops per hour in any difficulty mode anyway? What am i missing?


I don't know how about you, but we run operations because we like some of them, not because of the tokens which are used on the 23rd alt :) (guildmate has 14 different 224 sets with 7 different offhands and now even he's bored with tokens)

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