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Feedback LvD event, and F2P restrictions.


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It's go down to a few things:

1-BW made this game with Snob and rich kids in mind . That's why to this day , they are selling the game with American Money (and don't care if others countries have to shell more to Sub . )


This invalidates your entire post and after this first paragraph i just stopped reading your reply.

There are several countries that pay half of what the US pays for a subscription. You just happen to be in a country where currency conversion is not in your favor. Welcome to world economics.

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They already started doing this. Haven't you done any alliance alerts?


Why? When you are doing them you are getting a wall of text, which you can say to Accept or Decline?


What I meant with my sarcasm is, player are demanding more and more and what they don't realize, that if you put more resources into some aspect of the game, you gotta have to pull resources from another part.

In this case, yes, WoW puts out more raid content, but compared to ToR their leveling content, story is ... well nowhere near in quality. Because their focus is different, as sad as it is, we can't have everything.


I can demand too, hmm I'd like GW2-s events, WoWs end game, Tera's combat system! Damn BW !

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What I meant with my sarcasm is, player are demanding more and more and what they don't realize, that if you put more resources into some aspect of the game, you gotta have to pull resources from another part.


Except that's not the case. Players don't want more, they want the same as RotHC. This expansion had everything for everybody - ops, fps, story, GSF, strongholds. So there is no reason they can't offer the same amount of content except that they don't have that amount of resources as back there. If that's the case it's quite reasonable to ask why pay the same money for less content.

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Except that's not the case. Players I don't want more, they I want the same as RotHC. This expansion had everything for everybody - ops, fps, story, GSF, strongholds. So there is no reason they can't offer the same amount of content except that they don't have that amount of resources as back there. If that's the case it's quite reasonable to ask why pay the same money for less content.


corrected to reflect reality


When you speak for yourself dont use we or they but I

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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The LvD packs for the event suck. Everyone agrees. They might be the suckiest rewards for an event, but then you did the eternal champion event and thought. Oh boy.


Anything good now is coming straight from the cash shop only. The content is subpar. The in-game rewards stink.


What is interesting is the old packs. When the original cartel market dropped it had lots of F2P unlocks.


I have Account wide unlocks that I bought for minimum credits that allow me to unsub and still have a quality gaming experience. I have something like 13-15 character authorizations. Purple Authorization account wide. Hide Head Slot account wide. Gear matching account wide. Legacy bank. All sort of of goodies like extra slots. These things are critical purchases while subbed if you want to go F2P.


Things that drive me bananas are the cost for passes. They would sell a lot more passes if they priced them reasonably and they'd have a lot more money. The dollar to credit ratio for simply opening up pvp for the month or pve for the month to someone is basically extorting them to subscribe.


When I am in F2P mode I don't even bother with cartel coin purchases, because the things I need run counter to me having dropped my sub because of content lacking my monthly dollar investment.


I might feel like running a few operations when I am f2p, but I most certainly am not going to pay for 1 week of operations in which I can only run its 1 time per toon and its even worse for those without so many character slots unlocked.


The number 1 complaint about packs is the stupidity of gambling packs. Sell the items. Let people take a shot at the RNG to get it cheaper, but sell the items. I've not seen a more stubborn group of developers in my life. You need to have a mixture of packs and the items. The damn for sale armor and weapons haven't changed much in 2 years. When you drop a pack that high-end weapon and armor should be up for sale. Why? Cash. People will buy the packs to roll on items. They will also straight pay the 1400 cartel coins. No offense but a BOP Sale of the item is what is needed. Sure you can have an unstable arbitator. Its 1400 coins and you cannot sell it.


They need to do this to get more money. Right now no one has any incentive to pay real dollars. If you are smart you use the packs as ingame currency equals and they are letting smart players trade packs for cash with guildies brokering.


Very easy to circumvent currency restrictions with over priced ingame packs. You basically are giving the packs to the subscribers. I hold a hypercrate. I have roughly 20-30 million in currency in trade for me to continue f2p avoiding your currency restrictions. All because you refuse to just sell the items.


Just saying. You are leaving massive money on the table.

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Greedy I can handle.. I've been a merchant real world. Owned a brick and morter and had a belly full of over priced junk peddled to me to sell to my customers. Petty how ever I draw the line at. And I feel that the f2P restrictions are just that Petty, and divisive. It's not something I am willing to support., so when the wife decides no more that will be it. No more money from this household. I may or may no continue to play at that point because of the play retrictions 'll then be undr.. Mostly i'll stop playing.. and just like ina brick and morter operation.. I likely will not be back. I don't see any incentive to me to continue playing once the account reverts which will eventually happen because there is no way I am going to spend MY money on this game.


So this is generally the point in the "FTP needs more" arguments where they lose me. Calling the company greedy for wanting you to pay for the game you are enjoying/playing. This is just too big a pot calling the kettle black moment. I want more and I do not want to pay for it. You should value my presence here as good as money from somone else.

Restaurants may give out free bread sticks or chips and salsa for people the second they sit down, but that doesn't entitle them to free meals. That's the way I view the FTP model. Here's a taste of the game we spent hours and money creating. We hope you like the preview and decide to pay to try the rest out.

Edited by Jamtas
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Complete access to endgame is a pretty large difference.


Not necessarily. It depends on what the "endgame" is and how substantial it is. Rift is very much a clone of WoW while SWTOR actually has something WoW doesn't: BioWare storytelling.


Cool, I have access to raids and instanced PvP. I can get infinite PvP in SWTOR if I group with a subscriber and the operations get redundant after doing them a couple of times. Other than that, I don't really see that extra perk in Rift being that much more substantial or interesting. It depends on what you play the MMO for.

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There's an old adage that I think applies to F2P experience -- You get what you paid for. I understand that everyone is in different financial situations, and of course people are going to have rough patches and may have to drop their sub for a bit here or there. But if someone is unwilling or unable to ever pay for the game (since you only need 1 months sub to unlock all content), why exactly would EA/Bioware want to give that person full access to the game? F2P exists essentially for 2 reasons: to act as a trial so people can decide if they want to subscribe and to help fill the world with players so that the paying customers have a better experience. If someone is playing the game with the intention of never paying, they aren't even a swtor customer at that point. They're part of the product that is being sold to the paying customers.


Now, if only that adage applied to the recent cartel market packs...

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The LvD packs for the event suck. Everyone agrees.


Let me stop you right there chuckles. Not everyone agrees. I don't agree and neither do many people who the RNG gods were kind to. They gave out items that are only normally available when *someone* spends real life currency. For a little invested game time, you got a shot at some decent items, plus some nice XP boosting gear.

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Let me stop you right there chuckles. Not everyone agrees. I don't agree and neither do many people who the RNG gods were kind to. They gave out items that are only normally available when *someone* spends real life currency. For a little invested game time, you got a shot at some decent items, plus some nice XP boosting gear.


Agreed. I didn't get anything super rare, such as one of the over-priced lightsabers or rare armor sets. I did get the upper satele armor set and lower sith recluse armor set. That's better than nothing and I didn't have to spend one dollar to get them.

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Agreed. I didn't get anything super rare, such as one of the over-priced lightsabers or rare armor sets. I did get the upper satele armor set and lower sith recluse armor set. That's better than nothing and I didn't have to spend one dollar to get them.


I got a bunch of cool stuff, and my RNG luck sucks. Got the full set of revan armor, the unstable lightsaber which I have been wanting and a few other good things, theh are now unlocked for my entire legacy.

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It depends on what you play the MMO for.


Something to keep me entertained, with various activities that I can pick and choose to do depending on numerous factors.


I guess it didn't occur to me that what I would consider as endgame, may be different depending on viewpoint of the player. Good call. :D

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I don't mind the f2p limitations even though I do have f2p accounts along with my subs. At least BW did include f2p even if it is limited. I mind the fact that BW are penalizing solo players. At the end of the day I sub too yet my play style is yet again penalized by BW.


It is what it is unfortunately BW won't change the rules half way though the event.

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And drop the voice acting quest design and cinematic story telling, replace them with text kill 20 zebra type quests so it can be equal to WoW.


Sounds about right, since cutscenes that accomplish nothing are a larger waste of funds than another kill them all mission, which you disdain as if SWTOR is free of those and is some truly epic cinematic adventure from level 1-65 with no drudgery, when it's standard theme park MMO gameplay with a transparent Star Wars skin.

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Agreed. I didn't get anything super rare, such as one of the over-priced lightsabers or rare armor sets. I did get the upper satele armor set and lower sith recluse armor set. That's better than nothing and I didn't have to spend one dollar to get them.


Unless you want them to be usable by another character, right?


My trooper just LOVED getting a lightsaber. I guess it's a nice shiny can opener.

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As always when the F2P arguments/moans appear - you are getting this game entirely wrong.

SWTOR is not a free game. SWTOR is a game with a monthly subscription that happens to have a free option.

It is not a free game with an additional subscriber option.

Once you realise this, you realise that with the free option - you're entitled to nothing.

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Unless you want them to be usable by another character, right?


My trooper just LOVED getting a lightsaber. I guess it's a nice shiny can opener.


To address that, they made the item stash so you can bind it to whichever character you want.


Then everyone complained that Bioware spent time on making a new way to open cartel market items. :rolleyes:

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