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Original Companions returning in KoTET?


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Sorry Bioware, im not a lesbian


What does that have to do with anything in regards to the LIs? Straight females do make female characters and at times chose Lana. What does being a lesbian (or not being one) have to do with it? I'm baffled by that statement to no end.


That said, options are good. I like Lana, but I don't want Lana on every character but I do want to have my characters running around with their LIs. Was one of my favorite aspects when they put it in, "Run with any companion" Well, all right! YAY! My BH can run around with Torian! Nope. Not now.


If they wanted to lower the number of voiced companions, they should have left it to being original LIs and the few new ones, then expanded on them all.

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Yes, I know we can get our companions back through the terminal. And I did. But I remember Eric saying during one of the Livestreams leading up to KotFE imploring us to wait and not use the terminal because they promise our companions will come back in a cool way.


They failed. They lied.


The only choice that matters, apparently, is to not have my characters go through KotFE. Too bad it's a bit late for my main character who is completely dumfounded by the fact that she can't find someone whose mind is connected to millions of other people :/


The only reason I took all 8 classes through KotFE is the fact that we were told ALL companions would return through the story. This has not happened and there has been no mention of companions in any of the info for KotET. I don't care about group content/end-game-gearing that seems to be the focus since I am a solo player. I want to see the companions I've invested masses of time into returning VIA THE STORY. Based on the info available this is not going to happen during the 9 chapters of KotET however they need to consider adding meaningful get-our-companions-back alerts where we properly interact with our missing companions immediately after these 9 chapters, especially since some of the recruitment options before were such a let down (Dr Lokin deserved more and Torian's return for those who have him as a LI was a complete let down).

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Personally speaking, my BH married Mako, had this been real life, when it all went belly up after the carbon freeze episode and we all got separated, Mako would have been the first one I went looking for when I awoke..

The first rule of family is we look out for each other first...


For my characters, the moment they finally had a chance to hit a mailbox and saw the letter from their husbands, they would've dropped everything to go looking for them. All that Eternal Empire stuff can wait until my roster gets their spouses back.


As it is, I've held off taking my mains through the Fallen Empire content specifically because I need to know what's going to happen with the remaining love interests who haven't come back yet. I'd even be fine with none of the other companions coming back other than the love interests especially with the companion revamp so we're able to assign them any role we need for them to have.

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What does that have to do with anything in regards to the LIs? Straight females do make female characters and at times chose Lana. What does being a lesbian (or not being one) have to do with it? I'm baffled by that statement to no end.



My comment was in regards to the devs focusing on/devoting so much more on the Lana romance above all others. So if your not a man into Lana (-checks self nope, not a man) or a lesbian into Lana (Nope, not into other peoples ladyparts) you basically get screwed romancewise.


-that- is my issue.


You like to play both sides of the field, whatever floats your boat. But I dont, and are unhappy they are showing such favoritism for Lana compared to everyone else.


If they put the same amount of effort into every LI option as they do Lana, it would be different. But they dont.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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You like to play both sides of the field, whatever floats your boat.

That's a really snide thing to say to SithKoriander.


Not everyone puts their own out-of-game personal preferences into their character's decisions. It's called "roleplaying" for a reason.


I completely understand your frustration with the limited romance choices. But you're cheapening your argument with these sorts of statements.

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That's a really snide thing to say to SithKoriander.


Not everyone puts their own out-of-game personal preferences into their character's decisions. It's called "roleplaying" for a reason.


I completely understand your frustration with the limited romance choices. But you're cheapening your argument with these sorts of statements.


How is it snide? If you prefer something different then I, have at. As long as everyones a consenting adult, what people do bedroomwise is their own business.


Again, my frustration is not the "Limited Romance Choices" so much as the blatant favoratism the devs show in regards to having Lana be the one who gets the most effort put into.


Theron and Koth both can be either, but they dont even get half of the effort Lana does. So again, unless your a straight man into pasty blonds, a man pretending to be a woman into pasty blonds, or an actual woman into pasty blonds, your not getting the same amount of effort from the devs.


The original LI are an even worse situation. A few throwaway lines from the ones we actually got back, potential abandonment of remaining ones still missing.


As for the "Roleplaying" thing, thats rather like the argument my parents used to have when trying to get me to eat liver and onions as a kid. "WE like liver and onions, so thats all you get". If you like liver and onions, eat all you want, but i can object when thats all the devs seem to be willing to serve for the rest of the game :p


Myself "Roleplaying", trying to force myself outside the box wont happen, BW romanceable female characters make me cringe.


◆Lana - Looked like she was losing a battle with Meth Addiction when I met her, hasnt improved much in 5 years.

◆Kaliyo - possibly carrier of every STD in the universe.

◆Other Agent girl companion - So boring I cant even remember. Oh, Temple thats right. Still, zzzzz

◆Jaesa - I see her buying bunnies to boil on your stove if you look at another person. (Only DS Jaesa is romanceable)

◆Mako - Whiney Emo Twit who flips out whenever your BH acts like a Bounty Hunter. Wat?

◆Ashara - Hypocritical whiney emo twit.

◆Vette - Shes like a little sister. Holy Nasty incestuous vibe Batman! Ewww.

◆Kira - Arrogant, rubs me the wrong way all around.

◆Risha - Kaliyo with less explosions.

◆Dorne - Pedantic. I see her planning out every single step in any "alone time", Romantic! :rolleyes:

◆Akaavi - Um.. no.. just no.

◆Mime Girl - Emotionally 12, someone call Chris Hansom! -cringe-

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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. If I have to gallivant across the galaxy to pick up scrap metal for Blizz, then I should have enough time to go to Alderaan and talk to any old Joiner in the vicinity of House Cortess and inquire about the location their Dawn Herald. (In all honesty, he should be the most easy to find, what with ALL OF THEM BEING PART OF THE HIVE MIND.)/


I think that these "alliance building" quests have turned me full darkside. If the person I'm trying to recruit even HINTS at wanting me to go do something for them, it turns me into a murderous maniac who wants to extinguish all life in the galaxy, starting with the person in front of me. Maybe Vitiate just had to collect one too many wampa buttholes.


I mean, we could have been like, really close friends in the classic game. But, if you aren't dropping all your pointless, meaningless bullcrap to follow the gd ALLIANCE COMMANDER OF THE ENTIRE GALAXY, then you aren't fit for breathing!!!!:mad::mad::mad:



Shew, rant over. Proceed back to topic.

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My comment was in regards to the devs focusing on/devoting so much more on the Lana romance above all others. So if your not a man into Lana (-checks self nope, not a man) or a lesbian into Lana (Nope, not into other peoples ladyparts) you basically get screwed romancewise.


-that- is my issue.


You like to play both sides of the field, whatever floats your boat. But I dont, and are unhappy they are showing such favoritism for Lana compared to everyone else.


If they put the same amount of effort into every LI option as they do Lana, it would be different. But they dont.


Completely agree, Lana just has the most work put into compared to the others. If you're a straight guy or a Les, then that's great. Otherwise not so much. Theron doesn't really come as close and neither does Koth.


I don't like any of the three though, so I did not romance any.



What does that have to do with anything in regards to the LIs? Straight females do make female characters and at times chose Lana. What does being a lesbian (or not being one) have to do with it? I'm baffled by that statement to no end.


Like who? Do straight guys also romance theron? Where did you get this info from? Not saying it doesnt happen, but I do wonder what this is based on. Other than you just guessing it.

Edited by Eshvara
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Let's please not turn this thread into a pro/anti this one or that one companion thread. If you take issue with something someone has said please consider pm's. Thanks.


On topic: We've still not heard anything about companions, and honestly, it feels like, at this point, they ignore it on purpose. I'm getting tired of the cheap "too spoilery" responses. Yes they will be back with KotET or no they won't is not spoilers. And if the answer is they won't be back with KotET can we please get a timeline as to when they will return?


I have avoided using the terminal because I wanted to keep the story intact and have them return though it, like we were told they would.


As I've said before, I don't mind waiting, so long as I know they are still coming back.

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That's a really snide thing to say to SithKoriander.


Not everyone puts their own out-of-game personal preferences into their character's decisions. It's called "roleplaying" for a reason.


I completely understand your frustration with the limited romance choices. But you're cheapening your argument with these sorts of statements.


I don't think Xia is being snide. I do get where she is coming from with this. You say not everyone puts their real life preferences into the characters decisions, but some do. I'm one of those people. I'm female and I prefer male love interests, cause that's my choice, that's what I like, in game, out of game, where ever. I suppose some people like to explore their options through their role play, but you can't presume that everyone is like that. I like what I like.


It's like the liver and onions analogy Xia used, if you like it, cool, but you can't expect me to like it and no matter how many times it's pushed at me, I won't eat. You can't make someone be something they're not.


But again, I think that's really derailing what the issue is here...I personally believe that the devs have pushed Lana onto us too much. I'm tired of dealing with her. I'd like a different character to deal with, preferably Theron, or Jonas Balkar or our original Love interests, someone like that. But with the swtor devs it's always all about Lana. It's getting to the point where it's not Knights of the Fallen Empire, it's Lana of the Fallen Empire, or Knights of the Eternal Lana. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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I agree that it feels way too obvious that Lana has become a writer favorite while all other LIs have been shuffled to the way side. This is particularly bothersome because SOR was so different. Lana and Theron were given equal attention in the story. They were like counterparts, so that every player, no matter who you were both in game and out, could find someone to romance. Now only Lana is left, with Theron getting a bare fraction of the screen time, and it's hard not to feel like BW has abandoned the players who preferences don't align with romancing Lana. Why this change? There is no reason why Theron couldn't have been written into the story in equal measure. It's very frustrating, especially when the options to romance a male NPC were already limited in the game to begin with.


As to the rest of our companions returning, I'm tired of the "spoiler" excuse. This silence does not have the excited anticipation of a spoiler yet to be revealed. Rather, it feels more like a deafening indifference or even a flat out insult to those of us who have stuck out this story, waiting for a pay off that now may never come.


I have the horrible suspicion that some major shake up occurred in the BW studios. I suspect that they did indeed intend to originally being back all our companions. In fact, I believe they purposely held off on the bulk of the LIs because they were trying to drag out the most popular companions' return as long as possible. But I think that plan backfired, and now a new edict has come down the pipeline, forcing BW to change course yet again. I think they are too afraid to admit that they were forced to cut the KOTET story short and that we will never see the full story they intended.


I hope I'm wrong....but why have only 9 chapters of KOTET been announced and not 16 like KOTFE? Musco's announcement said nothing about more story to come, only that they were "refocusing" on group content. My fear is that we will never see those missing 7 chapters, and that our remaining companions will be left in limbo.

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The only reason I took all 8 classes through KotFE is the fact that we were told ALL companions would return through the story. This has not happened and there has been no mention of companions in any of the info for KotET.


I agree with this, the only reason I took my SW, Smuggler and IA through KOTFE was because I though that our LI's would be returning in Kotet, I had thought that we'd be seeing Quinn, Jaesa, Vector, Akaavi and Corso back again. I've said it before but the only ones I'm taking through Kotet are those whose romances are back or are romancing Theron/Lana, my other characters are just going to sit where they are for the foreseeable future.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I agree that it feels way too obvious that Lana has become a writer favorite while all other LIs have been shuffled to the way side. This is particularly bothersome because SOR was so different. Lana and Theron were given equal attention in the story. They were like counterparts, so that every player, no matter who you were both in game and out, could find someone to romance. Now only Lana is left, with Theron getting a bare fraction of the screen time, and it's hard not to feel like BW has abandoned the players who preferences don't align with romancing Lana. Why this change? There is no reason why Theron couldn't have been written into the story in equal measure. It's very frustrating, especially when the options to romance a male NPC were already limited in the game to begin with.


As to the rest of our companions returning, I'm tired of the "spoiler" excuse. This silence does not have the excited anticipation of a spoiler yet to be revealed. Rather, it feels more like a deafening indifference or even a flat out insult to those of us who have stuck out this story, waiting for a pay off that now may never come.


I have the horrible suspicion that some major shake up occurred in the BW studios. I suspect that they did indeed intend to originally being back all our companions. In fact, I believe they purposely held off on the bulk of the LIs because they were trying to drag out the most popular companions' return as long as possible. But I think that plan backfired, and now a new edict has come down the pipeline, forcing BW to change course yet again. I think they are too afraid to admit that they were forced to cut the KOTET story short and that we will never see the full story they intended.


I hope I'm wrong....but why have only 9 chapters of KOTET been announced and not 16 like KOTFE? Musco's announcement said nothing about more story to come, only that they were "refocusing" on group content. My fear is that we will never see those missing 7 chapters, and that our remaining companions will be left in limbo.


If Bioware's favoring Lana as a love interest, it wouldn't be the first time they've done something like this since for the Mass Effect franchise it was all about Liara.


Regarding the companions who've not returned, this has been a steady discussion topic in my guild in both sober and drunken modes. The current theory on why Bioware's been so quiet is something's up with the voice actors. Only 'evidence' on this is lack of Fallen Empire credit on thier IMDB pages, and it was either the VA for Kira or Jaesa who was unable to come in for recording due to scheduling issues or something with family. At this point I just want to see them back whether it's with the original VA or someone who's close enough.


As far as only nine chapters stated for the next expansion, since Bioware did admit the releasing in episodes wasn't the best of ideas since from what they could see on thier end was people waiting and choosing to binge playthrough, it would fit for them to just batch release chapters with the nine mentioned being the first 'act' for lack of better words and we'll be seeing more to come as time passes.


Of course this is all speculation on me and my guild's part and we could be as far off base as possible.

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sorry? do i correctly realized this information?..

Elara Dorne is died with start of KOTFE? not lost attraction, attitude and etc, just died?..

well, lets burn this universe, what reason of this #$%! ??

as i think 70% players choose class because of the particular companion and... he/she how dead.

just dead after all.


am i right? or wrong?


they are REALY DEAD???

Edited by ShadyJade
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sorry? do i correctly realized this information?..

Elara Dorne is died with start of KOTFE? not lost attraction, attitude and etc, just died?..

well, lets burn this universe, what reason of this #$%! ??

as i think 70% players choose class because of the particular companion and... he/she how dead.

just dead after all.


am i right? or wrong?


they are REALY DEAD???


Source of this information? There's been nothing said on what I read about the true fates of those companions. Just people spouting theories.

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I've said it before but the only ones I'm taking through Kotet are those whose romances are back or are romancing Theron/Lana, my other characters are just going to sit where they are for the foreseeable future.


That's where I'm at. No one is going through KotFE or KotET who hasn't had their LI return or isn't destined for Theron. So far that is a very small fraction of my alt army. Sadly of the 4 returned love interests, one is Kaliyo who is the only one I wouldn't touch with a 10' pole.

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Yeah, I'm not happy that I took my main 8 characters through KOTFE on the false assumption that Bioware would return them all back to me. Hopefully, there will be more coming to us after chapter 9, or I can maybe wait til patch 6.0. But I'm not waiting years and years for my companions. I WILL use the damn terminal to get them back.


We're still missing:









Scourge (not LI)



Tharan/Holiday (not LI)



Vik (maybe if not killed)






No more Alliance Alerts because the above companions are our Husbands/Wives, except for Scourge, Tharan/Holiday, and possibly Vik.


What the bloody hell is the damn hold up??

Edited by Eanelinea
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What good is bringing our LIs back if we can't interact with them?


When's the last time we had a romantic encounter with our original LIs? Anyone? Back during Act III before tying the knot. Once you got married, you did nothing with your LI in terms of displaying affection for each other.

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What good is bringing our LIs back if we can't interact with them?


When's the last time we had a romantic encounter with our original LIs? Anyone? Back during Act III before tying the knot. Once you got married, you did nothing with your LI in terms of displaying affection for each other.


Male Warrior and Vette-Wife had a nice little conversation before going off to fight Big Not-So-Bad Arcann. Even a kiss. There's interaction. Think A married Kaliyo or Jorgan or Torian also have a conversation at that time as well.

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How is it snide? If you prefer something different then I, have at. As long as everyones a consenting adult, what people do bedroomwise is their own business.


Again, my frustration is not the "Limited Romance Choices" so much as the blatant favoratism the devs show in regards to having Lana be the one who gets the most effort put into.


Theron and Koth both can be either, but they dont even get half of the effort Lana does. So again, unless your a straight man into pasty blonds, a man pretending to be a woman into pasty blonds, or an actual woman into pasty blonds, your not getting the same amount of effort from the devs.


The original LI are an even worse situation. A few throwaway lines from the ones we actually got back, potential abandonment of remaining ones still missing.


As for the "Roleplaying" thing, thats rather like the argument my parents used to have when trying to get me to eat liver and onions as a kid. "WE like liver and onions, so thats all you get". If you like liver and onions, eat all you want, but i can object when thats all the devs seem to be willing to serve for the rest of the game :p


Myself "Roleplaying", trying to force myself outside the box wont happen, BW romanceable female characters make me cringe.


◆Lana - Looked like she was losing a battle with Meth Addiction when I met her, hasnt improved much in 5 years.

◆Kaliyo - possibly carrier of every STD in the universe.

◆Other Agent girl companion - So boring I cant even remember. Oh, Temple thats right. Still, zzzzz

◆Jaesa - I see her buying bunnies to boil on your stove if you look at another person. (Only DS Jaesa is romanceable)

◆Mako - Whiney Emo Twit who flips out whenever your BH acts like a Bounty Hunter. Wat?

◆Ashara - Hypocritical whiney emo twit.

◆Vette - Shes like a little sister. Holy Nasty incestuous vibe Batman! Ewww.

◆Kira - Arrogant, rubs me the wrong way all around.

◆Risha - Kaliyo with less explosions.

◆Dorne - Pedantic. I see her planning out every single step in any "alone time", Romantic! :rolleyes:

◆Akaavi - Um.. no.. just no.

◆Mime Girl - Emotionally 12, someone call Chris Hansom! -cringe-


I get it, not everyone is into roleplaying in the role playing game story setting.


My comment was more in lines with, what does one's real life have to do the game? You're also, not an alien, not a force user, not likely into cold blooded killers (seeing as Andro is one, and he's one of the female character LIs).


So, I wonder, if one is to put RL into the picture, and not just create a story, why would one even play the game? Lots of things in the game, one wouldn't do in RL. That's where the whole "Not a lesbian" confuses me. Okay. So? :p Not saying make your character one either btw, it just seems to be a terrible reason to say "Can't do it."


Now, saying, "I can't stand any of the female LIs personalities" I can totally get. Don't like a LI's personality? Makes sense! The whole "I can't do it because I'm that in RL even if this is a video game." totally escapes me. :p


Do people only make human characters, because they're human? Ignoring the cybrogs, chiss, etc? Do they skip the HK chapter (if they have it) because they're not robots in RL?

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The point is, why do we only have one real option anymore? (Lana) Just like the badly shoehorned Outlander story which, be honest, doesnt fit well for anyone but force using classes, they are trying to shoehorn us all into taking Lana by devoting everything to her. (Its Mass Effect and Liara all over again...)


So unless your a guy into women, which im not, or a lesbian, which im not, your left out.


Thats why i said "Sorry BW, not a lesbian"


I get it, some people can RP in their heads they are one, Im not one of those. And yes im a RPer. Just not interested in that kind of RP, no matter how you try to argue it, Im not into other women, let alone the terrible choices given in this game.


Guess im a "Bad RPer" in your eyes. I dont live up to your rule that a RPer has to be able to be and do anything just for the sake of maintaining RP integrity or something ridiculous like that. I can live with that.


Why are people so indignant Im not interested in pretending to be a lesbian anyhow? :confused:


Yes im not a chiss or a cyborg or a zabrak, or any of the other races that are basicly humans painted a different color with maybe a doodad or two stuck to their face.


What does that have to do with me not being interested in mooshing my ladybits against someone elses ladybits?


Brass tacks, im paying for this game to relax, and have fun, and the Lana track they are on, not fun for me.


At any rate, there mere thought of -having- to put up with someone elses PMS on top of my own is all the deterrant id ever need :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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The point is, why do we only have one real option anymore? (Lana) Just like the badly shoehorned Outlander story which, be honest, doesnt fit well for anyone but force using classes, they are trying to shoehorn us all into taking Lana by devoting everything to her. (Its Mass Effect and Liara all over again...)


So unless your a guy into women, which im not, or a lesbian, which im not, your left out.


Thats why i said "Sorry BW, not a lesbian"


I get it, some people can RP in their heads they are one, Im not one of those. And yes im a RPer. Just not interested in that kind of RP, no matter how you try to argue it, Im not into other women, let alone the terrible choices given in this game.


Guess im a "Bad RPer" in your eyes. I dont live up to your rule that a RPer has to be able to be and do anything just for the sake of maintaining RP integrity or something ridiculous like that. I can live with that.


Why are people so indignant Im not interested in pretending to be a lesbian anyhow? :confused:


Yes im not a chiss or a cyborg or a zabrak, or any of the other races that are basicly humans painted a different color with maybe a doodad or two stuck to their face.


What does that have to do with me not being interested in mooshing my ladybits against someone elses ladybits?


Brass tacks, im paying for this game to relax, and have fun, and the Lana track they are on, not fun for me.


At any rate, there mere thought of -having- to put up with someone elses PMS on top of my own is all the deterrant id ever need :p


I feel you. I'm a heterosexual female too. I do sometimes have a female or two, not my mains, interact with other females to see what happens. But I prefer the male LIs/extra/new companion LIs to the females. My two male characters I took through KOTFE hooked up with Theron and I made more male characters to eventually hook up with Koth.


Aside from the whole RP thing, I want my LIs back because they're the last ones we're missing. I've been here since 12/2011, I've had those companions with me for almost 5 years. Would be nice to get them back. If Bioware can afford to make an expensive trailer for the upcoming expansion, they can afford to pay the voice actors to come in and do some lines for my LIs. The voice actors aren't like Will Smith or Tom Cruise, so they're affordable.

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I feel you. I'm a heterosexual female too. I do sometimes have a female or two, not my mains, interact with other females to see what happens. But I prefer the male LIs/extra/new companion LIs to the females. My two male characters I took through KOTFE hooked up with Theron and I made more male characters to eventually hook up with Koth..


I'm glad to see I'm not alone in preferring to romance Theron with my guys. I guess its the hairstyle and shoulderpads? :D


The only LI I found interesting as a woman were Quinn (because of his loyalties... and lets be honest - his Matt Bomer looks) and Vector ( like being in love with a very polite, omniscient god )


Although, if I were to try and romance any female in game, it would probably be Lana. She's very capable and bossy and we mysteriously don't know much about her past. She's interesting. Sorry, Xiamara. :p

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