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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.


awesome post .... simply awesome

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i knows ; ;


...did ya fraps it? :D


LOL, no, I didn't discover video recording until half my characters were 50. >.> Once this whole server transfer thing is over I plan to record the entire Agent and Bounty Hunter storylines + companion convos, edit them together, and file them away on my external hard drive to watch whenever I want. >=)

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Yeah, it sucks that the only ways you can have then say their "I love yous" is by either have him repress his pheromonic bond, or be mean to him. Dangit BioWare, where's the option to say you love him as he is, bugs on his brain, ants in his pants and all?! :confused:



But she does tell him that she loves him just like he is, the best line in my opinion.


When the IA says something like " That's really sweet, but the man I love isn't human"

And then Vector is all happy that it turns out this way and stop repressing the pheromonic bond before taking the Agent.




...and I could never see Vector as a "bug". The only "bug" thing he's got is his mental link with the hive, which change his eye color. For the rest, he felt just like a man who forgot how to act in an interpersonal level. :o

Edited by Lawrichai
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But she does tell him that she loves him just like he is, the best line in my opinion.


When the IA says something like " That's really sweet, but the man I love isn't human"

And then Vector is all happy that it turns out this way and stop repressing the pheromonic bond before taking the Agent.



But it's not an actual, straight up "I love you" from either of them. (the line is "You're sweet, but the man I care for isn't human"). During the proposal, Vector will say it and the Agent can say it back, but during this scene, with the FTB, it can't be said without the Agent being mean or selfish. That's not cool.

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But she does tell him that she loves him just like he is, the best line in my opinion.


When the IA says something like " That's really sweet, but the man I love isn't human"

And then Vector is all happy that it turns out this way and stop repressing the pheromonic bond before taking the Agent.

She says, "The man I care for isn't human." She doesn't actually tell him she loves him, just that she cares for him. It's not really the same as, "You don't have to prove anything to me, I love you," which is what she says if she gets all upset at him for what he did. For my agent, at least, that was the thing she needed to say, because it was important for him to know. It is a shame she had to stomp all over the really sweet gesture that he was making to get a chance to tell him that.


On the whole, though, I think Livia would be somewhat bothered by the gesture (although still accepting it in the spirit it was meant), because he had already told her that he wouldn't stop being a joiner even if he could, and because of the slightly unsettling possibility that he suddenly wasn't the same man she knows and loves, and that might throw anyone off.



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She says, "The man I care for isn't human." She doesn't actually tell him she loves him, just that she cares for him. It's not really the same as, "You don't have to prove anything to me, I love you," which is what she says if she gets all upset at him for what he did. For my agent, at least, that was the thing she needed to say, because it was important for him to know. It is a shame she had to stomp all over the really sweet gesture that he was making to get a chance to tell him that.


On the whole, though, I think Livia would be somewhat bothered by the gesture (although still accepting it in the spirit it was meant), because he had already told her that he wouldn't stop being a joiner even if he could, and because of the slightly unsettling possibility that he suddenly wasn't the same man she knows and loves, and that might throw anyone off.



Honestly, the points I would want to hit in that Vector scenario:


1. You're beautiful/awesome/positive adjective of your choice

2. If this is what you want, I'm with you all the way

3. But, I love all of you.

optional 4. You don't have to prove anything to me.


Again, this is one of those scenes that - I didn't even play it myself, I just watched it on Youtube! - had me spontaneously trying to correct the lines.


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Celacia, how long did you end up sitting on that quest? Was it 2 months? Your resolve is far greater than mine! I spent 3 days pondering what I wanted to do and I thought that seemed like an eternity! :o


In typical IA-romance-blunder fashion, they had to make it so that it is impossible to accept Vector's gift and tell him you love him the way he is. Why????



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Celacia, how long did you end up sitting on that quest? Was it 2 months? Your resolve is far greater than mine! I spent 3 days pondering what I wanted to do and I thought that seemed like an eternity! :o


In typical IA-romance-blunder fashion, they had to make it so that it is impossible to accept Vector's gift and tell him you love him the way he is. Why????



Um. Since sometime in March, I think?


(After I completed it, our gmotd may have said "~Livia _finally_ slept with Vector~" for a few days. Maybe. I admit to nothing.)

Edited by Celacia
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I think Vector got a bit lonely this past weekend while I was playing the Guild Wars 2 beta, I had three different kinds of bugs crawl around my computer desk, and I haven't seen bugs in my apartment at all. :o Sorry honeybee!
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I think Vector got a bit lonely this past weekend while I was playing the Guild Wars 2 beta, I had three different kinds of bugs crawl around my computer desk, and I haven't seen bugs in my apartment at all. :o Sorry honeybee!


hah! told ya! when i rolled my first alt on bh and started getting cozy with torian, i got ants in my pc room.

passive aggressive little thing...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So last night, Crezelle, Eanelinea, and I were doing my class quest (they're both 50, I'm 39). We were on Hoth (and took pictures of us with Saganu =3 ), then proceeded to Quesh for the finale of Chapter 2.



Crez went kind of crazy from all the drain bammage, determined to kill everything, including Saber, Wheel, and Ardun Kothe. So when we were in the convo with Kothe:



Crez: "Oh yeah, you're gonna bleed dude."

Me: "Uh oh, then you're not going to like this."

Crez: "Yeah, you're not going to like what we're going to do to you!"

Me: "Errr, I meant you Crez."

Crez: "What? Oh... oh no!"



I then proceeded to

spare Kothe's life

which gave me a nice Vector approval (+86!). Vector comments that maybe it wasn't the best course of action, but we'll see and all that. Then he suggests that we need a vacation, and that he's going to take me to some nice planet he knows with beaches, sunsets, and auras or something. Which leads to:



Me: "YAYAY me want very muchly!"

Crez: "What? WHAT? NO! Hate you!"

Ean: "Awww, my Vector never said that!"

Me: "Whatever ladies, being a goody goody pays off, now I'm going on vacation with Vector."

Crez: "Hate you!"

Me: "I'll send you a postcard from the beach."

Crez: "HATE. YOU."



Playing the Agent class quest with the fangirl swarm is SO much fun. :cool: We're gonna do Sith Warrior soon. =3

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So, I just thought I'd share something for fun.


My agent had a son with Vector. Not sure what's going to happen to him now, since there is no room for him on the server I'm supposed to merge to. :(


Alas, Aidric, I hardly knew ye.


Here's Mom and Dad:




Their son Aidric:




He got his father's good looks and those beautiful eyes. :p He studied hard and joined the Imperial Reclamation Service to study ancient artifacts, his dream job. But he got a bit of his Mom's feisty-ness and angered the wrong sith lord, and to everyone's horror, he was demoted to the lowest of the low - a mere slave. His Mom and Dad were in the process of seeing what strings they could pull to get him out, when he surprised everyone by force choking some overseer who had been beating on a fellow slave. His parents were both baffled as to where this force sensitivity came from, but on he went to the Academy at Korriban. He plans on doing his best to try and bring some honor to the sith. He's got his Mom's knack for stealthiness and wants to train as an assassin. Dad already taught him some staff skills, so he figures he should be comfortable with a double-bladed lightsaber. He's currently doing his best to prove himself by just staying alive, but he's got a good head for intrigue and a healthy dose of paranoia, which will serve him well.


Hang in there Aidric...maybe someday I'll be able to transfer you...

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So last night, Crezelle, Eanelinea, and I were doing my class quest (they're both 50, I'm 39). We were on Hoth (and took pictures of us with Saganu =3 ), then proceeded to Quesh for the finale of Chapter 2.



Crez went kind of crazy from all the drain bammage, determined to kill everything, including Saber, Wheel, and Ardun Kothe. So when we were in the convo with Kothe:



Crez: "Oh yeah, you're gonna bleed dude."

Me: "Uh oh, then you're not going to like this."

Crez: "Yeah, you're not going to like what we're going to do to you!"

Me: "Errr, I meant you Crez."

Crez: "What? Oh... oh no!"



I then proceeded to

spare Kothe's life

which gave me a nice Vector approval (+86!). Vector comments that maybe it wasn't the best course of action, but we'll see and all that. Then he suggests that we need a vacation, and that he's going to take me to some nice planet he knows with beaches, sunsets, and auras or something. Which leads to:



Me: "YAYAY me want very muchly!"

Crez: "What? WHAT? NO! Hate you!"

Ean: "Awww, my Vector never said that!"

Me: "Whatever ladies, being a goody goody pays off, now I'm going on vacation with Vector."

Crez: "Hate you!"

Me: "I'll send you a postcard from the beach."

Crez: "HATE. YOU."



Playing the Agent class quest with the fangirl swarm is SO much fun. :cool: We're gonna do Sith Warrior soon. =3



still hate you <3


and it was a planet on the outer rim, with sky the colour of ocean ~


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still hate you <3


and it was a planet on the outer rim, with sky the colour of ocean ~


That. Is so cute.


And I love this about the Agent line: There are so many gems, really brilliant gems, that you only see if you choose one particular in-character line out of three. It's kind of a downside in that there's so much wealth you won't find on your first playthrough...and, with the event dependencies of the Agent line, might not find on the sixth...but at the same time, hearing about this stuff makes me so happy. And I think this Vector tidbit is much more exciting than Watcher Two's real name and much more pleasant than, say, Darth Zhorrid's childhood memories.

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That. Is so cute.


And I love this about the Agent line: There are so many gems, really brilliant gems, that you only see if you choose one particular in-character line out of three. It's kind of a downside in that there's so much wealth you won't find on your first playthrough...and, with the event dependencies of the Agent line, might not find on the sixth...but at the same time, hearing about this stuff makes me so happy. And I think this Vector tidbit is much more exciting than Watcher Two's real name and much more pleasant than, say, Darth Zhorrid's childhood memories.


indeed. if i roll an agent again im gonna run it with lokin out. i heard he says some great stuff

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