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Upcoming KOTET / SWTOR 5.0


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I agree with absolutely nothing you said.


A: Codex? I could care less. I'm there to play, not read. Plenty of other games with lots of reading. I'm here for voice acted awesome.


B: What if someone REALLY likes a companion but it doesn't work with their build? I'm a tank so bringing T7 would be stupid, unless.... OH LOOK! I can bring him as a healer :)


C: I haven't played KOTFE yet (just got back) but if the story is good, then they can go do their thing and from what you said, it's temporary.


D: This one is hard to comment on because you went off on a tangent, but here's my thoughts.... As far as raiding goes, you are OBVIOUSLY a solo player. (you don't claim to be a raider so I get that.) I get that we have a lot of you, but understand you're playing an MMO not some single player game. The game is CLEARLY better with friends (even though it's ok solo). Soloing old content is one thing, but you're asking for a challenge in soloing old content, I would expect that's a VERY niche request and again, you're playing this with others. If you want a challenge, try raiding! The barrier to entry is MUCH lower than in other games. Granted, the ceiling can be greater in other games. Regardless, if you get some mates together, you'll do a LOT better.


E: The level sing thing is SUPPOSED to be for you to be able to play WITH people. Being able to go follow my wife around when she wants to roll a new character is FUN. Yeah, I feel a little overpowered but we're still getting experience so, awesome.


F: The adjustments in power levels NEED to happen in order to progress the game or everyone has 100% crit and hits for 1million damage. All this does is make the game devs have to make even the weakest the mobs have 20mil hp and bosses in the billions. See my answer to D again. This applies here.


Long story short, the raiding in this game is some of the best I've seen, ever. I was a main tank for a GREAT guild at launch I ran with 2 teams I liked it so much. If you want some help getting into it, talk with me and I'll give you some pointers.

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Ahahahahaha! And then you woke up and realized you were dreaming. Look forward to a rerun of KOTFE and ONE "group" content activity towards the end of the run equivalent to Eternal Championship, though probably just a variant of the Star Fortresses.


Zero new operations.


Zero GSF update.


One PVP map. Maybe.


Never ending CM updates.


Minimal to no bug fixes.


Possible 5 level increase where we lose a key ability and have to reaquire it at 70, because BW likes to take things away and make you work for them again and again.


As for story, Arcann will get a government enforced redemption. The Outlander will be forced to team up with him to stop Vaylin, who will kill Senya. Both Vaylin and SCORPIO will be defeated by end of the season (though unlikely they will actually die) and then Valkorian will finally step up and do something to reveal he had a master plan all along at the season 2 cliffhanger, setting him up as the Big Bad for Season 3.


Oh, and Koth will do something super important at a key juncture with the Gravestone, whether he stole the ship or not.


And the Outlander will continue to be a supporting character in Bioware's Legends fanfic, portrayed as an incompetant leader, failure as a strategist, and cutscene punching bag.

Pretty much nailed it though I twould be very glad BioWare proove we are wrong by delivering a great Xpack.


All in all if you still have any hope brace yourself for impact.

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With the time frame that BW is talking about so far... "I have a bad feeling about this."

Anyone else remember last December? Two wrecked events, the HK love fest, the fiasco with nerf/counter nerf of companions?


And then BW Austin went on vacation for 3 weeks plus with basically no action until the early January fixes.

They did the same they year before with the SOR drop with all of its initial problems also.


I for one really hope that someone in Austin is thinking and remembering and planning for this.


Quoting for truth even though I have very little interest in the game anymore. The least Bioware could do is to not release a massive bugged update and go on a bloody vacation.


I just checked and my subscription plan ends in 6 days, I dont think I've logged in once since the fight with arcann I dont remember how long time ago. Two, three months? Thats a lot of sub time I didnt use for anything. I have been drifting away from the game ever since approx midway of KOTFE. It sounded cool in the beginning, but in the end kotfe didnt live up to expectations and I can tell exactly why, my opinion hasn't changed from before KOTFE was released.


I originally started playing this game for one reason, and one reason only: to play a Sith. Everything else was just a bonus. This "one story for everyone" has taken that away. My character in KOTFE is no longer a Sith, just some random dude who can do force stuff. Unless Bioware brings back the importance of being a Sith, ie. separate storyline for dark and light side, bringing back empire and republic, I probably won't come back. Thats about it.

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I don't think I really like where all of this is going. The game I liked and decided was worth my money and enjoyed playing is slowly (or not) disappearing. Committing *Everybody" to One line of play I think is a very bad idea, Not everybody likes the same exact thing. With KoTFE ones story may have slight differences but its still a "One Size Fits All" story and ending for sure, and I'm betting the next part will be very similar. I just hope B.W. doesn't forget this is at its core a "Star Wars" game.
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I don't think I really like where all of this is going. The game I liked and decided was worth my money and enjoyed playing is slowly (or not) disappearing. Committing *Everybody" to One line of play I think is a very bad idea, Not everybody likes the same exact thing. With KoTFE ones story may have slight differences but its still a "One Size Fits All" story and ending for sure, and I'm betting the next part will be very similar. I just hope B.W. doesn't forget this is at its core a "Star Wars" game.


I don't understand this? The entire game's story (all classes, RotHC, SoR) are one-size-fits-all. You can't deviate from any of the class stories (at most, it's flavor); you can't work for the Hutts in Hutt Cartel; you can't join the Revanites and follow Revan in Shadow of Revan (even if you may have actually joined the Revanites back on Dromund Kaas). KotFE's story isn't any different, and I don't understand why people expected this to be different. Bioware has a story it wants to tell, and it's going with the canon ending (as much as people like to complain, this isn't a SP game). On the other hand, we don't know how our choices will be handled. Like previous Bioware games where choices mattered, such as Mass Effect, you don't see the effects of your choices until basically the third installment.


On another note: I'm not a raider, but I do -- as much as I can -- understand the complaints towards the lack of Operations. It's an MMO; there should be more. However, Bioware likes to tell stories... and if it doesn't make sense for the story, they won't do it. Revan having an Operation option makes sense. You aren't the singular hero in your faction. But come on, guys, you wanted Arcann to be an Ops? Makes no sense for the story. Yes, you -- and seven or fifteen other Outlanders -- will take down Arcann. I mean, yes, Bioware could have created some other up-and-coming big bad or something (like Scum and Villainy/Toborro's Courtyard -- haven't done them, so I don't really know what their context is), but I can't really imagine who, what, where, or how this would come about (especially since it's so Outlander-focused). We're getting more group stuff in KotET called Uprisings (since they have solo, tactical, and hardmode, I assume they're Flashpoints), so maybe they'll be an Operation or two as well.

Edited by Lynx-kun
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I don't understand this? The entire game's story (all classes, RotHC, SoR) are one-size-fits-all. You can't deviate from any of the class stories (at most, it's flavor); you can't work for the Hutts in Hutt Cartel; you can't join the Revanites and follow Revan in Shadow of Revan (even if you may have actually joined the Revanites back on Dromund Kaas). KotFE's story isn't any different, and I don't understand why people expected this to be different. Bioware has a story it wants to tell, and it's going with the canon ending (as much as people like to complain, this isn't a SP game). On the other hand, we don't know how our choices will be handled. Like previous Bioware games where choices mattered, such as Mass Effect, you don't see the effects of your choices until basically the third installment.


No, class stories let you pick an ending one way or another to define your character, for instance the bounty hunter. Be a working slave of the Empire, or perhaps do the more honorable thing and let the senator live and going after Tormen going in a more neutral path. You lose the bounty from the Republic, however you not exactly on the best terms with the Empire anymore. The same with ROTHC, ally with the hutts or not. Yes, it's not truly followed up upon, but it leaves the possibility open to head cannon it or not.


KOTFE does none of this, at all. You can't define your character in a ending, and past expansions gave enough dialogue to distinguish class and faction differences to make you feel like your own character. KOTFE just coins the term outlander which can be rotated to all character classes getting rid of originality and immersion.


If past expansion and vanilla was a "one story fits all," than KOTFE is worse tenfold.

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No, class stories let you pick an ending one way or another to define your character, for instance the bounty hunter. Be a working slave of the Empire, or perhaps do the more honorable thing and let the senator live and going after Tormen going in a more neutral path. You lose the bounty from the Republic, however you not exactly on the best terms with the Empire anymore. The same with ROTHC, ally with the hutts or not. Yes, it's not truly followed up upon, but it leaves the possibility open to head cannon it or not.


KOTFE does none of this, at all. You can't define your character in a ending, and past expansions gave enough dialogue to distinguish class and faction differences to make you feel like your own character. KOTFE just coins the term outlander which can be rotated to all character classes getting rid of originality and immersion.


If past expansion and vanilla was a "one story fits all," than KOTFE is worse tenfold.


You picked an example from one of the classes that has the most open story ending. And, that's your read. In my playthroughs of KotFE I've felt like I've had more impact from choices made than I have in the vanilla stories. In a lot of ways, because I keep interacting with the same people across all 16 chapters, my relationship with the "Alliance Core" (Lana, Koth, Senya, Theron) gets "fleshed out" in dialog a lot more than anyone in the class stories. And there's little things all throughout the conversations, separate from the stuff that has a clear impact on the ongoign story. Take the Tanno Vik encounter? That's a really great chance to make minor choices that flesh out what kind of person you are? Not just, did you kill him or not, but, how much did you back someone who's on your crew vs someone who's a petty thug with a chip on his shoulder? Or the ongoing thread of "do you believe in fate or not?"


As for defining a character; I'm not having nearly as much fun on a "light-side" playthrough of a Sith Inquisitor as I would have expected, because a surprisingly large amount of even the class story (much less the planetary arcs) assume that, despite staring as a slave, you will Respect the Sith Way and be a Loyal Servant of the Empire and Revel In The Dark Side; and you spend a ridiculous amount of time on Korriban unable to control your mouth and blurt out your hatred of the overseer and Ffon, even if you'd prefer to keep quiet and stab them in the back some dark night.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - KotFE's railroad is no worse than the class and planetary story railroads, and in some ways better. To a large extent, KotFE's story failings can be traced back to poor story choices made in the class stories. Around half of the class stories end with the character put into a position where they'd be partially or totally "retired" from solo adventuring. Both Sith stories end with the character having a major position with significant responsibilities in the government of the Sith Empire, the Trooper ends up with a promotion to a desk job rank, and the Smuggler is in charge of a privateer fleet, with all the managerial headaches and requirements that entails. Arguably the Jedi are going to be nailed down to leadership roles in the Jedi Order. Only the agent and (potentially) the bounty hunter have any kind of freedom of action. And then the story team didn't take the opportunity to have the folks with "important jobs" lose them as fallout from SoR, so they could go back to being spacefaring murder hobos, before KotFE starts.

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No, class stories let you pick an ending one way or another to define your character, for instance the bounty hunter. Be a working slave of the Empire, or perhaps do the more honorable thing and let the senator live and going after Tormen going in a more neutral path. You lose the bounty from the Republic, however you not exactly on the best terms with the Empire anymore. The same with ROTHC, ally with the hutts or not. Yes, it's not truly followed up upon, but it leaves the possibility open to head cannon it or not.


KOTFE does none of this, at all. You can't define your character in a ending, and past expansions gave enough dialogue to distinguish class and faction differences to make you feel like your own character. KOTFE just coins the term outlander which can be rotated to all character classes getting rid of originality and immersion.


If past expansion and vanilla was a "one story fits all," than KOTFE is worse tenfold.


The ending of the class storylines can be different, yes, but not how your character gets there. You still have to go through the Great Hunt, you still have to deal with all of those bounties one way or another. There are still tonal/flavor differences in how you play your Outlander, but there still is a singular story that can have major differences even at the end, such as

in my KotFE, Koth left and stole the Gravestone, so I won't be starting with that ship at the beginning of KotET.



Your character can't change what is outside of their control, such as the actions of other characters and storyline events. As Heskel, the Scion, said

"Choice is an illusion."

We haven't seen the result of our actions. Up to now, we've only been making blind choices. KotFE is akin to the end of book one in a series; KotFE is basically Mass Effect 1 where we have no idea what's going to happen except that we know that the Reapers are coming.

Edited by Lynx-kun
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The ending of the class storylines can be different, yes, but not how your character gets there. You still have to go through the Great Hunt, you still have to deal with all of those bounties one way or another. There are still tonal/flavor differences in how you play your Outlander, but there still is a singular story that can have major differences even at the end, such as

in my KotFE, Koth left and stole the Gravestone, so I won't be starting with that ship at the beginning of KotET.



Your character can't change what is outside of their control, such as the actions of other characters and storyline events. As Heskel, the Scion, said

"Choice is an illusion."

We haven't seen the result of our actions. Up to now, we've only been making blind choices. KotFE is akin to the end of book one in a series; KotFE is basically Mass Effect 1 where we have no idea what's going to happen except that we know that the Reapers are coming.


It's not even Book 1 of a trilogy; it's Act 1 of a book or movie. Which is a difference of degree, not kind, I'll admit, but KotFE didn't really settle any major story arcs.

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Up to know i'm wondering where this game is going to.


In autumn KOTET will hit the ground ... obviously patch 5.0 which will bring GRAND new things and GRAND new story and GRAND new cartell packages for your hard earned salary or pocket money.


Again I see this hyped into the sky under grinning applause by the regular fan boy. Again much less (in quantity and quality) will be delivered.


But where does this game goes in the end? After five years into it still so many bugs are in the game. Starting with codex entries that are still missing, or have not been activated on chars, or have not been activated retroactively after again been implemented into the game, going over to quest problems (@ Musco & devs: see my pissed off bug report in the bug report section) and much more.



When will these core thing been corrected. Pre-Release of the game a lot of advertising was done about the codex and how great this will be. Comparisons where made with other bioware codex systems like in DA:O or ME. But the codex system in SWToR has become a absolutely disgusting thing.


Either remove the codex system completely, or implement all the missing codex entries, or give as a legacy codex but FIX THIS before bringing out new content or some useless cartel packages.



When 4.0 hit the ground only 1 good new game mechanic was there: companions didn't needed to be geared anymore. This was actually good, because it has become a pain in the *** over the years equipping companions.


Everything else in 4.0 was crap. Multiclassing companions being heal tank and dd is nonsense and took away the need for having more than one companion at all.




Give us reasons for needing more than just one companions. Needing a healer companion, needing a tank companion, needing a damage dealing companion.



The removal of the companions on the player ship after starting KOTFE and NOT getting them back on the ship after getting them back in the story has given us an empty ghost ship and I do not want to know how many gamers are pissed of by this.

Maybe the character ship is not anymore required for the KOTFE story, but RP's like myself actually USE the ship to go to planets, to do quests (H2) there, and I liked it having the ship populated by my characters crew.

I only looked into KOTFEE with 1 char, to chapter IX for getting access to the alliance base, but thats all. One saturday afternoon, running in 4+ hours through the first nine chapters, and thats it. Never ever again set food into the KOTFEE story at all.





What 5.0 will obviously give: level-up to level 70. This is absolutely non-sense. Why? Because of level-synch.

Even with level 70 my stats will be the same as with level 60 or 65 or 70 on any planet below rishi/yavin.


Those power-up of 5 levels will have absolutely no effect for e. g. running H2 on Balmorra or Alderaan or any other planet.

Even worse, getting 5 new levels should make my character stronger for the existing endgame content, flashpoints or operations. But because of this crap level-synch every single mob, every single boss, will level up to 70. So I will again be on par with them but not anything stronger.


Before that crappy 4.0 every now installment of the game, getting 2.0 / level-up 55 or 3.0 /level-up 65 made your character stronger for the already existing flashpoints and operations.

Getting through Denova/Explosive Conflict at 1.0 was a damn hard thing. Doing Denova at Level 55 was good in SM and challenging in HC ... but it was do-able. The real challenge was NiM and I quite this because it was not worth the amount of time I would have needed to spend to clear it.


Then with 3.0 and level-up 60 I could run Denova NiM and complete this operation for the first time. Even could do the time run that was impossible for me before. And this was a great fun, a great experience. I LIKED IT.


Finally it was playable for an 41er who has other responsibility in his life than only sitting in front of a video game.

And this is what a level up should be ... a feelable rise in power on par with new content and becoming stronger for existing/older content.


Look ... I'm not a progress raider, I just want to play. I want to relax with this game after a hard working day at the company. I am not a bored student or pupil with no real challenges in life, supported my mummies and daddies money and looking for life challenges in a video game.

And i just want to see operations in HC or NiM WITHOUT running them for weeks on equal level. I just want the seem them via a relaxing run 5 to 10 levels stronger than the bosses there.


So change this system. Go back before level-synch. And because you may think it's not ok running a NiM operation 10 levels stronger and getting up-to-date endgame gear : remove endgame gear from the old operations.



This whole level-synch was also proposed as a brand new experience ... go on old planets and help low level friends there. Honestly this is a joke. I could run around on chapter 1 planets naked, only having a MH and OH equipped and slaughtering everything there without even giving a sweat.

So even this aspect of level-synch is just a silly and overhyped joke.



Then the next point ... what obviously will happen in 5.0: you guys will lower the stats again, meaning the curse on which attributes raise our % values.


Gear that may give a DD at the moment 35% Crit, 70% surge, 10% Alacrity will have its values lowered, resulting in maybe only 28% Crit, 63% surge, 8 % Alacrity ... the same gear I spend much time to get to this stats.


What non-sense is this? The time I spend in operations was to aquire gear for the stats I'm having now. Reducing the value of the gear, the value of the stats, lowering them, would mean that all the time I spend was for nothing and a waste of time.

Now honestly do you really think I'm going to play a game any longer that is a waste of time?



So please take this to your heart and act. Correct these issues. So much time spend in usless crap like this "Oh grand new cartell package opening experience" - something no one wants or needs. But the real issues of the game , when are they take care?


A) I don't have anything against fixing bugs, agree


B) No. Keep companions the new way. I don't want to be unable to use someone because they're a healer or a tank (I run with a DPS comp unless I'm fighting an exarch or the eternal championship because I don't need my hand held, shots fired) Even if you don't share this view of mine, you must admit tank companions are basically useless. Their survivability is garbage, their damage is super low, and their health doesn't last very long. You're much better off using either a healer or a DPS.


And that's just combat. Why bother having multiple comps? Crafting. Also being able to switch between melee and ranged comps for different fights is nice, but mostly crafting. Crit chances and away times get better as you level them too, so until you have 7 rank 50 comps, you can still do better. Disagree


C) Glad I'm not the only one irritated by that. Agree


D+F) I agree that raising the cap is stupid because of the lack of new content and level sync making it useless, and forcing us to regear constantly when the numbers aren't changing is absurd. But, the level sync is an otherwise good idea. The only reason to remove it would be to make new caps actually mean something, but otherwise it makes sense. End game raids should be challenging, and since there isn't a single level 65 raid or even flashpoint, that easy mode 10 levels overleveled you mentioned would be for ToS. Temple of Sacrifice being easy mode? And don't even get started on the level 55 and level 50 ops. You shouldn't be able to walk into EC NiM with a team of all snipers and walk out the other end without a hitch.


It also doesn't make sense to sync the rewards of planetary heroics without also nerfing you down to size. Besides, if they did make everything its original level the rewards would also be the original level, so you'd be doing it for the achievement at that point. Maybe for ops they could have all SM be level 60, Hard mode be level 65, and NiM be 70? Meet you halfway?

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Up to know i'm wondering where this game is going to.




A) I agree. It's well past time BW gets on the old bugs still floating around. Not just in the codex ones.





Man I agree so much with this. 30+ companions and there all so generic and forgettable. I loved that some were unique in their skills. They removed all that just to you can use any companion you want? Sorry, I liked the old way better with companions that had interesting skills even if it meant I didn't have a healer right off the bat. Nadia and her AOEs, HK and his assassinate. Companions are mediocre shadows of what they used to be with nothing interesting about them. Whoever is higher level gets used. Screw the rest. I was a bit disappointed in how companions got changed.



Once again I'm in agreement. I'd like to see my ship crew back.


D and E) Agreed. I hate the down leveled experience. I would have much rather seen them put in a mentoring system that allowed grouped people to be down leveled instead of it happening every time I step off a ship. Let gamers choose when to use a mentoring system. Leave the rest alone. As far as leveling goes, no reason to level up when you could just give the same skills through a mission. Leveling up is a bit of a joke concept in SWTOR with level sync always on.



Then the next point ... what obviously will happen in 5.0: you guys will lower the stats again, meaning the curse on which attributes raise our % values.

Agreed as well.

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A) I am all for fixes.


B) No, nope, never ever let the companion system go back to the horribly restrictive system it was before. When leveling characters, having this option to actually pick exactly the companion I can use is the best thing that came with 4.0 besides the outfitter and that companions don't use gear. I hate having to use the original healer companions on mostly everything as they are often the most boring follower. With this system I can use exactly the companion I want, and some companions are still better than others on certain roles. But at least everyone can do each role. Wish it had been like that from the beginning as that would have made my leveling experience way more enjoyable back then.


C) Completely agree with this.


E) The level-sync is fine but it should not be forced on you. You should be able to chose if you want to be scaled down. Perhaps not on PvP instances though. I do hate that you can't go back and solo older types of content. I will never be able to play any of these raids as they are never soloable, and I just don't do raids in MMOs anymore, way to stressful.


F) I agree.

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  • 3 weeks later...
All I want is marka ragnos' s crown fixed.l, robes no longer getting tangled, capes no longer getting stuck in the waist, animations life sweeping gunfire getting fixed


id be happy if I could ride a speeder in corusant and narshdda and not have them disappear and my toon is sitting in mid air .

I personally think BW hired the retarded devs that made Star Wars Galaxies combat upgrade to work on SWTOR and those ******* could not find their own bums without a map how to find it even. I read about patch 5.0 and I felt as if I was relieving the whole combat upgrade fiasco again. it is funny how the devs cant learn from others mistakes of the past by the time they figure it out they will release some other patch with a new name to try and cover their mistakes but make the game worse until they have to merge the few servers into 1 to have a server with a decent population

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Give us reasons for needing more than just one companions. Needing a healer companion, needing a tank companion, needing a damage dealing companion.



Please, talk for yourself! I totally disagree! Before 4.0 I was forced to use Tharan Cedrax as my healer companion -- THE MOST ANNOYING COMPANION of them all! I always wish I could use Nadia Grell as my healer, so I was really happy I could do it in 4.0! That said, I got really frustrated when Bioware removed her in KOTFE. But I found out I could redeem her for non-kotfe-class missions, which was bearable.

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Please, talk for yourself! I totally disagree! Before 4.0 I was forced to use Tharan Cedrax as my healer companion -- THE MOST ANNOYING COMPANION of them all! I always wish I could use Nadia Grell as my healer, so I was really happy I could do it in 4.0! That said, I got really frustrated when Bioware removed her in KOTFE. But I found out I could redeem her for non-kotfe-class missions, which was bearable.


At the same time I do feel it would've been best to limit companions to two roles rather than 3. Seeing Khem or Ashara heal or Talos Drellik tank is just too weird really. I'm sure that everybody can come up with examples of their own favourite class companions.

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B) When leveling characters, having this option to actually pick exactly the companion I can use is the best thing that came with 4.0 besides the outfitter and that companions don't use gear.


Yeah, don't forget the relief that came with the outfitter and not having to gear up companions too. It seems to me that Bioware chose to listen to their subs in the end. I was so happy for these changes.


However, I wish they could do something with the mounts too to make it more fun travelling. e.g give us a "gass pedal" and a few gears to accelerate so we can jump on stuff or get killed if crashing into stuff in high speed. It would def spice up speeder travelling which is painfully boring in class missions.

Edited by Lirtoo
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Being able to pick any companion is AWESOME, IMO.


I hated having to drag around a companion I did not like. I got re roll under the new system and use the whole storyline, its was awesome


As far the GHOST SHIP; IKR. It would be really nice if we could not only get our ship full of our companions...CAN WE JUST GET THE OPTION TO PLACE COMPANIONS.


I realize that placing companions or decorating our ships might cause issues in the main story, but what about after get the ship back in KOTFE or even KOTET. I would love to place which ever 5 mains companions I use.

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Its not enough that they have been killing swtor since 3.0 but never thought they would go this far with these 5.0 changes it will most likely be the final nail in the coffin for swtor. They have gotten straight lazy with everything about swtor and only care about making the most money possible at the lowest cost possible and with least amount of effort involved period.
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