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SWTOR is too easy now!!!


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I apologize, you are right, Knight is at 50. It was for me at the time the hardest fight, again do to my mistake of not raising my T7's influence (think it was at 3) and his gear was still the coruscant gear (the droid giving upgrades on the path to the emperor wasn't in the game yet).


I recently completed the Knight again for the DvL event. I was only 51-52 when I faced him and it still felt like a completely different fight. I am not sure I even took damage. It just felt very anti-climatic this time.


I appreciate your points. Thank you for your response.

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No one should have to actively handicap themselves to make the game normal difficulty level.


Game is broken.


Since when was leveling to 10 hard? I mean, I've been around for a couple of days, and I remember having to actually gear comps in order for them to work properly, and I've never found this game to be hard, especially not on the starter worlds. Despite the forum hyperbole as well, there's never been anything really hard about Ops either: Pay attention, don't stand in red circles, watch for tells, and profit.


So what game have you been playing? I was soloing Oricon at level when it was relevant on a Shadow tank build with Nadia Grell. That means: No healer, and running the entire weekly. What was it that was supposed to be hard, again?

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Since when was leveling to 10 hard? I mean, I've been around for a couple of days, and I remember having to actually gear comps in order for them to work properly, and I've never found this game to be hard, especially not on the starter worlds. Despite the forum hyperbole as well, there's never been anything really hard about Ops either: Pay attention, don't stand in red circles, watch for tells, and profit.


So what game have you been playing? I was soloing Oricon at level when it was relevant on a Shadow tank build with Nadia Grell. That means: No healer, and running the entire weekly. What was it that was supposed to be hard, again?

Well, you obviously have a very particular set of skills. They have to calibrate the difficulty of core content for the rest of us. So, yes, you're right. It was never that difficult (back in the day, I needed help to complete the last mission for Chapter Two on my Sage). But it's definitely easier now.


Last week, a friend was complaining to me about his wife. "She's getting fat," he said. "She always been fat, and you married her," I responded. "Yeah," he replied, "But now she's fatter." He was okay with her for 15 years. Perhaps my friend's wife had simply reached his "tipping point" (no pun intended ... well, maybe a little bit. ;)).


We can agree that SWTOR has always been easy ... but it is definitely easier today. Whether the easiness factor exceeds a player's personal tipping point is, of course, subjective.


If Pete Naismith reads this forum, this anecdote was definitely not about you and Debbie. I promise.


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I never claimed it isn't easier today than it was before. I've said the opposite, in fact.


I've also said "in a perfect world" I'd like to see the Inq and Warrior's final fights be harder.


I just wonder why suddenly people care about this, since it's been the case at least since RotHC, and painfully obvious since SoR. At least now a L50 opponent has the chance to hurt us.

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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD


Old news.


In fairness to BioWare, they did try to revert the changes to the over-powered companions issue. You possibly missed the outcry at that change.


BioWare did try to resolve the problem though. So you can't really blame them, this is one where you get to blame all the players who bemoaned the changes to get companions reverted back to "Play the game for you mode™".

Edited by Transcendent
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Well, you obviously have a very particular set of skills. They have to calibrate the difficulty of core content for the rest of us. So, yes, you're right. It was never that difficult (back in the day, I needed help to complete the last mission for Chapter Two on my Sage). But it's definitely easier now.


Last week, a friend was complaining to me about his wife. "She's getting fat," he said. "She always been fat, and you married her," I responded. "Yeah," he replied, "But now she's fatter." He was okay with her for 15 years. Perhaps my friend's wife had simply reached his "tipping point" (no pun intended ... well, maybe a little bit. ;)).


We can agree that SWTOR has always been easy ... but it is definitely easier today. Whether the easiness factor exceeds a player's personal tipping point is, of course, subjective.


If Pete Naismith reads this forum, this anecdote was definitely not about you and Debbie. I promise.


While I do, I'm really not the crème de la crème of players, and even when new, I didn't find the starter worlds to be hard. In fact, if I had, I might have had second thoughts about going ahead and playing. This is, after all, where you're supposed to be learning about the game, and there's no sense in taking someone who hasn't played, and making them defeat the Dread Masters, or something, on Korriban. These days, I'm through with a planet when I hit the shuttle off, Heroics included, and while some may point to the game's difficulty level and attribute it to that, I attribute it to the fact that I understand my classes, and know the content, so of course it's easier now.

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While I do, I'm really not the crème de la crème of players, and even when new, I didn't find the starter worlds to be hard. In fact, if I had, I might have had second thoughts about going ahead and playing. This is, after all, where you're supposed to be learning about the game, and there's no sense in taking someone who hasn't played, and making them defeat the Dread Masters, or something, on Korriban. These days, I'm through with a planet when I hit the shuttle off, Heroics included, and while some may point to the game's difficulty level and attribute it to that, I attribute it to the fact that I understand my classes, and know the content, so of course it's easier now.


Emphasis mine. My second character's playthrough was much easier than the first, because I understood the game mechanics in my gut.

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I don't know how anyone can say the game is too easy. Why, just yesterday I ran full speed thru a Coruscant Heroic on a lowbie character, companion set to damage, no heroic moment, no recharging between battles, and I very nearly died once! Challenge!


OK I cheated I used a medpack....

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Emphasis mine. My second character's playthrough was much easier than the first, because I understood the game mechanics in my gut.


It happens a lot. People want more difficulty, but don't realize that some of it's not supposed to be hard, such as the OP's example of a starter world, and that experience will negate some of what difficulty exists anyway. The Consular's last class story fight comes to mind: The very first time, I was ready to tear my hair out. The second time, I was wondering why I thought it was so hard.

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I apologize, you are right, Knight is at 50. It was for me at the time the hardest fight, again do to my mistake of not raising my T7's influence (think it was at 3) and his gear was still the coruscant gear (the droid giving upgrades on the path to the emperor wasn't in the game yet).


I recently completed the Knight again for the DvL event. I was only 51-52 when I faced him and it still felt like a completely different fight. I am not sure I even took damage. It just felt very anti-climatic this time.


I appreciate your points. Thank you for your response.


Well T7 also did not have the option to be a healer, he was only dps or a terrible tank. And ya that droid was a lifesaver where you would equip T7 with better parts, but any other end story you could use your healer companion at that time, which is what made the emperor's fight the hardest. Just wanted to throw that perspective into the mix.


As for the leveling, i mean nothing is different aside from the speed of it. It was easy to level then but it was very annoying doing the same side quest for the 10th time. Especially if you are an atlaholic like me. So ya its better that way, i can skip through those boring arcs, and do the ones i enjoyed while leveling. Or i just hit level 65 before Balmoraa (IMP)/Taris (Pub). The main story wasn't meant to be hard at all. So if you want a challenge do NiM ops, HM ops, and hard HM FP's like blood hunt for a good challenge.

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So any game with a difficulty setting is a bad game?


It's fine to have a difficulty setting, however handicapping yourself just to get a modicum of challenge from the game is terrible imo, especially if average players have to do it. If you're a NIM/HM op runner yeah... that's fine... but someone who runs tacs, something all players are suppose to accomplish has to force some degree of artificial difficulty? Seriously?


Unless something was incredibly unfair or scrubby, IE a large exploit or.... RAWR... USAS -12 frags, then I don't believe theirs a true difficulty unless you're playing at the top of you're game. We shouldn't have to element CORE essential mechanics in a game to make it somewhat difficult. Maybe not using a OP ability is fine, but come on... eliminating gearing and companions, a core fundamental part in a MMO, and then another core element in this game?


Were at the point when companions literally SOLO EVERY mob you will encounter in a solo instance, thank god they got nerfed in 4.1, they could solo champions pre nerf. I just can't be open minded with this argument... people who like comps as they are now just simply want the game to be automated.

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... people who like comps as they are now just simply want the game to be automated.
No...I just hate tedium. Look at the vast majority of complaints from KOTFE, the numerous unavoidable Skytroopers were a common theme...people disliked it...it didn't enhance the story or the fun, it simply added boring fights to the story. I don't want my companions to do the bulk of the fighting for me, but I sure as hell want them to help during the mindless crap.
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It's fine to have a difficulty setting, however handicapping yourself just to get a modicum of challenge from the game is terrible imo, especially if average players have to do it. If you're a NIM/HM op runner yeah... that's fine... but someone who runs tacs, something all players are suppose to accomplish has to force some degree of artificial difficulty? Seriously?


Unless something was incredibly unfair or scrubby, IE a large exploit or.... RAWR... USAS -12 frags, then I don't believe theirs a true difficulty unless you're playing at the top of you're game. We shouldn't have to element CORE essential mechanics in a game to make it somewhat difficult. Maybe not using a OP ability is fine, but come on... eliminating gearing and companions, a core fundamental part in a MMO, and then another core element in this game?


Were at the point when companions literally SOLO EVERY mob you will encounter in a solo instance, thank god they got nerfed in 4.1, they could solo champions pre nerf. I just can't be open minded with this argument... people who like comps as they are now just simply want the game to be automated.


1. What difficulty level are you looking for on Korriban, Hutta, Ord Mantell or Tython? Do they need to make you defeat the Dread Masters before you can move on to DK or Coruscant? After all, that is the OP's premise, that 1 - 10 is too easy. I get it, you have an agenda you want to push, but really, on the starter planets? Did you read the OP, or the title, and just run with the "too easy" agenda?


3. You know, way back when Oricon was relevant, Nadia Grell could solo the Champs in the Heroic 2. That's right, back when you had to put gear on them to make them work, and she didn't have heals. She was my DPS comp on my tank Shadow. So I guess this point is moot? If you knew what you were doing, and were willing to invest the needed mats, you could have "OP" comps back then too. I know I did. If you didn't, I guess it was a L2P issue?

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Level ten in an hour? I guess that makes me a speed runner for hitting it in fifteen minutes, tops, these days.

There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


Wear no gear. No weapons.

Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

Don't pick an Advanced Class.

Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.

Every single thing you are suggesting to opt out is part of the core game play and game design.


All in all you are just saying: just don't play the game at all.



Now in regards to the OP thread I don't see leveling faster of an issue. Although there's quite a huge flaw in the actual game play design: killing mobs is so easy that it makes content boring. On top of that, companions are truly overpowered making the player feel like his/her character is in fact the companion's companion.


So the players feels way less heroic than what they would have (it was already bad) and both progression and gearing are wrong. Way to shoot oneself in the foot.

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So any game with a difficulty setting is a bad game?


No far from it, but they have an appeal for casual gamers with limited time or experience and a challenge for those that want to push themselves to be better.


A game I'm playing ATM has several difficulty levels. I can do some of the missions on the hardest, but not all. I keep going back, learing new tactics, managing my CDs better, honing my skills.


Heck, even GSF and PvP can be like that. - Got x number of medals this round? Can I do better in the next?


But I see the appeal to a wide audience that SWTOR is now. The gameplay is easy, the levelling not too arduous, the vanilla stories are gripping enough. - That's what gets punters in. - However the narrow story-solo-mode is not retaining those that reach level 60+ and start the latest 16- odd chapters.

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1. What difficulty level are you looking for on Korriban, Hutta, Ord Mantell or Tython? Do they need to make you defeat the Dread Masters before you can move on to DK or Coruscant? After all, that is the OP's premise, that 1 - 10 is too easy. I get it, you have an agenda you want to push, but really, on the starter planets? Did you read the OP, or the title, and just run with the "too easy" agenda?


Why did you have to make it all personal...


Yes... I read the OP... but the comment I was responding to was more on about the entire difficulty of the game as a whole.


3. You know, way back when Oricon was relevant, Nadia Grell could solo the Champs in the Heroic 2. That's right, back when you had to put gear on them to make them work, and she didn't have heals. She was my DPS comp on my tank Shadow. So I guess this point is moot? If you knew what you were doing, and were willing to invest the needed mats, you could have "OP" comps back then too. I know I did. If you didn't, I guess it was a L2P issue?


If you have some beef with me you could use resort to a PM... jesus...


It took actual work to gear companions back then, mostly likely augmented and in operation gear to do be able to do that on level. Now, just using them out of the box at influence level one is fine, as they can solo elites on any mode. It takes no work or effort to gear them anymore, you went through a most likely long process to get Nadia to that ability and was rewarded for it, now, you don't have to put in a dime, even have them disapprove with your actions, and still get influence.

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1. What difficulty level are you looking for on Korriban, Hutta, Ord Mantell or Tython? Do they need to make you defeat the Dread Masters before you can move on to DK or Coruscant? After all, that is the OP's premise, that 1 - 10 is too easy.


The problem is there are multiple arguments of "easy" taking place in this thread. The OP's easiness seems to be referring to speed of leveling (mentioning getting to 10 in 30 mins) and not necessarily the content difficulty. However, there is also discussion about content difficulty (not sure if starter planet specific) and Companion strength (which varies among players depending on legacy).


So it might be a good idea to specify in discussions which "easy" one is referring to.

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No...I just hate tedium. Look at the vast majority of complaints from KOTFE, the numerous unavoidable Skytroopers were a common theme...people disliked it...it didn't enhance the story or the fun, it simply added boring fights to the story. I don't want my companions to do the bulk of the fighting for me, but I sure as hell want them to help during the mindless crap.


IMO, the game is even raised higher on the bar on the tedium scale because of OP comps. With OP comps, or incredibly weak mobs, or mixing both together, were literally almost never in danger anymore... at all in KOTFE. It eliminates all feeling and immersion knowing you can just get shot over and over... and never die.


Trash in **** wasn't bad... at all... storm troopers still posed a decent threat in numbers, yet died from literally EVERYTHING, at the tap of the button. They were made as obvious filler and such, but were a danger on the higher difficulties as sapping some health from you mattered over time.


Trash in KOTFE... is no threat... at all... and aren't the easiest to neutralize. Their should be a mix of trash easy peasy mobs, but their should be a heavy hitter thrown around sometimes, and no, those knights of zakuul don't count as even they aren't a threat.


Besides... anyway I'm vouching for a difficulty slider or something, not having to manually artificially inflate difficulty neutralizing core mechanics of a game.

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Besides... anyway I'm vouching for a difficulty slider or something, not having to manually artificially inflate difficulty neutralizing core mechanics of a game.
If I actually thought that people would use it, I'd agree...I just don't think they would. People don't use the tools they currently have to make things more difficult, I can't see it being worth Bioware's time to create new ones for players to ignore too.
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If I actually thought that people would use it, I'd agree...I just don't think they would. People don't use the tools they currently have to make things more difficult, I can't see it being worth Bioware's time to create new ones for players to ignore too.


People don't use the current tools because they suck. Losing a valuable part of the story, important gameplay mechanic and immersion, aka a companion, is just too critical. Even wearing no gear you're still a monster due to how fast you level.

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The leveling system is also practically (if not certainly) designed to get people to max level and supposedly ready for "End-Game" as fast as possible, despite the level 60 token character things being an option.


Hurry up and get to endgame where there's nothing to do, and no new content!


Since when was leveling to 10 hard? I mean, I've been around for a couple of days, and I remember having to actually gear comps in order for them to work properly, and I've never found this game to be hard, especially not on the starter worlds. Despite the forum hyperbole as well, there's never been anything really hard about Ops either: Pay attention, don't stand in red circles, watch for tells, and profit.


So what game have you been playing? I was soloing Oricon at level when it was relevant on a Shadow tank build with Nadia Grell. That means: No healer, and running the entire weekly. What was it that was supposed to be hard, again?


I said "normal" difficulty, because you're right, nothing in this game has ever been particularly hard :D The game has gone from easy to super easy.


The problem is there are multiple arguments of "easy" taking place in this thread. The OP's easiness seems to be referring to speed of leveling (mentioning getting to 10 in 30 mins) and not necessarily the content difficulty. However, there is also discussion about content difficulty (not sure if starter planet specific) and Companion strength (which varies among players depending on legacy).


So it might be a good idea to specify in discussions which "easy" one is referring to.


Fair point.


I like being able to burn my way past level 10 and get onto fleet where I can pvp and such. But now with the DvL event, and no new end game content, what's the rush? The only new content is the DvL event, so there's no point in rushing through your starter planet.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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The game is too easy. However, it was never really difficult even in the beginning it just required more time and had more grind to it.


I do think they need to adjust the difficulty of story missions and match them to your character level and make boss fights more challenging. I just carved my way through Chapter 1 of the Sith Warrior story and beat Noman Kar three straight times using only one button, which is pretty ridiculous imo. I would like to see more challenge to some of these fights because right now it just feels like I'm playing a telltale game where I direct the story but nothing to the gameplay has any substance.

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