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bastion server so light


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there is not even certain things for sale on the gtn. Salvage and caompanion gifts are gone


Adaptive armor 212, 216, 220 no one piece on the gtn of any type.


buffs, heals, greanades. none


I have a very large amount of credits and mats. What would you do.


about 200 mill liquid

all bays of legacy filled with aswome stuf.

all bays in my personal filled with salvage and awesome gtn, and cartel items.


how do I get all this loot to a better server. Its herculean I cant see how.

can I even move my bases...?


what would you do. I go to the repub space station its 8p, est/ and there were 2 people.


thanks for help

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Use someone's referral code to get a free character transfer, and transfer 1 character with all the money and as much loot as he can carry (personal inventory and vault will transfer with him/her, but legacy vault won't). If you have more gear, you will have to prioritise, if it's something you don't really need, or can easily get again, you can either sell it, or save it for later, and when you have enough CC or spare cash, transfer another character .


Your strongholds will transfer if you bought them with CC, if it was with in-game credits, you'll have to buy them again.

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Alternatively, you could just look back over your own posts


as in this title I am considering a transfer to a different server.

Questions I have and help I need.


1) what happens to all my unlocks when I transfer my main character.

2) all my unlocks and progression in legacy and in credits, and stuff like that.

3) which server?

4) what about my materials?

5) anything I'm missing and not thinking of?


thanks for any help or advice you can offer.


Totally co-inky-dinkal that the same person is having to give you the advice again.


1) They transfer with the toon, all legacy unlocks carry over to the new server overall, and your character being transferred keeps his/her character perks


2A) The higher legacy level between the two is copied over, as is the highest progression through achievements.


2B/4) Your character will keep everything in his/her inventory and personal cargo locker. Whatever is in the mail or GTN will be lost. Whatever outfits you have put together will be lost, but you will retain the total number of outfits you can make.


3) For US- Shadowlands, Harbinger, Begeren Colony, Ebon Hawk, Jedi Covenent are the bigger populated servers. If EU, I'm not sure.


5) Not sure, when I do transfers it's to spread achievements and reputation around more than moving from one server to another, so I roll a new character, empty the mail and mail stuff around as needed, then transfer, so essentially I have "Transfer alts"

Edited by CrazyCT
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that's because he does not need advise as he already knows full well what to do. He is just taking the piss. He has posted in several merge server threads and is just doing this again to make sure it is once again on page one without actually putting merge servers in the thread headline. thinks he is being cleaver. The fact you have quoted he's own prior posts just proves the point.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Alternatively, you could just look back over your own posts




Totally co-inky-dinkal that the same person is having to give you the advice again.


I thought the name was familiar, but there is an NPC of the same name or very similar, so I disregarded my gut. Also amusing that it was me who helped the other time.

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ot actually its scarry to possibly loose so much of what I already have gasthered. The thought of starting from zero or close to zero makes me nervous.


Yes I have thought of it in the past I moved one character and I see what the server is like. I am trying to preserve what I have already attained.


I'm not trolling I'm just realizing that the server I am on is past the point of return to playing. I am also realizing I have very much to loose. I am concerned that it will be lost or not come with me.


My base for example cost me many hours and much credits...

My companion gifts stock is large and wouldmt want to loose it.

My salvage is large and I'm not sure what to do with 10 bins of salvage and cartel items.


Its not easy to just abandon a server. I move one character but I'm unsure how to move my everything....



that's the why part and how part and worried part of this question.

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ot actually its scarry to possibly loose so much of what I already have gasthered. The thought of starting from zero or close to zero makes me nervous.


Yes I have thought of it in the past I moved one character and I see what the server is like. I am trying to preserve what I have already attained.


I'm not trolling I'm just realizing that the server I am on is past the point of return to playing. I am also realizing I have very much to loose. I am concerned that it will be lost or not come with me.


My base for example cost me many hours and much credits...

My companion gifts stock is large and wouldmt want to loose it.

My salvage is large and I'm not sure what to do with 10 bins of salvage and cartel items.


Its not easy to just abandon a server. I move one character but I'm unsure how to move my everything....



that's the why part and how part and worried part of this question.


You aren't going to lose anything, except maybe some time. Whatever you cannot carry over on the first transfer you can bring on the 2nd transfer. Or third or whatever. But you won't lose it. It will be waiting for you when you log into your old server. Apparently it is just clogging up your bank slots right now.


You will "have" to redecorate your stronghold(s). Big deal. All titles etc will transfer with each toon. In fact even legacy titles transfer, so you can literally go from no legacy on the destination server to LL 50 simply by moving one character.


I'm not sure what all of the fuss is about. Wasn't it the "massive amount of casuals who enjoy the single player aspect of this game" who rejoiced when Bioware moved away from group content to return to story? Seems like the servers should be overflowing with people given that logic.


It's almost like MMORPGs require group content released at a reasonable pace to maintain their populations and that the actual story has very little to do with retaining players.

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PVP servers were always light compared to other servers. Now they're dead, as the population of the game has shrunk over the years and many PVP guilds relocated to Harbinger or The Red Eclipse.


I'm not sure there is a tie between a single player focus and the death of PVP servers. Had every expansion rolled out new group content, King Tut's mummy would likely still be more alive than Bastion and Jung Ma.


Open world PVP was never that interesting in SWTOR from the start, a sizable majority of the players prefer PVE or RP (they voted with their feet when joining servers), and the creation of PVP instances on PVE and RP/PVE servers rendered dedicated PVP servers pointless.

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there is not even certain things for sale on the gtn. Salvage and caompanion gifts are gone


Adaptive armor 212, 216, 220 no one piece on the gtn of any type.


buffs, heals, greanades. none


I have a very large amount of credits and mats. What would you do.


about 200 mill liquid

all bays of legacy filled with aswome stuf.

all bays in my personal filled with salvage and awesome gtn, and cartel items.


how do I get all this loot to a better server. Its herculean I cant see how.

can I even move my bases...?


what would you do. I go to the repub space station its 8p, est/ and there were 2 people.


thanks for help


Bastion is now dead.. it's been a ghost town for over 6 months.. most pvpers have come to Harbinger

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Once server instances came to be, there became no difference in the original PVE/PVP servers - the only difference was population. Throw in 90 CC transfers and Bastion started dying. Harb had more people, faster queue times for everything. Staying on Bastion b/c it was a PVP server was the last reason many were holding to stay and when that reason was taken away, they went where more bodies were. Now, come to where the announcement that 90CC was ending, and the final death toll hit as those that were hanging on for some last hope that BW would merge so they didn't have to redo guilds, or deal with main of transferring finally made the hop over.
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I loved Bastion server. I have a 150m guild ship on it and three strongholds.


But sadly, they killed Bastion in three stages:


1) Made free/cheap server transfers possible. This got people moving away, but then some came back as it stabilized. People were able to get what they needed on the GTNs of other servers and bring em back to Bastion for re-sale. I could still get warzone pops 24/7.


2) They made the horrible decision to make open world pvp voluntary. The one thing Bastion had remaining to it, was that you could at least get some open world pvp in and stop people botting/farming. Yavin was great for open world pvp. With the pvp/pve situation being identical on all servers, there was no real reason to not just roll on Harbinger (THANKS MUSCO).


3) They then killed cheap server transfers and jacked the price up 1000%, after leaving it at 90cc for more than a year.


Since then, Bastion has become a ghost town. No GTN, no warzone pops, the removal of open world pvp. Nothing. It was killed by the dev's bad decisions.

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You know Musco is only the community manager right?


He's the main face of the SWTOR team, and he does a horrible job of communicating what the community actually needs or wants to the developers.


When every dumb decision the team makes for the last 2-3 years, gets brought to us, explained and defended by the same guy, it's going to attach ill will to his name. Although in reality, I do know it's a whole team of people making stupid decisions.

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there is not even certain things for sale on the gtn. Salvage and caompanion gifts are gone


Adaptive armor 212, 216, 220 no one piece on the gtn of any type.


buffs, heals, greanades. none


I have a very large amount of credits and mats. What would you do.


about 200 mill liquid

all bays of legacy filled with aswome stuf.

all bays in my personal filled with salvage and awesome gtn, and cartel items.


how do I get all this loot to a better server. Its herculean I cant see how.

can I even move my bases...?


what would you do. I go to the repub space station its 8p, est/ and there were 2 people.


thanks for help



Get on to the Harbinger Server dude. I had the same problem with Prophecy of the Five. I almost unsubbed it was so desolate. 3 people on the fleet. 1 on any planet at any given time. You get the picture. But like many have said on this forum already. Use a referral code. Get that transfer to a more reasonably populated server. You'll thank me later. It rejuvinated me a bit to create some new toons and I dont mind leveling. You can do it crazy fast now. Like 1-65 in a day fast. Use the DvL armor. Get in a 10% boost guild and use the 25% boosts. You'll get your squad re-built in no time. 2 months until KOTFE so you got time. But act now.

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3) They then killed cheap server transfers and jacked the price up 1000%, after leaving it at 90cc for more than a year.


You mean stopped the sale they had and actually permanently reduce the price by about 45% from the regular price? (The regular price before the long-term sale was 1800cc, they've now got them at 1000cc). That they kept the sale on so long was to give you every chance to move to a server you wanted. They even brought the sale back because people complained that 10 months wasn't long enough for them to decide to move. Bioware was kind enough to let people have a second chance to move to the server they want.


TWO chances to move that you didn't take. Why would they keep giving you chances to move if you keep refusing to take them?


Or did the servers suddenly get too light for you after the second sale?

Edited by CrazyCT
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You mean stopped the sale they had and actually permanently reduce the price by about 45% from the regular price? (The regular price before the long-term sale was 1800cc, they've now got them at 1000cc). That they kept the sale on so long was to give you every chance to move to a server you wanted. They even brought the sale back because people complained that 10 months wasn't long enough for them to decide to move. Bioware was kind enough to let people have a second chance to move to the server they want.


TWO chances to move that you didn't take. Why would they keep giving you chances to move if you keep refusing to take them?


Or did the servers suddenly get too light for you after the second sale?


I agree. The only sympathy I have for those who refused to move are Guildmasters because of guild assets. But, that said, what they have on their dead server they could have already replaced on an active server. But I do think BW should have allowed Guildmaster tickets to move guild assets.

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