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Grand Statue of (Insert Your Character Name Here)


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My girlfriend and I were having a discussion the other day with some of our guildies about all the decos you can have for the strongholds. While there are quite a few, we always came back to the big statues that you can have. Some of them are... well... not that great. My girlfriend and I came up with the brilliant idea of being able to create your very own statues of your characters. How awesome would it be if there were a vendor on fleet that had the ability to let you create your statue for use a decor in your stronghold? You could be posed in different positions, weapons drawn/not drawn, helmet on/off or behind held in your hands, maybe even pick out some stock armour that the vendor might have in their place to wear if you want to wear somethign a little different. Sort of like one of the professional photography places that have the costumes.


Amaze your friends and family or just show off your egotistical side by having your very own image carved into stone by a professional artisan on display in your home. Or be the sith that you are and have a custom order placed on korriban to be built by slaves for some extra dark side points.


We also discussed price. We figured somewhere around 3 to 5 million would be a fair price. Place the order and wait a few days to be informed via in game mail that your statue is ready for pick up. Then, if you want another one, order a copy for 1-2 million less or pay full price for a new one in a different pose.


What do you guys think?

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Sounds kinda cheesy and probably more difficult to implement than you think.


I disagree with the cheesy factor, but it would be very hard considering all of the armor options out there, and then all of teh combinations that could be done with them, and then the species/hair/head/body/complexion/cosmetics/scars/implants/jewelry combinations on top of that...

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I disagree with the cheesy factor, but it would be very hard considering all of the armor options out there, and then all of teh combinations that could be done with them, and then the species/hair/head/body/complexion/cosmetics/scars/implants/jewelry combinations on top of that...


We thought of this too, but then we realized something. What if it looked something similar to how when your toon gets frozen in carbonite by that move that the powertechs have. Carbonize I think it was. They already look like they are made of stone. Just change the color and mess with the texture a bit and boom! Grade A (maybe?) statue that all you have to do is have standing in whatever pose you chose with whatever armour you had.


Either ways, I am glad that some people are liking the idea.

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We thought of this too, but then we realized something. What if it looked something similar to how when your toon gets frozen in carbonite by that move that the powertechs have. Carbonize I think it was. They already look like they are made of stone. Just change the color and mess with the texture a bit and boom! Grade A (maybe?) statue that all you have to do is have standing in whatever pose you chose with whatever armour you had.


I just thought of that, too.


I think I'd like it - if its price was somewhat fixed.

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This is an interesting idea, especially if the Statues we make fit in a Medium hook.

I've always been disappointed that they require a Large hook.


Maybe an option to buy them in different sizes for different prices? Can have a smaller one for medium hooks or if you're feeling extra narcissistic you can buy a starship hook sized one.

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I would highly pay for this to happen, would love to have a statue of my main bounty hunter ! :D


I know a lot of people who would. Maybe I should get a petition going for it? But, even with one of those with a million signatures, I don't think it will happen. Still would be totally awesome though.

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