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4.7 patch notes


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Notes are live in the maintenance thread!




  • Republic Characters now receive the “Sarlacc Stomper” Title and Codex Entry upon completion of the Mission “[HEROIC 2+] The Long Goodbye.”

  • Jedi Consular Players now receive “The First Son (Consular)” Codex Entry during the Mission “Chaos and Harmony.”

  • Sith Warrior Players now receive the “Halidrell Setsyn” Codex Entry on completion of the Mission “Seek Your Contact.”


Hey Eric, is this retroactive?


Cartel Market

  • Fixed a visual issue with the Overwatch Captain’s Helmet.


Will you ever fix the issue with Bastila Shan's armor? You passed it along to the team several months ago when we first reported it, but it has not yet been fixed.


  • M1-4X’s Quick Kolto Burst now fires from his cannon instead of his chest, which he considers a marked improvement.


Ha, I didn't know this game took inspiration from Halo! :p


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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In fairness I think we can guess what the highlight will be, well apart from the changes to the cartel market....


...But most of all be amazed at how 16 chapters later all that seems to have happened is that Arcann has been replaced by traitor. Even if you survive chapter 16 (good bet you will) knows the location of your secret base and will destroy it with the eternal fleet so the base is gone and your probably left bouncing round the galaxy on the gravestone.


Good read, nicely done.



So...why did I get kicked out of the game and am I now already patching?

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Good read, nicely done.



So...why did I get kicked out of the game and am I now already patching?


me too. and when it finished, I logged back in but it says my file doesn't match the current server configuration (or something along those lines). Something went wrong I believe

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me too. and when it finished, I logged back in but it says my file doesn't match the current server configuration (or something along those lines). Something went wrong I believe


Same here. Game version doesn't match the server version. I suspect it will start working normally after the maintenance, and I suspect someone hit the "deploy new patch" button or whatever at the server center a bit too early.

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Same here. Game version doesn't match the server version. I suspect it will start working normally after the maintenance, and I suspect someone hit the "deploy new patch" button or whatever at the server center a bit too early.


Seems like this has happened before....

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sso, have i missed out on it somewhere in the patch notes, or did they really not mention the fixing of conquest and priority ops ? if i missed it sorry, if not does that mean its not getting fixed tomorrow ?
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me too. and when it finished, I logged back in but it says my file doesn't match the current server configuration (or something along those lines). Something went wrong I believe


Same here but rather "Your game version does not match that of the server. Please restart the game." ... and obviously restarting the game does nothing to help. Every few months the same ... another 24h wait...

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Same here. Game version doesn't match the server version. I suspect it will start working normally after the maintenance, and I suspect someone hit the "deploy new patch" button or whatever at the server center a bit too early.


This is most upsetting...


Let's all make threads about wanting our time/money back, leaving the game and final slaps in the tortanic coffin.


I did look forward to playing some more though, so it is a bit dissapointing.

Edited by Gokkus
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Same here. Game version doesn't match the server version. I suspect it will start working normally after the maintenance, and I suspect someone hit the "deploy new patch" button or whatever at the server center a bit too early.


Same here. Wanted to log in and it started updating. Now the game is a different version than the server.

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Bioware I cannot log into the game due to the game reorganizing data. The patch being rolled out early? XD


Also nothing in the patch notes about the DvL achievements ... let that please be a sign that the HM flashpoint achievement is not mandatory for Legend level!


EDIT: Nvm, guess I was hoping to much. Shame you don't listen Bioware. It would be a HUGE QoL improvement if you did NOT include the Flashpoint Master achievement. There are too many newbies that try it and as a result we have failing groups. This final tier rewards should NOT BE GATED behind one single achivement.


Please change it!

Edited by NoomiryarZ
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It would be a HUGE QoL improvement if you did NOT include the Flashpoint Master achievement. There are too many newbies that try it and as a result we have failing groups. This final tier rewards should NOT BE GATED behind one single achivement.


Or you can form a group of geared people who know what they are doing instead of hoping for a lucky roll in groupfinder.

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I can't believe they are actually going to give playes the abillity to get back companions that were lost due to story. Whatever happened with "choices matter" and "focus on story"? IMHO all companions that left because of the plot should only be returned via plot... or dont return at all. Because otherwise it cheapens the story.


And if you are angry because you had Koth/Scorpio/etc at 50 level, well, it's your own fault. No one forced you to level their influence all the way.

Edited by Gelious
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so according to this post:

Hey folks,


We are experiencing issues at the moment with updating web content, so I am going to post the notes here. Once we get the issue resolved I will make sure to get /patchnotes and the launcher are updated as well. Here they are in the meantime!


Game Update 4.7: The Battle of Odessen



Chapter 16 – The Battle of Odessen! Prepare to face Arcann in deadly combat as he launches a full-scale assault against the Alliance base on Odessen! Still recovering from a shattering betrayal of the now-renegade droid, SCORPIO, the Outlander’s Alliance must rally to defeat Arcann’s forces in a desperate battle to determine the fate of the galaxy!

New Alliance Alert: Shining in the Darkness! Something is fishy on Nar Shaddaa. Voss Mystic Sana-Rae’s most recent vision will send you to the Smuggler’s Moon in search of a mysterious Force user. Luckily Blizz is sure he knows exactly who she means and will be tagging along for the ride.

New Pack Opening Experience! This new experience enhances the way you open packs, store, and acces your items. Read more about this feature in our Community Blog.

Collections Improvement! Collections has seen a slight re-organization! For ease of use, Collections now has several helpful subcategories to help you quickly find a weapon type or creature mount. Companions now have their own Collection category.


Weapon Tuning slots have been added to Level 50 Operation and PvP weapons.

Players can now use the Companion Locator Terminal in the Alliance Base Camp to regain Companions which became unavailable due to The Fallen Empire storyline. You must complete Chapter XVI before this option is available. Note that the terminal does not allow you to regain Companions which were guests (such as Darth Marr).

Characters wielding a Vibroblade and a Lightsaber no longer use the One-Handed idle stance.

The Character Sheet now displays correct values for Companion damages and no longer takes Equipment into account.

The graphics setting Bloom now works properly with skyboxes when using MSAA.

Republic Characters now receive the “Sarlacc Stomper” Title and Codex Entry upon completion of the Mission “[HEROIC 2+] The Long Goodbye.”

Jedi Consular Players now receive “The First Son (Consular)” Codex Entry during the Mission “Chaos and Harmony.”

Sith Warrior Players now receive the “Halidrell Setsyn” Codex Entry on completion of the Mission “Seek Your Contact.”

Achievements for the Mission “Arma Rasa” now properly appear in the Legacy window.

Color Crystals can now be previewed without first previewing a weapon.

Flipping the Minimap vertically no longer covers the “Exit Area” button with the PvE/PvP Focus Switch.

The Dark vs. Light: Flashpoint Master Achievement is now a requirement for completing the Dark vs. Light: Legend Achievement as intended.

Cartel Market

Fixed a visual issue with the Overwatch Captain’s Helmet.

Items + Economy

A new vendor has been added outside the Eternal Championship. This new vendor sells 220 Rating items for Eternal Championship Trophies.

Missions + NPCs

Removed the Group Finder Tactical Flashpoint Mission that was incorrectly appearing on the Republic Fleet's Priority Missions Terminal.

Attack effects no longer fire from the feet of Annihilator T4-1D.

M1-4X’s Quick Kolto Burst now fires from his cannon instead of his chest, which he considers a marked improvement.

The description of the Heroic Transport item on the Mission “Search and Rescue” now references the correct Mission.

The description of the Heroic Transport item on the Mission “Factory Recall” now references the correct Mission.

Imperial and Republic Commanders now only spawn in PvP Instances.

Increased the Credit reward amount of all Heroic Missions.

Depths of manaan is not fixed

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