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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Operatives


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Can DPS Operatives do anything other than spam "knife" skills? That's all I ever see them do, vibroknifey mcshivstabby all day.


Yes, the *other* dps discipline mainly uses the gun. If you see an op in mid, who isn't bothering with stealth and doesn't go for bursty glass cannons but runs circles around your tank just out of melee range, while melting him down in an onslaught of individual numbers, then that's Lethality for you. The discipline with the considerably higher single target damage at the cost of a strict rotation with a long buildup that leaves no room for quick target switching.

Edited by Mubrak
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I hate it. I play a Guardian and they run circles around me while doing it. I'm constantly having to mouse spin to try and land a hit (yeah yeah, I know, I'm bad at 1v1's, especially against zigzaggers). The only thing I can really do is put my back to a wall so they have to stay in my LoS.


They have blaster rifles. I'd like to see them use them.


The field of view is 270 degrees now, lol. You should barely be having to turn, and if you're mouse turning, it's not an issue.

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That's why people love them (I think). I personally prefer the scoundrel version (sucker punch has such an awesome sound, and dirty kick is amazing) but I know lots of people like ops because they knife you while cackling like Edward Scissorhands.


I don't like either of them, tbh. it sounds like they're hitting you a lot more frequently than they actually are. iirc, each instance of suckerpunch includes 2 or more sound effects of being punched. same with the knives. so while you're stunned/immobilized it leaves the impression that you're getting hit for twice as many attacks as you actually are.


carny maras et al. are like that too, but it's a little more realistic to me b/c they are actually hitting you with two sabers every gcd. so the whack whack really is two things (even if one of them missing is almost immaterial).

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I don't like either of them, tbh. it sounds like they're hitting you a lot more frequently than they actually are. iirc, each instance of suckerpunch includes 2 or more sound effects of being punched. same with the knives. so while you're stunned/immobilized it leaves the impression that you're getting hit for twice as many attacks as you actually are.


carny maras et al. are like that too, but it's a little more realistic to me b/c they are actually hitting you with two sabers every gcd. so the whack whack really is two things (even if one of them missing is almost immaterial).


Sucker Punch and Laceration both DO hit 2 times, fam.

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Sucker Punch and Laceration both DO hit 2 times, fam.


This. Also, the sound of sucker punch is awesome... I'm not a big fan of scoundrel/operative playstyle, but that comic sound is amazing.


I get why people love the stabby thing, but how can you think a backstab is cooler than a kick in the nuts?

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meh. I see wut I did there. nevermind. lol


What I mean is, if your Accuracy (let's say it's 100%) was paired against the default 5% Defense chance of a non-tank, the check against that 5% Defense would be bypassed because it's a Tech attack?


I know it's more complicated then that, but still.

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I get why people love the stabby thing, but how can you think a backstab is cooler than a kick in the nuts?


Probably because if the Op is behind someone, you may encounter problems. I find Scoundrels ever so more annoying with that punching sound, a kick in the nuts I can cope with. It's the punching sound that gets on my wick.

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What I mean is, if your Accuracy (let's say it's 100%) was paired against the default 5% Defense chance of a non-tank, the check against that 5% Defense would be bypassed because it's a Tech attack?


I know it's more complicated then that, but still.


No I think you've understood it correctly. that base 5% chance of defense only applies to white damage. Btw biowares default pvp gear comes with just enough accuracy on it to overcome that 5% defense chance. I've stopped bothering to replace those enhancements on classes that have alot of white damage moves. The standard gearing advice though is to rip them out and replace them with adept enhancments as the extra crit to all your yellow attacks will more then make up for the occasional missed auto attack.

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To some it up, VS 2 dps of any types an operative will not be able to defend indefinitely.


But isn't this the problem? you need to fullfill alot of conditions to even be able to deal with them. And this is just one thing they are stupidly good at. Operatives are simply the best class in dealing with most warzone objectives.

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But isn't this the problem? you need to fullfill alot of conditions to even be able to deal with them. And this is just one thing they are stupidly good at. Operatives are simply the best class in dealing with most warzone objectives.


2 vs 1 sorc healer will hold indefinitely and /laugh at the same time. Would you prefer it that way?

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But isn't this the problem? you need to fullfill alot of conditions to even be able to deal with them. And this is just one thing they are stupidly good at. Operatives are simply the best class in dealing with most warzone objectives.


Hate to break it to you, but...


Sins are better in most cases for sap-capping (and in some cases, better for 1v1'ing the guard as well, since sins can actually put out enough damage with off the GCD survivability to remain in the fight the entire time). Granted, this will change in 5.0 (RIP Phasewalk), but currently, this is true.


A tank of any class is usually more effective than an operative in huttball, ESPECIALLY if paired with a healer or even another tank to guard the tank that's carrying the ball.


A good 90% of operatives have no idea how to play the class and are pretty much cannon fodder; if you can't beat MOST operatives you come across 1v1 on any DPS class, it's likely a L2P issue. Yes, the good ones will kill you, but on pretty much every class, it should take them upwards of 1 minute at least.


Operatives do have an upper hand in DEFENDING objectives, but even then, it's still really easy to shut down an operative with 2 players (or even 1 player on certain classes with 2 8-second CC's) if the players know how to CC efficiently and when to use their burst. Against 2 random PVE-er pugs? Yeah, you can 1v2 or even 1v3-1v4 for a long while before you die. But good players will very easily deal with a single operative. Hell, even in a 1v1, good players know they don't really have to freak out about an operative in 8v8's.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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