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How many are looking forward to KOTET?


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Absolutely. If anything, I'd love to see Scourge reveal some major secrets about Valkorian and give us more insight into how the former Sith Emperor works. Scourge has known Valkorian for 300 years. If anybody can get in his head, it would be Scourge. Maybe Scourge will be the key to separating Valkorian from the Outlander. There's really a lot of things BioWare could do. I just hope BioWare doesn't let us down. Scourge just has way too much potential to not be integral to the story.


Please. And have his excuse for not tracking down my Knight better than "Uhhhhhh.... Just doin' my thing here." Scourge better have been in something like the Maelstrom Prison for five years or also frozen in carbonite, or something dang it!


He needed more spotlight in SoR too. I dragged his sorry rear into a fight with Revan, and nothing from the guy about how interesting it was that Scourge would be fighting Revan again or something.

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No offence, but this is an MMO and I do not understand how you people are able to enjoy KotFE with so little content. There is ZERO replay value, because it's all the same. I used to love this game. Like LOVED it! I spent dozens if not hundreds of hours playing this game since it was released. I would looked forward to the new experiences a waiting me whenever I logged in and the people I would meet doing the GROUP content. But KotFE killed this game for. I tried, tried so hard to like KotFE, but by the time I did the story the 3-4th heck, even on the second time, I was so bored and didn't even want to play. I say this because the chapters are comprised of 2 things. 15 minutes of cinematics and 15 minutes +/- farming skytroopers. When they did the monthly releases, as soon as I started getting into the story, it ended and I had to wait a month to do the next chapter. By that time, I forgot everything from the last chapter. It wasn't any fun and felt like a chore to complete. I want to enjoy this game, but I can't. No new Ops, horrible pvp rewards and maps makes the game no fun. I was hoping for an expansion like all of the others. There were plenty of opportunities for BW to create ops and fun pvp maps such as the scions or the snake people. I have much more to say but I know this response will get lost in the forums so what's the point? I summarized most of the reasons I dislike KotFE and why it has caused me to leave the game.


Short answer: No, I am dreading KotET

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Please. And have his excuse for not tracking down my Knight better than "Uhhhhhh.... Just doin' my thing here." Scourge better have been in something like the Maelstrom Prison for five years or also frozen in carbonite, or something dang it!


He needed more spotlight in SoR too. I dragged his sorry rear into a fight with Revan, and nothing from the guy about how interesting it was that Scourge would be fighting Revan again or something.


SoR was disappointing. I wouldn't say Scourge and Revan were necessarily friends, but Scourge had a lot of respect and admiration for Revan. At the very least, he should have been able to acknowledge Revan and at least say something about their past. Both were intricately tied to the Sith Emperor and both were sustained by him for 300 years. Whatever affected Revan would have also had to have impacted on Scourge due to their common link.


That would actually be a lot of fun if we have to break Scourge out of some maximum security prison because of his threat to Valkorian. I just can't see him hanging out and lounging around from bar to bar like Nico Okarr. The more we speculate, the more I get excited for what role Scourge could have when he's introduced into the story. Hopefully, BioWare doesn't just disregard all of Scourge's history and turn him into some generic Sith Lord recruit mission.

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For your sake I hope BioWare does a better job accommodating those who are largely only interested in new group content. I'm also hoping that BioWare will improve upon the chapter format, which is likely returning, with more substance and more memorable gameplay.


Everybody plays MMOs for different reasons. SWTOR, in particular, is unique because of its BioWare storytelling. I think the best course of action for BioWare is to try and remain as well-rounded as possible to appeal to a larger audience, but also stick to its strengths and what makes SWTOR unique.

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OP there is no mystery it will be exactly like KOTFE. a steamy pile of camel flop. The story was utterly weak and often riddled with inconsistancy and totally forgotten previously told story. The levels were smaller and smaller as time went on and literally just a maze to slow progression.


KOTFE was literally just a 3 hour cut scene..... not a game.


So if they are saying KOTFE will be what KOTET is sadly it is the end of swtor and star wars in an mmo and more of BW bull.

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Everyone isn't going to like the direction BioWare takes SWTOR. That being said, aren't you being a little over-dramatic? If KOTET really is just KOTFE 2.0 then that proves KOTFE must have been successful enough to warrant a sequel expansion. That means there has to be some base of players out there who actually like it. EA stated they would support SWTOR for at least ten years and we have just reached the five year point.

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If its another poorly written chapter based story expansion then bioware can shove the game where the sun don't shine. I have no interest in paying for a game my companion can complete the story for me and knowing them a stupid arsed solo operations mode


I like most of my guild have stuck around in the hope that there will be new group content and by that I mean proper challenging group content as that's what makes people log.


Bioware may say that kotfe has been a success but I would anecdotally look at the fleet and be very confident in saying there are far fewer players online on most servers, so maybe through their rose tinted glasses it has been but the server populations tell a different story.


Anyway if there are no new ops I for one won't be giving them another penny. I want to be excited for kotet but am fairly sure its what will make myself and many of my guildies quit the game

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"If you enjoyed KOTFE then you are going to love KOTET"


... and it would follow that if you did not like KOTFE, which I did not, then you probably won't like KOTET. So, I'm not looking forward to it much at all. I'd say at this point its even odds whether I will even run my one and only level 65 through it.


I've only got 2 completed class stories and I like those a lot better so I will keep working on those, so I'll probably be in-game when KOTET comes out, but as for playing it? I'm not sure I will bother. I'd rather work on leveling my alts through the class stories.

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Absolutely. If anything, I'd love to see Scourge reveal some major secrets about Valkorian and give us more insight into how the former Sith Emperor works. Scourge has known Valkorian for 300 years. If anybody can get in his head, it would be Scourge. Maybe Scourge will be the key to separating Valkorian from the Outlander. There's really a lot of things BioWare could do. I just hope BioWare doesn't let us down. Scourge just has way too much potential to not be integral to the story.


100% Agreed. He would be the perfect one to do that. I sure hope they don't blow the opportunity to make great use of him. Like you say, there is so much potential for story where he's concerned.



Please. And have his excuse for not tracking down my Knight better than "Uhhhhhh.... Just doin' my thing here." Scourge better have been in something like the Maelstrom Prison for five years or also frozen in carbonite, or something dang it!


He needed more spotlight in SoR too. I dragged his sorry rear into a fight with Revan, and nothing from the guy about how interesting it was that Scourge would be fighting Revan again or something.


I agree with you too LyraineAlei. There is so much they can do, so I hope they'll do it. He needs to be a cut above any of the others they've done so far, I think. Like you, I played him in SoR too (actually I played him through all the expansions hoping for something more with him) and I came up disappointed because they practically ignored his past involvement. They could have had a few lines at the very least. That would have made it awesome, and a true cut above. I don't dare hope for more, I get disappointed when I do, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised. I'm half tempted to see if I can rally up the Scourge fans to make a special forum Siggy for him or something, like a bunch of us did with Theron a while back :D

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100% Agreed. He would be the perfect one to do that. I sure hope they don't blow the opportunity to make great use of him. Like you say, there is so much potential for story where he's concerned.



I agree with you too LyraineAlei. There is so much they can do, so I hope they'll do it. He needs to be a cut above any of the others they've done so far, I think. Like you, I played him in SoR too (actually I played him through all the expansions hoping for something more with him) and I came up disappointed because they practically ignored his past involvement. They could have had a few lines at the very least. That would have made it awesome, and a true cut above. I don't dare hope for more, I get disappointed when I do, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised. I'm half tempted to see if I can rally up the Scourge fans to make a special forum Siggy for him or something, like a bunch of us did with Theron a while back :D


Hmmm... Reds don't show up very well on dark backgrounds like this, maybe a dark orange color might work better?


"Make Lord Scourge Matter" or something? It's a good color anyway, doesn't blind the reader, and it's sort of that sith-orange-red skin tone color...


Anyway, back to the OP: I still stand by my "meh" stance. I will likely still be playing, and like a poster above, mostly taking alts through the base game stuff that I feel is really what I pay $30 every 60 days for.

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Hmmm... Reds don't show up very well on dark backgrounds like this, maybe a dark orange color might work better?


"Make Lord Scourge Matter" or something? It's a good color anyway, doesn't blind the reader, and it's sort of that sith-orange-red skin tone color...


Anyway, back to the OP: I still stand by my "meh" stance. I will likely still be playing, and like a poster above, mostly taking alts through the base game stuff that I feel is really what I pay $30 every 60 days for.


I love it! :D I made one, it was lime green lol, but I think I'll use your orange! :D

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100% Agreed. He would be the perfect one to do that. I sure hope they don't blow the opportunity to make great use of him. Like you say, there is so much potential for story where he's concerned.





I agree with you too LyraineAlei. There is so much they can do, so I hope they'll do it. He needs to be a cut above any of the others they've done so far, I think. Like you, I played him in SoR too (actually I played him through all the expansions hoping for something more with him) and I came up disappointed because they practically ignored his past involvement. They could have had a few lines at the very least. That would have made it awesome, and a true cut above. I don't dare hope for more, I get disappointed when I do, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised. I'm half tempted to see if I can rally up the Scourge fans to make a special forum Siggy for him or something, like a bunch of us did with Theron a while back :D


I would also be tempted to break up with Theron for Scourge... if that were an option..... you know that they might want to add..... just putting it out there :o

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I would also be tempted to break up with Theron for Scourge... if that were an option..... you know that they might want to add..... just putting it out there :o


That's a great hint to put out there. Lord Scourge would be a brilliant love interest...and who knows maybe over the last 5 years he's found a way...cause he truly misses us! :D

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Speaking of romances and love interests (I do think adding a Scourge romance would be awesome), I wonder how BioWare will handle existing romances. I know some folks have already gotten their LI companions back, but I'm not sure what repercussions there are for being in a romance with a class companion and romancing a KOTFE companion.


I wonder if this will lead to a situation in which you will either have to go back to your class companion LI or stay with your KOTFE companion LI. This is usually how BioWare handles romances as you generally can't have more than one. Does anyone know if this has happened with any of the LI companions who have already returned? I know Vette has at least returned for the Sith Warrior.

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That's a great hint to put out there. Lord Scourge would be a brilliant love interest...and who knows maybe over the last 5 years he's found a way...cause he truly misses us! :D


Or with the death of Valky's body, maybe Sith Voodoo Hoodoo Handwaving Ritual happened, and uh stuff and he's free of his lacking of emotions.


*waves hand around in a semi hyperbolic manner*

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Speaking of romances and love interests (I do think adding a Scourge romance would be awesome), I wonder how BioWare will handle existing romances. I know some folks have already gotten their LI companions back, but I'm not sure what repercussions there are for being in a romance with a class companion and romancing a KOTFE companion.


I wonder if this will lead to a situation in which you will either have to go back to your class companion LI or stay with your KOTFE companion LI. This is usually how BioWare handles romances as you generally can't have more than one. Does anyone know if this has happened with any of the LI companions who have already returned? I know Vette has at least returned for the Sith Warrior.


I haven't had any love interests return for my KOTFE characters yet, but to my understanding, they do force you to choose. If you get back together with your vanilla companion, you get a short break up scene with Lana, Theron and Koth. I've seen them on Youtube. I do hope that they give the LIs some more lines, that little tiny bit in the chapter where they come back isn't much. There needs to be more romance in this story. :)

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Or with the death of Valky's body, maybe Sith Voodoo Hoodoo Handwaving Ritual happened, and uh stuff and he's free of his lacking of emotions.


*waves hand around in a semi hyperbolic manner*


Haha :D Works for me! The possibilities make me look forward to KOTET. I hope it lives up and exceeds our wildest hopes! ^^

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I haven't had any love interests return for my KOTFE characters yet, but to my understanding, they do force you to choose. If you get back together with your vanilla companion, you get a short break up scene with Lana, Theron and Koth. I've seen them on Youtube. I do hope that they give the LIs some more lines, that little tiny bit in the chapter where they come back isn't much. There needs to be more romance in this story. :)


That sounds really underwhelming. I'd only want to break up with Lana if I know Kira actually has lines of dialogue beyond her recruitment chapter (I'm assuming she'll get one). Otherwise, if it's just another situation where you recruit the companion back and that's it... I don't think I'd want to end the Lana romance. Overall, I think BioWare should try and give a bit more substance to romances. It was largely pointless in KOTFE with only a few flirt options, a few mails, and the occasional kiss. It would really be great if BioWare could tie in some unique dialogue in the missions on occasion just to show the connection and chemistry with the LI.

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That sounds really underwhelming. I'd only want to break up with Lana if I know Kira actually has lines of dialogue beyond her recruitment chapter (I'm assuming she'll get one). Otherwise, if it's just another situation where you recruit the companion back and that's it... I don't think I'd want to end the Lana romance. Overall, I think BioWare should try and give a bit more substance to romances. It was largely pointless in KOTFE with only a few flirt options, a few mails, and the occasional kiss.


Agreed, they need to kick up the romance quite a few notches. More scenes and dialogue with our loved ones, both vanilla and new comps, letters etc. That would really make it a lot more interesting, and it makes sense for the story, that with dangerous times you live your life like it was your last moment, and that would include lots of romance. :p

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I'm looking forward to some feature updates and QOL changes in 5.0. Hoping there will be some stuff that adds to the game experience for me.


KOTET itself, the story... I have mixed feelings. I have faith that with enough time to make the first part(s) of it, they can do really well. If, after release (or as part of release) they go back into chapter a month, I don't have much confidence that I'll like it. I started subbing and got finished with prior KOTFE stuff around when Profit and Plunder was set to come out. So when that one came out, it was fun and so was the one after, but neither really felt like part of a greater narrative. And then 15 and 16 came out, and they felt like they were trying to be part of a greater narrative, but I couldn't bring myself to care much about what that narrative was.


This is a simplification of other critique I've posted. General idea is... chapter a month didn't work for me, from a storytelling standpoint.

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No offence, but this is an MMO and I do not understand how you people are able to enjoy KotFE with so little content. There is ZERO replay value.....


I won't speak for anybody else, but the reason I enjoyed it is simple. I wanted a single player RPG anyway. When they first announced SWTOR, I wanted something I could play on my PS3 or PS4 after it launched. I NEVER wanted an mmo, and since launch I've been playing this like a single player game. :D


That said...


I'm "kinda" looking forward to KotET just to see where the story is going, but I've learned over the years to keep my expectations in check. ;)


I'm NOT looking forward to another season of being stunned/tossed around like a rag doll by every random enemy in the chapter. I'm the FREAKING WRATH! :mad: "I" should be able to interrupt random knight #798.


I'm NOT looking forward to another season of companion clones who can't be customized in any way. :mad:


I'm NOT looking forward to another long drawn out season waiting for my OG companions/ LI to come back.... have one 30 sec scene half explaining their absence, then never get to take them on any missions or have any more conversations again. :mad:




TL;DR version.... on a scale of 1-10 my anticipation level is about a 3.5

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Agreed, they need to kick up the romance quite a few notches. More scenes and dialogue with our loved ones, both vanilla and new comps, letters etc. That would really make it a lot more interesting, and it makes sense for the story, that with dangerous times you live your life like it was you last moment, and that would include lots of romance. :p


Definitely. At the very least it would make the story more engaging since you generally are more invested in something if you care about it. That's part of the reason I loved the Mass Effect trilogy so much because I loved so many of the companions. I'd like to see BioWare really put some effort into building those connections (romantic relationships and friendships) to really make me care about these characters and want to prevent any harm coming to them.

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I am looking forward to KOTET I like the Cinematic style of play. I like not having to beat my head on the wall trying to complete chapters. I like the whole story concept. As far as Ops, never done one most likely never will so that is a non-issue for me.


Honestly, I'm a bit perplexed how all of our companions haven't come back on their own. By this point in the story, the Alliance should be well-known throughout the galaxy. I guess the argument is the companions wouldn't know where to look, but they would certainly have connections with either Theron or Lana.


It's just kind of silly thinking the Outlander's picture is plastered all over the galaxy by Arcann wanting him/her found and your companions wouldn't search for you.


As far as why our companions have not come looking for us yet. If I'm not mistaken, though your picture may have been plastered all over the galaxy and they may know Lana and Theron they both have been on Odessen and since the location of Odesen was not known till after chapter 16 except by those that are already part of the alliance they may well have been looking but were unable to find either them or you. So it is quite possible that your companions may not have had a way to find you till now. We may see more companions coming back now that the location of Odessen is known. Only time will tell though.


I am curious how the Gravestone will be handled for some of us. Not everybody will have the same issue and I am wondering how they will address that. Or if they even will....

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