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Do the Devs Incognito


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This is a definite possibility as well. Considering that it is a thing where companies will sometimes pay people to write fake bad reviews on other companies' product, it's possible that they'd pay them to do forum work as well.




There were rumors that WOW devs were doing that here during the first few months of this game.

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They keep saying they are playing the game. But when I stood in a group with a dev and several other players at one of the cantinas and we listed the issues that have been brought up in forums several times and are recurring topics in the game for months or years, i.e. things/topics regular player (who actively pays attention to that kind of thing) is aware of, he was super surprised and said he didn't know this or that was an issue. That made me wonder if

  • they really play the game/content in a way a regular player does (Have they really tried to do the seeker droid/macrobinocular missions recently, long after they were popular and populated for 3 months? Are they aware how hard it is to find a group for the heroics at the end?)
  • they really play the game on regular servers and
  • they actually pay attention to chat/interact with players
  • anybody but Tait and Eric read the forums

Edited by KyaniteD
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So many replies here about devs playing the game. Holocron never mentioned that in the OP. He wonders about whether the devs have private/secret accounts on this forum.


I doubt that the devs are doing that. They have more than enough to do and from my own work experience, you don't want to get more engaged than necessary. What's the benefit of arguing with some hardcore nerds like us? ;)


I'm sure most of the devs actually check the forums (more or less) regularly, but posting in here? No, I doubt it. And if they do, then they are most likely not the ones that people would think of first.

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So many replies here about devs playing the game. Holocron never mentioned that in the OP. He wonders about whether the devs have private/secret accounts on this forum.


I doubt that the devs are doing that. They have more than enough to do and from my own work experience, you don't want to get more engaged than necessary. What's the benefit of arguing with some hardcore nerds like us? ;)


I'm sure most of the devs actually check the forums (more or less) regularly, but posting in here? No, I doubt it. And if they do, then they are most likely not the ones that people would think of first.


He wrote "use regular player accounts to interact with the community". He didn't explicitly limit it to interaction on the forums. I doubt they do either, at least not in any quality or frequency worth mentioning.

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So many replies here about devs playing the game. Holocron never mentioned that in the OP. He wonders about whether the devs have private/secret accounts on this forum.


I doubt that the devs are doing that. They have more than enough to do and from my own work experience, you don't want to get more engaged than necessary. What's the benefit of arguing with some hardcore nerds like us? ;)


I'm sure most of the devs actually check the forums (more or less) regularly, but posting in here? No, I doubt it. And if they do, then they are most likely not the ones that people would think of first.


I'm pretty sure that devs playing the game on regular accounts are responsible for the birth of this thread :D

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Since I've been here for quite a while now I can only say this; I can't remember either a nerf or derp that hasn't been done after a massive player psychosis on the suggestion board. cross faction wz did we get as well, not that fun one agreed, but nonetheless. Believe it or not but the cry for a continuation of story, with lengthy CGI movies to start off and promote that content have been demanded since RotHC, if what we did get what we wanted is up for debate, but, "oooops there it is".:eek:


Furthermore as Uprising is described as a battle command, well that has been a player suggestion for quite some time actually, grant you remains to be seen though if the nit picky lot on the forums will be pleased, I foresee a big roar of discontent, because, well, you're not a real Star Wars Fan if you don't rant silly, both high and low:rolleyes:.


On a personal note I'm still waiting for the Huttball league to kick in, or why not Guildship GSF mode with a pvp boarding climax!!


Now since the forum is a place there we all get to be discontent five year olds that don't really get that each and everyone's little whim can't get satisfied, i foresee the mandatory Star Wars Fan Rants as soon as early access is here:cool:

Edited by t-darko
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Do you think the devs possibly use regular player accounts to interact with the community to get insight on ideas, or offer alternative suggestions to issues, etc.?







Sorry for caps.

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Even your cat may be a dev.


Nah, they were always glued to the video cam meowing at other cats.


Having said that, I would hope that they at least have done a play through of the content. That way they're at least familiar with it.


"We have a planet called Voss?"

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Since I've been here for quite a while now I can only say this; I can't remember either a nerf or derp that hasn't been done after a massive player psychosis on the suggestion board. cross faction wz did we get as well, not that fun one agreed, but nonetheless. Believe it or not but the cry for a continuation of story, with lengthy CGI movies to start off and promote that content have been demanded since RotHC, if what we did get what we wanted is up for debate, but, "oooops there it is".:eek:


Furthermore as Uprising is described as a battle command, well that has been a player suggestion for quite some time actually, grant you remains to be seen though if the nit picky lot on the forums will be pleased, I foresee a big roar of discontent, because, well, you're not a real Star Wars Fan if you don't rant silly, both high and low:rolleyes:.


On a personal note I'm still waiting for the Huttball league to kick in, or why not Guildship GSF mode with a pvp boarding climax!!


Now since the forum is a place there we all get to be discontent five year olds that don't really get that each and everyone's little whim can't get satisfied, i foresee the mandatory Star Wars Fan Rants as soon as early access is here:cool:


I think that a lot features players asked for in the past made it into the game somewhat. I think a lot of what happens is the amount of time from request to implementation is incredibly long, and sometimes not quite in the way the players expected. I can only hope that the devs now try and predict what people will want, so it can be implemented about the same time as people start requesting it.

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