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Don't Call Me Outlander or Commander


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I've complained enough about this, but while people start anti-skytrooper threads like crazy, there aren't enough going after the immersion drop dick our eight different character stories get on non-Zakuul people calling us the Outlander and even the Zakuul... there's a galaxy full of frelling Outlanders.


It probably opens up to a bigger discussion on immersion. Like the fact Arcann wasn't worried about his father's Wrath in cahoots with daddy compared to any other class, master spies, Jedi Council members- lords of the Dark Council- all with their own reasons to be a threat.


All you need are alternate lines and believe me. I love ROTHC and SOR and will play through them for the delicious divergence and maintained immersion. KOTFE is one big nightmare as far as repeatable content goes and the biggest reason is the Outlander moniker. For the love of the force, don't do this in Knights of the Eternal Throne. Commander isn't just another game series' main rank but is stupidly stuck into the opening scrawl whenever I log on to that character.


It's text with replaceable points, are you so cheap that you can't add an alternate title to insert according to our classes? We created these characters and even on someone so lazy as to only make start-at-sixty characters for the story, different titles and entrance points, histories incentivize more playthroughs and extra slot purchases. No one is going to purchase an insane amount of start at sixty slots to be the same character as essentially a light side or dark side character.


So please, no more Outlander, no more Commander unless it is 'The Empire/Emperor's Wrath (insert your title and history) commands the Alliance against us'.



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Most of my characters are dark side and would never be interested in leading an Alliance so the whole premise of this alliance thing is wrong for me.


That's such a republic/light side thing to do really. My sith characters would've gone looking for power in ancient artifacts etc. Not ally myself with a bunch of idiots and become one, which is the current story for all.

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The -only- person of the eight I could see being called commander is Cipher Nine from when s/he is given the rank at Intelligence being absorbed into the Empire's Army. Maybe the Major as a general "You're my CO in this alliance that I supposedly take orders from while I do my own thing", but Major is her/his rank, so....


Would it really take that much longer to replace Commander with Wrath/Cipher/Agent/Sith/Jedi/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Battlemaster/Hero/Barsen'thor/Master/Voidhound/Major/Champion/Hunter at various points? Okay, maybe not all of those options all in one line, but pick one to be that character's "favorite" to use.


Like military comps would be more inclined to use Major/Commander(For Agent)/My Lord/Battlemaster/Master Jedi/Hunter/Voidhound/Wrath


Force Users/Politicians would be more inclined towards lofty titles- Major/Cipher Nine/Hero/Barsen'thor/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Champion/Voidhound/Wrath


Criminal Underworld types the less formal but impressive/infamous titles- Major/Cipher Nine/Battlemaster/Master Jedi/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Wrath/Champion/Voidhound


SCORPIO should just use the old titles because she sees all or something.


And then the class' recovered comps would use the old titles Agent/My Lord/Sith/Jedi/Master/Boss/Sir/Ma'am/Captain for their people.


As you said, it's a little jarring to hear Commander (for nonAgents) and outlander being used on us by non-Zakuul comps. Well, I could let Lana slide since she named us the Commander of the Alliance and says she enjoys giving people titles. I also suspect my characters would generally protest and then she'd use Commander more often just to annoy them.


I could also see Trooper answering to Commander because FemTrooper is FemShep, so...

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To play devil's advocate, you're called "The Outlander" because you're The Outlander who is known for killing their beloved emperor. You're not only one of the first Outlanders they saw, but you're also easily the most infamous.


That's why the title matters. It's more like a nickname than a perfectly accurate title.


Commander is just a literal title to mean that you command other people. Least that's how I see it.


Would it be cool if it was more personalized though? Yes. For sure.

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I have zero problem being called Outlander or Commander on any of my many alts.

This complaint sounds very petty to me.

It ruins immersion, or if it doesn't ruin it for you, it doesn't in any way add immersion or make your character feel unique which is sorely lacking in this expansion. Something as simple as being identified with your name can be important in retaining roleplay ability in immersion, to get a feel for that character, to know who you're playing as.

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I did a vacation on an island in northern Europe last week, and - indeed ! - people sometimes call the lands outside of their island the Uthlande ... So I could call my character The Uthlander, and that would fit perfectly. The Outlander.


I guess you are overlooking the point of view that from the view of everyone from Zakool, you ARE indeed someone from "the outer lande" - an outlander !


It's always a matter from which point of view you look at things - like Obi-Wan Kenobi already said in ROTJ.


P.S. : "Zakuul" written in wrong form by purpose. :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I did a vacation on an island in northern Europe last week, and - indeed ! - people sometimes call the lands outside of their island the Uthlande ... So I could call my character The Uthlander, and that would fit perfectly. The Outlander.


I guess you are overlooking the point of view that from the view of everyone from Zakool, you ARE indeed someone from "the outer lande" - an outlander !


It's always a matter from which point of view you look at things - like Obi-Wan Kenobi already said in ROTJ.


P.S. : "Zakuul" written in wrong form by purpose. :D

Care to say where your vacation was? Jusr curious :)

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It ruins immersion, or if it doesn't ruin it for you, it doesn't in any way add immersion or make your character feel unique which is sorely lacking in this expansion. Something as simple as being identified with your name can be important in retaining roleplay ability in immersion, to get a feel for that character, to know who you're playing as.


So NPCs calling you "Commander" in a solo storyline ruins your Role Playing Immersion? :rak_02:

Edited by ShardODarkness
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You do realize that the story arc is designed for everyone to play...not just you, and tell me how you RP with NPCs in an online MMO.


The same way I would RP in a SP-RPG. In my head, making the choices my version of the character would make.


Is it making up the story wiht a group of friends? No. Is it something I might share with others? Maybe, but not likely. Does it require immersion that being called by a title an NPC would more realistically recognize my character would bother? Yes.


Zakuul people calling my character Outlander, reasonable.


Republic companion people calling my character Commander/Outlander? Not so much, my character was a major galactic player apparently in this time before being frozen. I expected Jorgan to call my Sith "Sith", my Jedi "Master Jedi" at the very least.

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The same way I would RP in a SP-RPG. In my head, making the choices my version of the character would make.


Is it making up the story wiht a group of friends? No. Is it something I might share with others? Maybe, but not likely. Does it require immersion that being called by a title an NPC would more realistically recognize my character would bother? Yes.


Zakuul people calling my character Outlander, reasonable.


Republic companion people calling my character Commander/Outlander? Not so much, my character was a major galactic player apparently in this time before being frozen. I expected Jorgan to call my Sith "Sith", my Jedi "Master Jedi" at the very least.





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So please, no more Outlander, no more Commander unless it is 'The Empire/Emperor's Wrath (insert your title and history) commands the Alliance against us'.


To those we've recruited who are not our main companions, I see no issue with being called Commander. For the namby pampy "So cool" denizens on that planet I wish I could go all Darth Malak on, being called the Outlander is, I guess, okay.


For any player characters vanilla companions, they should be using the previous title / forms of address. Likewise Theron / Lana should be using those older forms of address.


I do agree though that having every single character called "Outlander" is where only having one single story for ALL 8 classes, is where it falls flat on immersion. The classes and characters used to be individual, now they are not. I swear if BioWare go down the route of making all the classes exactly the same in KotET they'll lose all credibility with me for story-telling, they are far from the same.


BioWare just need to be mindful of the hard work and effort put into creating the individual classes in the vanilla game and draw on that as a reference on how to make all 8 classes unique, even if the story is essentially the same for them going forward.

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Care to say where your vacation was? Jusr curious :)


It's called Pellworm, part of what was formerly Strand, but then broke with the first, and then the second Grote Mandränke into Nordstrand. Now, of Strand only Nordstrand and Pellworm remain, and of the fabled Rungholt nearly nothing but Südfall. Before the first Grote Mandränke, Rungholt was a very wealthy part of the island of Strand. Apparingly the Grote Mandränke invaded Strand from the Rungholt side. There is currently an exhibition about Rungholt in Husum. http://www.rungholt-ausstellung-husum.de/english/ ( Multi-language web site. Not much in English and in Frysk there, though. Don't know why. )


The losses were so grievous because they didn't have the types of dykes / embankments like they have now.


More here : https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strand_(Insel) or in English language : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strand_(island)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The problem is it is not just the VA "expense" There is also animation to consider (which btw would be the more costly investment)...unless you are OK with an NPC mouthing one thing and saying something else...THAT is immersion breaking (for me; I dislike dubbed movies too)
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I had a typo and was heading out to work. I have only now gotten back from work to discover that my cellphone plan changes don't include my workplace for today being covered by a celltower for internet access and the website is blocke on the workplace Wifi because it's a non-educational game.


What I meant to type at 6:00 in the morning with the changes in bold:

*"Is it making up the story with a group of friends? No. Is it something I might share with others? Maybe, but not likely. Does it require immersion that being called by a title an NPC would not more realistically recognize my character as would bother? Yes."


I am not RP'ing like I would with my friends by typing things out in chat, but I am trying to react like the character would in the literal meaning of Role Play.

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It probably opens up to a bigger discussion on immersion.


Just last weekend, I took my free 60 through chapters 1-7, strictly because I wanted to get to Odessen so I could then get cool armor drops from Alliance crates (and I have got a couple really cool ones so far).


Experiencing the story was...painful. And depressing. It's just so utterly disconnected from the original vision of the game world. I guess in a way that's good, because it makes it easy to banish from my headcanon.


But yeah, even on the first playthrough, the 'Outlander/Commander' thing was intolerably generic.


From the first trailers for this expansion, my impression was that it didn't really feel like Star Wars. Having played some of it, I'd also say it doesn't really feel like Bioware, either. Lucky for me I've got years worth of mileage left on the vanilla content...

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I don't see an issue with Outlander and Commander. It's not like half the positions exist anyways.


Empire's Wrath doesn't make sense, because you've been gone 5 years, and the Empire you served doesn't exist the same way it did.


Darth would be ok, I guess, but seeing as people do recognise you as a Sith (Lana calls you Dark Lord a few times, and Jorgan knows who you were), and the fact that

everyone on the council save for Acina is missing or dead

your title is pretty meaningless in the context of the war against Zakuul.


Cipher would be pointless, as no one knows who Cipher is,

and Intelligence has been disbanded for years now so anyone who knew them as Cipher most likely wouldn't now..



Major wouldn't work because you don't actually serve in the Republic anymore, as they still think you're dead.

You were also promoted to Colonel after you went missing, so anyone who knew you from Havoc wouldn't call you Major anyway.



The only one I can see making sense for people to know is Barsen'thor, seeing as they are one of only three people in existence to be given that title, and the fact that both Republic and Empire are aware of the deeds they did during the Cold War.

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It ruins immersion, or if it doesn't ruin it for you, it doesn't in any way add immersion or make your character feel unique which is sorely lacking in this expansion. Something as simple as being identified with your name can be important in retaining roleplay ability in immersion, to get a feel for that character, to know who you're playing as.


That is entirely your opinion on the matter. I tend to feel quite unique on my characters in the sense that every decision I make is based on my play style and how I have grown my characters, so for me immersion is the same. So I can understand your point of you on this, I honestly think it's quite alright as is.

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