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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

To those whom are at endgame on 12-28-11.


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I came to this great conlusion the other night after pondering under the influence.


When devs release games, why not release it with a disclaimer?


The disclaimer would read: "Upon buying a game in the MMO genre, please realize the content at end-game is consistantly added, modified, and developed. If reaching max level by so-and-so time and the end game is not up to par: You've been warned"


Anyone with any sense can tell you a new MMO isn't going to be packed with quality end game content not even a week after launch. I mean how dense are you?


To reinforce this, the game isn't exactly the type of game that encourages you to sit in front of the screen forever. After a few quests, dialogues, plots, my brain is fried and doesn't want to learn about the next NPC and her mid life crisis only I can save. In my opinion, this type of gameplay pushes me to take breaks and really appreciate the story when I'm actually playing. What I'm trying to say is the game isn't meant to be grinded through, there's way too much going on for you to only focus on grinding. What're you racing for anyways?


And last but not least, ever consider MMOs aren't for you? All the people that complain about core-mmo game aspects like this in such a way are just laughable. It's like you're a non-human trying to do human things. You just don't fit in. People from the WoW crowd were people that played console games or no games at all. They brought these people into the genre and through numbers and dollar signs singlehandedly changed this MMO genre attractive to a singleplayer type player, and less attractive to people whom have played MMOs since before WoW.


We were all invited to this "MMO party", but "none of us know each other or have similar interests". WoW handed out the invites and started this degeneration of the community that plays these games, as well as the core mechanics of an MMO being complete dumbed down.


Oh also, WoW is so freaking easy it's stupid. It is retarded, is not an overexaggeration, it's really stupid. What is the point of playing an MMO that you don't need to group up in for anything but end game, and while not in that group, your single character is capable of destroying anything in his path. Without potions, being a solo friendly class, nor dropping under 90% health. This is an example of the core MMO mechanics being dumbed down to appease the gamers brought here by WoW whom have never played MMOs. See the conflict? We were invited to the same party but none of us know each other or have similar interests.


this turned into a rant real fast. apologies? ehh

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They come from a different era.


There USED to be games with nothing BUT endgame. SWG was one of them. There was about 2 hrs of missions. You could level up in 18 hrs. That was it. The rest of it was playing all the endgame mechanic.


The same thing with UO. No missions. Macro level a guy in a few days. Play for years on endgame.


DAOC, AC... ect. ect. ect.



It is a bygone era. You should have seen it... They are the last of the line, looking for a home, pining for earlier days. When the world was a toy and not set so tight on rails.:rolleyes:

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Since your post indeed turned into a wall of ranting text without much constructive criticism I'll post a short response to some aspects you mentioned.


SWTOR is the easiest MMO ever launched. All quests are handed on a golden plate, all heroics and flashpoints are straight forward tank and spank encounters. Crafting and gathering can be done while afk, cash is no issue whatsoever.


And then on topic: I'm a casual gamer, I work 40 hours a week and have a social life, but I'm level 42, cause even at my level each quest hand in grants 10% of a level. And on top of that I can do the space dailies, PVP dailies and bonus quests & series for loads more XP.


I will probably be level 50 in a week and probably have to roll an alt to keep playing the game.

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I do understand the OP's point of view and his/her frustration.


To the OP: Take comfort in the fact that the said people that speed level through any MMO is a very very small percentage of the subscriber base. Developers know this and they also know that this small percentage is in every mmo. These are the people that will rush through whatever content is in their path and then move on to the next up and coming game whatever it may be.


So my point is, don't let these negative posts get to you about "end game content lacking" blah blah. It's all nonsense. Why? Because


A) Devs are fully aware that posts like these pop up like weeds everyday

B) They will add content when they are able to regardless of what the tiny minority has to say

C) That tiny minority will 90% of the time get frustrated regardless and quit the game.


What you're then left with are players that are casual to semi hardcore, fans of the game/genre and especially in the case of this game, players that love the storyline, voice acting among other things.

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I completely agree with this .I come from a large MMO background. I started with UO(for 3 years) before it was easy. back in the GOOD PK days. Guild wars days. Then they got tired of people ************ and made it easy for them. so i left and went to EQ(5 years). EQ while harder was boring and it wasnt until after I left that they put in things that made me like the game. More quests and easier ways to find quests. WoW(6 years) is just plain easy. I mean so easy my mom and dad can do it. and I mean literally. Im 33 and both my parents have multiple 85s. If all you are gonna do is ***** about it being so easy then quit. Let us play. Hell im taking my time with this game. Im only 18. I want to enjoy this game. If you grind the game out in a week. Of course you are gonna think it sucks. Go back to WoW. Get your end game. and leave us alone. PLEASE!! I love Star Wars and the KOTOR franchise. I have been waiting for this game for a long time. I like playing it. But MY only complaint is all the *** hats who ***** cause its not Blizzard or WoW. if you like them so much go play them. Leave this MMO to us nerds who want what they have given us.


P.S. for people who dont know because they have only played WoW as a MMO. UO is Ultima Online. EQ is EverQuest. Ive also played Asherons Call,Anarchy Online,Lineage 2, EQ2,Rift,City of Heros,among other small MMOs that didnt make it.

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It's a great idea, but no company would ever tell their consumers, the entire public and their shareholders "This game isn't complete, their is nothing to do at endgame, it goes on sale tomorrow."


They wouldn't sell sheet, not a single copy, no one would buy it, well the younger kids would lol.


People lie. Everyone lies. To make a buck.


That's what has happened here. Now, not directly lied to our face, they allowed the vast majority to assume it's ready to be released, and most kids over the age of 20 might understand the reasoning here. Its the younger crowd that Bioware has taken real advantage of. They're clueless and sitting around at 50.

Edited by VoXPCS
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Since your post indeed turned into a wall of ranting text without much constructive criticism I'll post a short response to some aspects you mentioned.


SWTOR is the easiest MMO ever launched. All quests are handed on a golden plate, all heroics and flashpoints are straight forward tank and spank encounters. Crafting and gathering can be done while afk, cash is no issue whatsoever.


And then on topic: I'm a casual gamer, I work 40 hours a week and have a social life, but I'm level 42, cause even at my level each quest hand in grants 10% of a level. And on top of that I can do the space dailies, PVP dailies and bonus quests & series for loads more XP.


I will probably be level 50 in a week and probably have to roll an alt to keep playing the game.


Please do foundry HK 47 jsut tank and spank him...and see how long you last k thank bye

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I came to this great conlusion the other night after pondering under the influence.


When devs release games, why not release it with a disclaimer?


The disclaimer would read: "Upon buying a game in the MMO genre, please realize the content at end-game is consistantly added, modified, and developed. If reaching max level by so-and-so time and the end game is not up to par: You've been warned"


Anyone with any sense can tell you a new MMO isn't going to be packed with quality end game content not even a week after launch. I mean how dense are you?


To reinforce this, the game isn't exactly the type of game that encourages you to sit in front of the screen forever. After a few quests, dialogues, plots, my brain is fried and doesn't want to learn about the next NPC and her mid life crisis only I can save. In my opinion, this type of gameplay pushes me to take breaks and really appreciate the story when I'm actually playing. What I'm trying to say is the game isn't meant to be grinded through, there's way too much going on for you to only focus on grinding. What're you racing for anyways?


And last but not least, ever consider MMOs aren't for you? All the people that complain about core-mmo game aspects like this in such a way are just laughable. It's like you're a non-human trying to do human things. You just don't fit in. People from the WoW crowd were people that played console games or no games at all. They brought these people into the genre and through numbers and dollar signs singlehandedly changed this MMO genre attractive to a singleplayer type player, and less attractive to people whom have played MMOs since before WoW.


We were all invited to this "MMO party", but "none of us know each other or have similar interests". WoW handed out the invites and started this degeneration of the community that plays these games, as well as the core mechanics of an MMO being complete dumbed down.


Oh also, WoW is so freaking easy it's stupid. It is retarded, is not an overexaggeration, it's really stupid. What is the point of playing an MMO that you don't need to group up in for anything but end game, and while not in that group, your single character is capable of destroying anything in his path. Without potions, being a solo friendly class, nor dropping under 90% health. This is an example of the core MMO mechanics being dumbed down to appease the gamers brought here by WoW whom have never played MMOs. See the conflict? We were invited to the same party but none of us know each other or have similar interests.


this turned into a rant real fast. apologies? ehh



Agreed, but the time of ONLY being able to level up in a group, not having a questline to follow to reach your max level, and having to constantly weigh risk vs. reward in almost every task, while having to decide what stat you wanted to raise and which skill was worth using your points for (Real customization.. not this auto-allocation and auto ability crap that is the norm now) are long gone.


Never again will I be able to focus on the skills I want to be profecient at... Never again will I be able to allocate my stats the way I want them to be, creating an actual customization from my character that is a "warrior class" to the other "warrior class". Now we have talent tree only. HEY max level mage, your the exact same character as me naked. That's super customized!


Never again will I journey far out of the realm of the norm for an increased droprate of rares, but the higher probability of being killed by some elite pvper and having all of my gear taken from me (Risk vs Reward).


Nope... now I log in, follow my little questline alone. Level up, get my stats handed to me where they see fit, go and purchase my abilities that I did nothing to earn, and put my little point in my talent tree. I go out and see an opposing faction member and PVP a little, get killed... its ok, I just press the "revive here" button and all is good. No XP loss, no gear loss, no loss of anything. Sure I have to pay 400 gold/credit/tunara/dinar/currency to repair, but thats ok.

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I would be inclined to agree with you, but I fail to stop myself comparing it with games like Aion or RF on some manic level where when you hit the highest levels ( RF online) you can raid all the maps and get rewards for doing so and intense pvp amongst still doing battle dungeons and pitbosses.


on the Aion level I would further say theres the world bosses similar to RF to do even at max level, raiding on open world again with MANY rewards and losses depending on rank, and fortress wars to keep you MORE than occupied.


Both games even have their weakness and problems but I although I currently am enjoying myself with the stories and the 'shiny' effect of this new game I feel that I will return to either of those two as they offer more, even as older, cheaper developed games ( Rf is especially old and still holding its own)


Anyone with a shred of intelligence will notice I am not flaming Swotr at all, just further discussing the realistic facts of how endgame here IS sub-par and even though people DO need to realise on a new game CURRENT endgame material will not be as good as they want, theres plenty of othergames that made sure there was at least SOME decent form of persistence to keep all levels of players occupied rather than bad flashpoints and 3 tiring warzones. Theres not enough content in the bosses, open pvp or endgame to say it was on par with any decent game I can think of, BUT make no mistake this is not the first game to make this mistake, I just hope out of the ones that did fail to do so it isn't one that will die.


Thankyou for reading

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I've played since the release day. I'm level 18. I'm straight.


I'd really like an mmo where nothing is soloable. That's the most drastic yet, fantastic change of pace for the way mmos have become. This whole LFD debate is misguided. MMOs should push community unification above all else. The syngergy in a game that is so ridiculously demanding that you NEED those other three players to get by at a reasonable pace in the game, is unreal.


Instantly people will get defensive clinging to this point of not always wanting to group, or need, not want, assistance vis players and not gimped difficulty gameplay. That may sound biased or offensive, but it is not intended.


The contradiction occurs when you consider an MMO to it's most literal definition of Multiplayer. If you're a game that requires teamwork, but only some of the time, appealing to two seperate types of players, you're bound to find friction. If you want to be able to kill stuff for an hour, still be top dawg in the gameworld, you should play a singleplayer game. If you're looking to play a game that requires more interaction then you play an MMO. I do not log on to an MMO to go solo quests and maybe interact with people. Some people do want to do this though, but it isn't fair to the people belonging to last sentence.


We don't mix. I want a game where I can not solo anything stronger than weaker than me. I don't log in to kill everything with ease by my lonesome and then do an instance for an hour.

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I've played since the release day. I'm level 18. I'm straight.


I'd really like an mmo where nothing is soloable. That's the most drastic yet, fantastic change of pace for the way mmos have become. This whole LFD debate is misguided. MMOs should push community unification above all else. The syngergy in a game that is so ridiculously demanding that you NEED those other three players to get by at a reasonable pace in the game, is unreal.


Instantly people will get defensive clinging to this point of not always wanting to group, or need, not want, assistance vis players and not gimped difficulty gameplay. That may sound biased or offensive, but it is not intended.


The contradiction occurs when you consider an MMO to it's most literal definition of Multiplayer. If you're a game that requires teamwork, but only some of the time, appealing to two seperate types of players, you're bound to find friction. If you want to be able to kill stuff for an hour, still be top dawg in the gameworld, you should play a singleplayer game. If you're looking to play a game that requires more interaction then you play an MMO. I do not log on to an MMO to go solo quests and maybe interact with people. Some people do want to do this though, but it isn't fair to the people belonging to last sentence.


We don't mix. I want a game where I can not solo anything stronger than weaker than me. I don't log in to kill everything with ease by my lonesome and then do an instance for an hour.


You would probably complain of being forced to group with players who are crap.


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