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does swtor do any Halloween events


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Black/Orange dyes are popular during the season on the GTN.

I have an emerald-green Mirialan Shadow who wears the RV-03 speedsuit dyed in Black/Medium Orange (so black front and rear with orange panels on the sides), and the Hyrotti Racer (?sp) speeder, which is also black and orange. Epic combination.

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I loved the dark magus armor they did for Halloween. It's got a zombie/ghoul sort of vibe. I hope they do more stuff like that this Halloween, oh and the rakgoul plague should always be up the week of Halloween for a good ambient feel imo.


Is that where that's from? I hope they bring it back.

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I would love it if they did something, even if it's throwing jack o lanterns at each other (snow balls for life day? lol) Halloween has to be one of the events I love most in WoW. I won't go back to WoW for it but I loved their little Oktoberfest events. Especially as a Pally...falling 60ft off a mountain, drunk, and surviving, only to watch idiots try the same thing and die :p:D But I digress. Anything swtor does would be nice.
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I have an emerald-green Mirialan Shadow who wears the RV-03 speedsuit dyed in Black/Medium Orange (so black front and rear with orange panels on the sides), and the Hyrotti Racer (?sp) speeder, which is also black and orange. Epic combination.


One of my troopers is in black/orange armor and drives the same hyrotti. She has a mix of the original rakghoul outbreak event armor and some crafted pieces. She looks awesome, especially with a ginormous cannon.

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I would love it if they did something, even if it's throwing jack o lanterns at each other (snow balls for life day? lol) Halloween has to be one of the events I love most in WoW. I won't go back to WoW for it but I loved their little Oktoberfest events. Especially as a Pally...falling 60ft off a mountain, drunk, and surviving, only to watch idiots try the same thing and die :p:D But I digress. Anything swtor does would be nice.


Oktoberfest/Halloween in WoW was the first time I ever experienced a holiday event in a game. I still remember running my lowbie zombie 'lock through the starter area and heading back to Undercity which had been normal a few moments ago and was now full of yodelling zombies in leiderhosen, Halloween was even better with running into town with all the huge jack o'lanterns and seeing the Horseman in the sky when you were on the zeppelin heading for Orgrimmar. To not see any events like this in SWTOR was a let down, especially since there is a downloadable desktop image of what looks like a sith tomb with glowing jack o'lanterns and cobwebs.


It's another case of missed possibility since they could work out a Halloween style event and give an in universe reason of it being a Sith Pureblood festival for the Empire and the reason it's also celebrated over in the Republic is it was brought over by the Purebloods who defected and it happened to catch on with the general public. They could do similar for other holidays with tying them to particular species' cultures or to celebrate events from the era's history.

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I loved the dark magus armor they did for Halloween. It's got a zombie/ghoul sort of vibe. I hope they do more stuff like that this Halloween, oh and the rakgoul plague should always be up the week of Halloween for a good ambient feel imo.


It would be great if they did something similar to the Life Day event, and you gained "tokens" for activities or added things like that to the Rakghoul vendor on fleet.


Wouldn't harm the game to gain something a little new, perhaps bring the Rakghoul Plague to Ziost or something, and Rakghouls reanimate from dead corpses / come up out of the ground in swirls of dust, ghosts wandering around and such forth. It's an ideal location for some form of Halloween event to take place, BioWare could adjust the terminal to drop you in a specific place on the planet, so lower level players could join in.


I can dream can't I? :(

Edited by Transcendent
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Oktoberfest/Halloween in WoW was the first time I ever experienced a holiday event in a game. I still remember running my lowbie zombie 'lock through the starter area and heading back to Undercity which had been normal a few moments ago and was now full of yodelling zombies in leiderhosen, Halloween was even better with running into town with all the huge jack o'lanterns and seeing the Horseman in the sky when you were on the zeppelin heading for Orgrimmar. To not see any events like this in SWTOR was a let down, especially since there is a downloadable desktop image of what looks like a sith tomb with glowing jack o'lanterns and cobwebs.


It's another case of missed possibility since they could work out a Halloween style event and give an in universe reason of it being a Sith Pureblood festival for the Empire and the reason it's also celebrated over in the Republic is it was brought over by the Purebloods who defected and it happened to catch on with the general public. They could do similar for other holidays with tying them to particular species' cultures or to celebrate events from the era's history.


I agree completely!

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I think they could pull off an October/Halloween type event if they tied it in with one of the races/worlds created by Bioware for SWTOR.


Like the Voss for example, their planet is orange and has a fall vibe to it, they have some creepy stuff happening in the Nightmare lands that could influence their culture to have a Halloween type event that is creepy and similiar. Both Republic and Empire have been trying to impress them so they could adopt the holiday.


Or even better Zakuul being the active Galactic power could have an event dealing with one of their old gods, like Nahut or Zildrog. Zakuulans are said to have been very superstitious before Valkorian the Demon Savior showed up. And this works out well because one could see the Eternal Empire forcing both factions to celebrate their customs to stay in their good graces. And it would make sense in the larger canon because as time would go on and Zakuul eventually fade away as a galactic power people would be less inclinded to celebrate the holiday well before the time period the films take place.


Anyways it would be fun, holiday events make MMORPGs feel a bit more alive especially if they change things up by having some areas decorated.

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It would be great if they did something similar to the Life Day event, and you gained "tokens" for activities or added things like that to the Rakghoul vendor on fleet.


Wouldn't harm the game to gain something a little new, perhaps bring the Rakghoul Plague to Ziost or something, and Rakghouls reanimate from dead corpses / come up out of the ground in swirls of dust, ghosts wandering around and such forth. It's an ideal location for some form of Halloween event to take place, BioWare could adjust the terminal to drop you in a specific place on the planet, so lower level players could join in.


I can dream can't I? :(


And a beautiful dream it is. :D

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Wish they did, after all "red harvest" took place during this era and it had zombies, so at least zombies wouldn't be new to starwars.


I played swg and they did the galactic moon fest, it was fun and a bit silly lol.


This link is a video of the swg galactic moonfest.

It had cool rewards and decorations


Holiday events are fun, I remember getting off work, throwing on swg during the Christmas event and destroying presents around the city while drinking eggnog with rum of course

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