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Sorcs 3 CC escapes.


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Everyone already knows the pain of seeing the army of sorcs in warzones, and the dread of barrier activating. The problem I have with CC vs sorcs is I try to use it at the right time to kill people, to prevent certain heals, or cooldowns from being used. As a player I save my CC breaker for when I get white barred. Yet as a sorc I do neither. Knowing I have a second cc breaker with barrier if someone stuns me when I am low on health I can pop that. The other thing is facing a sorc you know has used barrier you think now is your chance to cc them...nope they can phasewalk 60m away while stunned. With a 45 second cooldown it really makes trying to kill a sorc a real pain. I don't think anyone should have the ability to escape CC 3 times. A root break sure, 1 hardstun break sure. 3? That's way to strong. Even without the ability to break cc with barrier or the use with phasewalk it just means sorcs will have to be a little bit more cautious and pop it a few seconds sooner than they normally would but still giving their pursuers an actually chance.


But if you force them to phase walk, you get them away from combat. Just switch targets. It's not always about the kill.

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Im sorry but I dont see what you are trying to prove here? All I see is your team got carried by a sorc healer. You were a merc I can see, your damage was extremely subpar for that warzone which means your only excuse is you joined in the 2nd round halfway through. 300k dmg when others got 1 mil. And you only died 3 times but you won and you had superior heals, you should have out dps'd the juggs or at least been within range. It's clear to me you aren't very familiar with pvp or have top notch skill so if you cant manage to get high dps on a merc it means you probably aren't familiar enough with the class or others to really make informed opinions. I agree juggs have way to many dcd's and it is strong, but I don't agree with things you have been saying because you have very limited knowledge from what I can tell on how to play a class or talk about them.
Oh I know I did not do much in this wz on my undergeared merc. I could not handle the two operatives camping me at spawn point. I spent more time running and in the deserter zone than actually shooting at things. But my stats are not the point.

The image itself does not prove anything per se, but that's the trend in my server. Juggernauts are king. The point is I don't get all that hate towards sorcerers when they are few and the least source of problems on saidserver.

I can understand you feel different if the situation is itself different on the harbinger or JC.

But we usually only have 1 or 2 sorcerer per warzone.

Whereas I even did a hypergate in which there were 6 juggernauts + 2 healers. Nothing were dying on their side.

Edited by Ethern
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Oh I know I did not do much in this wz on my undergeared merc. I could not handle the two operatives camping me at spawn point. I spent more time running and in the deserter zone than actually shooting at things. But my stats are not the point.

The image itself does not prove anything per se, but that's the trend in my server. Juggernauts are king. The point is I don't get all that hate towards sorcerers when they are few and the least source of problems on saidserver.

I can understand you feel different if the situation is itself different on the harbinger or JC.

But we usually only have 1 or 2 sorcerer per warzone.

Whereas I even did a hypergate in which there were 6 juggernauts + 2 healers. Nothing were dying on their side.


uhh, idk what you're on about, TEH usually has 4-5 + sorcs/sages per match. to be fair, juggs are common as well, but juggs are more just annoying than big threats.


also, one of those ops was a healer and did like 2,000 dmg, and the other one is bad. lol

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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uhh, idk what you're on about, TEH usually has 4-5 + sorcs/sages per match. to be fair, juggs are common as well, but juggs are more just annoying than big threats.


also, one of those ops was a healer and did like 2,000 dmg, and the other one is bad. lol


But think about it - that 2k damage stacks.


No? Ok.

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The difference is that operatives and sins are only useful against incompetent players, whereas heals/tank duo is a pain in the *** to everybody.


multiple stealth to off node is a checkmate against most players/specs. it also forces stealth into guard mode.

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But think about it - that 2k damage stacks.


No? Ok.

Ah who cares about my stats . I can pull decent ones when I am not propelled into an already ongoing wz and i am not camped. When i'll be fully exemplar and augmented on that toon that's when I will focus on playing better



You just want to deflect the topic.

Point is sorcerers don't need more nerfs than juggernauts need buffs.

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Ah who cares about my stats . I can pull decent ones when I am not propelled into an already ongoing wz and i am not camped. When i'll be fully exemplar and augmented on that toon that's when I will focus on playing better



You just want to deflect the topic.

Point is sorcerers don't need more nerfs than juggernauts need buffs.


When I look at your screenshot, all I see is that op heals are OP.


Nerf ops.

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When I look at your screenshot, all I see is that op heals are OP.


Nerf ops.

You sir are a troll and a *censored*..hum waste of time. When will you start addressing the topic, you know contained in the title?Instead of focusing on my performances which are totally offtopic. Don't bother. Have a good day. Edited by Ethern
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Ive tried my sorc a few times recently and first time since 3.0 maybe. Kicked *** on a team with other sorcs with me. Not so much when i was the only one and got focused. All in mafness spec. Have to try healing.


I willl say that outside of the 3 cc breakers being more than everyone else; the class didnt feel that OP yet i faired as well or better than mysnioer which i have played a lot in part due to the extra cc break but also tge healing which wont save me long under focus; does let me get back in the fight longer. I also can provide more team support with bubbled, pulls, and iff heals.


Still to be determined though, as i can get better with LOS and strategy

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Oh I know I did not do much in this wz on my undergeared merc. I could not handle the two operatives camping me at spawn point. I spent more time running and in the deserter zone than actually shooting at things. But my stats are not the point.

The image itself does not prove anything per se, but that's the trend in my server. Juggernauts are king. The point is I don't get all that hate towards sorcerers when they are few and the least source of problems on saidserver.

I can understand you feel different if the situation is itself different on the harbinger or JC.

But we usually only have 1 or 2 sorcerer per warzone.

Whereas I even did a hypergate in which there were 6 juggernauts + 2 healers. Nothing were dying on their side.


So let me get this straight. You don't even have pvp gear, not only that you are lacking even good gear, so you are running around with barely any gear, are you naked in some places? I mean what do you expect. It barely costs anything to get 204 gear, you could easily have that doing a few warzones, plus with comm tranfers its not a problem. If you can't even do that it means you obviously don't pvp enough.


It sounds like you are on some low population server fighting the exact same premade everytime.

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Ive tried my sorc a few times recently and first time since 3.0 maybe. Kicked *** on a team with other sorcs with me. Not so much when i was the only one and got focused. All in mafness spec. Have to try healing.


I willl say that outside of the 3 cc breakers being more than everyone else; the class didnt feel that OP yet i faired as well or better than mysnioer which i have played a lot in part due to the extra cc break but also tge healing which wont save me long under focus; does let me get back in the fight longer. I also can provide more team support with bubbled, pulls, and iff heals.


Still to be determined though, as i can get better with LOS and strategy

Yeah i eel the same. I don't feel sorcerers OP either. Particularly when people anticiapte phase walk spots and wait for your bubble to expire. That only delays the inevitable; and once focused we're in serious troubles compared to other classes.


So let me get this straight. You don't even have pvp gear, not only that you are lacking even good gear, so you are running around with barely any gear, are you naked in some places? I mean what do you expect. It barely costs anything to get 204 gear, you could easily have that doing a few warzones, plus with comm tranfers its not a problem. If you can't even do that it means you obviously don't pvp enough.


It sounds like you are on some low population server fighting the exact same premade everytime.

I'm baffled. that you are still discussing my wz performances instead of the topic per se. I mean what's the point? I'm full cynosure and now I have 4 exemplars pieces. Much has changed since that screenshot you know...

For people with short attention spans, point = sorcerers don't need nerfs.

If you want to discuss how lame was my performance, make a separate thread ffs.

Edited by Ethern
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Ah who cares about my stats . I can pull decent ones when I am not propelled into an already ongoing wz and i am not camped. When i'll be fully exemplar and augmented on that toon that's when I will focus on playing better



You just want to deflect the topic.

Point is sorcerers don't need more nerfs than juggernauts need buffs.


now seeing my name at the bottom of that scoreboard (and praying to god I backfilled), I have to ask W-T-F is your name the only one you're covering up? ******e.

Edited by foxmob
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now seeing my name at the bottom of that scoreboard (and praying to god I backfilled), I have to ask W-T-F is your name the only one you're covering up? ******e.
Who cares. We all have bad wz and good wz. Those scoreboard do not prove s**t. Only an excuse for trolls to nitpick and confront useless e-peens.
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Yeah i eel the same. I don't feel sorcerers OP either. Particularly when people anticiapte phase walk spots and wait for your bubble to expire. That only delays the inevitable; and once focused we're in serious troubles compared to other classes.


I'm baffled. that you are still discussing my wz performances instead of the topic per se. I mean what's the point? I'm full cynosure and now I have 4 exemplars pieces. Much has changed since that screenshot you know...

For people with short attention spans, point = sorcerers don't need nerfs.

If you want to discuss how lame was my performance, make a separate thread ffs.


The thing is; it doesn't feel overpowered but it has everything available including an extra CC breaker or 2 that the other classes don't. The only thing its missing is a CC immunity and stealth. Other than that, it feels like it has everything. Unless I am missing something.

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The thing is; it doesn't feel overpowered but it has everything available including an extra CC breaker or 2 that the other classes don't. The only thing its missing is a CC immunity and stealth. Other than that, it feels like it has everything. Unless I am missing something.


Pretty much this. Not to mention it has the best utilities choices in the game compared to everyone else. All them are outstanding. Like you said. The only thing they need is stealth and then they will have everything in one class. How the **** is that fair?

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The only people that think Sorcs aren't OP are the ones that really really need to learn how to play pvp in this game.


Of course, the ONLY thing wrong in this game is that sorcs haven't been nerfed enough.


And a mandatory: "Show me which ugly sorc solokilled your operative."

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i will say this; the reason it didnt feel OP is i was playing madness. Dps sorcs do not have the massive healing to go along with all the utilities so can be burned down. Damage has not seemed all that impressive. Not a PvEer but thought I heard they dont parse well.


I'll have to play it as a healer for a while and see but I am thinking its their ability to blind heal huge chunks as well as have 2 focus dumps and 3 CC breakers. The breakers are huge as you cannot use the strategy of taking the healer out of the fight in order to kill another target. Same with big AOE heals not hampering pressuring the healer while other teammates focus someone else.

Edited by Technohic
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Pretty much this. Not to mention it has the best utilities choices in the game compared to everyone else. All them are outstanding. Like you said. The only thing they need is stealth and then they will have everything in one class. How the **** is that fair?
Despite that toolset, sorcerers aren't the hardest to kill , so ....?
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Everyone already knows the pain of seeing the army of sorcs in warzones, and the dread of barrier activating. The problem I have with CC vs sorcs is I try to use it at the right time to kill people, to prevent certain heals, or cooldowns from being used. As a player I save my CC breaker for when I get white barred. Yet as a sorc I do neither. Knowing I have a second cc breaker with barrier if someone stuns me when I am low on health I can pop that. The other thing is facing a sorc you know has used barrier you think now is your chance to cc them...nope they can phasewalk 60m away while stunned. With a 45 second cooldown it really makes trying to kill a sorc a real pain. I don't think anyone should have the ability to escape CC 3 times. A root break sure, 1 hardstun break sure. 3? That's way to strong. Even without the ability to break cc with barrier or the use with phasewalk it just means sorcs will have to be a little bit more cautious and pop it a few seconds sooner than they normally would but still giving their pursuers an actually chance.


Nerf Operatives.

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multiple stealth to off node is a checkmate against most players/specs. it also forces stealth into guard mode.


Ah unless you are a Sorc with 3 cc escapes, then it really doesn't matter how many stealth come to your node because you will be able to get help no matter what. Granted if 4 stealth come to your node you better call fast while in barrier. =) it's still possible to save the node even then. That or just take their other node if they invested that many to take out a single sorc guarding a node. Even if they can hold it off for 20 seconds that could buy a lot of time for anyone else to take another node.

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nah. I can kill a sorc on my merc. maybe not a decent healer or a really good madness. but I don't feel shame in not 1v1ing a healer or a dps sorc who's just better than me. I find it very frustrating that any op/sin with half a brain can simply avoid fighting forever (1v1). and if he's a decent op, kill me b/c he's immune to half my stuff half the time.


I agree that sorcs have too many toys, but you sound...iunno...extreme about it.

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