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Please BW, I want SWTOR to be a game not a TV show


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Kind of reinforces why I didn't like the Jar Jar Abrahms Disney Star Wars movie. It's like JJ who had a limited knowledge of the game was given the go ahead to wreck an elaborate acre wide sand castle and build his own based on his narrow view of Star Wars.
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Title of the thread = PERFECT! During chapter 16, when I could move, it always seemed like it was just far enough to trigger a new cut-scene.


KOTEC = Knights of the Eternal Cut-scenes. :D (I originally had KOTECS, but then the acronym sounds an awfully lot like a brand of feminine products. :o )


What gets to me is the bits of story every month. Perhaps I am not exactly the target audience, I can't get myself to wait a week for a new episode, will watch tv shows when they've concluded, so am most certainly not going to wait a month for bits of story.


I was willing to go with the monthly chapter releases, since I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, but as time passes, I think I dislike them more and more. It breaks the story up and causes the story to lose momentum. I also find myself forgetting the details of what happened in previous chapters, especially on an extremely plot-rich story like this. I hate that our companions are STILL being held hostage by the story, and I'm growing weary of waiting around with all the alts I'd rather be playing in KOTFE but can't, because I don't know yet what the fates of certain companions are and don't want to lose them.


In a time where people are DVRing everything because they want control over when and how much they watch, and where "binge watching" is becoming more and more popular, we have KOTFE which swimming directly against this current. I look forward to the new chapters, but I still find myself wishing that KOTFE could have been a single release expansion instead.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Even the ending of KOTFE felt like a TV show. I've never seen credits roll in a game like this before. It felt like someone slamming cymbals in my face just to remind me, (in case I didn't notice already), that yes, it is just like watching a TV SHOW.


This, too. I've seen it in a game before, but not like this. MMO's don't have credits because the thought is that there is no ending. It continues on and on and on. The games I've seen it in have a set ending and they don't continue except perhaps in a sequel. But, the credits don't just automatically start even in those. You have to physically start them yourself.

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