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Thank you BioWare for the best expansion yet.


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Part of the problem is we have different gamers who make up the SWTOR community. There are those who just like story. There are those who just like raiding. There are those who just like flashpoints. There are those who just like PvP. There are even those who just like running dailies. Then we have players who are in between and do a bit of everything. Of course, some folks will just troll for the sake of trolling.


KotFE was clearly made to please those who wanted BioWare storytelling first and foremost. For those who don't care about story at all, they found this expansion to be a waste of time and resources. I find that a little ironic, considering even at launch this game was largely about story. Either way, people are entitled to their opinions, regardless of how well-informed they may be.


KotFE is not perfect and there is plenty of room for improvement. That being said, I still will stand by my opinion that it is the best expansion SWTOR has had to date. I'm hoping KotET will improve many of the inadequacies of its predecessor, but only time will tell.


i enjoyed the lead up to it a bit more (SoR vs KOFTE) but I didn't object to either. I like the stories and plot holes annoy me. Make the storyline make sense (thinking of the 2 emperors here). As the last man standing among a long time group of players that have been together for many years, i don't raid at all. I was away from the game too long (3 years?) and there's too little tolerance for newbs in fp's and ops now. So stories are what I'm left with.


Will the plot holes make me not run through the next season in this story? No, but nobody sticks around forever anyway.

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The part that confuses me is when you look at both ends of the game....Seems disjointed, like Bioware communication is a bit off.


They boost incoming player numbers with the Dark Vs. Light Event....which promotes creating alts for new and old players alike due to achievements. (Might I add what really brought players into the DvL was that Bioware offered decent loot which is usually locked behind the Cartel Market gambling wall).


Then the end game KotFE story has zero replay............for those alts. KotFE has the least amount of replay in any (Story) content to date...nothing you do or say changes anything and it will be exactly the same the next time you play through....which in my case would be seven times. (I have decided not to take all my alts through KotFE, stopped at two as the second time was far too boring).


Some of the KotFE story was very good...the last piece was a cop out.


I Sub month to month...not sure about next month....That's why Raids and PvP ranks (not blown apart by rampant cheating and win-trading) and rewards are important....It keeps people playing in between the Story releases good or bad.


I think what Bioware is missing on many fronts is loot incentive....there is very little. If I thought I could get a cool item from killing a rare black Womp Rat on Tatooine ....You would see me out there hunting the little buggers all day long.....

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KotFE was clearly made to please those who wanted BioWare storytelling first and foremost. For those who don't care about story at all, they found this expansion to be a waste of time and resources. I find that a little ironic, considering even at launch this game was largely about story. Either way, people are entitled to their opinions, regardless of how well-informed they may be.


I care about story a lot, and I still found this expansion to be a waste of time and resources. Part of it is exactly the "Bioware storytelling" - only for me it became a negative thing. Actually, "the Bioware tropes" were a running joke lonoooooong time ago, with every game following a template of "random guy becomes a chosen one and joins organisation to save the world". And KotFE is a ripoff of DAI and ME3 - ****** stories to begin with. Original TOR stories had almost nothing to do with Bioware storytelling (except for Knight) - and they were awesome.

Edited by Frenesi
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Honestly if any thinks this story telling is something that can be classified as anything other than super market novel trash i just bow my head to the absurd.


the chapter story content we got was a steaming pile of buffalo flop.


its just that simple. nothing about it was compelling. nothing about it was mysterious, nothing about it was mind blowing or even sorta ok.


it was as poor as you could possibly have written a story.

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I like KotFE. I like it very much. For me it was good and worth my time and money. I enjoyed building up the Alliance. It wasn’t the end of the story and i have high hopes for new chapters, for more old and new characters. Actually I hope other companions were on those ships arriving at Odessan near the end.

And my main f/trooper have her Aric Jorgan moments, so yay and thank you Bioware))

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wait Kofte is better then Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Hutt cartel ?


Lol yeah right . No sorry . Rise of the cartel and Shadow of revan left me Happy and not frustrated like hell .


It had a nice flow to it . It had a beginning and an ending . And also , I could Interrupt ennemy and not get sea sick from being thrown around . Oh and I felt like I actually mattered instead of being just a stander by who keep watching everything going to hell (aka peoples betraying you left and right and you can't do squat about it) .


Did I mention I could Interrupt my ennemy ? sure not Revan . But never cared for him , the whole Journey in Both expansion was great and Fun .


And last selling points ? they lasted Longer then 20 min .

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I think many seem to forget what separates SWTOR from every other MMO on the market: BioWare Storytelling.


Wait...where is the KoTFE that has Bioware storytelling? The one I played sure didn't. Most choices didn't even get acknowledged, many got ignored ( Hello...I specifically chose "kill arcann"...TWICE. Before you mention Koth: He still came back and helped exactly when he would have normally, so that didn't matter, and it won't this next time either. ) The special weapon we made was completely pointless. They themselves spoiled Satele and Marrs ghost. The "epic conclusion" had no conclusion. There was absolutely no character development. Everything is still right where we started. There was never any mystery, intrigue, suspense, or drama. Many, or even most, of the chapters could just be removed and there would be no change. The alliance did absolutely nothing, and there was no point to building it up or gathering companions/allies. ( You literally have 2 companions tell you this! They say how they sat on the planet and did nothing but watch a fireworks show. The vast majority of the others don't even make any kind of appearance. )


For example, where were : Deadeye Leyta, Ak'Ghal Usar, Blizz, Bowdaar, Broonmark, Choza Raabat, Eckard Lokin, HK-51, Hemdil Tre, K'krohl, Guss, Major Pierce, Nico Okarr, Qyzen Fess, Rokuss, Talos Drellik, Veeroa Denz, Xalex, Yuun....or even better yet, WTH were our commanders? Aygo, Hylo Visz, Oggurobb, Sana-Rae?


We didn't need the alliance at all. It did absolutely nothing. Once we got the Gravestone, that was it. Everything could have stopped there, and the outcome would have been the same.


There's also the Emperor, or should I say "Deus ex Machina", AKA Plot Device. He doesn't move the story at all, or do anything. Have him just straight up die at the beginning, and you'll see the story really doesn't change. He never did help your character discover anything, or develop at all.


The other expansions, as bad as their story was, at least it was BETTER than KoTFE...and none of them can touch even a single one of the original class stories, especially mostly the imperial ones. ( Hello Agent story! )


I kept thinking that chapter 10-15 were just middle chapters, so of course they're going to be largely filler, but that the "epic conclusion" of chapter 16 would have at least SOMETHING happen. Nope. Nothing. Arcann is fine. Vaylin is fine. Senya is fine. Koth is fine. Scorpio is fine. The eternal empire is fine. Zakuul is fine. Odessan is fine. The alliance is fine. All it did was move a few pieces to different places, but didn't change any of them, or lose any.

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I personally think ALL of the expansions are hot garbage. Especially revans. They should have just restricted his involvement in this game to holocrons and data entries, because they butchered him as a character.


And the conclusion I got after 16 chapters of this nonsensical storyline was absolute joke that was completely ruined by plot armor. Its a shame because i think the Eternal Empire was a really cool antagonist.

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Yes...thank you for destroying guilds, servers and entire communities with KOTFE. MMOs had become too social for some folk...solo play is where it's at.




Some of here are still here because we still enjoy the game and story so our excuse is understandable.


What your excuse? I mean really what is it, because I really do want to know? Guess same question go's to a lot of you. After all its clear that more of the same is in the future.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Some of here are still here because we still enjoy the game and story so our excuse is understandable.


What your excuse? I mean really what is it, because I really do want to know? Guess same question go's to a lot of you. After all its clear that more of the same is in the future.


My friends quit after about 2 years. The only thing that has kept me playing is being immersed in the RP element or the story, and the attachment ive formed with my characters.

But its hard to maintain the suspension of disbelief with all this *********** plot armor

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Some of here are still here because we still enjoy the game and story so our excuse is understandable.


What your excuse? I mean really what is it, because I really do want to know?

Excuse for what? Why do I play you mean? Because I love the people I play with...and despite how poorly run this game is by Bioware, I still enjoy the game itself...but, unlike some, I'm not so blindly addicted to this game as to not see its faults.

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Some of here are still here because we still enjoy the game and story so our excuse is understandable.


What your excuse? I mean really what is it, because I really do want to know? Guess same question go's to a lot of you. After all its clear that more of the same is in the future.


I liked the previous stuff, and was desperately hoping for KoTFE to show signs of improvement later on. As to my response on how that went:


Next billing date:

Subscription Canceled


I know of others that are cancelling now as well. Not just saying/threatening they will, but actually pressing the button.

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I must admit I am finding it hard to see this as a return to story telling when it feels like its such a vast departure from the original game.


I.e. 8 class stories, 2 faction stories, 5 meaningful companions etc etc we have all know what the original game offered. This expansion rather felt like a lot of meaningless filler that didn't really tell and then advance much of a story. If I had to compare it to anything it would be a cartoon where you have some interesting antics for 30 mins and then everything goes back to how it was.


Ignore the space station and all the starting worlds are set 5 years in the past, even the new areas don't seem to progress with changes to the story. We have said a lot about no meaningful choices which is true but even the story doesn't feel like it has much of an impact or make much sense. It started with a trip into wild space to find the Sith Emperor and kill him. It seems we find him and then two crazies are in control of the most powerful empire ever know. Fast forward 16 chapters and almost a year and 2 Crazies are in control of the most powerful empire ever know. Yes you have recruit 35 generic carbon copy companies but now they have all fallen silent. Yes you have max influence with your alliance commanders but that doesn't mean anything.


Much as I disliked rehashing Revan at least by the end it felt like the galaxy was moving forward maybe in a bad direction but Kotfe just seems to be spinning wheels and mechanics that make bashing someone with a shield more powerful than any of your existing abilities. A turret dropping shield carrying class would be far too OP but that seems to be the one size fits all approach.

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Excuse for what? Why do I play you mean? Because I love the people I play with...and despite how poorly run this game is by Bioware, I still enjoy the game itself...but, unlike some, I'm not so blindly addicted to this game as to not see its faults.



I still sub to support BW so maybe they can afford to actually develop SWTOR. I am afraid if people keep un sub'ing and fall under a certain level and no more SWTOR. This smells like NGE SWG. The cheesy content, assine nerfs, hidden nerfs, and no real ongoing fixes. Before SWG was yanked.


The arcann fight is spend clicking a secondary toolbar and not the player's abilities while you are knocked down every two seconds. The half of the comps that THEY thrust upon a player betray you for personal reasons? What about caring the bigger picture? Sometimes a choice appear to be dark in fact is right to do in a situation for the bigger picture. That is why a president or a leader looks aged, from the hard choices they make and most of the time it is no coup(major betraying). Do not punish a player for making tough choices. Make choices that actually change subsequent choices, not this linear story that every player has the exact same All in mere 20-30 minutes then back to nerfed dailies or PvP where most players avoid the objectives. How was this any good? Maybe the pack viewer ok, if BW would focus on the game not always on the cash grab aspects maybe.

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KotFE revitalized what was largely a dead MMO. It's done the entire opposite of what you are suggesting. Again, there are more subscribers for SWTOR than there have been in years thanks to this expansion. More raids are going to come. BioWare is just making up for the last five years of not having BioWare storytelling in the game at all. Everyone won't be pleased, but many folks who bought this game for the storytelling to start will be.


Depends on where you look. My guild has all but left. Only person left is me and my boyfriend and My sub runs out in 20-21 days and not renewing.


Don't get me wrong the chapters were good but not at the expense of having to do it solo. I like doing things with my boyfriend and there is nothing for us to do so it is time to go after being here way before launch (June 2009).


Good luck.

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what the hell is this Bioware storytelling thing that people keep repeating? there was nothing special in kotfe, it was just this very linear and generic story that could have been in any random game that you buy from Steam or something for 4€. All class stories and previous expansions were way better.
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Depends on where you look. My guild has all but left. Only person left is me and my boyfriend and My sub runs out in 20-21 days and not renewing.


Don't get me wrong the chapters were good but not at the expense of having to do it solo. I like doing things with my boyfriend and there is nothing for us to do so it is time to go after being here way before launch (June 2009).


Good luck.


I suppose. If all your guild cares about is new daily zones or new operations, then I could see why you may not be thrilled with the game.


I think it would be great if you could bring a friend at least as a spectator for KotFE, but I don't particularly have an issue with the single-player format. If I want to PvP, raid, or do something else, I can do any of those things at any time. There's plenty of group content in the game.

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I suppose. If all your guild cares about is new daily zones or new operations, then I could see why you may not be thrilled with the game.


I think it would be great if you could bring a friend at least as a spectator for KotFE, but I don't particularly have an issue with the single-player format. If I want to PvP, raid, or do something else, I can do any of those things at any time. There's plenty of group content in the game.


Actually we were not into operations but we were able to do missions with each other and now there is nothing like that anymore so we they left as they stated they didn't come to play a game solo but with each other.


The problem is if we wanted to play solo we could have found any game to do that but bioware stated at the beginning you could do missions with your friends and then they removed them and left nothing for people like us so after trying to get them to see that for months I finally said enough and will leave. They honestly don't want people like us here so why stay when you are not really wanted.


Good luck to you.

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Actually we were not into operations but we were able to do missions with each other and now there is nothing like that anymore so we they left as they stated they didn't come to play a game solo but with each other.


The problem is if we wanted to play solo we could have found any game to do that but bioware stated at the beginning you could do missions with your friends and then they removed them and left nothing for people like us so after trying to get them to see that for months I finally said enough and will leave. They honestly don't want people like us here so why stay when you are not really wanted.


Good luck to you.


What missions were you doing? Heroics? Dailies? Flashpoints? I don't recall BioWare removing any group content. It's not like KotFE was devoid of any group content. Star Fortress is group-oriented. Heroics are more profitable if you do them with a group. We got two new arenas and a wz with KotFE. I guess I just don't understand what you think BioWare has done.


SWTOR is still an MMO. KotFE is just a small part of a much larger game.

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What missions were you doing? Heroics? Dailies? Flashpoints? I don't recall BioWare removing any group content. It's not like KotFE was devoid of any group content. Star Fortress is group-oriented. Heroics are more profitable if you do them with a group. We got two new arenas and a wz with KotFE. I guess I just don't understand what you think BioWare has done.


SWTOR is still an MMO. KotFE is just a small part of a much larger game.


I disagree. This game has made a shift towards single player focused content, and now nobody has a reason to stay. if you want to play a fun game with your friends, there are tons of other options. Of course someone coming into this game 5 years in will be spoiled for choice, but for those of us that have been around since the beta, there isnt **** to do anymore. There is no reason to pay a subcription fee at this point

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