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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Lokin is even more ripped the first time you see him in his undies as part of the plot. Does rock Body #3 briefly...in his briefs. :D


i had a "clothing optional" day on my ship...lokin sadly was the best built, while vector just had another set of clothes under his XD

( i guess it's cold in alderaan)

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To OP, well I am happy for you have an opinion.


Mine is the opposite. I like this fellow. He may be a geek yet he has manners, is passionate about his life goal, and very honest. He seems also spiritual. He is the perfect balance for the imperial agent in my opinion.


Except my female friend absolutely loves him, and so do I. He's just such a nice guy and I love his hair.


EDIT: I'm bagging him when they release same-gender romance arcs! :D

You know, I looked up the voice actor. He looks quite a lot like Vector!


EDIT: http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Ifan_Meredith

Edited by Hextasy
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sad thing is, if you do the same to lokin, hes just as ripped :eek:


I totally would have romanced Lokin if he were young enough. He's bada**, an interesting character, AND he's got a nice body.

Edited by alphasoup
stupid filter...
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To OP, well I am happy for you have an opinion.


Mine is the opposite. I like this fellow. He may be a geek yet he has manners, is passionate about his life goal, and very honest. He seems also spiritual. He is the perfect balance for the imperial agent in my opinion.


You know, I looked up the voice actor. He looks quite a lot like Vector!


EDIT: http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Ifan_Meredith


lol...thats just creepy, someone else was going on about the voice actor, and im just like " i may be the queen bee on his threads...but thats pushing the line for me :D "


(is into blondes anyway.... )

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lol...thats just creepy, someone else was going on about the voice actor, and im just like " i may be the queen bee on his threads...but thats pushing the line for me :D "


(is into blondes anyway.... )


*whistles innocently* I haven't the slightest clue who you might be talking about.


Here's a YT video I found showing clips of Ifan's acting. Dat voice! *melt*




Just uh... don't ask how I found an unlisted video. <_<;

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*whistles innocently* I haven't the slightest clue who you might be talking about.


Here's a YT video I found showing clips of Ifan's acting. Dat voice! *melt*




Just uh... don't ask how I found an unlisted video. <_<;


rofl ok ok... your the queen bee of the vector worship swarm XD

( i still will flirt with every other agent's copy of him whenever they dare have him out in my prescence tho....)

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I've finished Act II and am starting to get to know Vector better. He's full of contradictions though and I can't decide if that's supposed to show the internal back and forth in his head between the killik side and the human or side or if he just had two different writers. :rolleyes:


Let me see if I can try to explain...


The Vector that you meet on Alderaan at the end of Act I seems more confident, witty and bold. Then you get him on your ship and he's uncertain and awkward. It's possible this is intentional - to show how he changes once he's been pulled out of his element and forced into your service (basically.) But the switch seems abrupt to me somehow. Like he left a piece of himself back on Alderaan. (Maybe he did.)


The other thing is that his personality is very thoughtful and contemplative. But then you get him out in the field and game mechanics kick in and it just gets weird. He's stuck wearing these terrible inquisitor skirts and serial killer masks that just don't suit him AT ALL. And then you basically point your finger at things and he just destroys it in a few blows which is all very impressive, but seems a bit out of character. He seems too gentle for all that wanton destruction. Yeah I know he's Dawn Herald and all that, but the transition feels rough. I think he should have been made the healer perhaps (although then I wouldn't be able to use him, so....hmmm.)


I was hoping for a more "brainy" romance out of him...a real meeting of minds you know? That is his "thing" as a companion. But so far any flirts I get still feel very physical only, like that's all my agent wants him for! <sigh> Last night I got to the first kiss scene and I disliked all the flirts. They came across as condescending and demanding. I chose all the "nice" options instead and it sounded much sweeter but it still was a tad awkward. (I took a picture of the conversation wheel that comes up immediately after the kiss because it made me laugh...option 3 was something like, "Well that was...weird." :D I kind of wish I'd chosen it and escaped out just to see it in action.)


I like Vector a lot but he's still a bit creepy. I have a theory now that he was never written to be a romance companion but then someone realized they'd completely forgotten to give one to female agents and he was made one by default. :rolleyes:


I keep waiting for Kaliyo to corner me on the ship any day now and say, "Vector?? Really now agent??" :o:D

Edited by CloudCastle
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I've finished Act II and am starting to get to know Vector better. He's full of contradictions though and I can't decide if that's supposed to show the internal back and forth in his head between the killik side and the human or side or if he just had two different writers. :rolleyes:


Let me see if I can try to explain...


The Vector that you meet on Alderaan at the end of Act I seems more confident, witty and bold. Then you get him on your ship and he's uncertain and awkward. It's possible this is intentional - to show how he changes once he's been pulled out of his element and forced into your service (basically.) But the switch seems abrupt to me somehow. Like he left a piece of himself back on Alderaan. (Maybe he did.)


The other thing is that his personality is very thoughtful and contemplative. But then you get him out in the field and game mechanics kick in and it just gets weird. He's stuck wearing these terrible inquisitor skirts and serial killer masks that just don't suit him AT ALL. And then you basically point your finger at things and he just destroys it in a few blows which is all very impressive, but seems a bit out of character. He seems too gentle for all that wanton destruction. Yeah I know he's Dawn Herald and all that, but the transition feels rough. I think he should have been made the healer perhaps (although then I wouldn't be able to use him, so....hmmm.)


I was hoping for a more "brainy" romance out of him...a real meeting of minds you know? That is his "thing" as a companion. But so far any flirts I get still feel very physical only, like that's all my agent wants him for! <sigh> Last night I got to the first kiss scene and I disliked all the flirts. They came across as condescending and demanding. I chose all the "nice" options instead and it sounded much sweeter but it still was a tad awkward. (I took a picture of the conversation wheel that comes up immediately after the kiss because it made me laugh...option 3 was something like, "Well that was...weird." :D I kind of wish I'd chosen it and escaped out just to see it in action.)


I like Vector a lot but he's still a bit creepy. I have a theory now that he was never written to be a romance companion but then someone realized they'd completely forgotten to give one to female agents and he was made one by default. :rolleyes:


I keep waiting for Kaliyo to corner me on the ship any day now and say, "Vector?? Really now agent??" :o:D


" you said you get the rich ones, and i get the smart ones <3"

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hahahaha which movie is this ?


How'd I miss this? Hmm.. anyway, it's a bunch of clips from movies and shows he's been in over the years. If you can tell me a time frame I can try to find out for you.



The Vector that you meet on Alderaan at the end of Act I seems more confident, witty and bold. Then you get him on your ship and he's uncertain and awkward. It's possible this is intentional - to show how he changes once he's been pulled out of his element and forced into your service (basically.) But the switch seems abrupt to me somehow. Like he left a piece of himself back on Alderaan. (Maybe he did.)


I never really got a confident/bold feeling from how Vector acted on Alderaan. If anything, to me it seemed more like talking to Vector in two different "modes". First you deal with his normal personality, the warm and witty Vector. Further into that mission chain, you deal with what seems to be him acting as the voice of the hive. After all, the Killiks did want House Cortess for nest expansion.


But so far any flirts I get still feel very physical only, like that's all my agent wants him for! <sigh>


Sigh, indeed! My "head canon" fan fiction I've been writing largely ignores the romance scenes in favor of how I see my agent behaving. I would have much rather seen options to inquire about forearm rubbing and why killik females are wooed by membrosia than the woefully disingenuous flirts we were given.


I chose all the "nice" options instead and it sounded much sweeter but it still was a tad awkward.


Is that where she says, "No more disappearing when things get difficult?" That line honestly didn't make much sense to me. There was never a time where Vector went away because of the agent. He left to deal with his diplomatic stuff. Considering my agent fully supported his diplomatic endeavors, I felt pretty bad going with that option. It was still better than the line that makes it sound like the agent has a man in every spaceport. :rolleyes:


serial killer masks


Circlets are a girl's best friend. There's one from the Nar Shaddaa commendation vendor and another made by synthweavers (Traditional Thermoweave Headgear, I think) that don't have the Inquisitor requirement. Unless you like the serial killer masks, of course. I won't judge. :jawa_wink:


I keep waiting for Kaliyo to corner me on the ship any day now and say, "Vector?? Really now agent??" :o:D


I hope they have your other companions find out and react to your romances in the future. There's a lot of potential there for some really funny stuff. :t_biggrin:

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The other thing is that his personality is very thoughtful and contemplative. But then you get him out in the field and game mechanics kick in and it just gets weird. He's stuck wearing these terrible inquisitor skirts and serial killer masks that just don't suit him AT ALL.


I got the social gear from the cantina on Dromund Kaas for him. The formal wear. It suits him much better than the Sith Inquisitor stuff.

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The outfit issue is something I've been trying to deal with lately. I actually got lucky and found a random drop the other night that was a circlet Vector could wear. He looks more like one of Tolkien's elves now but it was such a huge improvement over the mask that I was like, "Ok, something HAS to be done about the rest of that outfit!!" :rolleyes:


I bought the social outfit from Dromund Kass and am thinking of switching to cybertech so I can make mods for it. Buying them was looking like it could get very expensive fast. What is the social point requirement for the outfit from Nar Shadaa? And what does it look like? Unfortunately I have miniscule social points so that's limited me a lot and I'm seriously bummed about it. I'd get him the noble's outfit from Alderaan if I could. :(


I'll check the GTN for some orange circlets though!


I watched the kiss scene on You Tube and decided ahead of time that I didn't like the flirts. I don't remember exactly what the responses were. Something along the lines of "proving" to the agent that he was serious about not being distant anymore and then when he says "What will be the next stage of our song?" she teases him about not knowing what comes next in a relationship. :rolleyes: The "running away when things get tough" could have been in there too. I think I chose, "Yeah we've both been busy" or something like that.


Why do those lines always sound so condescending towards him?

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Yeah... Hyllis is downright scary as a romance option. EPIC FAIL. But still a better love story than Twilight!! Lol... had to say it!


Shoulda made Dr. Lokin younger and more attractive (an older James Bond) and a little less beasty in rakghoul form (think more 80's TV show incredible hulk).


In general, the class devs are not good writers... the plot lines are not bad... pretty good even. But the writing and character development stinks.

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This is what I think:

What were they thinking??? Romance?!!


Don't take me wrong as a character I do like Vector but as a romance option... Let us recapitulate:


  • Guy that joined a community of giant insects that have an ant-like organization.

  • His mind is one with "the hive"

  • His whole body and mind are filled with buginess

  • He talks about himself in plural

  • At the beginning (as a guest) he even has bug dust around him like an aura

  • All he knows, talks, feels about you is being shared by "the hive"

  • You don't talk to Vector you talk to "the hive"



When you watched the body snatchers did you ever think they were sexy or romantic?

Unless somehow he breaks free from the hive and washes himself a million times and someone erases my knowledge of him being a bug with human appearance I won't find this appealing for a romance.

Yet I'm very curious and looking forward to the developments of the story and see if there's a way to make this better.


P.S. We fight for you! We fight for the Nest!

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Whoever made the Quinn remark, for some reason he comes across as slightly gay (literally, not in a derogatory way). I mean he is overly submissive (not that thats a bad thing, I am all up for female domination). He gets extremely whiney and complains about everything which is what drives me nuts the most about him. He also doesn't get along at all with any of the other crew members. Well, I haven't seen him clash with Jaesa yet. Not to mention he is going to betray you later. Even if you are a female that is like on the verge of marrying him, he still betrays you for Darth Fat@ss Edited by CJ_SAX_MAN
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Whoever made the Quinn remark, for some reason he comes across as slightly gay (literally, not in a derogatory way). I mean he is overly submissive (not that thats a bad thing, I am all up for female domination). He gets extremely whiney and complains about everything which is what drives me nuts the most about him. He also doesn't get along at all with any of the other crew members. Well, I haven't seen him clash with Jaesa yet. Not to mention he is going to betray you later. Even if you are a female that is like on the verge of marrying him, he still betrays you for Darth Fat@ss

while most of your reasons you think he swings that way are negitive traits... most people on the sgr thread series agree he probably would go for the right sith man

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I wouldn't want to romance him, my character being a hetrosexual male, but i LOVE Vector. He is my favourate companion from any of my characters. He's also pretty effective when geared so i had an excuse to drag him around with me. One of the best companions Bioware ever made and along with Doctor Lokin, the reason i want them to extend companion affection for more companion questlines! I also like how he is such good buddies with Lokin after such a short period of time, discussing operas, poetry, politics, etc.


That said i do agree that female IA players kinda got the short stick. Males get a bisexual anarchist Rattataki and a completely normal human chick (normal aside from being pretty *********** annoying). Girls get someone connected to a hive-mind and an old man (you can romance Lokin right?


If nothing else, even if the romance with Vector was good, and i played a female, i'd never romance him due to his being in a hive-mind. Every single other Killik in existence looking in on you boning? Hmmm...

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That said i do agree that female IA players kinda got the short stick. Males get a bisexual anarchist Rattataki and a completely normal human chick (normal aside from being pretty *********** annoying). Girls get someone connected to a hive-mind and an old man (you can romance Lokin right?


No, we can't romance Lokin.


We also can't romance Kaliyo (despite that, as you said, she's pretty obviously bi, which makes it a bit ***).


I don't mind Vector, really. If I was that into who I romanced, I could always choose my class based on that. But it does suck that he's pretty much the only romance option (while guys get two options + significantly more NPCs - although to be fair, most of the NPCs are just random quest givers on planets, not in the story.)

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