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Current PvP Is Disgusting


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Yeah, I said it, as someone who used to enjoy PvP back in 3.0 days, PvP in my eyes is straight up disgusting. 8v8 warzones start with teams that only have 6 people, premades are ruining unranked warzones, matchmaking in warzones is horrendous, and the community is all around toxic.


Matchmaking arenas should as follows for 4v4 arenas. 1 tank, 1 healer 2dps. None of this...3 dps and a tank with no heals or 4dps and no heals. Premades should go against Premades, not having 4 sorcerers/sages in 208 augmented gear queueing in unranked warzones going against a team of Sentinel/Marauder, Powertech/Vanguard and Shadow/Assassin who don't even have a single piece of PvP gear yet.


Warzones should have brackets according to the Spec Page, as follows


10-26, 27-42, 43-58, 59-64 and 65s.


Unranked warzones should have brackets as well instead of mixing up the players who have no PvP gear and the ones with a full set of 208 augmented gear. Bolster doesn't do anything for anyone unless their gear is under a certain number, and that actually hurts them MORE when they're up against 4 premade players with 208 augmented gear.


Ranked Warzones should not be just 4v4 arenas. Ranked Warzones should be just like the regular warzones, but with CHOOSABLE fields. Arena, Voidstar, Gree Hypergate, whatever. Unranked warzones, for the players with 2018 expertise should be locked out, and ranked warzones should inclde, as I said, all the same warzones unranked ones have.


As for the community:


Ask for help and tips, and you're told "**** scrub" and "Alt+F4 and uninstall". Ask for a group to run warzones with people and you're being yelled at "premades are the reason warzones are bring ruined". They're not wrong. Ask someone on tips on your class and spec for a rotation and you get ignored or chewed out.


The DPS get mad if they aren't "guarded", Healers are overwhelmed because there's no tanks. It's all around a mess.


That being said, I'm no longer doing warzones until a lot of things are changed.

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Sorc healers are doing alright, merc and oper healers are useless in pvp ...

Its great how if u had a team with 1 sage heal, 2 dps melee and ranged and a guardian tank vs similar setup same skill on imp side, but with an oper or merc heal, you know who will win, right? :D

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I hate to be the one to tell you, but your expectations for pvp in this game are far too high. Pvp in swtor is an afterthought, at best a minigame. There simply aren't enough people in queue, save for an hour or two during "primetime", for bioware to implement any kind of hardline matchmaking.


Granted they could add some degree of soft matchmaking (basically just balancing team comps based on who's in queue as opposed to just randomly throwing teams together; if there aren't enough healers/tanks/premades to go around, suck it up and make the best of it.) without murdering queue times. Worst case scenario you're in the same spot you were in w/o matchmaking.. But something like that would actually require them to devote resources and man hours to pvp.

Edited by nzologic
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I think the premade problem is the worst it has ever been and is doing real damage to pvp on most if not all servers. But from BW's perspective "premades have always been a big complaint" - business as usual. You have to explain to them what makes "now" different and more urgent. Edited by Savej
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I'm kinda tired of these threads. I'll just say that up front. :p


I agree - to a degree. But not to the all-doom-and-gloom extreme that you seem to have.


I have noticed that a lot more 8s are starting with 6 or less on my side, and when the other side is knows (because someone /say it) on that other side too. 4s have always been a revolving door of players until you get however many decide to stick. And then it revolves some more depending on the results of round 1.


I think this is both bio and us player's fault. Some of the blame lies with bio, because they don't let us choose warzones. Not even "type". So I understand people zoning in and going, "crap I hate huttball" and immediate leaving (well, not huttball, how and anyone hate huttball, but anyway).


But that doesn't explain when you only ever get 6 people to begin with. As I understand things, bio won't pop the warzone until they have 8 people in the queue to fill it. So if you only get 6, that means 2 people didn't bother clicking the little "accept" button. That I don't get at all. WTH would you queue up, wait for who knows how long for a pop, and then just ignore it. I could see now-and-then it happening, bio-break or something, but it seems to happen way more than I would expect for "legit" reasons imo.


Premades I don't have a problem with. I'm hardly ever in them, and never a "we grouped together the perfect 4 classes to crush people" type of premade. Usually I group with people about my skill level and we get crushed anyway. :o But mmo is MMO. And all premades are not created equal. Putting only premades against premades might "solve" the solo-queue thing that people don't like, but then us average people would be terrified of ever grouping up with any friends, because we'd be a "premade" and would always get crushed.


And plenty of times I've been on a team and been accused by the other side that we were a premade, when we were no such thing. We were just a group thrown together that happened to all play reasonably well and knew how to play as a group instead of solo-heros.


Brackets I would agree for more, except the populations now don't support it. On EH, where I"m mostly playing, I've noticed the lowbie and midbie waits are starting to get longer and longer now. It's too late, unless we have an influx of new people. I dunno, maybe splitting up the brackets would encourage more people to join in, but I doubt it. I think the biggest hurdle for new people is not being lvl 10 against a 40. It's being new to PvP against someone who's been doing it since launch.


I wish they had "hidden" ratings for regs. Keep everyone's overall win/loss ratio, whatever... and at least try to group up similarly skilled people. And it should be legacy wide. And, also, of course, no more stupid, completely lazy stuff like same-side 4s where 1 team had 3 healers and the other none. I mean really. That's the laziest damn algorithm I've ever seen for creating groups. :mad:


As for the community, I completely disagree here. As I said, I'm on EH. Probably it's server dependent. I've noticed, since I came back about 3 months ago, almost nothing but good humor. People willing to help when asked. New people asking for help in chat before a match starts, and at the very least NOT getting spit on. Usually getting some quick advice, and then given some slack in the game. Far less people just giving up (although that still happens, obviously).


Anyway, my 2 pennies. Probably not worth even that.

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Honestly they should hand people their interupt earlier (say level 15) and make 15 the lowest level allowed into a warzone. PvPing before you even have your interupt is idiocy at the highest degree. Yes I sound like an elitist but hear me out.


I happily help others with class issues...usually if I am helping someone out I'll group with just them, otherwise I solo que everything and just have fun.


The best option is for them to separate entirely arena and warzone gameplay (arenas are NOT warzones, wars are fought over resources, strategic locations, etc...every last kingdom that has started a war simply to kill has lost spectacularly). When you que up for PvP you should have to choose arena or warzone.

Let the deathmatch CoD crowd focus on arenas and let the rest of us have objective gameplay without quite so many deathmatchers ignoring the objectives.

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you are right about a few things, but your suggestions like new brackets and such would kill pvp. not enough people play this game for that to happen. if you made 5 different brackets for all the levels, the only ones you would be able to get into would be 65s. lows and mids are hard enough to find as it is and that's on harbinger. same thing for ranked, although id say its already dead.
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I was going to finish reading the original post when I realized once all his dreams came true that not one que would pop.


Just remove expertise It is a useless stat. Pvp gear is worthless.


Tank and healer in every arena? NO. I would rather it be 4 dps vs 4 dps. Heal and tank makes my head hurt and is truly boring. I agree there should never be 2 heals in arena but that is about my limit of control.

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Just remove expertise It is a useless stat. Pvp gear is worthless.


I think the best explanation of the expertise/bolster thing I ever read on these forums was something like, "bioware created expertise so that pvp gear would be different from pve gear, then they created bolster so that pve gear would be the same as pvp gear". I wish I had quoted it at the time for my sig. :(

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As long as PVE awards better gear than PvP, there will always be a stat like expertise.


Ideally, they'd just remove gear from PvP full stop. Have everyone receive a set template of stats for their class, as some other games do.


But we know that's not going to happen.

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As long as PVE awards better gear than PvP, there will always be a stat like expertise.


Ideally, they'd just remove gear from PvP full stop. Have everyone receive a set template of stats for their class, as some other games do.


But we know that's not going to happen.


I like this idea. I know many others would hate it because of the lack of stat customization, but I think it could encourage more people to play and keep the playing field balanced. It could also remove dps geared tanks from the game as the stat allocation for a tank would be different than a dps.

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Removing stats from PvP-Gear altogether is a two-edged sword imho. While it evens the stage for everyone, it also enforces more or less identical optimal gameplay. Some folks prefer higher crit builds, others more alacrity etc. - this would be lost.


It would also mean that raiders will always be ahead of everyone else in OW-PvP (whatever is left of it if it ever was there in the first place).


So not really decided on that one...

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Why remove stats from pvp gear?


As compared to other current mmo pvp I've experienced (Rift, WoW, Archeage, Wildstar) the pvp gear progression in swtor is a mere FRACTION of time- considering the completion of the dailies & weekly mission, it takes less 25 matches on average to generate an ENTIRE set of pvp gear.


In a perfect world, a solo and premade queue would both be provided (in some effort to achieve a semblance of balance) but the current playerbase just doesn't have the numbers to sustain frequent queues.



Swtor pvp isn't an esport. No huge cash tournaments. No livestreams garnering huge audiences. Just plain ole dumb fun.


But that's the point- it CAN be fun.


And when it gets to the point its no longer fun for you, search for fun elsewhere. But if pvp in an mmo environment is what you seek, disappointment is very likely to follow, as any mmo that actually achieved the combination of participation, balance & fun would be so popular that we would most likely have already flocked there.

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