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Server Issues


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Not much we can do aside from wait. Something like this is down to an ISP to resolve, there is only so much rerouting that can be done to avoid this.


All I can say is that the DDoS attackers are some serious killjoys, they need a smack around the back of the head (preferably with something hard....).

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Not much we can do aside from wait. Something like this is down to an ISP to resolve, there is only so much rerouting that can be done to avoid this.


All I can say is that the DDoS attackers are some serious killjoys, they need a smack around the back of the head (preferably with something hard....).


I'd say yes, this is most likely the issue. It's a problem with their ISP. Nothing they can control, however i'm sure they are racking on the ISP they do business with to get their stuff together. It may even be that their ISP is expanding the service, and BW is expecting brief disconnects such as this, but they feel no need to tell us about it.

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Have you guys not realized that there is noone left on this game????Let me see if i can explain......when most of the people doing the replying in here are the same ones doing a live stream then how many people do you see?????




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I wonder if the same hardware is running the WOW servers as is running the SWTOR servers. Weird that both should be getting ddos at the same time.


You also have not far to look to answer that question either, isp (internet service provider) is the one getting attacked and not the actual servers.

Look up norse attack map or several different sites that show current attacks on all areas of the world, very good stuff really!

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Blizzard: Informs players of a problem

Bioware: *Crickets*


Having to get info about a problem with the game from a competitor.


Blizz cares about their game, and their appearance to their community. Bioware is that guy who comes into work late, hasn't shaved, hasn't done his hair, wearing the same shirt he wore the day before. They don't care.

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Had solid connection all day today on Bergeren Colony then starting at about 11pm MST was getting kicked out about five minutes after logging in with no servers on the Server Select screen. This despite the website saying all the servers are fine. I saw on another thread that a big DDOS attack directly to ISP's were the culprit. I confirmed this as my husband's been playing WoW's Legion all night and has been getting kicked pretty steadily at intervals. Anyone have any further updated information beyond canned answers?
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It's not all the "internets". Apparently it's a DDos attack that's targeting gaming. I guess some mamas' boys got upset that they couldn't stay up late enough and finish their milk and cookies. So their temper tantrums rained down on the innocent.
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