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How many are looking forward to KOTET?


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If you enjoyed KOTFE then you are going to love KOTET, stay tuned for more information early October. All of us cant wait to talk about the new expansion and start sharing information with you all!


We definitely have plans to do subscriber rewards leading up to the expansion but we aren't ready to share those details yet. You can expect more information on that in early October.


Based on remarks the Producer on SWTOR has made about KOTET, it seems plausible to believe KOTET will be very similar if not identical to the expansion format that was used with KOTFE. We'll know for sure when New York Comic Con (Oct. 6-9) is here. However, it seems quite likely we should already know what to expect with what is essentially season two of KOTFE.


I personally find this to be great news as I enjoyed KOTFE immensely even though it did have some faults. Considering how some love to claim they speak for the community at large, I'm really curious to know what everybody's thoughts on KOTET are. Do you happen to be looking forward to KOTET? Or are you dreading the idea of another KOTFE-type expansion?


There is no right or wrong answer. Everybody has an opinion. I, myself, can't wait to hear more news about the latest expansion for SWTOR.

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I'm "meh" about the upcoming expansion, but I'm more busy with characters still going through the original basegame content, and had been even during the KotFE trying to hype itself.


I was hyped up for SoR, but when it went live with all of the bugs that weren't fixed for at least two months, and ever since then I've been withholding my hype again. Even withholding my hype, I was disappointed that Firebrand went live with bugs, and have since then, even when I ran through Firebrand on one Agent and had it bug out on her weeks after it was declared "fixed" and then "not quite fixed" after I had reached the bug on my own, not touched the post Alliance formed part of KotFE outside of reading up on Dulfy to see if there were any bugs.


I'm glad for the upcoming expansion, since it shows that EA is still making money off of and willing to invest (even a little) into SWTOR, but I'm not super happy excited about it. There's also the whole "no idea what is going to be in KotET yet" thing.

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If they do this again with another expansion I can safely say I am not looking forward to it... a lot of changes were made that didn't need changing. The story was pretty uneventful if I'm being honest. Was all over the place and didn't make a whole lotta sense following Ziost.
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Looking forward to it. Would like to know cost ASAP as unlike season one this xpac is not free. Be nice to see what the sub rewards are too.


Do you have a source for this? To my knowledge, BioWare hasn't talked about any kind of payment method for this upcoming expansion. If it is essentially KOTFE 2.0, I'd assume it would be free to subscribers. That was certainly one of the major draws to KOTFE and I can't see BioWare deviating from that.

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Yep, and I hope a few things are addressed.


1) Old companions brought back with a convincing reason they've been gone so freaking long. I'm particularly interested in Quinn.... And I hope when they're back it will be a continuation of our story together for my Warrior with Jaessa and Quinn. I'm scared they will act like we never knew each other or some kind of flippant one liner excuse like with Vette.


2) If I have to recruit anymore people, they will be deferential to me since I am a freaking Darth. No more menial tasks for me to do to butter them up. They're either with me or they can die.


3) Speaking of Die. So many people need to die. Arcann, Vaylin, Senya, Koth, Doctor Lokin, Scorpio, Skadge, Doc, Corso, and most importantly, I never want to hear from that stupid old man Valkorion ever again.

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Yep, and I hope a few things are addressed.


1) Old companions brought back with a convincing reason they've been gone so freaking long. I'm particularly interested in Quinn.... And I hope when they're back it will be a continuation of our story together for my Warrior with Jaessa and Quinn. I'm scared they will act like we never knew each other or some kind of flippant one liner excuse like with Vette.


Honestly, I'm a bit perplexed how all of our companions haven't come back on their own. By this point in the story, the Alliance should be well-known throughout the galaxy. I guess the argument is the companions wouldn't know where to look, but they would certainly have connections with either Theron or Lana.


It's just kind of silly thinking the Outlander's picture is plastered all over the galaxy by Arcann wanting him/her found and your companions wouldn't search for you. I really do hope BioWare does a better job with old companions returning, especially love interests. I want to see the awkward love triangle flare between Kira and Lana after all!


Hopefully we can get some more companion dialogue as well instead of just one or two random companions talking for the duration of a chapter and then never speaking again.

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If I knew what to be excited for then maybe. All I have is a concept art picture to go on. That's it...:confused:


Well, the point of the OP is it has been strongly suggested that KOTET will be another chapter-based expansion. That should give you an idea of what to expect, beyond just the concept art we have seen.

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I am interested, and actually looking forward to it.

I understand what they said about only re-introducing old companions at the "proper time" in the story line.

I would like to have a bit more selection choice in active companion in part of the story in progress. I was a bit disappointed not being able to use Vette in the last story as she was up to 50 influence, but oh well.


I do plan to stay around and have a lot of fun with it.

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I am. If for no other reason, than because I want my Malavai, Vector and Scourge back. I want to see their chapters and stories, and for the love of all that is holy, they'd better not make Scourge a mere 'alert'. He had better have his own awesome chapter. After ignoring so much of his story and lore in previous parts, I hope they will make that up in KOTET. I need Scourge and I need him to have an awesome story. :o
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Yep... looking forward to it.


AND... what they release in 5.0 will tell us much more about what has/has-not been successful with the broad cross-section of players. If we see a full on chapter format as with 4.0... then clearly it was successful in the studios eyes and worthy of repeating. It will tell us a lot more then the constant forum banter and debate over the good vs evil of the approach.

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It could use some improvements, chief amongst them length of episodes and some variation in the type of missions (can we please have something other than "go to X and chop everyone into little pieces", please?), but on the whole the writing has been a return to form for Bioware after the mistakes of ME3 and Inquisition.
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I am. If for no other reason, than because I want my Malavai, Vector and Scourge back. I want to see their chapters and stories, and for the love of all that is holy, they'd better not make Scourge a mere 'alert'. He had better have his own awesome chapter. After ignoring so much of his story and lore in previous parts, I hope they will make that up in KOTET. I need Scourge and I need him to have an awesome story. :o


Scourge MUST have his own chapter. He was integral to the Revan book, he was key to the Jedi Knight story, and he is the former Wrath of Valkorian. If he and Valkorian do not go head to head, it will be a major letdown. I can't see BioWare making Scourge a similar Alliance Alert though. I can understand for characters such as Rusk and Skadge as they are expendable. Scourge is just too important to ignore. The same is the case with Kira, who is a former Child of the Emperor. She better have a major role with regard to Valkorian.

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Scourge MUST have his own chapter. He was integral to the Revan book, he was key to the Jedi Knight story, and he is the former Wrath of Valkorian. If he and Valkorian do not go head to head, it will be a major letdown. I can't see BioWare making Scourge a similar Alliance Alert though. I can understand for characters such as Rusk and Skadge as they are expendable. Scourge is just too important to ignore. The same is the case with Kira, who is a former Child of the Emperor. She better have a major role with regard to Valkorian.


Oh I do hope you're right. From your post to Bioware's writer's ears! They've ignored him for far too long, I really do need an entire chapter devoted to him, at least. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Oh I do hope you're right. From your post to Bioware's writer's ears! They've ignored him for far too long, I really do need an entire chapter devoted to him, at least. :)


Absolutely. If anything, I'd love to see Scourge reveal some major secrets about Valkorian and give us more insight into how the former Sith Emperor works. Scourge has known Valkorian for 300 years. If anybody can get in his head, it would be Scourge. Maybe Scourge will be the key to separating Valkorian from the Outlander. There's really a lot of things BioWare could do. I just hope BioWare doesn't let us down. Scourge just has way too much potential to not be integral to the story.

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