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SWG : Flurry Players Check In


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Alrite right now I'm sort of stuck on a server I played since launch, starting over my legacy is just ugh, when server transfers come in, lets see how things go. Bioware said this is their top priority to put in server transfers/merges. hope it comes ASAP. It should absoloutely be free since its really their fault that population is dropping. I'm kinda losing faith in bioware right now. If there is a re-release of swg post-nge, I'd go back. heck idc if it would only be one server existing. Edited by Jonoku
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so has it been decided? HoG will be the new Flurry?......keep this updated cuz MoB will make the move


So far the guilds on HoG as far as I've seen are


Flurry United: Guilds mixed in it that are very well known.(to name a few, NWO, nMe, THEM)

Blood Flurry(alt guild of flurry united which is on imp side)





I'm trying to grab my characters over there as well, trying to convince my rl friends to transfer as well.

Edited by Jonoku
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So far the guilds on HoG as far as I've seen are


Flurry United: Guilds mixed in it that are very well known.(to name a few, NWO, nMe, THEM)

Blood Flurry(alt guild of flurry united which is on imp side)





I'm trying to grab my characters over there as well, trying to convince my rl friends to transfer as well.


now when server transfers go in will our legacy go with too or do we have to start over again? cuz i'll move all my toons there when it goes thru

Edited by Rorrikk
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now when server transfers go in will our legacy go with too or do we have to start over again? cuz i'll move all my toons there when it goes thru


Good Question, knowing bioware having complaints and issues enough already, they would use common sense and make it work to go with your legacy. I have my hopes up. We see hundreds of server transfer complaints, I hope we dont see lots of "omg i have to start over my legacy" threads.

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Currently from what I've read character transfers will be paid only and move just one character and not your legacy.


I hope its not true.


If BW has any brain power left they will just merge a bunch of servers together and have character transfers separate.


Also LAW(Republic), Bleed(Imp) and DC(Imp) are are on Port Nowhere. I think everyone if happy over here Imps outnumber a whole lot though maybe 4-1 right now.

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Currently from what I've read character transfers will be paid only and move just one character and not your legacy.


I hope its not true.


If BW has any brain power left they will just merge a bunch of servers together and have character transfers separate.


Also LAW(Republic), Bleed(Imp) and DC(Imp) are are on Port Nowhere. I think everyone if happy over here Imps outnumber a whole lot though maybe 4-1 right now.


They said character transfers are free if u pick the specific servers that bioware allow u to, if u pick something else besides the list of specific servers then you have to pay. and ya if BW was smart, they would merge some servers so it would be heavy, if its just standard merge it with a couple light populated servers. This might attract more players to the game as well.

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Sup everyone I don't know if many of you remember me but thei is De's Bane from SnM, just checking in in hopes that they allow the entire legacy to transfer cause I may join some of you. All of my guildies (Xan, Gannode, Scoob, etc.) have stoped playing so I am the lone member and guildmaster of 1 lol.
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So far the guilds on HoG as far as I've seen are


Flurry United: Guilds mixed in it that are very well known.(to name a few, NWO, nMe, THEM)

Blood Flurry(alt guild of flurry united which is on imp side)





I'm trying to grab my characters over there as well, trying to convince my rl friends to transfer as well.


Happy to see so many flurry on HOG and hope to see more when transfers go in. :D

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Blazing Shadow from -TSM- checking in from the Wound in the Force.


Server's horribad, here's to hoping for legacy transfers.


If Flurry's still on HoG, I'll roll some alts there. DFR is on HoG still, right? Great, rollin' pub.

Edited by BlazingShadow
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Blazing Shadow from -TSM- checking in from the Wound in the Force.


Server's horribad, here's to hoping for legacy transfers.


If Flurry's still on HoG, I'll roll some alts there. DFR is on HoG still, right? Great, rollin' pub.


Yup they are all on there,


That's what is currently going on for transfers but only for APAC transfers. When server transfers go live thats what it would be like.

Edited by Jonoku
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all i care about is a group of GOOD, fun-having players that don't have to treat this game like a 2nd job to be good. i want 3-7 GREAT PvP'rs that can log in and tear schizer up.


not people that play an alt for 3 days and forget how to heal or DPS in a OP.


i finish TOP in damage in 99% of my WZ's, i don't stand in the "bad stuff" in OP's.


i'm pretty damn good at this game and i don't have to play 24/7. i want to find like-minded, GREAT, driven to be awesome, hardcore players but can play the game casually.


i party(totally) on weekends and randomly disappear during the week. but, when i'm on, i fukken dominate.


hopefully, server merges will make it eaiser to find better groups and better players.


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all i care about is a group of GOOD, fun-having players that don't have to treat this game like a 2nd job to be good. i want 3-7 GREAT PvP'rs that can log in and tear schizer up.


not people that play an alt for 3 days and forget how to heal or DPS in a OP.


i finish TOP in damage in 99% of my WZ's, i don't stand in the "bad stuff" in OP's.


i'm pretty damn good at this game and i don't have to play 24/7. i want to find like-minded, GREAT, driven to be awesome, hardcore players but can play the game casually.


i party(totally) on weekends and randomly disappear during the week. but, when i'm on, i fukken dominate.


hopefully, server merges will make it eaiser to find better groups and better players.



Oh I definetly agree, I level some alts and come back later on my other character and still dominate.

Edited by Jonoku
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