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I have made -4372 Credits in 8 hours of Slicing...


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This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all.


So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted.


Please, tell your story of slicing misery here.

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Its funny you say that because you aren't slicing correctly.


Avoid rank 1 and 6 missions and just send your companions on bountiful and rich yields for everything in between. NO OTHER MISSIONS. I guarantee you that this "nerf" did not hit as hard as you people think it did.

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Did you not read what I wrote? I wrote that I was sending my crew on level 5 rich missions most of the time...along with 2 missions that have been known to provide a higher than usual amount of creds, one in the 3rd bracket, the other in the 4th, both rich missions...


I NEVER do 6 or 1...and I STILL lost creds!

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Did you not read what I wrote? I wrote that I was sending my crew on level 5 rich missions most of the time...along with 2 missions that have been known to provide a higher than usual amount of creds, one in the 3rd bracket, the other in the 4th, both rich missions...


I NEVER do 6 or 1...and I STILL lost creds!


Awesome. So run level 50 missions and sell those level 49 epic augments to people like me for 30k. Buy the mission schematics on the GTN.


People shouldn't have to tell you how to play heh.

Edited by KetMalice
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Awesome. So run level 50 missions and sell those level 49 epic augments to people like me for 30k. Buy the mission schematics on the GTN.


People shouldn't have to tell you how to play heh.


Yeah, see, I did that for a while. I couldn't sell augments for anything even approaching the cost to go get them. Augments do not have a market yet, and they won't ever have a huge market. The slots are just too rare.

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Yeah, see, I did that for a while. I couldn't sell augments for anything even approaching the cost to go get them. Augments do not have a market yet, and they won't ever have a huge market. The slots are just too rare.


There won't ever have a huge market? Stay willfully ignorant of how to make money with slicing. People who are still turning profits by slicing (like me) couldn't care less. QQ moar or learn to utilize the profession properly (i.e. it isn't all about sending companions out on missions). Remember, it is a gathering profession, after all..

Edited by TokinwithPhelps
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There won't ever have a huge market? Stay willfully ignorant of how to make money with slicing. People who are still turning profits by slicing (like me) couldn't care less. QQ moar or learn to utilize the profession properly (i.e. it isn't all about sending companions out on missions). Remember, it is a gathering profession, after all..


I am not sure of exactly how you're making money, outside of the world nodes. But other gathering professions have those too. So what you're saying is that even though Salvaging and Arch have world nodes AND missions that give them things, it's okay that Slicing only has world nodes and missions that take away things? That makes no sense. And on my server, there is basically no market for augments. Purple augments of all level ranges are selling for 100-1k...That is WAY less than the cost of the mission...

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Don't forget your companions affection also contributes to rewards when sending them out on crew skill missions. Hell, half the time my starship droid comes back empty handed with his low affection rating. Trust me, getting their affection up isn't just for those giddy, black screen, muffled noise moments. High affection with the right companions goes a long way with crew skill missions. I'm not a "slicer" but thought I'd throw my opinion in. Other than the same people on all these same threads telling you slicers to stop running the wrong crew skill missions.
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I have Slicing. Its not even on my main. Its on my alt. And I know what its like to Roll with Cybertech/Scavenging/Underworld Trading. I know how hard it is to get those to 400 across the board and still have credits for skills and training.


But even then the Nerf was to much. I picked up slicing for the quick credits, I wont lie. But what credits do you think we make? Sure 700 credits in a random world lockbox is sweet. But do you not receive materials for your professions in world? I know you do. As a scavenger I get all kinds of metal during my travels. And when I send a companion out on a Scavenging mission do I not receive metals or compounds? Of course I do. So why is it to hard to understand that players with Slicing want to turn a profit on their missions.


I don't want 7k+ a mission. Never did. I supported the nerf as a Slicer. But this nerf placed our mission returns in the negative or small profit. Remember our "material" is actual credits. It allows us to buy those Underworld Metals at insane prices and for those material gatherer's (which I am still apart of) to make a good buck.

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Its funny you say that because you aren't slicing correctly.


Avoid rank 1 and 6 missions and just send your companions on bountiful and rich yields for everything in between. NO OTHER MISSIONS. I guarantee you that this "nerf" did not hit as hard as you people think it did.


What are bountiful and rich yield missions?

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its amazing isn't it? here you had a skill that was actually profitable and what did people do ? whine about it instead of using and gain from it. Now thy support the change even if their own crafting things wont sell on the AH since the money income will be smaller and the in game expenses are ridiculously huge


always surprising how rotten the WoW community is

Edited by VonGriffin
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its amazing isn't it? here you had a skill that was actually profitable and what did people do ? whine about it instead of using and gain from it. Now thy support the change even if their own crafting things wont sell on the AH since the money income will be smaller and the in game expenses are ridiculously huge


This. Slicing wasn't the problem. One problem is how messed up crafting is: slow, extremely expensive, outclassed by plentiful drops and commendations, exacerbated by the hideously clunky GTN which puts people off trying to trade with it. The other problem is high cost of living. Slicing might have needed a small cut, but more importantly: the other skill needed a boost in profitability.


I love crafting, it's very satisfying to make my own things be it just silly gear, enhancements, a ship, a house, a shop, a mount, whatever. But it's depressing that if you're looking at efficiency, it's a waste. And it's even more depressing that people are so spiteful and stupid that instead of being glad to see slicers stimulate the economy, instead of wanting their own skills fixed to a truly useful level, they prefer to bray and clamor until the one profitable skill is brought down into the cesspit with everything else. Great work.

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This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all.


So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted.


Please, tell your story of slicing misery here.


I've actually heard that the 5s are the way to go now, the 3s are absolutely terrible, and the 4s are alright. Basically, the old hierarchy among the decent ones got reversed. Try prioritizing Control and...uhhh...that other 5 one. Then Fingers and Read. Then 3s.

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I've actually heard that the 5s are the way to go now, the 3s are absolutely terrible, and the 4s are alright. Basically, the old hierarchy among the decent ones got reversed. Try prioritizing Control and...uhhh...that other 5 one. Then Fingers and Read. Then 3s.


See someone found a way to change their strategy and not lose 4372 credits from slicing maybe you should try this? :rolleyes:

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How about... Don't stand around and just send companions out. Find a spot rich in nodes, camp out for a few hours... You can still make 5-10k easily in 2 hours or so. It's not that hard people.


Sorry but 5-10k in 2 hours? Why does that seem...terrible? I can make more than that running missions or warzones. Hell a quick win in voidstar will yield 2-3k, in what 12 min?

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Its funny you say that because you aren't slicing correctly.


Avoid rank 1 and 6 missions and just send your companions on bountiful and rich yields for everything in between. NO OTHER MISSIONS. I guarantee you that this "nerf" did not hit as hard as you people think it did.


The numbers don't agree with you.


Numbers don't lie.


Pretty much every mission was nerfed by 75-90%. You can compare old and new numbers right there on that spreadsheet. Let's just take a look at the 41-48s. The 3 best missions used to yield an average of 78.24, 80.30, and 93.56 credits per minute. The new numbers show 12.28, 19.95, and 17.49 for the exact same missions. Not nerfed as hard as we think? Hardly. lol

Edited by Ashanor
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I am not sure of exactly how you're making money, outside of the world nodes. But other gathering professions have those too. So what you're saying is that even though Salvaging and Arch have world nodes AND missions that give them things, it's okay that Slicing only has world nodes and missions that take away things? That makes no sense. And on my server, there is basically no market for augments. Purple augments of all level ranges are selling for 100-1k...That is WAY less than the cost of the mission...



I saved all the crafting missions i found while leveling slicing as well as bought out hundreds of them.


500% increase in price is netting me a nice profit for now.

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The numbers don't agree with you.


Numbers don't lie.


Pretty much every mission was nerfed by 75-90%. You can compare old and new numbers right there on that spreadsheet. Let's just take a look at the 41-48s. The 3 best missions used to yield an average of 78.24, 80.30, and 93.56 credits per minute. The new numbers show 12.28, 19.95, and 17.49 for the exact same missions. Not nerfed as hard as we think? Hardly. lol


uh i still see profit if you compare the column of cost per mission and average credits received....i still dont get what the problem is i see no real loss here infact thats about how much im making now and since EGA and beta with treasure hunting

Edited by Phadian_gess
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I 100% agree with the OP.


Yesterday for many hours (4-5 atleast), I sent my companions for slicing for min level 5 or 6 missions and all I was getting was 500s, the most i got was 1500 something. And thus lost so much money because it takes 1700 or more to send them on mission.


Now ofcourse these are forums and many wise *****es will try to teach us that we are doing it wrong, but have you really tried it lately after patch and see how much are you making!


Slicing is now more of a money losing professions. yes we do get things that we can sell once a while but man it is not good enough!. Bioware please fix this.

Edited by Yummymango
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