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Criticism: Knights of the Fallen Empire


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Hello, Community, Bioware.


By now, many of us have finished the entirety of the Knights of the Fallen Empire story from chapter one, all the way to chapter sixteen. We have also spent countless hours developing our alliance by gathering crates, doing tasks to find our old companions in various places over the galaxy and foiled the tyranny of the Zakuul Empire by destroying their Star Fortresses.


Many have been very vocal about their criticism about the elements delivered to us throughout this last expansion and months in which we spent waiting for the next chapter to be released. I've sifted through inflammatory comments all the way to players boycotting The Knights of the Fallen Empire in order to dissuade players from subscribing to prevent them from playing it.


Whatever your feelings, I implore you to rather write a productive criticism of the Knights of the Fallen Empire so that we may properly convey our concerns to the developers and hope that they capable of overcoming them in the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion. I can sympathize with the developers; Knights of the Fallen Empire was entirely new way of presenting their story to us and I personally think that it had many flaws, but I'll allow them that.


To me, the biggest downfall of the Knights of the Fallen Empire story was the role that they gave the player character. Half way through the story you're an alliance commander, a big shot, the guy's whose say is supposed to be the greatest weight to his underlings. To me, this has entirely taken the element of any adventure that the expansion may have offered us; the adventure that we had within the first few chapters of the story. Everywhere we go, others are wanting to work with us and without much difficulty or protest - they align themselves with the glorious Alliance Commander. All that we need to do is simply running around with them and help them achieve their goals - which all, coincidentally happen to be opposition toward the Eternal Empire. Many of the later released chapters have felt irrelevant, something that you've given us simply so that we are forced to recruit those old companions to our new hero group.


Those companions feel even more irrelevant due to the fact that we've had very little chance to interact with them. The lack of non-story based conversations with old companions is a massive disappointment here. We don't have much of an opportunity to catch up, we don't have an opportunity to investigate what they've been doing with their time - nor gather much information about the state of the galaxy outside of the Knights of the Fallen Empire story. We are incredibly restricted to the on-going story and not to mention that a known complaint is that we've had absolutely no time to have much conversation with our romanced companion. Again - our glorious Alliance Commander is completely in the dark about them. The Shadow of Revan expansion at least offered us several opportunities of conversations with the characters that we could romance. One-on-one conversations with our companions have made us feel a little more connected to them in the old class stories. These conversations helped us establish a sense of "crew" with the other members aboard our ship, we learnt about them and got the opportunity to understand and interact with them. I'd really like to see this back.


I groan to think of it, but I'm beginning to miss good old side quests. The expansion takes us to various places, but we have minimal opportunity to really interact with other NPCs and the setting at large. We aren't given an opportunity to fully grasp the circumstances under which these other characters are living. Side quests give us an opportunity to enjoy the setting and interact with more NPCs - it keeps us busier for a longer duration, especially if we can be rewarded for it. We go to all these places and we spend about five minutes speaking to the main story characters while ignoring the rest. There is so little to do, and I've identified various points in between the plot where a few side quests could have been nice to have: In Jorgan's camp, for example. Could we not have had an opportunity to speak with the new members of our old squad? Could we not have spent more time interacting with the exiles from Zakuul? Perhaps there was more that we could have done to help them and inspire them to our cause. (Also, how did these citizens know how to make effective and strategic use of military grade equipment? And who the hell gave them to them?)


Do choices really matter? This question has been debated since we've first played through the base chapters of the expansion. We've been told, repeatedly, that our choices matter within the Knights of the Fallen Empire story. Opinions of this have varied, but I'd answer with a simple "partially." Disappointing, our choices don't matter as much as we've been led to believe. There are a few chapters in which they make a difference, but in most it seems as though our choices are simply overlooked without absolutely any varying responses toward them.


Commander: "Jorgan, let's let these civilians fend for themselves!"

Jorgan: "Not an option."


Am I not the Alliance Commander from whom he needs help? Bad kitty!


Again, I feel as though the problem to the above is because our characters it the Alliance Commander. We're in a position to impact the story where ever we go, our word should hold weight - yet it seems like a leaf in the wind under certain circumstances. The decisions that we could make would derail the entire story and as a result, you try to keep us on track with what you've got prepared for us. We're endlessly tugged back in once we try to edge away from what you've written for us. The Alliance Commander is a shot in the foot.

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Honestly, I doubt a lot of players will care for the story anymore. 8 classes and 2 separate sides were merged into 1 story. The only difference for every class is how you're addressed, and the companions you're looking for. A lot of us want that "Vanilla" swtor feel, where every class had a different story, but what made playing the games story feel unique as in vanilla, is no longer here, it's just another MMO with a story now.


I personally won't care for the story until all classes are treated differently, or go about things different. I loved playing this games story through all 8 classes, but they threw away the one thing that made the game unique, but there's no replaybility right now after chapter 3, its all the same.

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Honestly, I doubt a lot of players will care for the story anymore. 8 classes and 2 separate sides were merged into 1 story. The only difference for every class is how you're addressed, and the companions you're looking for. A lot of us want that "Vanilla" swtor feel, where every class had a different story, but what made playing the games story feel unique as in vanilla, is no longer here, it's just another MMO with a story now.


I personally won't care for the story until all classes are treated differently, or go about things different. I loved playing this games story through all 8 classes, but they threw away the one thing that made the game unique, but there's no replaybility right now after chapter 3, its all the same.

I agree that having separate class quest arcs did make SWTOR unique. But the demise of separate arcs for each class is not necessarily the problem. I've enjoyed playing plenty of MMOs in which the story was the same for every class. The difference lies in that, in those MMOs, the single arc was sufficiently entertaining to justify replaying it with other classes.


In SWTOR, I play only Sages. Oh, sure, I leveled one of each class to 50 long ago for the perks. But the other classes were chores to complete. Completing those class stories was a means to the very important end of empowering my Sages. I mention this because, for years now, even "vanilla" SWTOR has only had one story for me ... the Sage story. But I enjoy that story enough to play it over and over and over again. I haven't completed KOTFE yet, but I imagine once I do, I'll not feel that same urge to ride the rollercoaster again with another character.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I agree that having separate class quest arcs did make SWTOR unique. But the demise of separate arcs for each class is not necessarily the problem. I've enjoyed playing plenty of MMOs in which the story was the same for every class. The difference lies in that, in those MMOs, the single arc was sufficiently entertaining to justify replaying it with other classes.


In SWTOR, I play only Sages. Oh, sure, I leveled one of each class to 50 long ago for the perks. But the other classes were chores to complete. Completing those class stories was a means to the very important end of empowering my Sages. I mention this because, for years now, even "vanilla" SWTOR has only had one story for me ... the Sage story. But I enjoy that story enough to play it over and over and over again. I haven't completed KOTFE yet, but I imagine once I do, I'll not feel that same urge to ride the rollercoaster again with another character.


Sage is the only story you play repeatedly and enjoy?! Holy crap! Finding you is like finding a four-leaf clover. I need to go buy a lottery ticket...

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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I agree that having separate class quest arcs did make SWTOR unique. But the demise of separate arcs for each class is not necessarily the problem. I've enjoyed playing plenty of MMOs in which the story was the same for every class. The difference lies in that, in those MMOs, the single arc was sufficiently entertaining to justify replaying it with other classes.


In SWTOR, I play only Sages. Oh, sure, I leveled one of each class to 50 long ago for the perks. But the other classes were chores to complete. Completing those class stories was a means to the very important end of empowering my Sages. I mention this because, for years now, even "vanilla" SWTOR has only had one story for me ... the Sage story. But I enjoy that story enough to play it over and over and over again. I haven't completed KOTFE yet, but I imagine once I do, I'll not feel that same urge to ride the rollercoaster again with another character.


Sage is pretty great... my second favorite story. Still conflicted about doing KotFE as I run through Ziost. But... I think I'll have to. I get the feeling BW will assign generic KotFE choices if we decide to skip to KotET.


But, yeah, I'd probably play that one again.

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Enjoyed the story-chapters


Way too much repetitive gameplay during chapters. (Mobs, Running back and forth).

StarFortress does not need three iterations of the ending solar reacter whatever that part's called.

Companion Alert missions should be reduced. (Lokin, Qyzen Fett or whathaveyou)


Would like to see Odesson and Zakuul based Dailies/Heroics/Flashpoints and PvP maps.

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A lot of us want that "Vanilla" swtor feel, where every class had a different story, but what made playing the games story feel unique as in vanilla, is no longer here, it's just another MMO with a story now.


To be honest if this game wouldn't be a STAR WARS game i would never play this game again after the 8 Storys. The storys were great I loved the game but now... Without the Jedi, The sith , the force etc. I would never touch this game again because there are so much better mmos in every aspect and thats why I go play WoW in 14 days...

Edited by Theradonh
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To be honest if this game wouldn't be a STAR WARS game i would never play this game again after the 8 Storys. The storys were great I loved the game but now... Without the Jedi, The sith , the force etc. I would never touch this game again because there are so much better mmos in every aspect and thats why I go play WoW in 14 days...


I miss Makeb where you got 1/faction.


I could handle 2 stories, but just 1? Even WoW has more.

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I loved having it released in Chapters. Getting a little content on a regular basis is much better than waiting a year for an entire story line.




There should have been some group content too. Chapter 8 would have been great as a Flashpoint, and Chapter 16 should have been an Operation. With this new way of releasing stuff, there's no way to play with your guild or friends and progress together.

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Honestly, I doubt a lot of players will care for the story anymore. 8 classes and 2 separate sides were merged into 1 story. The only difference for every class is how you're addressed, and the companions you're looking for. A lot of us want that "Vanilla" swtor feel, where every class had a different story, but what made playing the games story feel unique as in vanilla, is no longer here, it's just another MMO with a story now.


I personally won't care for the story until all classes are treated differently, or go about things different. I loved playing this games story through all 8 classes, but they threw away the one thing that made the game unique, but there's no replaybility right now after chapter 3, its all the same.


At least a story for force sensitive and those who aren't. "Hey, you can use force because Valky is in you!" - what a lame thing >< And the fact that Valky doesn't respond to his Wrath?!

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At least a story for force sensitive and those who aren't. "Hey, you can use force because Valky is in you!" - what a lame thing >< And the fact that Valky doesn't respond to his Wrath?!


I never played with a "non force" character, but do valkorion say the same? Like " u are the only one that is like me" ?

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I never played with a "non force" character, but do valkorion say the same? Like " u are the only one that is like me" ?


Honestly, when I read what several non force users wrote in guild chat I didn't had the courage :D


But I just mention Chapter 12 and leave it here for you to think about what could happen there for people without any force connection :)

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My big gripe about Knights of the Fallen Empire is the endless fighting, you cant go anywhere/do anything without a major fight with swarms of mobs, and the running all over the map to do what you had to do. EVERYTIME something needed to be done, it was way over on the opposite side of the map and just as often as not via a roundabout route.


IMHO, the whole thing takes at least twice as long to do as it should because of the above named stuff. Running all over the map, back and forth and endless fighting gets old real fast. Having to fight every 50 feet does NOT add excitement! I hope that Bioware takes note and tones that crap down on the next one.

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