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Senya Speculations


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In one of these posts, it was mentioned that she wants to stop her children, but that she won't kill them. I noticed when playing through on my SW that when Heskal tells her that blood must be paid with blood and if she could do that, she actually doesn't answer him. I've a bad feeling that she's going to either wimp out or try to stop us...or be an idiot and self sacrifice HK style for her kids. What do you think will happen? I don't think I want to be in a room alone with Senya, Arcann or Vaylin. Add in a side of Valkorian and you have the equivalent of a dysfunctional family Thanksgiving/Christmas/get together! :eek: Next chapter - therapy for our characters? :p


Senya is really going to become a problem, isn't she? I wish/hope we can choose our own companions and not forced paired so we don't have to face the family fun time alone.

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I'm betting Senya will help Arcann escape and we get the choice to either kill or spare her.


I would like the option to truss her up like a Turkey and leave her in Lana's room.


After a couple hours of Force Lightning practice I'll ask Khem if he eats well done Force User.


Maybe Lana will have worked up enough of an appetite to join me and my morose monster:)

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Please..been ages since we needed therapy for our charachters :D since Level 1 lol


well for starter , Heskel cornered her and put her on the spot . He can ''see'' the futur or destiny (and it is still effy like hell if it is true and in what manner and how much he actually see ) , but she doesn't . So back then when he asked her , I assumed she hesitated because she wanted to get Answers First before she goes Vendetta on them .


Wich if I were in her place I would want to .(and she did , learned that Arcann killed Thexan so I'm hoping that will be reason enough for her to do what must be done) Especially since we don't know the relation and how she feel about the Scion beside ''what happen to them was Horrible and whoever did it must face Justice'' .


So the clash here for Senya is Duty vs Parental duty .


I don't think I want to be in a room alone with Senya, Arcann or Vaylin. Add in a side of Valkorian and you have the equivalent of a dysfunctional family

You kidding meh? I want first raw chairs! :D


Since day 1 , I got the feeling of a Copy Paste of Samara from Mass effect . But she has many things missing in comparaison (Aka that Blue smexy Skin ahem ahem Samara was my Li) .


But will she do the same as Samara did ? the more chapters I play , the more I feel like her charachter keep switching Tounes .


I mean , she started agreeing or becoming very defensive toward Zaakul . Wich is while Normal , but feel more like she is switching team and next thing you know..if Koth is still around , The Gravestone will be stolen Round 2 by Senya and Koth this time around . Maybe Tora will team up with Vette to stop them lol


Then her Hatred of Kaliyo . Ok , I get it..she is Total Psycho and nobody here like her . (well I do) . But this Hatred she has..feel..wow.....


I mean Vaylin did almost Worse and I don't see the same Grrrr from her . Arcann did the same , and still no Grrr from her . Oh sure , she claim and act like a caged beast ..but something feel off .


Maybe it is just BW trying to throw us off and she will end up going Samara . (wich I'm hoping she will because I like her ) .


Which they did already , with Valk going all crazy on us for no reason .

Edited by SerraShar
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I had honestly been pretty confident she will perish at the hands of Arcann or Vaylin. But seeing her in the KotET teaser made me doubt that a little bit.


I was pretty sure she wouldn't actually betray us for them though, despite how many people seem to suggest she will.

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I had honestly been pretty confident she will perish at the hands of Arcann or Vaylin. But seeing her in the KotET teaser made me doubt that a little bit.


I was pretty sure she wouldn't actually betray us for them though, despite how many people seem to suggest she will.


I am like 90% certain she will let Arcann live.

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I don't really get the vibe Senya will betray us...unlike a shiny metal 'lady' who was clearly only using us...*eyeballs Scorpio*


I don't necessarily think she'll "let Arcann live" in the sense of suddenly turning sides, but I have a feeling when push comes to shove, she just won't be able to do it. Similar to her showdown with Vaylin earlier in the chapters.


She's a mother who still very much loves her children and blames herself for leaving them in a bad situation (even though she didn't exactly have much choice). She definitely wants to stop him, but I don't know that she'd be able to kill him.

Edited by Jaiddyn
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I don't really get the vibe Senya will betray us...unlike a shiny metal 'lady' who was clearly only using us...*eyeballs Scorpio*


I don't necessarily think she'll "let Arcann live" in the sense of suddenly turning sides, but I have a feeling when push comes to shove, she just won't be able to do it. Similar to her showdown with Vaylin earlier in the chapters.


She's a mother who still very much loves her children and blames herself for leaving them in a bad situation (even though she didn't exactly have much choice). She definitely wants to stop him, but I don't know that she'd be able to kill him.


Hmmm, if my sister or girlfriend became megalomaniacal mass murderers I don't know if I could pull the trigger either. My only reason for being annoyed with Senya is that she's promised to take the shot, I'd be just fine if she said at the get go - I can't be the one to end them, someone else has to do it.


Even my Dark V Warrior would be okay with that and he's evil.

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Hmmm, if my sister or girlfriend became megalomaniacal mass murderers I don't know if I could pull the trigger either. My only reason for being annoyed with Senya is that she's promised to take the shot, I'd be just fine if she said at the get go - I can't be the one to end them, someone else has to do it.


Even my Dark V Warrior would be okay with that and he's evil.


Which is fair, but you have to take into consideration the kind of person Senya is. When you first meet her, she says she basically prides herself on being able to "turn off" her feelings. The "hard" Knight that you take to meet the insane zealots is miles apart from the troubled woman who sings to you as you head into the city she loves and talks about her pain at having to leave her kids behind.


Senya may really think she CAN do it. She's always been able to do it. She's always been able to put feelings aside and do what she feels needs to be done. Of course, this is her children and that's pretty different even than leaving the husband she loved but no longer knew. I don't think she promised lightly and she really MEANS to do it because she wants to stop the harm she feels she allowed to happen to the universe, but she's never been in a situation where doing her job mean potentially killing the child(ren) she loved dearly and had with the man she probably still loves in some ways.

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From what i have observed, Senya has put her duty before her personal life, the way i see it is that she has issues in her personal life with her children and in her professional life with her children. Heskal mentioned what he did, how it happens could be interpreted another way, prophecy doesn't completely conform to the expected, sometimes it is seen in a different way.


But also remember what Senya has mentioned, she wants her kids to stop fighting and give themselves up Vaylin laughs at the idea of giving up when Senya offers the choice during a fight on Asylum and now Senya knows there is no saving either child. The only thing she has left is her professional life as a knight of Zakuul to bring in the criminals and deal with them, this would include Vaylin and Arcann if they let it happen.


However Arcann sees himself beyond the dealings of fate and believes himself to be above everyone else and the mundane, however it has been shown a few times that Arcann has a weakness in his armour, his lack of discipline in that he only has a limited understanding of what he can do and is unable to deal with problems that are a match for him. This is what Valkorion mentioned.


Vaylin has another story, she is clearly insane in every sense of the word, so to her, giving up has as much meaning as a pile of bricks dropping on an empty train in the middle of the city. She doesn't care and somewhat amused when it has nothing to do with her, so her long term interests are still not known yet at this point she is like Worf on Star Trek TNG in season 1, someone just looking pretty in the corner of the room and not being used to that characters potential yet. Assuming Arcann is dealt with in chapter 16, her character could be greatly expanded on to see what drives her on and why she let Arcann deal with everything.


So back to Senya, i think she has little choice but to trust the outlander since her children have burned her several times and only have her professional duties as the only thing that keeps her going. She will do the right thing when it comes to it.


Also burning the alliance won't win her any favors, blood calling out for blood only means more blood, so that won't solve any prophecy for the future, someone has wronged Senya and now she has to correct that permanently.

Edited by Celise
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Vaylin has another story, she is clearly insane in every sense of the word, so to her, giving up has as much meaning as a pile of bricks dropping on an empty train in the middle of the city. She doesn't care and somewhat amused when it has nothing to do with her, so her long term interests are still not known yet at this point she is like Worf on Star Trek TNG in season 1, someone just looking pretty in the corner of the room and not being used to that characters potential yet. Assuming Arcann is dealt with in chapter 16, her character could be greatly expanded on to see what drives her on and why she let Arcann deal with everything.


That would be nice , because so far...not Valk , Arcann or Vaylin are ANY FUN .


Sure they have nice armor , and the cutscene look better and more like a Movie . But they are so Boring as Vilains . I've seen better Vilain that make my blood Boil . Those are great vilains , when you get pissed..you know they are doing it right :D


Btw this..


giving up has as much meaning as a pile of bricks dropping on an empty train in the middle of the city.


could also be seen , as Giving up..is being controlled (power wise that is) like before .


Anyone notice , how the Scion claimed Arcann would fall . And it was repeated that he was Destined to fall..but never one Hint to who actually take him down ?


I'm starting to wonder if we are the one who will take him down..or someone else .

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Senya will not help you to kill Arcann. This I am 99% sure of. Chapter 8 where you're about to face off against Vaylin and you get rag dolled out of the fight by Senya, and then when Senya has Vaylin dead to rights, Senya let her go! The whole fight Senya is not trying to kill Vaylin because despite Vaylin's supposed uber Force powers, she's not that great a duelist, Senya was definitely not trying to kill her just to disarm/subdue her. Also that issue in chapter 8 needs to be revisited in 16 I think, because arguably Vaylin could be dead now if Senya hadn't forcibly removed you from the fight.


With Arcann there is a definate parallel with King Charles the first. Even if you do apprehend him, and despite what happened with SCORPIO, he's still the Emperor. He didn't stand down, he hasn't been killed, there was no abdication etc... in Arcann's head, he is the Emperor, he is the top man in the Galaxy end of story and there is no power greater than he and none that he need answer to, or whose authority he need recognise.


By what authority do we try him? When Cromwell and the Parliamentarians beat Charles I, that is the same question King Charles asked. Plus he has murdered so many people on so many worlds not to mention regicide, patricide, fratricide. Arcann's really been on a killing spree most of his life. My trooper is light 5 and even he is thinking, this guy is simply too dangerous to keep alive.


Senya will not see it that way, she will want him imprisoned, or rehabilitated or put on trial, anything but death. And that there is a conflict of interest. My trooper is expecting Senya to pull a Chapter 8 again, and this time, he will not let it slide. If Senya stops him from ridding the galaxy of a tyrant then Senya becomes his enemy too, harsh, but that's how it has to be.


My Sith Inquisitor takes a much more basic approach. I hate Arcann, I want him dead, and any that help Arcann to escape said death, are my enemy too and die with him. Vengeance will be mine.

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I think Senya sparing Vaylin at the end of their duel was a meant to be her learning that she can't afford to do that again. Plus, Vaylin telling her that Arcann killed Thexan is also something that made her believe that Arcann is much further gone than even she thought., and needs to be stopped no matter the cost.



With Arcann there is a definate parallel with King Charles the first. Even if you do apprehend him, and despite what happened with SCORPIO, he's still the Emperor. He didn't stand down, he hasn't been killed, there was no abdication etc... in Arcann's head, he is the Emperor, he is the top man in the Galaxy end of story and there is no power greater than he and none that he need answer to, or whose authority he need recognise.


By what authority do we try him? When Cromwell and the Parliamentarians beat Charles I, that is the same question King Charles asked. Plus he has murdered so many people on so many worlds not to mention regicide, patricide, fratricide. Arcann's really been on a killing spree most of his life. My trooper is light 5 and even he is thinking, this guy is simply too dangerous to keep alive.


By the same authority the Republic tries any war criminal?

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I think Senya sparing Vaylin at the end of their duel was a meant to be her learning that she can't afford to do that again. Plus, Vaylin telling her that Arcann killed Thexan is also something that made her believe that Arcann is much further gone than even she thought., and needs to be stopped no matter the cost.

Good guess! Wrong guess, but good guess.

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Wait, what? I thought early access was tomorrow?!

It was, but they screwed up the patch and forced clients to update too early. Once they realized that that happened, they elected to do the server-side maintenance today rather than tomorrow. People have been playing the patch for about four hours.

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It was, but they screwed up the patch and forced clients to update too early. Once they realized that that happened, they elected to do the server-side maintenance today rather than tomorrow. People have been playing the patch for about four hours.


If that's true, why the hell would you give away stuff from the chapter before most people have the chance to play it?!

Edited by OldVengeance
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If that's true, why the hell would you give away stuff from the chapter before most people have the chance to play it?!

This thread is in the spoilers forum. Surprisingly, people post spoilers in the spoilers forum. I don't particularly care about what 'most people' have done; the chapter was officially available to play, so I played it, and talked about it in the spoilers forum, in a thread specifically devoted to the topic under discussion (so it's not, like, spoiling the main quest in a thread about the "Light Shining In Darkness" alliance alert).


If you think that there's some kind of issue with that, that's not my problem.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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Anyone who's played ch 16 and chose...



Kill Arcann...when a horrified Senya found Arcann, did the thought..."gee what did you think was going to happen?" go through your head? I mean it was going to be a fight to *cough* near death. It wasn't like we were going to make Arcann see reason. What the heck was Senya thinking? Clearly, she wasn't. I love the idea of trussing her up like a turkey and leaving her for Lana, though Theron might be a runner up in that regard. Not sure why, as a spy, he'd think it cool to let Senya and Arcann escape with the intimate details on Odessen. When my Sith finally can play through it (only up to ch 14 on her), it'll be Theron sleeping on the sofa if he yells at her for attempting to shoot down Senya and Arcann. She does not tolerate betrayal...her kill list is going to be mighty long, luckily, she strangely sees eye to eye with Koth in all matters but Valk so he may avoid the list.


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Senya's decision may seem stupid on the surface...



But does anyone else find it interesting that the scene where Vaylin leapt at Senya and Arcann Force-pushed her away almost exactly mirrored how Thexan Force-pulled Arcann away when he leapt at Valkorian? Now that was a nice little callback. So maybe, just maybe, there is still good in Arcann.


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This thread is in the spoilers forum. Surprisingly, people post spoilers in the spoilers forum. I don't particularly care about what 'most people' have done; the chapter was officially available to play, so I played it, and talked about it in the spoilers forum, in a thread specifically devoted to the topic under discussion (so it's not, like, spoiling the main quest in a thread about the "Light Shining In Darkness" alliance alert).


If you think that there's some kind of issue with that, that's not my problem.


You still spoiled something a day before it was supposed to come out. In a thread that was originally meant to be about speculation. It was August 8th. I had no reason to think the chapter was out yet. And it had been out for such a short amount of time that I had barely even had a chance to notice that it was. What the hell is the matter with you?

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