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Sorcs 3 CC escapes.


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Everyone already knows the pain of seeing the army of sorcs in warzones, and the dread of barrier activating. The problem I have with CC vs sorcs is I try to use it at the right time to kill people, to prevent certain heals, or cooldowns from being used. As a player I save my CC breaker for when I get white barred. Yet as a sorc I do neither. Knowing I have a second cc breaker with barrier if someone stuns me when I am low on health I can pop that. The other thing is facing a sorc you know has used barrier you think now is your chance to cc them...nope they can phasewalk 60m away while stunned. With a 45 second cooldown it really makes trying to kill a sorc a real pain. I don't think anyone should have the ability to escape CC 3 times. A root break sure, 1 hardstun break sure. 3? That's way to strong. Even without the ability to break cc with barrier or the use with phasewalk it just means sorcs will have to be a little bit more cautious and pop it a few seconds sooner than they normally would but still giving their pursuers an actually chance. Edited by VixenRawR
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whole heartly argee! The ops (stabby, mcstab alot) also get 3 escapes utter bs. Moot point this game is so unbalanced now its a complete joke. The devs do not care one bit. The whole model is flawed. First you create classes that are weak against one and strong against others and then impose a queing system that pits you against said classes leading to an inevitable loss. Nothing will change and the game will continue to die because the developers are lazy and lack innovative ideas.
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whole heartly argee! The ops (stabby, mcstab alot) also get 3 escapes utter bs. Moot point this game is so unbalanced now its a complete joke. The devs do not care one bit. The whole model is flawed. First you create classes that are weak against one and strong against others and then impose a queing system that pits you against said classes leading to an inevitable loss. Nothing will change and the game will continue to die because the developers are lazy and lack innovative ideas.


Wait. What 3 do Ops have?

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Sorcs have been OP for like 2+ years, so unless you're a new player and didn't know any better, i dont know why you bothered posting this.


I've been playing since launch, and that is beside the point. Most people complain about sorc heals and rightfully so. The point is their ability to always have an escape when white barred is more of an issue as a whole for the class, not just healers.

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whole heartly argee! The ops (stabby, mcstab alot) also get 3 escapes utter bs. Moot point this game is so unbalanced now its a complete joke. The devs do not care one bit. The whole model is flawed. First you create classes that are weak against one and strong against others and then impose a queing system that pits you against said classes leading to an inevitable loss. Nothing will change and the game will continue to die because the developers are lazy and lack innovative ideas.


Someone just hates ops for no reason. It all comes down to being punched and kicked in the junk. People get pissed at the slaps and laughs from both ops and scoundrels. That is the real reason for the hate. =) Ops are by far one of the most useless classes in 8 v 8 if both teams are competent. Unless you have more than one op their utility as dps is almost no existant in team play. Their lack of aoe control besides frag grenade make them hard to control nodes. They have to use a GCD over and over just to survive while dealing no damage while other classes can pop a DCD and survive while dpsing. Ops team utility does little to help support the group, heal probes are a joke compared to a sorc who can pull people to objectives and out of danger, knockback root to stop advances of teams and save teammates and themselves, and the 7-11k dark heal spam with a 600 force limit. Ops can do none of this. Their burst is pretty low compared to other classes and is forced at 4m which even a marauder can get off more attacks at 10m. They excel at one thing, 1 v 1, but any competent node guarder will be able to call for help and prevent a node from being capped. There isn't a single class an op can burst down and cap before help arrives unless it has help or the other player has 0 dcds up. So unless there are multiple ops gunning for a single node guarder, a sorc would always be more of a benefit for team play than a single op even at guarding a node because no one can cc cap a sorc and between phase, off heals and barrier help could arrive long before a sorc goes down. (Of course that much is obvious when 50%+ of players in warzones are almost always a sage/sorc)

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I've been playing since launch, and that is beside the point. Most people complain about sorc heals and rightfully so. The point is their ability to always have an escape when white barred is more of an issue as a whole for the class, not just healers.


It could have been worse. Imagine if they had the bubble stun that could be passed to ALL players in your team?! *shudder*

Hell knows why Sorcs have been FotD(flavour of the decade) but I guess its probably the only class the devs used to play on their stream.

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It could have been worse. Imagine if they had the bubble stun that could be passed to ALL players in your team?! *shudder*

Hell knows why Sorcs have been FotD(flavour of the decade) but I guess its probably the only class the devs used to play on their stream.


it actually has a long, but rather uninteresting story. in the before time, in the long, long ago, sorcs kind of sucked and were mostly just farm in pvp. the sorcs cried out in their anguish and the devs responded with "los and heal to full. make them pay." this was widely mocked as out of touch with the sorc class in game, and it seems that the devs were sincerely hurt by all the honest feedback. over the next two years, they buffed and buffed, and now that is exactly what the class has become. evidently, it never occurred anyone that having the best heals, the best damage, and the best escapes all in one class might be a problem.

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Stop whining...every past update we have been nerfed...which affects pve as well. I love rolling sorcs and sages for the story line...You get to on both councils...and yes I do PvP and usually focused most of the fights and stunned countless times...Njordburn was here Apollo legacy Edited by coastiebock
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it actually has a long, but rather uninteresting story. in the before time, in the long, long ago, sorcs kind of sucked and were mostly just farm in pvp. the sorcs cried out in their anguish and the devs responded with "los and heal to full. make them pay." this was widely mocked as out of touch with the sorc class in game, and it seems that the devs were sincerely hurt by all the honest feedback. over the next two years, they buffed and buffed, and now that is exactly what the class has become. evidently, it never occurred anyone that having the best heals, the best damage, and the best escapes all in one class might be a problem.


Honestly I made a sorc in 1.0 because I thought they were good. I didn't see that much of an issue with the class even then. It definitely wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either.

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Stop whining...every past update we have been nerfed...which affects pve as well. I love rolling sorcs and sages for the story line...You get to on both councils...and yes I do PvP and usually focused most of the fights and stunned countless times...Njordburn was here Apollo legacy


The fact that you used "we" means you are completely biased and in favor of sorcs and even with all the proof in the world you would complain. I can still sorc heal in pvp and pve just fine. The nerf to heals was a joke. I have nothing against people playing sorcs, its the people who play sorcs because it is FOTM easy mode and when they hop onto another class they get mopped across the floor because they require a higher skill set. Granted sorcs usually make a jugg and guard their sorc friends. *sigh*


Also you may come to realize that everyone gets focused, and despite your sorc mentaility that you should survive a 1 v 8...you can't. If you can't escape focus on a sorc. A. Your team is bad. B. You are heals and everyone will focus you no matter the class (However sorcs are so godly it encourages the focus anyways) 3. You are not very good at a sorc, knockback root, bubble stun, phasewalk, force speed...you have plenty of escapes and barrier.


And sorry there is no story in pvp so don't use that excuse when you rotate between your 10 sage/sorc combo to get your dailies and weeklies done. You play it because the class is easy. The powers flow nicely, the endless pool of energy lets you cast freely how you wish for a long duration, and the unwavering loyalty of Bioware to back you makes the class a sure thing. If classes were cars everyone would want to drive a Mercedes Sorc. No one wans to get stuck with a Chevy Merc.

Edited by VixenRawR
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The fact that you used "we" means you are completely biased and in favor of sorcs and even with all the proof in the world you would complain. I can still sorc heal in pvp and pve just fine. The nerf to heals was a joke. I have nothing against people playing sorcs, its the people who play sorcs because it is FOTM easy mode and when they hop onto another class they get mopped across the floor because they require a higher skill set. Granted sorcs usually make a jugg and guard their sorc friends. *sigh*


Also you may come to realize that everyone gets focused, and despite your sorc mentaility that you should survive a 1 v 8...you can't. If you can't escape focus on a sorc. A. Your team is bad. B. You are heals and everyone will focus you no matter the class (However sorcs are so godly it encourages the focus anyways) 3. You are not very good at a sorc, knockback root, bubble stun, phasewalk, force speed...you have plenty of escapes and barrier.


And sorry there is no story in pvp so don't use that excuse when you rotate between your 10 sage/sorc combo to get your dailies and weeklies done. You play it because the class is easy. The powers flow nicely, the endless pool of energy lets you cast freely how you wish for a long duration, and the unwavering loyalty of Bioware to back you makes the class a sure thing. If classes were cars everyone would want to drive a Mercedes Sorc. No one wans to get stuck with a Chevy Merc.


Negative ghost rider...one I only dps because in my humble opinion it fits storyline better...even for marauder and sentinel...I actually only have 3 sorcs 2 sages...I delete old toons...ie a Jedi knight when game first came out...what I disagree with is the PvP forums dictating classes when most do it for the pve...yes we needed a nerf but do we keep needing them? Never played a healer so can't comment

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Haha. What class is he playing?


Deception assassin, one of the most laughable specs in pvp atm (and PvE as well). I honestly wish I could see their faces when they throw out all their burst and watch it get absorbed and healed through lol. #feelsbadman

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Negative ghost rider...one I only dps because in my humble opinion it fits storyline better...even for marauder and sentinel...I actually only have 3 sorcs 2 sages...I delete old toons...ie a Jedi knight when game first came out...what I disagree with is the PvP forums dictating classes when most do it for the pve...yes we needed a nerf but do we keep needing them? Never played a healer so can't comment



damage control?

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whole heartly argee! The ops (stabby, mcstab alot) also get 3 escapes utter bs. Moot point this game is so unbalanced now its a complete joke. The devs do not care one bit. The whole model is flawed. First you create classes that are weak against one and strong against others and then impose a queing system that pits you against said classes leading to an inevitable loss. Nothing will change and the game will continue to die because the developers are lazy and lack innovative ideas.


Ops have only 1 break from cc so they actually have to pay attention to resolve. I agree with op...changing barrier to only be available while not stunned/mezzed would fix a lot of the problems. Also they should never have gotten phase walk to begin with. But that also needs to be changed. I don't think any cooldown should be available while stunned including enraged defense etc. If you are stunned then the only thing that should be available is the stun breaker if off cooldown.


But we all know that sorcs NEED 3 ways to escape cc. It wouldn't be fair for them to have to pay attention to resolve and only have one breaker. I mean if marauders had 3 cc escapes that would be op right? If mercs had 3 cc escapes that would just be stupid. If ops had 3 cc escapes, then everyone would unsub in outrage. The list goes on until we reach sorcs. Of course it's fair for them to have 3 breakers cause light armor right? I mean how could anyone think it's not fair for sorcs to have 3 escapes?

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get em netted!


Good thing the stun breaker breaks net. Too bad they have to waste their precious breaker on net and only have barrier and phase walk left to handle the other cc. I mean sorcs should just be immune to net right?

Edited by Saikochoro
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Sorcerers and Sages are overly potent, seeming to having an answer for everything, but there are some things you can do: apply the trauma debuff and or move them in the air. Both are doable due to the prevalence of tanks. Trauma, of course, reduces the healing the target receives regardless of where it comes from, making it so if the player used phase walk with the intent of healing himself, he’ll be out of the fight for longer trying to achieve it. That scenario isn’t that unlikely, as trauma is applied by abilities tanks use fairly often. But trauma is useful throughout the entire fight, not just then. More importantly, though, Sorcerers and Sages can’t use force Barrier while in the air, meaning if they’re pushed or pulled they can be killed while still traveling to wherever. Assuming they don’t or can’t use Phase Walk, this is something any team with a tank and ranged dps that isn’t a sorcerer can exploit; snipers are probably best suited for this because laze target can be saved for when you want to use it. Ignoring all that, a few players using focus target might make a difference, especially in regular games.


Likewise, there are things you might want to avoid employing if you can help it. Using stuns on a dps sorcerer you intend to eliminate, in my experience, is counterproductive because there’s a chance they picked up shapeless spirit, in which case you’re giving them damage reduction. Even if they don’t have shapeless spirit, stuns don’t impede their use of Phase Walk or Force Barrier, and that probably won’t change even if it’s not fair. You want to save stuns and whatnot to control healers and tanks to prevent their intervention or for classes that are helpless while stunned, like Marauders, Mercenaries, Snipers, and Operatives. All of which, in contrast to Sorcerers, can use nothing of note while controlled.

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Stop whining...every past update we have been nerfed...which affects pve as well. I love rolling sorcs and sages for the story line...You get to on both councils...and yes I do PvP and usually focused most of the fights and stunned countless times...Njordburn was here Apollo legacy

sage is...like...universally viewed as the worst story arc in the game. sorc is alright. but why on earth would you say story is a reason you roll sage? lol

Edited by foxmob
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Someone just hates ops for no reason. It all comes down to being punched and kicked in the junk. People get pissed at the slaps and laughs from both ops and scoundrels. That is the real reason for the hate. =) Ops are by far one of the most useless classes in 8 v 8 if both teams are competent. Unless you have more than one op their utility as dps is almost no existant in team play. Their lack of aoe control besides frag grenade make them hard to control nodes. They have to use a GCD over and over just to survive while dealing no damage while other classes can pop a DCD and survive while dpsing. Ops team utility does little to help support the group, heal probes are a joke compared to a sorc who can pull people to objectives and out of danger, knockback root to stop advances of teams and save teammates and themselves, and the 7-11k dark heal spam with a 600 force limit. Ops can do none of this. Their burst is pretty low compared to other classes and is forced at 4m which even a marauder can get off more attacks at 10m. They excel at one thing, 1 v 1, but any competent node guarder will be able to call for help and prevent a node from being capped. There isn't a single class an op can burst down and cap before help arrives unless it has help or the other player has 0 dcds up. So unless there are multiple ops gunning for a single node guarder, a sorc would always be more of a benefit for team play than a single op even at guarding a node because no one can cc cap a sorc and between phase, off heals and barrier help could arrive long before a sorc goes down. (Of course that much is obvious when 50%+ of players in warzones are almost always a sage/sorc)


This exactly. Anyone complaining about an operative's 1v1 potential in an 8v8 warzone is pretty much either A: terrible, or B: on a team that has 0 communication.


Hell, I'm a pretty decent op, and I can't even kill one of the worst sage players I've ever seen in a novare in the time it takes for help to arrive. It's really not difficult at all to survive against a single operative. Like you said, they're only a major threat when it's 2+, and even then, only on maps that delaying caps is very useful, like hypergate and civil war.

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