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You know the game is too easy.....


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You have a point. BUT, he did use a bit of technique. He had 4X as a healer, drawing aggro and doing damage. Not every player is going to be savvy enough to do that, is my point. Actually my point is, showing something is possible doesn't mean the content is broken. Also it took 10 minutes, that's not really recommended gameplay. I'd say it's a bit of an accomplishment if you put in the time it takes to run all the content in this manner.


But on the other hand, is that really challenge, dragging out content instead of actually making it harder? I suppose that's a matter of opinion.


I wanted to die it was so boring, lol. Dont get me wrong, I adore the story, and if they have different difficulties coming, that is a really good change, just right now, I get super bored super quick because I do not really have to use my abilities, I can just spam one AOE and be on my marry way, ya know? And you give me too much credit, I only picked 4x because the rest of my companions were only at lvl 2 , he was at 10 .

Edited by mmmbuddah
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....when you can run around the entire campaign naked with no implants or earpieces, set your companion to heal, and just punch -everything- to death. I mean come on. At least make the players turn on their cognative functions a LITTLE bit BiowEAre...


I understand you completely but if you scream for a challange why don't you dismiss your companion? I mean you can even nerf your gear a bit, throw away the level 10 +41 crystals and all the other stuff that adds up towards your comfort zone.

Edited by Gray
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You have a point. BUT, he did use a bit of technique. He had 4X as a healer, drawing aggro and doing damage. Not every player is going to be savvy enough to do that, is my point.


mmmbuddah i think, no matter what you do, something like the above will show up over and over...


I think it's time for a video, that you do absolutely nothing and wait for your companion to off dps tha champion tll death.


But i assume it won't be enough again, so don't bother.

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mmmbuddah i think, no matter what you do, something like the above will show up over and over...


I think it's time for a video, that you do absolutely nothing and wait for your companion to off dps tha champion tll death.


But i assume it won't be enough again, so don't bother.


Or you could make a video. Talk is cheap. Also try reading the entire thing instead of being like Fox News and highlighting a single thing and taking it out of context.

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Your coming across as a petty loser.


The OP has done multiple videos to prove his point and your nip picking.


Be a man admit you lost this one and move on.


Lost what? I didn't realize this was a race, or a competition. "I'm going to do this" then not doing that is not a win or a loss, it's just a statement of fact. If that bothers you for some reason, then some self evaluation is in order. I'm perfectly fine with the analysis of "well, I used the cannon, instead of fists, because time...". If the game's so easy, "but time" shouldn't even be a factor. The fact is, if he'd been playing properly, "but time" wouldn't have been an issue. I know I beat my first round of those walkers with my assassin w/out any of the perks, because I didn't realize they'd put the hotbar up for them, and it didn't take me any where near as long to beat two as it did for him to beat one. On a tank spec'd assassin using a dps comp.

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Put a hand on your heart and tell me - do you really need video to believe that it's possible?


Again you've missed the point. I'll write slower.


Just because a thing is possible in a game doesn't mean a game is broken. I made that point to refute the assertion by another poster (and to some extent, the OP) that the game isn't functioning as intended because OP was able to play it in a way that isn't intended. At no point did I say he was wrong for playing that way, or accused him of lying, and at no point did I say that what he claimed was impossible. He provided evidence, I saw it, I believe it's possible. He made his point. MY point was that he played that walker fight intelligently and succeeded in a feat of strength, using technique and resources available to him. This does not make the game broken in some way.


The larger philosophical question is, whether such a thing SHOULD be possible. I think OP's point about the game being too easy, is that it shouldn't be, and therefore the game is flawed. Again, that's a matter of opinion.


My statement to you about making your own video wasn't born of any disbelief on my part. You challenged OP to further prove his point (which he'd already done sufficiently) by changing the conditions. Of course under the right conditions having a companion clear a room by themselves is possible. All I'm saying is that instead of asking him to do that, you could do that.

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Ill take that apology now.



Lol... you're four levels higher than those mobs and it took you half the video to kill a group of three with one elite.


Okay, here's the First Commander Call heroic on voss - https://youtu.be/iZiW9p_POVg. Are you happy now?

Once again, somebody failing to understand the difference it makes having a level difference on the mobs. You are level 65, synced down to level 48... four levels higher than the mobs.


Welcome to the snoozefest of the snoozefests!


Seriously, you will probably fall asleep. But here it is. I suggest moving to 7 minutes so you do not die of boredom. :D



One mob does not a challenge make for an NPC that can channel heals endlessly.



Look, I get that with a healing companion, most parts of the game are not difficult, but the kind of "video proof oooh, earth-shattering" being provided makes me facepalm. It seems as though you two don't actually understand the mechanics of the game that well.


Having a "pocket healer" in most scenarios in a game like this are, by default, not going to be challenging, unless the pocket healer is designed to be incompetent. The common exceptions to this rule are:


1) An overwhelming number of mobs (too many for the healer to facetank and heal through, or heal you through).


2) Too much CC at the wrong moment. Especially if the healer gets mezzed for six seconds or so, you may be screwed.


3) Too much burst. Some groups of mobs will chain ranged burst channel on you or your companion and can make short work of you if you aren't careful.


The thing you have to understand is that short of putting in some kind of random programming to make the companion **** up their heals every so often, of course they're going to make a lot of stuff hard to die through... trinity games like this one are designed with the presence of a healer and a tank in mind (as well as DPS). Most of the content in SWTOR either was, or has been modified, so that a tank is not strictly needed (e.g. you don't strictly need someone who is geared and specced for damage reduction and absorption).


What that means is: A) You, the player, can facetank a lot of damage in DPS spec. B) your companion can facetank a lot of damage in Heal spec. Even quite a bit more burst than you'd typically be able to in an encounter designed for trinity. And C) Your healer is a computer program! So unless something happens where player judgment is more valuable than following an optimal healing rotation to the letter, your companion is going to heal you perfectly every time and doesn't get tired, or distracted, or bored, or even runs out of resources to heal (I don't think it's possible for a companion to, for example, run out of force, like one of us might).


So of course most of it is not hard, but your video examples conveniently leave out the common scenarios where it's likely to go wrong. To reiterate: Pulling too much at once, pulling too many mobs with channeled ranged burst, pulling too many with powerful CC.


The other thing to keep in mind with running naked and doing stuff where you get synced downwards, is the sometimes weirdness of syncing and bolster. If you want to prove any kind of point, you should be comparing the stats with each and making sure there's a meaningful difference. Furthermore, if you are doing so little damage that your companion is soaking up all of it and your lack of armor doesn't come into play, that is self-defeating of the point of running naked as well.

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Once again, somebody failing to understand the difference it makes having a level difference on the mobs. You are level 65, synced down to level 48... four levels higher than the mobs.

Once again i see you respond without reading the context. This video was a direct response to a person wanting exactly that - heroic on belsavis or voss, naked, using only fists.

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Once again i see you respond without reading the context. This video was a direct response to a person wanting exactly that - heroic on belsavis or voss, naked, using only fists.

What difference does the context make? My point is the same. If it's a matter of you wanting to wash your hands of the argument, be my guest. Nobody is obligated to argue with me.

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Once again i see you respond without reading the context. This video was a direct response to a person wanting exactly that - heroic on belsavis or voss, naked, using only fists.


Here, I'll provide a better context:


Do it again, at level 46, instead of 65. You see, context here is that the game is too easy because, at 65, he's pulling off these "miraculous" feats. What happens when he tries them at level? It is my sincere hope that anyone posting here about how easy the game is can play at cap. Especially on lower level worlds, and the fault is partially mine, I should have specified "at level" in the first place.

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Do it again, at level 46, instead of 65.

You're being silly.


Downscaling from 65 to 18 is dramatic, you have many additional abilities that will render you way overpowered. But downscaling from 65 to 46 isn't nearly as significant.

You see, context here is that the game is too easy because, at 65, he's pulling off these "miraculous" feats. What happens when he tries them at level?

Do you really think he would fail?


I believe that you know he wouldn't fail, but are unwilling to admit it. Instead, you're merely trying to present the OP with more and more "challenges" until he tires of you. Then you can happily say you "won the argument".



Edited by Khevar
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You're being silly.


Downscaling from 65 to 18 is dramatic, you have many additional abilities that will render you way overpowered. But downscaling from 65 to 46 isn't nearly as significant.


Do you really think he would fail?


At level doesn't mean downscale, it means level to the content's level and run it. I had thought that that was a relatively simple concept?


I believe that you know he wouldn't fail, but are unwilling to admit it. Instead, you're merely trying to present the OP with more and more "challenges" until he tires of you. Then you can happily say you "won the argument".




Or, I could be looking at the reality of the situation, and wanting to see how well he does at level in the content, instead of 20 levels over it. Unlike some of the forum warriors, I do actually play the game, in fact, as I type this, I've just finished picking up my apprentice from Korriban.

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You're being silly.


Do you really think he would fail?


I believe that you know he wouldn't fail, but are unwilling to admit it. Instead, you're merely trying to present the OP with more and more "challenges" until he tires of you. Then you can happily say you "won the argument".






Clearly the type who refuses to admit when (s)he's lost an argument.

Edited by Radzkie
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Unlike some of the forum warriors, I do actually play the game

As do I.


Funny story there, actually. I was just fighting Vailyn in Chapter XII (about an hour ago). The doorbell rang about halfway through the fight, so I decided to let her kill me while I got up to answer it.


Several minutes later, I got back to my computer. 15 minutes perhaps? Long enough for my screensaver to kick in, anyway.


I was still alive, and Vailyn was at 2% hp. :eek:


Would you say that's an appropriate difficulty level for a game?


Also, you do realize that there has been an announcement that difficulty options are being added to solo content? Why would Bioware expend money, time and resources to add this if they believed that there was nothing wrong with the current state of difficulty in the game?

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Also, you do realize that there has been an announcement that difficulty options are being added to solo content? Why would Bioware expend money, time and resources to add this if they believed that there was nothing wrong with the current state of difficulty in the game?

I don't know what he's arguing, specifically, but I would like to chime in here and say... obviously they are aware and are doing something about it, and that's a great thing.


What I have a problem with is people distorting or misunderstanding what ways the game is easy, or making it into some carnival show of how we can try to prove how easy it is, while conveniently avoiding the situations where the game poses a natural challenge.


Personally, I run around with my companion on damage most of the time now and it adds an extra bit of challenge to most encounters, especially if I'm pulling more than one group, dealing with elites, or going from pull to pull without healing up to full. The fact that I can so easily change how difficult the experience is for me is almost a difficulty setting in itself and if I couldn't do that, maybe I'd be one of the people in here mocking the difficulty of the game.


But I can and I do, so what is there for me to be bothered by?


Edit: Mainly what bothers me is the tedium. But I've never really liked the "endless hordes of mobs, spaced out in perfect packs" crutch that MMOs rely on.

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At level doesn't mean downscale, it means level to the content's level and run it. I had thought that that was a relatively simple concept?




Or, I could be looking at the reality of the situation, and wanting to see how well he does at level in the content, instead of 20 levels over it. Unlike some of the forum warriors, I do actually play the game, in fact, as I type this, I've just finished picking up my apprentice from Korriban.


12 pages of trolling the OP on a point you lost actually at the OP. Just stop. And since leveling is so fast, you will be over level anyway when you get to Voss or wherver, so there is no "at level" now with level sync - hence level sync.. also, we're talking about 20 levels with nothing but punch, no weapon, and no gear and downscaled? You can't be serious right now! Has to be troll

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This thread has inspired me. I have a Sith Warrior called Hannover Fist (Heavy Metal reference). I am going to try and level with no gear and only using the unarmed attacks. I will let you guys know how it goes.


As to companions, I will set them to heal and only take influence raises from story, no gifts.

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I doubt there's any storyline content prior to KotFE Ch.15's final boss you can't (eventually) beat with a healer companion out; if you really feel like wasting all that time; especially if you have a mostly complete set of datacrons and a large legacy presence bonus. Same with any given heroic that was rated H2 prior to 4.0, or any H4 before around Voss's bonus area or Corellia. Step into a Dreadseeded area, Oricon's H2 area, or Aurora Cannon and try that, though...
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Edit: Mainly what bothers me is the tedium. But I've never really liked the "endless hordes of mobs, spaced out in perfect packs" crutch that MMOs rely on.

I can certainly agree with this.


I also dislike the the all-to-common solution of adding "difficulty" by increasing HP of enemies. An example of terrible difficult settings could be found in the solo campaign of Dawn of War II. Once you were accustomed to the game mechanics, the "normal" mode held no challenge. But the higher difficulty modes weren't more fun, just more tedious.


It's uninspired. I prefer difficulty where encounters can beaten because you thought smarter, prepared better, or had a better strategy. Not simply because you're willing to spend more time in combat.

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I can certainly agree with this.


I also dislike the the all-to-common solution of adding "difficulty" by increasing HP of enemies. An example of terrible difficult settings could be found in the solo campaign of Dawn of War II. Once you were accustomed to the game mechanics, the "normal" mode held no challenge. But the higher difficulty modes weren't more fun, just more tedious.


It's uninspired. I prefer difficulty where encounters can beaten because you thought smarter, prepared better, or had a better strategy. Not simply because you're willing to spend more time in combat.

Exactly. I don't remember ever getting bored in combat in games like KOTOR or ME3 (I didn't play the earlier MEs). Two pretty different combat engines... one of them more FPS, the other more turn-based. But it was, with few exceptions, interesting because each encounter was a unique kind of challenge and the strategy evolved out of the circumstances. In MMOs, there's a lot of repeating the same content, so the encounters don't change... it's same ****, different day.


And yes, so much yes, about HP. Giving a mob more HP is not the way to make a fight more challenging or interesting. At least, not without other mechanics to back it up (ex: raid bosses have a lot of HP, but they also have enrage timers and force you to optimize your damage output on a time limit).


Give me an enemy that, like... doesn't have much HP, but leaves fire on the ground that does damage over time... or, I dunno, it puts a stack on me when it dies and if I get too many before they expire, it unleashes a big burst damage thing that auto-kills me. I'm spitballing here, just the idea is, give my brain something to do, ya know?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here, in fact, and say that too many games now think twitch combat is the way to make combat challenging. But then when they do it in MMOs, they're quickly hit with the realization that a lot of their target demographic can't do twitch combat, so they end up having to nerf the combat into oblivion. Meanwhile, the twitch design remains, but now it doesn't matter anymore.


Instead, I say go back to the MMO roots of a thinking man's game and put more emphasis on ongoing strategy. Like, don't me wrong, there are aspects of SWTOR's combat that I really enjoy and I wouldn't want to lose, but I believe they could do things that make combat require a bit more thinking, without making it all twitch-based and reactive, to the point that their casual skilled players can't handle it.

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