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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This level scaling is flat out unacceptable and I want it changed. Now.


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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.

Edited by SirCopperfield
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It's not going to change even though many of us have complained about it. and they certainly won't change it just because you gave them 72 hrs.

Hate to see you go, but I'd like first crack at you stuff when you do.

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Sadly good Sir, they have failed to listen to us internet royals, it's as if they have gone deaf to our pleas. Or perhaps they have simply gone death, as I have heard nary a peep from them in some time. Perhaps someone should drive by the offices to check up on them. They might be dead, incapacitated or kidnapped.
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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.


LOLZ hahaha this is a joke post right?


No seriously, level sync has done more good then harm.


Heres why:


1: Operations, now that all operations have lv 65 mobs and bosses the gear they drop will be in relations to the max lv, 65. Before hand pre 4.0 the older operations like KP and EV would drop those black market 136 raiting worthless outdated gear, so no one would do them because of the outdated gear. From level sync it gets people to do the operations now.


2: PvP servers, when pvp servers where always pvp active a level 32 doing his/her story on alderann would get pummled to death constantly by level 60's in full pvp gear to the point of no end, drastically declining the population of pvp servers for this reason. Now all servers have pvp/pve toggle but before that level sync was a good mediator for those trolls picking on people 20+ levels lower then them.


3: With level sync comes bolsters, now players in tactical FP's will not have to be a certain level to participate in these tactical FP's where all have the level 65 bolster. Plus running through HM's when mobs would ignore you was dry and annoying pre level sync. Same with operations, lv 50-64's can actually go into the Story Mode operations and be viable in some operations.


4: people in lower level brackets still get the exp from killing mobs, beforehand if you were to high enough of a level, you would not get EXP from killing those mobs, now you do (so long as its not a starting planet or Captial which does have a wide level sync range and mobs). So doing a FP as a lv 65 and having a level 30 along the lv 30 will get exp from the mobs.


5: With the redesign of heroics giving 5 common data crystals and 2 glowing at level 61+ and a good chunk of credits and an alliance lockbox which drops a legacy reskin of an older armor piece that was either from the older vendors, old pvp gear, etc. and credits, and a blue rank 5 companion gift or higher grade. Makes them worth it, and the trash mobs drop green/blue/purple items that are scaled to your level which can sell for 2-6k credits at a vendor. Making credits easier to get.


6: Missions scale with your level, remember when you were doing missions and boom, you are 7 levels above it so now you get only 7 exp, not anymore they give scaled amount of credits and exp equivalent to your level. Aside from a few like companion missions and the occasional bug that may occur. So now you don't have to drop that mission you spent 20 mins on because its not worth completing because you are too over leveled.


7: Even with level sync on you can still do everything, aside from things that never were meant to be solo content. Like soloing the operation Explosive conflict (did that on my sith sorc, was fun pre 4.0 but a waist of time). And World bosses, which NEVER were meant to be soloable but were meant to be a group fight. So aside from that you can still breeze through missions because you still keep your utilities and passive abilities.


And there are many more, because i have said this one to many times to people on why Level sync is a GOOD thing. It balanced the game, made older content viable to do, and has literally no drawback, aside from drawing mods easier, but meh they are still wicked easy to kill.


In conclusion, Level sync is here to stay.

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Peoples sarcasm meters are just as broken as the Ashara romance I see.


I'd Capt. Picard ascii facepalm, but I'd most likely get in trouble. Yes, it seems to be the Summer of Broken Sarcasm Meters.


On behalf of the youngins good Sir, I almost apologize, but not quite. You understand I'm sure. since I'm fairly certain you are most assuredly serious.




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I realize its a troll thread... but ill still engage in forum PVP...


1: Operations, now that all operations have lv 65 mobs and bosses the gear they drop will be in relations to the max lv, 65. Before hand pre 4.0 the older operations like KP and EV would drop those black market 136 raiting worthless outdated gear, so no one would do them because of the outdated gear. From level sync it gets people to do the operations now.


Yeah... so instead of people only needing to run TOS and RAV to gear... people only run KP and EV....Really a doubled edged sword here and is neither a positive or negative.


2: PvP servers, when pvp servers where always pvp active a level 32 doing his/her story on alderann would get pummled to death constantly by level 60's in full pvp gear to the point of no end, drastically declining the population of pvp servers for this reason. Now all servers have pvp/pve toggle but before that level sync was a good mediator for those trolls picking on people 20+ levels lower then them.


People didn't leave PVP servers because they were getting ganked, or at least the majority, they left because their was zero reward or point on being on one. Were their any new events to draw players to that server... maybe like bases under attack? a reward for protecting the commander? perhaps extra enemies to kill that funneled into a actual conquest system? Nope.


3: With level sync comes bolsters, now players in tactical FP's will not have to be a certain level to participate in these tactical FP's where all have the level 65 bolster. Plus running through HM's when mobs would ignore you was dry and annoying pre level sync. Same with operations, lv 50-64's can actually go into the Story Mode operations and be viable in some operations.


Another double edged sword here... as now people get into tacticals that spoil a large portion of the story without, IE Legacy of Rakata, without doing the previous story and lose out on a lot of the fun in experiencing the forged alliances arc. Not to mention people get into flashpoints were their woefully unprepared for both in terms of skill and abilities.


5: With the redesign of heroics giving 5 common data crystals and 2 glowing at level 61+ and a good chunk of credits and an alliance lockbox which drops a legacy reskin of an older armor piece that was either from the older vendors, old pvp gear, etc. and credits, and a blue rank 5 companion gift or higher grade. Makes them worth it, and the trash mobs drop green/blue/purple items that are scaled to your level which can sell for 2-6k credits at a vendor. Making credits easier to get.


Yeah... so now another other form of activities that gave credits are all completely void now since heroics are now reward so much.


And there are many more, because i have said this one to many times to people on why Level sync is a GOOD thing. It balanced the game, made older content viable to do, and has literally no drawback, aside from drawing mods easier, but meh they are still wicked easy to kill.


Level sync has PLENTY of drawbacks, especially end class story bosses and several other things that has been discussed 100 times over. Overall, in terms of solo content, its a good implementation, but for any form of instanced group content, besides maybe heroics, it's absolutely terrible.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I'd Capt. Picard ascii facepalm, but I'd most likely get in trouble. Yes, it seems to be the Summer of Broken Sarcasm Meters.


On behalf of the youngins good Sir, I almost apologize, but not quite. You understand I'm sure. since I'm fairly certain you are most assuredly serious.





But isnt the forum rule to NEVER forget {sarcasm} tags?


And lets bet honest, some of the idiotic things I have seen posted, it is hard to know for sure...;)

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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Let's skip the introductions. You know who I am and yes, I'm back.


It's been awhile since I've been this angry so I'm going to get right to the point. The fact that I just traveled to Tatooine and had my level scaled back to 32 is flat out unacceptable! I did not work this hard to have my powers "scaled" back because you deem the planet to be of lower level.


Is this Star Wars or Super Mario Brothers? Why are you catering to the casual PVE gamer?


I'm one of the most famous MMO gamers in the world and you risk losing me if this doesn't change.


You have 72 hours.



-Sir Copperfield.

Glad to see you back, I needed some entertainment.


You have been missed.


I'm also back and well as usually... before you ;)

Edited by Deewe
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LOL, I share your pain OP. I don't like level sync either. However believe me its not going away any time soon or well ever.


There were lots of threads on this at the time it was announced it was coming. unofficial polls, which were almost evenly split. If it was going to be dropped it would have been then before it was implemented due to almost 50% against it. Now its here its here to stay.


Even after all this time I still don't care for it. All it did was remove yet another part of the game for me as a solo player. Then again BW have always shafted solo players from day 1.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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