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This is why BW fails


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Its a great idea... There are so many ways to do a dynamic world but it seems none.. and i say none have actually done it or done it well.


Let me give you an idea:


There would be 4 neutral outposts on Hoth in the badlands or wherever. Each outpost would give you missions if you hold them but if you manage to hold ALL FOUR you would get an extra mission from each.


One outpost would give you a mission to retrieve a repulsor, another outpost an engine, then chassis and aerofoils. If you could do all 4 missions before the other side takes one of them back you could assemble the 4 parts into a temporary ( 24 hours ) speeder that would go 110% speed regardless of your riding skill level.


Would be incentive enough to actually try to hold all 4 outposts every day. :)

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Let me give you an idea:


There would be 4 neutral outposts on Hoth in the badlands or wherever. Each outpost would give you missions if you hold them but if you manage to hold ALL FOUR you would get an extra mission from each.


One outpost would give you a mission to retrieve a repulsor, another outpost an engine, then chassis and aerofoils. If you could do all 4 missions before the other side takes one of them back you could assemble the 4 parts into a temporary ( 24 hours ) speeder that would go 110% speed regardless of your riding skill level.


Would be incentive enough to actually try to hold all 4 outposts every day. :)


excellent idea. what if we take it a step further and some what make it trickle down to other planets etc.


Maybe even the number of planets held with in your realms affect the xp bonus given or even crafting and mission bonuses.


Would make the players be on their toes etc.

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I have been playing MMOs actively for about 15 years. I can name 100 features that I want this game to have, but I EXPECT it to at least deliver on the basics especially with their time frame and budget of around 300m (well informed rumour) and about 5 years.

So have I, and I can tell you now, basics are in the eye of the beholder. I doubt anyone will sling mud for suggesting a customisable UI ought to be in the works and as far as I have heard, the rumourmill suggests that it is, but frankly, every single other 'basic' feature I've heard of in MMOs drowns in a small flamewar over whether it's a good feature, and a lot aren't in every MMO either, so they can't be called standard.


I am listing the negative here only; that does not mean there is no positive, nor that I necessarily agree with either side:


Addons - there's a camp that say that it's bad for the game and props up entirely the wrong kind of people.

LFD/LFG - there's a huge camp that claims it ruins games.

Dual-spec - I've seen at least two major threads in this forum alone about how it's a great idea and how it's a terrible idea.



Fact is, developers aren't in an easy position, and only a very arrogant one simply says 'well I think it's a great idea, to hell with other people's views'. Equally, you can play the game without a lot of these. That is a proven fact, because a million people are busily doing that right now.


So, by all means lobby for features to be added - but it's not a given, it's not standard, and it's not appropriate to expect them.


As I have said in many threads: Presentation is everything. Imagine you're talking face to face with a Bioware developer, not in a faceless forum thread, and trying to pitch the idea to them.

Edited by Grammarye
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Hi all,


I've read through the thread and don't disagree or agree with everything, that been said! I would like to add that the majority of mmo's released today are done very badly. How can big firms release games that take years to make and a few months testing with the public and release something that is barely playable for alot of people. I've had the game a week and I'm only level 8 due to the constent crashing. The amount of faffing about with my pc, nowing it's the game and yet they brag how many people have been playing. Forget the bragging and make sure the game is playable for everyone is what I say.


Can't beleive they spent this kind of money on a mmo an it's full of bugs on release, what happened during beta testing, we're people just partying? I'm disapointed because I can't enjoy the game, not because of content which I haven't seen as yet so can't comment. But for such a big game that so many have followed for years, it's a bit of a balloon burster for me right now.:rolleyes:

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So have I, and I can tell you now, basics are in the eye of the beholder. I doubt anyone will sling mud for suggesting a customisable UI ought to be in the works and as far as I have heard, the rumourmill suggests that it is, but frankly, every single other 'basic' feature I've heard of in MMOs drowns in a small flamewar over whether it's a good feature, and a lot aren't in every MMO either, so they can't be called standard.


I am listing the negative here only; that does not mean there is no positive, nor that I necessarily agree with either side:


Addons - there's a camp that say that it's bad for the game and props up entirely the wrong kind of people.

LFD/LFG - there's a huge camp that claims it ruins games.

Dual-spec - I've seen at least two major threads in this forum alone about how it's a great idea and how it's a terrible idea.



Fact is, developers aren't in an easy position, and only a very arrogant one simply says 'well I think it's a great idea, to hell with other people's views'. Equally, you can play the game without a lot of these. That is a proven fact, because a million people are busily doing that right now.


So, by all means lobby for features to be added - but it's not a given, it's not standard, and it's not appropriate to expect them.


As I have said in many threads: Presentation is everything. Imagine you're talking face to face with a Bioware developer, not in a faceless forum thread, and trying to pitch the idea to them.



Well said..


it may boil down to the point as the game was unfinished in some way when released.

It just seems that the features we crave should have been in.


Now that said i know there are design plans and such. but it seems those were quite static.

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what i am saying is take a game 4 years old in the mmo scope.


add cool voice acting and you have swtor.


Its missing what most mmos have evolved to.


Its quite in stasis from when it was conceived.




So your saying they took a 2004 game, added stuff to it thats new to the mmo market, but it fails because it should have taken stuff from a 2010-11 like GW2 is doing.

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Hi all,


I've read through the thread and don't disagree or agree with everything, that been said! I would like to add that the majority of mmo's released today are done very badly. How can big firms release games that take years to make and a few months testing with the public and release something that is barely playable for alot of people. I've had the game a week and I'm only level 8 due to the constent crashing. The amount of faffing about with my pc, nowing it's the game and yet they brag how many people have been playing. Forget the bragging and make sure the game is playable for everyone is what I say.


Can't beleive they spent this kind of money on a mmo an it's full of bugs on release, what happened during beta testing, we're people just partying? I'm disapointed because I can't enjoy the game, not because of content which I haven't seen as yet so can't comment. But for such a big game that so many have followed for years, it's a bit of a balloon burster for me right now.:rolleyes:


I think this may core down to the engine. The hero engine while quite flexible its not knows for its performance.

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So your saying they took a 2004 game, added stuff to it thats new to the mmo market, but it fails because it should have taken stuff from a 2010-11 like GW2 is doing.


and there lies the free market. gw2 is taking from swtor but building upon its core.


I wish bw had that core mmorpg background. If they did this game would be the end all for quite some time.

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and there lies the free market. gw2 is taking from swtor but building upon its core.


I wish bw had that core mmorpg background. If they did this game would be the end all for quite some time.


Im curious on what GW2 is adding thats new. Only thing I have seen is every class can heal, which just means pvp takes forever unless one side has bigger numbers and gets bored.

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You're crazy. Jar Jar is an integral part of the Star Wars universe. He appeals to children and is a great comic relief with all the war going on.


I am saddened that Bioware has left out Gungans as I've not seen any in the game. I think more people would like to see them, in fact they should probably be a playable race for the Republic.





NO kung fu pandas and no playable jar jar. No! I would at least like to pretend that I am taking the game seriously.

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Dynamic worlds that aren't farmable because they become predictable are not easy. A lot depends on what problem you are trying to solve in the first place. Some random smatterings of ideas follow:


People go where the action is; Rift's invasions for example provided a great public-spirited incentive to go to locations and get together as groups, randomly, and unpredictably, orthogonal to questing. Not everyone however was thrilled by the idea of finding they can't do their own thing because an invasion is happening. You're never going to please everyone. TOR could emulate this to an extent with beast attacks in Kaas jungle and so on - no longer everything being a static mob - sometimes you get a stampede. Tabula Rasa had some great segments of base defense, for example, where failing to lend a hand lost the base, and doing so gained reward.


In beta testing I suggested they needed a larger scale component of the war, ala GuildWars Factions, where there is a front line, and your space missions tie into that, PvP ties into that; so you make your individual segments of, well, everything that isn't just planet-bound missions, tie into a larger whole. Given all the talk of things like guild capital ships, I think there's some interesting possibilities down the line in terms of guild vs guild battles and so on.


More ambient effects wouldn't hurt in making the world seem that little bit more involved - NPCs almost all stand around currently. I miss patrolling guards on roads, or just little bits of repeating theatre - you gloss over them after a while, but it still adds ambience.


I don't mean to drag off-topic - I guess what I'm saying is that there's a lot of potential, and I don't think the current state of TOR prevents expansion into those exciting areas. If I were tasked with maintaining TOR, I'd be splitting effort into three segments: bug-fixing, major content production and polishing - it is that last section that so often falls by the wayside in MMO development - keeping on improving what is there currently.

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I honestly can not make out what you are trying to say.


What Freeze of features are you speaking of? and what feature did they leave out? I am so confused

He's saying, and I suspect he's correct, that they moved forward and released with the functional requirements that were laid out 5-6 years ago. Agile Software development allows for rapid changes in the functional requirements where waterfall, which it looks like they used, does not.


So the game is basically a massive amount of content in a five year old engine.

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I love all the people who complain but never offer up and suggestions or solutions. Oh and saying what is actually wrong in details might give you more credibility. What basic mmo features are they missing? What do you consider "modern mmo features"? etc...



Anytime someone offers suggestions or solutions or even remotely brings up what should be brought up it gets shot down by fan boys who can't use their brains in any capacity other than flaming about good ideas.


I love how you call everyone complainers but then go on to say that people never offer suggestions or solutions when people have a million freaking times already. Next time maybe you shouldn't be so hypocritical.

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Seems to have all the basic GAME features to me. Is there a lot of cosmetic stuff that needs to be fixed? Yes. Are there other various improvements that need to be done? Of course, but from a game standpoint? This is more of a real game than any MMO has been for a while. They've got their priorities straight.


Seriously though, OP? Go into detail in your initial post if you want to be taken seriously at all. As it is not only do you have the idiots not giving a damn as is normal, but many of those that actually pay attention aren't going to care either without detail in plain sight rather than needing to hunt for it.

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I thought you meant some stun ability in the game. Like: have an ability in the game that stops the other player from playing the game and give it a cool name. And then the stunned player pushes a button that he can play again and that has a cool name also. Ye, I know what you mean. make it more interactive. In combat: Deal damage or heal, slow movement, trap or stun entirely. We wan't more combat choices.


Peace out. :)

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OP, you knew from the start this wasn´t going to be a "revolutionary" mmo. They said that.


Tbh, I can admit the game is a bit buggy and it has been rushed. Not game killing bugs but some can be frustrating.


Now, the game is fun, at least I think it is.


So bottom line for me it´s not revolutionary , most features are "been there done that", but guess what I didn´t build my expectations to a grandiose level cause I knew from the start it wasn´t going to change the mmo scene.


But it is fun to play.


Yes, graphics could be better, yes UI is ugly as heal IMO and not intuitive but you can get past that and have fun.

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I would just like the game to offer more ease of play for the player, I do not mind grinding, running and jumping through hoops but I would like to do it without a headache


Travel system is great but overly complicated and often very confusing as how do I get from point a to point d (b and c you are suppose to magically know?)


UI is a hot mess. Try to sell something in ah that is on outside line of your bags. can not move either to get to it so you have to shut it down and reopen in the opposite order or move all items you want to sell to the middle. I will not go into the long drawn out ways to locate things...Nightmares are less scarey


The Fast patch also known as OMG 10 hours maintenance, did not even fix that annoying 1 that pops up in your Ah auctions :(


LFG I do not like having to spam the channels. Makes people put you in ignore which is not conducive to me finding groups later



I am not asking to make the game easier just the mechanics Please. I come here to relax not stress over, now how to do I get back to my ship?


Thank you


PST if you go to community and then forums you get a page that says site is down..Small things matter and this is another example where someone over looked the obvious :( Come on please

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Quit trolling the thread or get reported.


Its not even trolling... seriously, quit overusing words like that. He has a point though, few people actually really detail things in a concise manner backed up by actual evidence. Would it matter for many people? No, obviously not, the majority do not change their mind for those they see as faceless. As it is though, it doesn't matter for anyone except those who agree, nothing for those who are open minded.

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@OP: I've been admin and developer for a MOO'esque online strategy game as well for two years. But I wouldn't claim my outdated experience being relevant today, in fact the only thing I carried over was that developing a MMO aint easy...at all.


Wow did exactly that, it improved upon every aspect of the current heavy weight at the time which was EQ, but also every other MMO on the market at the time. They improved on almost every system and every idea and that's why it succeeded so well.


EQ did for UO what WoW did for EQ, but no one has yet to do for WoW... this game isn't going to cut it as it is now.


My logic doesn't fail and what I am saying is a fact.


I still wouldn't trust their healing UI.


For a game which relied heavily on healers and tanks so much in order to have players succeeding and subsequently propagating their experiences to others they cared little for healers. It was almost, as someone said at one point, as if they have a notorious hatred for healers and tanks. The lack of either haunted them for the most of the time. Main criticism being their UI which then finally in the current expansion got fixed. And even then before that they were not shy of having their unpopular and redundant pet magazine publishing an arrogant article which - if I may exaggerate a little - stated that true healers don't need all this UI and addon stuff.

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Quit trolling the thread or get reported.


Dude, that's not trolling. Trolling would be calling you a sensitive baby for being upset at people who don't agree with you, using much more harsh language and not addressing your original post at all.

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