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The Old Gods and Royal Family of Zakuul (Possible spoilers)


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So I was revisiting Star Fortresses today and re-read one of the Zakuulan Devotional Texts when something hit me: they are all direct references to the Zakuulan Royal Family. Let me demonstrate:


Izax = Valkorion


...Honor the omnipotence of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer: father, ruler and bringer of death to us all. His forms are infinite, but his great glory flies on serpent wings.... - 'The Veneration of Izax'


This is clearly Valkorion - 'omnipotent', the 'Ultimate Devourer', 'father, ruler' and so on.


Scyva = Senya


...Walk the path with Scyva, the Constant Companion. Wife of divine Izax and avatar of sorrow, she weeps beside those who gladly march to embrace the Ultimate Devourer.... - 'The Grieving of Scyva'


Obviously Senya; 'wife of Izax' and how she is driven by remorse over her children.


Tyth = Thexan


...Storm the battlefield with Tyth, god of rage. The Firstborn of Izax and Scyva leads us to victory against the profane outlanders. Raise your bloodied fist and cry triumph... - 'The Awe of Tyth'


Quite clearly Thexan - the firstborn, famed for his strength and martial prowess.


Nahut = Arcann


...Bear a single torch for Nahut, the Hated Son. Gray, formless and cold, he is denied by all but the Mother of Sorrows. Do not follow him into the dark. Light the way to lead him home... - 'The Lamentation of Nahut'


Most definitely Arcann: the scorned son, with only Senya (Scyva, the Mother of Sorrows) left to love him.


The last two gods are the sisters Esne and Aivela. These are their texts:


...Burn all doubt in the fires of Aivela, our goddess of passion. The Favored Daughter stands beside her brother Tyth on every battlefield, radiating grace to the fearless... - 'The Proclamation of Aivela'


...Beware the shadows of Esne, goddess of envy and twin of Aivela. Forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence, she will use her venomous tongue to test the faithful and cull the weak... - 'The Admonition of Esne


It is my belief that Aivela and Esne refer to Vaylin simultaneously. Aivela was Vaylin before Valkorion 'caged her mind' - a powerful (uncontrolably so) but loving. Esne is her afterwards; twisted by hate and spite. The strength of her feeling towards Senya over the betrayal reflects her deep desire to go back to what she was before: 'forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence'.


Where am I going with this? The Heralds of Zildrog and the Prophecy of the Demon Saviour.


The Old Ways of Zakuul have a prophecy of a 'Demon Saviour' outsider who would overthrow the Old Gods of suffering and usher in a new age of light. Valkorion claimed himself to be that Demon Saviour - but as we see from the Devotional Texts, the Zakuulan Royal Family are the Old Gods, so that Prophecy remains unfulfilled. Enter the Outlander! They are the outsider - and we are seeking to destroy Valkorion (and overthrow Arcann, Vaylin). We are the Demon Saviour.


Now the Heralds of Zildrog. Zildrog is just another incarnation of Izax; and the Heralds believe Zildrog is about to return in a rain of death and torment. But Izax is Valkorion: and recall, Valkorion died. But perhaps he will return? And, of course, Valkorion does like his death and suffering.


Just my thoughts anyhow. What do you guys think?

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And, you should consider this: tis a cycle. Izax is Zildrog.


The Emperor is NOT in your mind, but he WILL make a play for your body, and reboot the cycle. Izax gets replaced by Zildrog, who becomes a new Izax, so on and so forth. Nasty combining of a Japanese thought with an Hindu type of cycle, but thereyago. Ye, the Outside be the destroyer who destroys, well, everything, Pub, Empire, Zakuul, only to reform it again as another Grand Stage. V has used this cycle once before, to recreate Zakuul. He's in the middle of doing it again, on a wider scale.



All of this has happened before, but will it happen again?

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Interesting, but how is Thexan Tyth? In one of the random banters between the Zakuulan common folk, they describe Thexan as calm, brave, and noble. "The God Of Rage" makes it sound like it is not talking about Thexan. Edited by cool-dude
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Interesting, but how is Thexan Tyth? In one of the random banters between the Zakuulan common folk, they describe Thexan as calm, brave, and noble. "The God Of Rage" makes it sound like it is not talking about Thexan.


The text corresponds clearly to Thexan I think; he was the military hero, and that is clearly Tyth's domain, as the text says: 'storm the battlefield' and 'leads us to victory against the profane outlanders'. Recall that Thexan led the initial Zakuulan invasion of the galaxy.


I think the 'god of rage' refers more to righteous anger against the 'profane' Outlanders rather than standard anger as such. Recall the Old Ways of Zakuul were deeply hostile to outsiders - hence the 'Outlander' moniker and why the text describes them as 'profane'. So I think 'god of rage' is somewhat figurative and more directed against outlanders; a righteous fury of battle rather than crazy rage.

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  • 8 months later...

I was thinking Esne the god of Envy would be more suitable for Arcann since he is motivated by Jealousy. And Aveila the god of passion would be Thexan.


Nahut the god of apathy would be with Valkorion alongside Izax because of his indifference to his children


Tyth the god of rage would be with Vaylin because of her brutal personality but Esne could also be fitting for her as well.

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So I was revisiting Star Fortresses today and re-read one of the Zakuulan Devotional Texts when something hit me: they are all direct references to the Zakuulan Royal Family. Let me demonstrate:


Izax = Valkorion


...Honor the omnipotence of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer: father, ruler and bringer of death to us all. His forms are infinite, but his great glory flies on serpent wings.... - 'The Veneration of Izax'


This is clearly Valkorion - 'omnipotent', the 'Ultimate Devourer', 'father, ruler' and so on.


Scyva = Senya


...Walk the path with Scyva, the Constant Companion. Wife of divine Izax and avatar of sorrow, she weeps beside those who gladly march to embrace the Ultimate Devourer.... - 'The Grieving of Scyva'


Obviously Senya; 'wife of Izax' and how she is driven by remorse over her children.


Tyth = Thexan


...Storm the battlefield with Tyth, god of rage. The Firstborn of Izax and Scyva leads us to victory against the profane outlanders. Raise your bloodied fist and cry triumph... - 'The Awe of Tyth'


Quite clearly Thexan - the firstborn, famed for his strength and martial prowess.


Nahut = Arcann


...Bear a single torch for Nahut, the Hated Son. Gray, formless and cold, he is denied by all but the Mother of Sorrows. Do not follow him into the dark. Light the way to lead him home... - 'The Lamentation of Nahut'


Most definitely Arcann: the scorned son, with only Senya (Scyva, the Mother of Sorrows) left to love him.


The last two gods are the sisters Esne and Aivela. These are their texts:


...Burn all doubt in the fires of Aivela, our goddess of passion. The Favored Daughter stands beside her brother Tyth on every battlefield, radiating grace to the fearless... - 'The Proclamation of Aivela'


...Beware the shadows of Esne, goddess of envy and twin of Aivela. Forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence, she will use her venomous tongue to test the faithful and cull the weak... - 'The Admonition of Esne


It is my belief that Aivela and Esne refer to Vaylin simultaneously. Aivela was Vaylin before Valkorion 'caged her mind' - a powerful (uncontrolably so) but loving. Esne is her afterwards; twisted by hate and spite. The strength of her feeling towards Senya over the betrayal reflects her deep desire to go back to what she was before: 'forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence'.


Where am I going with this? The Heralds of Zildrog and the Prophecy of the Demon Saviour.


The Old Ways of Zakuul have a prophecy of a 'Demon Saviour' outsider who would overthrow the Old Gods of suffering and usher in a new age of light. Valkorion claimed himself to be that Demon Saviour - but as we see from the Devotional Texts, the Zakuulan Royal Family are the Old Gods, so that Prophecy remains unfulfilled. Enter the Outlander! They are the outsider - and we are seeking to destroy Valkorion (and overthrow Arcann, Vaylin). We are the Demon Saviour.


Now the Heralds of Zildrog. Zildrog is just another incarnation of Izax; and the Heralds believe Zildrog is about to return in a rain of death and torment. But Izax is Valkorion: and recall, Valkorion died. But perhaps he will return? And, of course, Valkorion does like his death and suffering.


Just my thoughts anyhow. What do you guys think?


Izax was slain by Valkorion. you may also want to take into account the phrase Valkorion used on Vaylin, "Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul" which is an obvious reference to Zilrog plus the snake like thing on his clothing on his upper chest.


Thexan doesn't fit the idea of Tyth, the god of rage, that would more fit Arcann before his redemption, he only had blind rage to work with most times and it was the only thing he fed on and accepted.


Thexan is more like Nahut, because he is more grey, more neutral and less prone to one direction or another, he tried to do what he could but his path was a dark one because it only lead to death. Thexan had yet to hold a view on anything most likely and thus his form was shapeless for now. only the mother cared enough for Thexan while the other two lemented his loss but ultimately it doesn't mean as much to them. Eventually it is because of the way arcann chose to attack his father that created the light for him to follow his way home, to find salvation.

Edited by Celise
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So I was revisiting Star Fortresses today and re-read one of the Zakuulan Devotional Texts when something hit me: they are all direct references to the Zakuulan Royal Family. Let me demonstrate:


Izax = Valkorion


...Honor the omnipotence of Izax, the Ultimate Devourer: father, ruler and bringer of death to us all. His forms are infinite, but his great glory flies on serpent wings.... - 'The Veneration of Izax'


This is clearly Valkorion - 'omnipotent', the 'Ultimate Devourer', 'father, ruler' and so on.


Scyva = Senya


...Walk the path with Scyva, the Constant Companion. Wife of divine Izax and avatar of sorrow, she weeps beside those who gladly march to embrace the Ultimate Devourer.... - 'The Grieving of Scyva'


Obviously Senya; 'wife of Izax' and how she is driven by remorse over her children.


Tyth = Thexan


...Storm the battlefield with Tyth, god of rage. The Firstborn of Izax and Scyva leads us to victory against the profane outlanders. Raise your bloodied fist and cry triumph... - 'The Awe of Tyth'


Quite clearly Thexan - the firstborn, famed for his strength and martial prowess.


Nahut = Arcann


...Bear a single torch for Nahut, the Hated Son. Gray, formless and cold, he is denied by all but the Mother of Sorrows. Do not follow him into the dark. Light the way to lead him home... - 'The Lamentation of Nahut'


Most definitely Arcann: the scorned son, with only Senya (Scyva, the Mother of Sorrows) left to love him.


The last two gods are the sisters Esne and Aivela. These are their texts:


...Burn all doubt in the fires of Aivela, our goddess of passion. The Favored Daughter stands beside her brother Tyth on every battlefield, radiating grace to the fearless... - 'The Proclamation of Aivela'


...Beware the shadows of Esne, goddess of envy and twin of Aivela. Forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence, she will use her venomous tongue to test the faithful and cull the weak... - 'The Admonition of Esne


It is my belief that Aivela and Esne refer to Vaylin simultaneously. Aivela was Vaylin before Valkorion 'caged her mind' - a powerful (uncontrolably so) but loving. Esne is her afterwards; twisted by hate and spite. The strength of her feeling towards Senya over the betrayal reflects her deep desire to go back to what she was before: 'forever eclipsed by her sister's incandescence'.


Where am I going with this? The Heralds of Zildrog and the Prophecy of the Demon Saviour.


The Old Ways of Zakuul have a prophecy of a 'Demon Saviour' outsider who would overthrow the Old Gods of suffering and usher in a new age of light. Valkorion claimed himself to be that Demon Saviour - but as we see from the Devotional Texts, the Zakuulan Royal Family are the Old Gods, so that Prophecy remains unfulfilled. Enter the Outlander! They are the outsider - and we are seeking to destroy Valkorion (and overthrow Arcann, Vaylin). We are the Demon Saviour.


Now the Heralds of Zildrog. Zildrog is just another incarnation of Izax; and the Heralds believe Zildrog is about to return in a rain of death and torment. But Izax is Valkorion: and recall, Valkorion died. But perhaps he will return? And, of course, Valkorion does like his death and suffering.


Just my thoughts anyhow. What do you guys think?


Agreed! Especially Nahut and Arcann. It's so obvious, especially with the whole redemption story, guide him to the light!

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  • 2 weeks later...
My idea :


- Izax = Valkorion

- Scyva = Senya

- Esne = Arcann

- Aivela = Thexan

- Zildrog = a possible reference to Revan ( both have fanatic cultists with eccentric ideas)

- Tyth = Vaylin

- Nahut = The Outlander


Not that I agree with the original theory because I have my own. which i posted here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=919371&page=36 But based on your I could see the outlander being nahut ...Bear a single torch for Nahut, the Hated Son. Gray, formless and cold, he is denied by all but the Mother of Sorrows. Do not follow him into the dark. Light the way to lead him home... - 'The Lamentation of Nahut' It reminds me when satele had you light all those torches in the oddessen wilds.

Edited by Mzuta
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Why i think Nahut is the Outlander :


Valkorion says " you are a part of me i wish to keep" - what if the Emperor IS Outlander's biological father? What if he wanted one son or daughter to be different? remember, Arcann, Thexan & Vailyn are not Sith or Jedi, they do not follow any philosophy or Code

The "Mother of Sorrows" - Scyva /Senya : she is a Knight of Zakuul , yet she helps you escape, she has a "somehow" motherly attitude towards the Outlander

The "grey formless son" - the one not known to Arcann & Vailyn, the one destined to be the successor.


Of course, i might be wrong, feel free to share your thoughts on this.

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I am more of a fan of the hypothesis presented here. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=897589


I think when Valkorion says that the Outlander is "a part of him he wishes to keep" he's more referring to their history together. Whatever class the Outlander has come from, they've got a history of some sort with the Emperor. And the 'keep'...well, he plans to keep the Outlander's body.

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I am more of a fan of the hypothesis presented here. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=897589


I think when Valkorion says that the Outlander is "a part of him he wishes to keep" he's more referring to their history together. Whatever class the Outlander has come from, they've got a history of some sort with the Emperor. And the 'keep'...well, he plans to keep the Outlander's body.


My understanding of that phase is Valkorion like all narcissists views the Outlander as an extension of himself and not their own person. Like absorbing Vaylin and Arcann (if you kill him) soul/force essence as if it was a part of his own to do so and thus in his mind his right.


Hence he clearly saw no issue in taking your body as it is "a part of him he wish to keep". The same way I think in Valkorion's mind he sees every person in the galaxy is a part of him. Probably why he saw no real biggie in eating everyone either.

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My understanding of that phase is Valkorion like all narcissists views the Outlander as an extension of himself and not their own person. Like absorbing Vaylin and Arcann (if you kill him) soul/force essence as if it was a part of his own to do so and thus in his mind his right.


Hence he clearly saw no issue in taking your body as it is "a part of him he wish to keep". The same way I think in Valkorion's mind he sees every person in the galaxy is a part of him. Probably why he saw no real biggie in eating everyone either.


I think that is pretty spot on. he feels the Outlander's body is his property, the same way his children were his property to manipulate and use however he wished. Valkorion uses "we" a lot as the story goes on, as though he's somehow responsible for the Outlander's successes. One of Valkorion's frustrations if the Outlander refuses his power - in addition to making him less easy to control - might be that the Outlander's showing they can get along without him.

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