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I Need Answers (Stealth Reskin of CM Gear Just Like BW Did in 1.6.1)


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Nightlife Cartel Pack Gold Rarity Item - Shrewd Rascal's Jacket had it's look changed from what it has been for YEARS (awesome) into what it is now (garbage).


I guess this was so that your CM design crew could give the original look to Battler's Cartel Pack Bronze Rarity Item - Outer Rim Gunslinger Breastplate and pretend they'd created something new.


This isn't just a recolor of an old set. You didn't add a fanny pack to the new armor's chestpiece and call it a day. You stole the original look of the set and replaced it with crap. Did you honestly think that the people who spent time and money getting that set and have been wearing it for years wouldn't notice when you just took it away?


Why? Why would you do this, BW? No, seriously. Who thought taking something people had paid for and stealth replacing it overnight with garbage so you could resell it to them was the right thing to do here? You could have added the shoulderpads and bandolier to the new set and called it a day. It's bronze. People expect it to be garbage. Instead, you pulled a switcheroo with an older, much harder to acquire gold set.


Didn't you learn your lesson 4 years ago when you pulled this crap with the Blockade Runner Cartel Pack armor sets in 1.6.1 and then had to mail people the old sets to make up for it to calm the firestorm two weeks later with 1.6.2? Was the thinking that since you didn't do this with every single armor set in an entire pack run this time that it was now OK to do this again? Can I look forward to more of my expensive armor sets changing overnight to garbage so you can resell them with new names?


Which sets shouldn't I waste time and money on from now on? Just the gold sets? All the sets? Can I chalk up the expensive dyes and the augmentation kits spent on those armors as collateral damage?


I'm not blaming you, Eric. This has nothing to do with messaging and everything to do with the CM team. I just don't expect any dev to step up to the plate here. And frankly, I don't expect more than a handful of people around here to even care about the chestpiece of one set that just happens to be one of my favorites. Four years ago I thought the forums were going to burn down over Blockade Runner. Now, this post will probably be buried on page 10 by tomorrow morning.

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It proves how careless they have become at Bioware Austin. Yet another reskin pushed out and again, no standards of QA.


2016 has beaten by 2015 in terms of lower content output and increased bugs. Great job guys! Go on Ben, pat yourself on the back again in the live stream for delivering bare minimum to your player base.

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My smuggler wears the jacket in question. Might I ask what has changed? It still looks the same to me, but I have never paid much attention, so I could not say whether something changed or not. Doesn't look like garbage though. Just a normal jacket suited well for an old smuggler.


Edit: Never mind. Found the other thread with pictures. Looks like it effects only female characters, that's why I didn't notice a difference. Or maybe not, I don't know.

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Changing stuff people paid real money is inexcusable. This isn't fixing some feature of the game. This is taking what they specifically bought.


Yeah, this is pretty rude from the studio, changing an item that people paid for and have had for a long time is really bad form.

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Glad to see someone else noticed the change and cared about it.


QuinlanSaathis, you should care about it, because they are selling you something that already exist. (and if you aren't selfish, you can care about the fact they stole players who got the shrewd rascal set before.)

Wouldn't you be mad if your preferred set will change tomorrow and you'll have to buy it again ?



Which sets shouldn't I waste time and money on from now on? Just the gold sets? All the sets? Can I chalk up the expensive dyes and the augmentation kits spent on those armors as collateral damage?


THIS. How can you trust them ? How can you put some money in something you aren't sure to keep, you aren't sure it won't change in some few months ? I know that in the end all the pixel stuff will be gone but until then i would like to play with the items i paid for.


Unchosen, i made a comparison here :


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This thread has pictures. At a first glance they added shoulder pads and a frontal belt to differentiate the "old" from the "new" set.


Looks like the Shrewd Rascal set was bugged on female body type 2 characters and they fixed it now. The original version always had the bandoleer and shoulder pads.


It's unfortunate for those who liked the female type 2 bugged version, but for them they added the cheap bronze version with the look they liked, so in my eyes it's a good compromise.

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Looks like the Shrewd Rascal set was bugged on female body type 2 characters and they fixed it now. The original version always had the bandoleer and shoulder pads.


It's unfortunate for those who liked the female type 2 bugged version, but for them they added the cheap bronze version with the look they liked, so in my eyes it's a good compromise.


lol, now let's wait for EricMusco to drop by and say "sorry, we missed to include this in the patch notes" :)

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Looks like the Shrewd Rascal set was bugged on female body type 2 characters and they fixed it now. The original version always had the bandoleer and shoulder pads.


It's unfortunate for those who liked the female type 2 bugged version, but for them they added the cheap bronze version with the look they liked, so in my eyes it's a good compromise.


2 years later, and after no mention in all that time, that it was a bug?

I think you're reaching a little bit too far with that one. :rolleyes:

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2 years later, and after no mention in all that time, that it was a bug?

I think you're reaching a little bit too far with that one. :rolleyes:


Seeing how the preview has the bandoleer and the shoulder pads and how the jacket had the bandoleer and shoulder pads on other body type characters, yes it was a bug, quite obviously, actually. There are other bugs in the game that have been there since launch. That doesn't mean they're not bugs and shouldn't be fixed.


I personally dread the Exposed Extrovert chest piece on Lord Scourge ever getting fixed, but if it happens, I will accept it as what it is - a bug fix.

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I liked the set for a female smuggler so I paid 2-4 million (can't remember exactly, it was in the low millions) on GTN to buy all the pieces, and 400cc to unlock it account wide. I have it on 5 or 6 toons across multiple servers, all female.


And then the look changed overnight.


So now I need to buy all the pieces of the "new" set, and pay more cc (only 60, but still, more cc) to unlock it all over again, and more creds to replace dyes. Bear in mind that now this is out there, the GTN prices for the new set pieces willl increase as demand for them goes up, so those of you casually saying to just buy the chest again aren't factoring in price inflation, or having to buy multiple chests.


And some of you are saying that because it was bugged, I just have to swallow the loss of the cc and creds? *incredulous look* Worse, some of you are saying I should have "known" it was bugged in the first place! The vast majority of my characters are type 2/3 female, both of which showed the "bugged" version perviously, so how exactly was I meant to know it was bugged if every toon I previewed it on didn't have the shoulder pads and bandolier showing? Does that mean in future I should preview any armour I like on every combination of gender and body type, just to be sure?




TL;DR: The players are having to pay (and for many people, 400cc wasted on an account unlock of an armour set that they now don't like IS a big deal!) for a mistake that was entirely Bioware's fault. Not acceptable.

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TL;DR: The players are having to pay (and for many people, 400cc wasted on an account unlock of an armour set that they now don't like IS a big deal!) for a mistake that was entirely Bioware's fault. Not acceptable.


What about those who paid the unlock because they liked the look on their male type 2 character and didn't get what they paid for on their type 2 female character? They paid for the default look, while you banked on a bugged version to be available forever.

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What about those who paid the unlock because they liked the look on their male type 2 character and didn't get what they paid for on their type 2 female character?


Totally valid point - I was arguing that the problem is in a player having to pay twice because what they paid for the first time isn't what they actually got. The argument is equally valid your way because there was still a difference between the preview appearance and what BW intended the appearance to be.


EDIT: I see you added a line about me banking on a bugged version being available froever... again - how was I meant to know it was bugged? Shouldn't we be able to rely on the way an armour looks in preview actually being how that armour looks and is meant to look?

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Totally valid point - I was arguing that the problem is in a player having to pay twice because what they paid for the first time isn't what they actually got. The argument is equally valid your way because there was still a difference between the preview appearance and what BW intended the appearance to be.


I do get both sides, but I think what they did was the lesser of all evils and a good enough solution, because it's not quite the same as what happened in 1.6.1.


It does highlight the problem with ignoring bugs for too long and taking shortcuts during quality checks. There are a couple more sets that have single items bugged (clipping, missing/misplaced parts) on specific body types.

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They claimed the 1.6.1 fiasco was a bugfix, too, and that those armors were always intended to look the way they changed them (with added shoulder pads and fanny packs and other garbage sticking out all over the place). And yet it was still acknowledged that people had purchased the packs or spent creds on the GTN specifically to get the "bugged" non-ugly version of those sets and they rereleased the original looks for free to people who had them unlocked (not what I expect to or demand happen at this point).


I can afford the bronze set (which wasnt cheap at all last night - it cost 1.5 million on GTN). And I can afford the dyes wasted in my shrewd rascals (500k each for three toons or their companions). And I can afford the 60 cc unlock. The point isn't that I can afford to buy the look again. The point is it's well past the point a stealth "fix" should have happened.


And yes, I only ever put the jacket on my female toons/comps, and if it looked like something else on the males (which I totally believe and am not shocked by) and that's what you like, great! Why couldn't it just be left alone? I never demanded that your version be changed to my version and I would have been just as pissed if they had done that instead of what they did do. Was there some groundswell of support that it be "fixed" on the female models I'm unaware of? Has anyone ever asked for shoulder pads to be added to a SWTOR armor set?


They're not going to change it back, obviously, especially when they'd probably screw it up and make the male version look like what the female version used to look like and piss off a whole different group of people. And then they'd have to change the outer rim gunslinger version too, and piss off the people who have that. Which is why you don't do a stealth change of a cosmetic look years after a set has been in circulation.


I'll just assume going forward that none of the armor set looks will stay consistent going forward even years after their release and be even less likely to unlock them with CCs account wide. Why waste the coin? I have the credits. I'll just buy more sets off the GTN if I want multiple copies.

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And yet it was still acknowledged that people had purchased the packs or spent creds on the GTN specifically to get the "bugged" non-ugly version of those sets and they rereleased the original looks for free to people who had them unlocked


If this is how they handled a similar situation previously then I'd say it should be the precedent for this and any other 'bugged' cartel market gear going forward.

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