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Does anyone else feel like they are not playing Star Wars anymore?


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It's also good story writing to have "good and evil" working together at some point. I like the premise of KotFE, that the Force doesn't really care about Good or Evil, and that the only solution to the Sith Emperor's power is to collborate with each other and with the Force to overcome the immense power of the Immortal emperor. It's an excellent story.


But there will be more. If the game survives in a form that is acceptable to Star wars players.



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Hit the nail on the head OP. I would like to add; leaving the Star Wars universe to Zakuul was a big mistake. I don't care what happens in that universe. I don't care what happens to it's people. I don't care who rules it. KOTFE is a complete failure story wise for me. Then to add the boring face roll game play between cut scenes I don't care about. I could only bring myself to do it with one character.


Bioware you're lucky you have that Sentinel Watchmen class or i would have quit years ago.


PS: bring back Raids

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Well, in some early stories (which most of you might not even know), it was already hinted towards OTHER realms existing OUTSIDE of the Empire and the Rebel Alliance :


- Coporate Space / Corporate Sector

- Xim's Empire


both are mentioned in the early Han Solo novels.




Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Glad to see I'm not the only one.


Both for stopping reading the Yuuzhan Vong and having a feeling of deja vu in KotFE.


I tortured myself all the way through that series but it got worse and worse as it progressed. Believe it or not, I think there are 21 books in that series, and I read 20 of them. I have the last one too, but I've never been able to get myself to care to read the ending of it.


Just so done with that crap, so I am glad it's no longer canon anyway.


SWTOR...yeah, I get the comparison and it does make me worry a bit.

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I tortured myself all the way through that series but it got worse and worse as it progressed. Believe it or not, I think there are 21 books in that series, and I read 20 of them. I have the last one too, but I've never been able to get myself to care to read the ending of it.


Just so done with that crap, so I am glad it's no longer canon anyway.


SWTOR...yeah, I get the comparison and it does make me worry a bit.

I wish I would have stopped. The entire series is utter crap. My introduction to the EU came with the Thrawn Trilogy, followed by the entire X-Wing series, I even read all the Young Jedi Knight books to my kids, a few filler stories here and there and it culminated with the whole New Jedi Order debacle...which ruined the entire EU imo. Thank GOD Disney bought it and wiped the slate clean.

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Hit the nail on the head OP. I would like to add; leaving the Star Wars universe to Zakuul was a big mistake. I don't care what happens in that universe. I don't care what happens to it's people. I don't care who rules it. KOTFE is a complete failure story wise for me. Then to add the boring face roll game play between cut scenes I don't care about. I could only bring myself to do it with one character.


Bioware you're lucky you have that Sentinel Watchmen class or i would have quit years ago.


PS: bring back Raids


You talk about boring gameplay (faceroll) and then ask for more raids? The single most boring gameplay ever thought of by MMO devs?

If you want challenge you should be asking for more punishingly hard flashpoints. In raids people that don't know what they are doing can be carried to varying degrees. In a single group flashpoint designed to punish players...it forced DPS to do more than just DPS and rotations, proper CC usage is needed or else the group wipes because the DPS failed at their job and other such things.

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it forced DPS to do more than just DPS and rotations, proper CC usage is needed or else the group wipes because the DPS failed at their job and other such things.

Right, I seldom try to CC anymore as most players break them and also tagging mobs is most often a waste of time.

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You talk about boring gameplay (faceroll) and then ask for more raids? The single most boring gameplay ever thought of by MMO devs?

If you want challenge you should be asking for more punishingly hard flashpoints. In raids people that don't know what they are doing can be carried to varying degrees. In a single group flashpoint designed to punish players...it forced DPS to do more than just DPS and rotations, proper CC usage is needed or else the group wipes because the DPS failed at their job and other such things.

We're asking for more mainstream group content...not more challenging Ops. I don't care what form it takes, I just want something that groups of us can do. Hell, after a full year of KOTFE, there's not ONE new repeatable group activity (EC is solo, so is SF). It was ALL once and done.

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Hit the nail on the head OP. I would like to add; leaving the Star Wars universe to Zakuul was a big mistake. I don't care what happens in that universe. I don't care what happens to it's people. I don't care who rules it. KOTFE is a complete failure story wise for me. Then to add the boring face roll game play between cut scenes I don't care about. I could only bring myself to do it with one character.


Bioware you're lucky you have that Sentinel Watchmen class or i would have quit years ago.


PS: bring back Raids


Well, I think much of it has to do with how ****** the world building was in Kotfe. When I think of Zakuul, I think of one large swamp and 133246 hallways. Who the hell wants that kingdom?


My goal for the ending of Kotfe is to defeat whoeverthehell has the throne at that point and absorb Zakuul into the Empire. I can't even unpack the whole Vitiate/Valkorian thing, so I'm just going to forget it happened.

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Years ago, in a mall not at all far away from where i currently live, I ditched school, to buy

a book. I read that book from cover to paperback cover, then reread it partially, again, and

went home, only to be in deep trouble with my mom.


That book was Return of the Jedi, and i got it just days before the release of the movie.

I have done the same with every Star wars book, movie, and game since. Lusting after

the feel of a place of Sci Fi, but mystical too. The Force, light and Dark. Blasters, and Lightsabers.

Eager to partake in the feeling everytime. Sucker to the great story that Mr. Lucas borrowed

from all of History, real or imagined.


I like Sci Fi stories too, but Star wars was always a blend. It stood alone, from nerdy Star Trek,

and campy junk food sci fi. If you want a comparison of the 3, The Empire Strikes back, The Next generation,

and Interstellar.


SWTOR has felt like the 3rd one, ever since Makeb. Junk Food Sci Fi.


One poster nailed it by referencing Metropolis. Junk Food Sci Fi is exactly what it sounds like.

Robots, Pseudo-Tech Terms (Heisenburg Compensators anyone?), Unrealistic Clothing, Bizarre

Hair styles,................................OMG..........................


Star Wars is Sci Fi Junk Food.......


Anyway....we can all recognize the difference between what is, and isn't star wars, and it hasn't

been star wars in a while.


Sure, we still have lightsabers, blasters, starships, and other sci fi junk,

but that mythic fight between Light Side and Dark side, is gone.


Now we have some PC, Hippy throw back to the sixties of One Force, and the

Bad Guy, talking like some Ethereal Father, rather than a menace that Destroyed an

entire planet, just a couple years ago.


If i wanted hippie mysticism, i'd be in a yurt, chanting right now.


Times like these, i miss SWG.


Give me back Star Wars.

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