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Good Bye Eric and Co


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If the {hundreds of thousands of players who quit over no OPs or PvP to their liking} were all recording their reasons for leaving in their exit survey then said preferences and information would indeed be recorded in the studio and factored into their analysis as to where to put priority with their resources on future content. Surely such overwhelming feedback through a designated feedback channel would influence content decisions by the studio.


So one of two things have happened: 1) said player are simply not as numerous as they would like us to believe. or 2) said players care so little about their own interests that they simply do not provide articulate and objective feedback when they leave. I leave it to the readers to decide which way it goes.


When I quit after the debacle of how they handled things with the 3.0 release and slow responses to very serious issues, I left them detailed feedback as to why I am leaving and what I am looking for to draw me to return. I encourage every player to follow a similar approach. Posting these sorts of threads do nothing except help churn up feelings (positive or negative) in other forum members. In other words.. their purpose is drama.


Actually, doing both would be something I would like to see. I wish everyone leaving would accurately complete the survey and post in the forums so there is visibility. If those who do not care what they have to say they can feel free to ignore the posts altogether.


To the OP sorry to see you and others leave. Unfortunately I am getting a lot of the same feedback from the many people I've met over the years who have hung around.

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Nothing wrong with that. But "ranting" on forums - why? I would rather go spend that time and do something else. Though i do believe i have made at least one rant like that in the past.


Why not. He's a subscriber yet so he can vent how much he wants.

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At Master level, you’ll be challenged to assert your dominance over your enemies. You can play alone, feeling the fight viscerally or with others in adrenalin packed large-scale battles. What kind of ruler will you be?

Doing it solo means that the challenge will be what HSF is.

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It was said specifically they're returning to group content in 2017, so ragequitting now is a little strange but w/e. They're also adding uprisings as a new kind of flashpoint (with hardmore available) that is endgame multiplayer PvE content with KotET. Why do people keep acting like none of this ever happened, acting like it's only story content?


Because they are raid snobs that don't understand their chosen form of gameplay is dying across the board in MMOs. Even WoW, the raid king, is doing smaller raids than normal. People have wised up and are sick of elitists, small group has always been harder when difficulty is ramped up than ops/raids ever could be.

The roots of MMOs have always been small group content. Raids were always meant to take 100+ people in open world content.

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Because they are raid snobs that don't understand their chosen form of gameplay is dying across the board in MMOs. Even WoW, the raid king, is doing smaller raids than normal. People have wised up and are sick of elitists, small group has always been harder when difficulty is ramped up than ops/raids ever could be.

The roots of MMOs have always been small group content. Raids were always meant to take 100+ people in open world content.


Which is exactly why people loved SWTOR raids - they were small - 8 man( or 16 if you prefer bigger scale )

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I'm not paying 10 bucks per month for always the same or the stupid (but OMG different colored) astromech droid once per year. If you don't listen to your players that asked for months if there were new OPs, well then you don't deserve paying players.


Wait. How are you only paying 10 dollars when I've been paying 15?

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Because they are raid snobs that don't understand their chosen form of gameplay is dying across the board in MMOs. Even WoW, the raid king, is doing smaller raids than normal. People have wised up and are sick of elitists, small group has always been harder when difficulty is ramped up than ops/raids ever could be.

The roots of MMOs have always been small group content. Raids were always meant to take 100+ people in open world content.


I don't know where you get your infornation because new MMOs that I see coming out still come with raid content. Even GW2 that didn't have raids for years has started adding raid content.


Now the part about making smaller raid sizes is a valid point, but this has nothing to do with elitism. It just is a thing that it's always been time consuming to get big groups together and people just don't want to spend that time on it.


It also doesn't stop games like Revelation Online to come with raid content for groups of 10 or 20 players.


Also not everybody who likes to raid is a snob. Your generalisations are completely unnecessary and make you sound like a raging fool rather than someone who has a legitimate point.


Times do change and adaptations are part of that. I fully understand that the raiding community was never the largest group of players in this game, but to completely ostracize that group is also not a good idea. And let's be honest. In the last two years the game hasn't produced much of anything outside of the story content. The biggest problem this game has is not necessarily that they stopped making raid content, but more importantly, they didn't give us anything else to do instead of it.


Raids are ancient, FPs are ancient. Leveling's been made hella fast, PvP has got nothing new to offer but a couple of warzones and no new play modes. Nothing's been done to support the RP community. GSF has been abandoned after making it too imba and not adding enough maps to keep it interesting. I can go on. But it leaves people without stuff to do more and more quickly.


The point is that everybody has their thing. I don't care if your focus is story, PvP, progression, RP or just plain bumming around for fun. But nobody can reasonably maintain that in the last two years the game has done much for long time players who would like to do something new in the game.


I am sure RP'ers would love chat bubbles and more emotes that don't cost an arm and a leg to get via the CM. I am sure PvP could do with some new things and better reward system. I reckon that from the story point people have had a bit more but the complaints have also been there because of the one-size-doesn't-actually-fit-all approach and a consequent lack of replay value. And for progression all we got was doing the same old ops over again.


Pick your in game activity. Story has been the focus but EVERYTHING else in the game has suffered in the last 2 years or even longer. It doesn't mean the game is all bad. I am sure that if you started playing this game since 4.0 you still could feel very much like you have tons of things to do you hadn't done before or are worth doing again. But for an MMO that is set up as a long term thing, it's just weird that BWA hasn't really done much to give people a long term perspective. Has it really come to the point that if you played longer than 2-3 years, you are no longer interesting to BWA? Because that's the message they have been sending. And that goes well beyond just the raiding issue.

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You're right, not everyone acts like a jerk during raids. However enough do that it has become justifiable to call it a thing. The lack of new raids isn't the only reason fewer raids are being put together. The belittling know it all attitudes of many senior raiders has a lot to do with that too.

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Pick your in game activity. Story has been the focus but EVERYTHING else in the game has suffered in the last 2 years or even longer. It doesn't mean the game is all bad. I am sure that if you started playing this game since 4.0 you still could feel very much like you have tons of things to do you hadn't done before or are worth doing again. But for an MMO that is set up as a long term thing, it's just weird that BWA hasn't really done much to give people a long term perspective. Has it really come to the point that if you played longer than 2-3 years, you are no longer interesting to BWA? Because that's the message they have been sending. And that goes well beyond just the raiding issue.


This. I would maintain if I started the game today, i could entertain myself on leveling and story content alone, for a year or more. I think Bioware knows this and caters to new players willing to pay for that time, at the sacrifice of veterans. That seems to be their business model.

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You're right, not everyone acts like a jerk during raids. However enough do that it has become justifiable to call it a thing. The lack of new raids isn't the only reason fewer raids are being put together. The belittling know it all attitudes of many senior raiders has a lot to do with that too.


No, just... no. Just because a portion of the player base is bad doesn't mean by any extent you should assume anything else for anyone. You should keep a free mind to anyone you meet, only forming a opinion on them after a initial run or so. Stop the "oh woe is me card" to use that as a excuse to belittle others. Put your thinking with any other example and see that this attitude is wrong by any means. Yes, I can understand you probably had bad experiences, but you need to keep a open mind when playing with people, only putting the proverbial elitist title to those who actually deserve it.


On a side note...


Not really happy with the way OP was treated, I can understand not agreeing with him, but, as usual, people just want to pile on throwing their 2 cents hating on people who leave the game. I'm fine with "I quit posts" as long as it is constructive and isn't taking a stab at everyone in the game, which, although I think his "you want me back give me 2 ops" was a bit rude, his post was fine.

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Do some research, actually read the reports and studies that the game companies produce. Several have mentioned the 'lost' money put into making raids that too few of the community ever see or actually play. "Play" in game terms means you run it till you and every member of your group has a full set of gear AND a few having the extremely uber rare only drops once in 20 runs off the end boss special gizmo (mount, color crystal, toy, etc). Which means the average raid group would need to run (law of averages) a given raid at least 40 times. Which is something most raiders even these days balk at. Most raiders these days get a full set of gear for themselves then whine they don't have any new raids to run right away.

The articles have been pointing that developers across the board are shifting to small group content. This is for many reasons, the biggest of which is they can make the challenge variable, more slowly ramp it up and train players for what to expect. Raids take longer to make and balance for the same length of content and it is a well known fact that fewer run it often enough to be worth it.


This is across the board in all games. Even the 'raid king' WoW is making them smaller and smaller compared to their older ones. This is just the winds of change and raiders need to adapt, I mean...that is exactly what raiders told all of us when raids started to be the be-all end-all to get BIS gear.


TOR's answer to this is apparently going to be uprisings. Small group content with variable difficulty that will have it's own nightmare mode supposedly to replace endgame, which is apparently going to be BIS gear. That is the way it vibes though, how it is implemented is yet to be seen.

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