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Am I the only one that think the first two planets are crowded as hell?


I play on The Red Eclipse and if I want to get anything done on Korriban/Tython/Hutta/Ord Mantell and Dromund Kaas/Coruscant I have to play between 2am and 7am.


I should probably add that my main reason for complaining is that I record all my dialogue, and seeing as you hear other players when you're in a cutscene or dialogue (but you don't see them) it kind of "ruins" my recording. If I didn't hear anyone it wouldn't be a problem, but when I hear rocket boots, level ups and the ordinary stomping around it kills my recording.


Granted this is a luxury problem. A ghost town of a server would probably be worse for most people.


I just think the threshold for opening new instances is a bit too high, around 150 players or something? On the small starter planets it's already crowded at 50 since everyone is doing the same few missions.


My wish upon a star would be that there would always be at minimum two instances (which there is on faction shared planets due to the PvP/PvE instances) so that I could always pick the lower populated one.


I love the game, but I'm the worst kind of anti-social basement dweller despite living on the second floor.


Oh well, guess I shouldn't complain.

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I hate it when MMOs have other people playing.


Yup, alas there is no offline mode. Woe is me! :jawa_frown:


Wouldn't be a problem if I couldn't hear them in the cutscenes/dialogue though.


You should try the former pvp server (freddon nadd?) it's way less populated.


You could also try the pvp instances of planets, they are empty for the most part.


I actually used to play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd but when they made all servers the same (PvP and PvE) I hopped to TRE, because I worried that they would merge the servers since TOFN was more or less dead. Since I'm very nitpicky about my recordings I wouldn't wanna risk having to change the name of the character halfway through due to a server merge.


Yeh I usually spend time in the PvP instance, but there's no PvP instance on the first two planets. Thanks for the advice anyway. :jawa_smile:


Or you could jsut dust of that copy of KoTOR and not have to deal with the internet :rak_03:


Already finished that game. Love the story element of this game. Don't really mind other players though, if only I couldn't hear them in the recordings I make. :jawa_redface:

Edited by Sigiles
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Am I the only one that think the first two planets are crowded as hell?


I play on The Red Eclipse and if I want to get anything done on Korriban/Tython/Hutta/Ord Mantell and Dromund Kaas/Coruscant I have to play between 2am and 7am.


I should probably add that my main reason for complaining is that I record all my dialogue, and seeing as you hear other players when you're in a cutscene or dialogue (but you don't see them) it kind of "ruins" my recording. If I didn't hear anyone it wouldn't be a problem, but when I hear rocket boots, level ups and the ordinary stomping around it kills my recording.


Granted this is a luxury problem. A ghost town of a server would probably be worse for most people.


I just think the threshold for opening new instances is a bit too high, around 150 players or something? On the small starter planets it's already crowded at 50 since everyone is doing the same few missions.


My wish upon a star would be that there would always be at minimum two instances (which there is on faction shared planets due to the PvP/PvE instances) so that I could always pick the lower populated one.


I love the game, but I'm the worst kind of anti-social basement dweller despite living on the second floor.


Oh well, guess I shouldn't complain.


...for shame, people playing on the STARTER planets with new characters...the audacity of some people! :eek:

Edited by ShardODarkness
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I should probably add that my main reason for complaining is that I record all my dialogue, and seeing as you hear other players when you're in a cutscene or dialogue (but you don't see them) it kind of "ruins" my recording.


Exactly the same for me. Someone on reddit the other day was saying at one point there was a 'bug' where you couldn't hear other players in cutscenes...sounds to me like a feature! I wish they'd bring that back...it really makes no sense to hear other people running around during cutscenes.


Another possibility - Blade & Soul has an option I really like where you can check a box to 'Hide Other Characters.' One click, and boom, you're no longer bothered with dozens of people running around cluttering up the landscape. If you could also turn off sounds for them, it would be even better.


At this point, I'm considering making clones of my characters on a ghost town server just for the sake of recording the starting planets...

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Another possibility - Blade & Soul has an option I really like where you can check a box to 'Hide Other Characters.' One click, and boom, you're no longer bothered with dozens of people running around cluttering up the landscape. If you could also turn off sounds for them, it would be even better.

Come to think of it - how about giving each planet a subscriber-only instance? I imagine they'd be quite a bit less populated. Or - offer a $20 (or $30!) per month sub tier, and give each planet an instance only available to people at that tier. I'd pay for it!

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Come to think of it - how about giving each planet a subscriber-only instance?


Yeah, why should "royalty" have to deal with all those filthy unwashed F2Plebians. :rolleyes:


If this gets implemented and someone opts in than it should bar them from ever getting grouped with F2Ps too. Good luck waiting for your FPs and WZs to pop after that! :D

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Come to think of it - how about giving each planet a subscriber-only instance? I imagine they'd be quite a bit less populated. Or - offer a $20 (or $30!) per month sub tier, and give each planet an instance only available to people at that tier. I'd pay for it!


How about the game dies but at least I'd know where to avoid. Asking for extras, wrong but subscribers who ask for dopey sub only instances and servers are worse. Costs would far exceed any revenue and we'd end up paying in less content. There are other people, in fact that's what encourages immersion and you can always start a new legacy on a low population server.

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Costs would far exceed any revenue and we'd end up paying in less content..

I don't think anyone's in a position to know that except Bioware - I wouldn't take anyone's word for it other than theirs, anyway. And since there's no way for us to know, I think the best thing for players to do is let Bioware know what we think would be cool to have, and let them worry about the financial angle.


Either way, given the kind of new content they're creating - with no class or even faction stories, and no real Star Wars feel - it wouldn't bother me if they never put out anything new, since I'm never going to play it anyway. So if sub-only instances means less new content, then bring on the sub-only instances. :tran_grin:

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I don't think anyone's in a position to know that except Bioware - I wouldn't take anyone's word for it other than theirs, anyway. And since there's no way for us to know, I think the best thing for players to do is let Bioware know what we think would be cool to have, and let them worry about the financial angle.


Either way, given the kind of new content they're creating - with no class or even faction stories, and no real Star Wars feel - it wouldn't bother me if they never put out anything new, since I'm never going to play it anyway. So if sub-only instances means less new content, then bring on the sub-only instances. :tran_grin:


They could afford faction stories at least with that so again, a waste of bloody money just to kill the game when it's easier and cheaper to pull the plug. I just did a flashpoint (yay! for birthday clearing away the gross cobwebs of using a Lightning Sorcerer...she's just lucky she's flashy on an RP server) and I couldn't care if I was playing with F2P, at all. They aren't dirty, you can't catch cooties from them- you want no people, go play on a near dead server.

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This may be a temporary problem due to the light vs dark event. All of the event players, including myself, have been clogging up new planets and flash points. Remember for those that want to get legendary they have to create 8 new characters.


^ I've been leveling my DvL alts by running all of the quests on starter worlds, GSF Daily/Weekly if it's popping enough for more than the intro quest, PvP intro/Daily/Weekly, once at a reasonable level with a set of about-right gear I hop into the Intro/Weekly for GF Tact FPSs. If I still haven't hit 50, I run around the capital planets for a bit.


Starter Worlds and Capital Worlds are usually the busiest with Nar Shaddaa as a distant third busiest.

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Am I the only one that think the first two planets are crowded as hell?




I started a new toon on Jung Ma today, I was the only person on Korriban. By the time I had logged off, planetary population was up to 4. Of course, when I /who'd 1-65 there were only 35 people on the entire imp side.


I switched to my toon on PotF to do some quick heroics. It was only the spam bot and me on fleet.


If you want an almost solo player experience to make your vids, try one of the former pvp servers.

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I couldn't care if I was playing with F2P, at all. They aren't dirty, you can't catch cooties from them- you want no people, go play on a near dead server.

I also couldn't care if I was playing with F2P, at all. Subscribers break immersion just as much as F2P people do, so in my eyes they're totally equal. But the point is, to try to think of ways where Bioware can offer an escape from the sights and sounds of other players, for people who want immersion and to record gameplay and so on. They could offer it as a benefit - but, a benefit of what? Well, subscribing is an obvious possibility. There are others...it could be an unlock sold in the cash shop, which would also be accessible to non-subs. Or something else.


(That wouldn't be perfect for my purposes, since I don't want subs around either...but I'm trying to come up with at least half-way realistic ideas.)


And of course there are other possibilities beyond that, as I mentioned, like a 'Hide Other Players' option like other games have.


Playing on a near-dead server has a lot of drawbacks that make these other options preferable - I'm sure Bioware knows the drawbacks, so I don't need to list them, but for one thing, near-dead servers are always in peril of being shut down, so it would be very precarious at best. But, like I said, I'm considering making clones of my characters on such a server for the starter planets - if there are any near-empty servers left standing by the time I'm ready to record video of the starting planets. I hope there are, but we'll see.

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Doesn't matter what his excuse is, it's copyrighted. And if he posts it on somewhere like YouTube he can get in trouble for infringement.


okay, the Let's Play videos aren't so great, but the others are vague enough that they don't have to be shared with others. I have videos so I remember how I play a character, personally.

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okay, the Let's Play videos aren't so great, but the others are vague enough that they don't have to be shared with others. I have videos so I remember how I play a character, personally.


As far as I know, Bioware doesn't mind the playthrough/walkthrough videos on YouTube- frell, even I think it's worth something as there's no way this century I could get my mother who is a sci fi junkie to play. She'll watch me play which gets a bit weird having someone hovering so videos are a great way to show her. My brother watches them for horror games he's too chicken to play.


Me, unless I want to re-watch a great scenes, I prefer replaying it and sadly unlike single player, there are no multiple save points. I remember having a permanent KOTOR pre-Leviathan save point, and for more than 'this is a job for a Wookie!'


Unfortunately, Bastila and Carth never went for it. The killjoys.

Edited by AllisonLightning
Adding witty rejoinder.
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okay, the Let's Play videos aren't so great, but the others are vague enough that they don't have to be shared with others. I have videos so I remember how I play a character, personally.


Ahh, Idk what the "Let's Play" videos are.

Personal use for remembrance might be okay. But I am still curious as to why the OP wants that? If it's for personal usage then slight sounds from others shouldn't matter. Same with a name change but as he's stating & making it sound it's for a published usage he's going to do.

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  • 2 years later...
Ahh, Idk what the "Let's Play" videos are.

Personal use for remembrance might be okay. But I am still curious as to why the OP wants that? If it's for personal usage then slight sounds from others shouldn't matter. Same with a name change but as he's stating & making it sound it's for a published usage he's going to do.


I know this is a MASSIVE necro, but I quit playing and returned recently and just wanted to set the record straight.

Wasn't even aware this thread lived on any further beyond what I saw earlier. Sorry:jawa_tongue:


No, I'm not planning any "published usage", how would one make money on this anyway since every class and expansion storyline has already been posted to YouTube several times over.

This is for my own sake, because I like to replay games I think has a good story, but seeing as this is an MMO it will one day die and be permanently unavailable to everyone. As is the fate of every MMO.:jawa_redface:


And seeing as these first few planets are so crowded, the only times I don't have the sounds of jetpacks, mounts or level ups going off in the background (which I find incredibly annoying) are in the early hours of the morning.

The only reason I find these sounds annoying is because I'm a perfectionist.:jawa_wink:


But it works out somehow, I got a job where I work day, evening and night shifts. So I just burn through these starter planets when my day/night cycle is turned towards a night shift. It's only really a problem for the first two planets anyway, after that it's either low planet populations or a PvP instance to choose, which is usually lower populated.


If I ever uploaded any of this to YouTube or anywhere else, it would just be to have another backup in case of a harddrive crash or something anyway. But I doubt I'll ever bother with that, because that's a lot of editing work.


Hope this answers your question and allays your suspicions.:jawa_biggrin:


PS: BioWare don't mind people uploading clips of their gameplay. It's only a problem if the clips contain music that they don't have the rights for, beyond what we see in the game.

Such as the scroll text music in every class intro.:jawa_cool:


PPS: Sorry for the necro. Just wanted to set the record straight. Won't go raising any other corpses, promise.:jawa_angel:

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