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KotET #Hype


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Just kidding :p


If you enjoyed KOTFE then you are going to love KOTET, stay tuned for more information early October. All of us cant wait to talk about the new expansion and start sharing information with you all!


Looks like I'm going to hate KotET :D


Here's to hoping the next chapters are not like the past 16 chapters. I feel like I'm going to be in the same boat as you.

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They really need to tone it down a notch maybe instead of 3 skytroopers every 5 steps they could make it 2 skytroopers every 10 steps iam sure everyone would replay KOTFE then....


Speak for yourself. I see no replay value in the whole extension. None. To be honest I actually regret having done it on my main. I should have played it on a throw-away lvl 60 and been done with it.

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They really need to tone it down a notch maybe instead of 3 skytroopers every 5 steps they could make it 2 skytroopers every 10 steps iam sure everyone would replay KOTFE then....

They've revisited old content in the past (Makeb) - if they have time, this would be a great thing for them to do for KOTFE...right now it's just beyond tedious.

Edited by TUXs
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They really need to tone it down a notch maybe instead of 3 skytroopers every 5 steps they could make it 2 skytroopers every 10 steps iam sure everyone would replay KOTFE then....


Its' not like skytroopers offered any real challenge. If there were no trash mobs between mission waypoints.. I can imagine all the complaints about how dead and static the game is. Yeah.. the old ... mobs are all static complaint since launch... at least the skytrooper mechanics addressed this in part... but not enough.


They thinned out mobs in Makeb after they released the next expac, and they may do the same thing with KoTFE. But honestly... it's not that tedious to deal with the trash mobs, IMO. Makeb was much more of a nuisance IMO, given their relative damage scale to players, special abilities that knocked you off if you tried to speed past them, and their long agro ranges.


We do have players here that don't want trash mobs slowing them down any, and who also spacebar through every scene. They are also the players that complain there is only 20 minutes per chapter too. So.. playstyle IS a factor.

Edited by Andryah
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it's not that tedious to deal with the trash mobs, IMO.


Well, you're in the absolute minority here. I have yet to find a viewpoint that you share with the majority of players.



We do have players here that don't want trash mobs slowing them down any, and who also spacebar through every scene. They are also the players that complain there is only 20 minutes per chapter too. So.. playstyle IS a factor.


So people who don't want to fight through countless boring waves of trash mobs are ALSO the same players who complain about the chapters being too short? Do you have a source on this? Or are they your opinions?


Seems to me like the majority of players DO feel the trash mobs are tedious and are a distraction from enjoying the story, and puts people off from replaying the stories again knowing they have loads of mobs to grind through.

Edited by DarthWoad
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Some people just like to be antagonists...it has nothing at all to do with the topic or reality.


You ever notice when the debbie downer gang makes a statement without any hard evidence (apart from polling their guild of 2000 people, of course), we're supposed to take as it 100% proof and to question it would be like questioning the fact that the sun exists? Yet on the flip side, when the normal folks make the exact same kind of statement, the gang is quick to jump down their throats and call them liars and state their opinion is completely made up and their perspective is completely irrelevant and wrong. That's a rhetorical question by the way, I'm sure you'll insist you've never noticed of the sort occurring.

Edited by Bruticis
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You ever notice when the debbie downer gang makes a statement without any hard evidence (apart from polling their guild of 2000 people, of course), we're supposed to take as it 100% proof and to question it would be like questioning the fact that the sun exists? Yet on the flip side, when the normal folks make the exact same kind of statement, the gang is quick to jump down their throats and call them liars and state their opinion is completely made up and their perspective is completely irrelevant and wrong. That's a rhetorical question by the way, I'm sure you'll insist you've never noticed of the sort occurring.


Oh man that timing couldn't be any more perfect :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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You ever notice when the debbie downer gang makes a statement without any hard evidence (apart from polling their guild of 2000 people, of course), we're supposed to take as it 100% proof and to question it would be like questioning the fact that the sun exists? Yet on the flip side, when the normal folks make the exact same kind of statement, the gang is quick to jump down their throats and call them liars and state their opinion is completely made up and their perspective is completely irrelevant and wrong. That's a rhetorical question by the way, I'm sure you'll insist you've never noticed of the sort occurring.

No I don't, but I do notice how often it appears that certain people have multiple accounts.

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Or the side of the argument. Every so often I feel like poxing both houses.

We've butted heads before Ian, but you at least seem rational in our disagreements. You tend to be on the opposite side of players quite often, but I don't recall you ever making personal attacks or going so far off the reservation that I had to question your reasoning for doing so. I absolutely welcome the "devils advocate" type of questions because I feel it helps me clarify my beliefs and solidify my own personal opinions - you may ask a question or bring up an example I hadn't considered, and I like that...it helps me grow. Keep it up...I enjoy debate with you. :)

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Some people just like to be antagonists...it has nothing at all to do with the topic or reality.

Well I dunno. I didn't find the trash mobs that bad or even that irritating so I'm in agreement with Andryah.


OTOH I knew what to expect and ran it with a class with a decent amount of ranged AoE and had no expectation of being able to skip any. The slowest part of these chapters was collecting the drops (why does that have to be a channel?) Only one case comes to mind where a mob stayed at extreme range.


I'm morbidly curious about the melee experience. I'm tempted to take my Juggernaut through KotFE.

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Well I dunno. I didn't find the trash mobs that bad or even that irritating so I'm in agreement with Andryah.


OTOH I knew what to expect and ran it with a class with a decent amount of ranged AoE and had no expectation of being able to skip any. The slowest part of these chapters was collecting the drops (why does that have to be a channel?) Only one case comes to mind where a mob stayed at extreme range.


I'm morbidly curious about the melee experience. I'm tempted to take my Juggernaut through KotFE.

I'm curious...how many times did you do KOTFE? My 1st time through, it wasn't terrible, because it was all new and tons of players were in the areas I was...but my second time through, dragged on forever it seemed...so much so that I won't do KOTFE again.

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I'm curious...how many times did you do KOTFE? My 1st time through, it wasn't terrible, because it was all new and tons of players were in the areas I was...but my second time through, dragged on forever it seemed...so much so that I won't do KOTFE again.

Just once and didn't intend to do it again. But like I said, my curiosity is getting the better of me. Unfortunately my Jugg is a girl and I was hoping to pursue the Lana romance on a male toon. Maybe I'll grind up a male guardian. Decisions... decisions.

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I'm curious...how many times did you do KOTFE? My 1st time through, it wasn't terrible, because it was all new and tons of players were in the areas I was...but my second time through, dragged on forever it seemed...so much so that I won't do KOTFE again.


Yeah, first time through I actually enjoyed KotFE, but second time through I'm noticing a lot of garbage that's annoying me, including A LOT of stuff the devs stuck as nothing but a cheap way to needlessly drag out the play-time and it feels insulting when they do that.

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Well I dunno. I didn't find the trash mobs that bad or even that irritating so I'm in agreement with Andryah.


OTOH I knew what to expect and ran it with a class with a decent amount of ranged AoE and had no expectation of being able to skip any. The slowest part of these chapters was collecting the drops (why does that have to be a channel?) Only one case comes to mind where a mob stayed at extreme range.


I'm morbidly curious about the melee experience. I'm tempted to take my Juggernaut through KotFE.


Strangely I am too.


Do I wish the trash was normal trash? yes. The 'run to an intersection, wait for the mobs to appear out of the ceiling' etc. got old.... but that's about it. Stealthers (which I generally do not play) ought to be able to stealth past most trash IMO. And I think it's mildly less annoying to simply see the trash as you're approaching and choose how to engage rather than having 15+ ambushes per level.


But removing the trash turns this into a movie. IMO the point of trash is, yes, to fill time. But it can and should also serve the purpose of "encouraging" you to take your time and enjoy the scenery and see the world that has been created as a backdrop to the story.


I admit I would have minded the KotFE trash a bit less if there was not so much of it in corridors or swamps..... but...


Aside from the pointless nonsense during the Kaliyo chapter where I had to two-shot enemies for what seemed like two minutes, it really didn't strike me as the low point of the expansion.


But I'll agree with TUX that it would be mind numbing a second time through (which I have no intention of doing) - however I look at that as an overall game design issue as stuff like this isn't supposed to be all there is to do.

Edited by gabigool
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Yeah, first time through I actually enjoyed KotFE, but second time through I'm noticing a lot of garbage that's annoying me, including A LOT of stuff the devs stuck as nothing but a cheap way to needlessly drag out the play-time and it feels insulting when they do that.


While I agree with the general theme in discussion that KoTFE is not the best for replay value.....


I just ran a second character though for DvL and it was not tedious at all for me, which surprised me as I had already self-programmed my mindset that it's not good repeatable content and avoided taking multiple characters through. I knew what to expect with the ambushes so they were a non-issue. All the dark corridors are always a little annoying as are some of the swamp pathing, but I just move through them and move forward. So, score 1 for DvL for giving me the carrot to set aside my mindset and take a fresh run.


Clearly, state of mind plays a role in how we interact with and enjoy content in an MMO. Kind of like many things in real life, to be honest.

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While I agree with the general theme in discussion that KoTFE is not the best for replay value.....


I just ran a second character though for DvL and it was not tedious at all for me, which surprised me as I had already self-programmed my mindset that it's not good repeatable content and avoided taking multiple characters through. I knew what to expect with the ambushes so they were a non-issue. All the dark corridors are always a little annoying as are some of the swamp pathing, but I just move through them and move forward. So, score 1 for DvL for giving me the carrot to set aside my mindset and take a fresh run.


Clearly, state of mind plays a role in how we interact with and enjoy content in an MMO. Kind of like many things in real life, to be honest.


I also had little trouble running through it a second time, though I couldn't be bothered to actually finish the last chapter. That tells me enough if I can't be bothered to do that last bit and pick up a free 224 relic even though it would be easy to do for me at that point.


I ran 20+ characters through the core story and SoR and that's just not going to happen with KotFE.

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I just ran a second character though for DvL


I also had little trouble running through it a second time.


You two must have a really high pain threshold i did it once and that already marked me for life, to me KOTFE is the embodiment of tediousness (being a bit theatric here but that about sums it up....for me).

Edited by UmbralSpirit
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You two must have a really high pain threshold i did it once and that already marked me for life, to me KOTFE is the embodiment of tediousness (being a bit theatric here but that about sums it up....for me).


Trust me, the third time didn't go so well. My threshold was reached there. Whenever I thought since of giving it another go and I remember especially chapter IX, that thought melts as quickly as a snowball thrown at a fire spewing dragon.


Funny thing is that my second run through was on my main. The first one to finish is my DvL character, a sniper, and I just space barred through it and had music playing loudly. That helped but the story was just ridiculous for a tech user. I even forgot to equip my special weapon and still beat Arcann the first try. That whole story about making a weapon was just for nothing in retrospect. Oh well.

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I just ran a second character though for DvL and it was not tedious at all for me,


Then do yourself a favor and try running it with a stealth character, because then every single dirty trick the devs included to drag out the playtime is going to slap you in the face hard and repeatedly.


Mobs will literally jump you from 30m away, and if you use your "nope-out" move to exit combat then they will often keep attacking you.


I don't like, as a player, being forced to play a chapter a certain way because the devs want to pad out the playtime, especially when the entire point of my class is to give me other options. It takes away my agency as a player, sours the experience, and makes me never want to do it ever again.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Then do yourself a favor and try running it with a stealth character, because then every single dirty trick the devs included to drag out the playtime is going to slap you in the face hard and repeatedly.


Mobs will literally jump you from 30m away, and if you use your "nope-out" move to exit combat then they will often keep attacking you.


I don't like, as a player, being forced to play a chapter a certain way because the devs want to pad out the playtime, especially when the entire point of my class is to give me other options. It takes away my agency as a player, sours the experience, and makes me never want to do it ever again.


I have 5 stealth class characters and I personally have never used my stealth characters to ninja past trash. Why? Because back in the day, before level sync and sans event XP bonus, you just end up being under leveled and then have to run all the bonus missions on a planet. So it's a common habit that I simply avoided from day one.


Personally, I think KoTFE, like a lot of content in this game.... it's repeat value is more about not running it back to back to back on multiple characters. That goes all the way back to Makeb, IMO. Which is why I love the level sync + Heroics so much. Fast, efficient leveling, and there are enough of them to pick and choose to avoid boredom. Since I already have Legend and have run all classes, once I have my ship I stop the class story and just use heroics if I level up a new character now days until I get to 55.

Edited by Andryah
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