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Am I totally gimping myself?


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So, I got my Combat Medic up to level 20 and played my first few PvP matches. Holy crap we rock! No seriously. I heal-bot anyone in trouble and if someone comes after me (and its not a 3 man gank team) I can drive them away if not outright kill them, regardless of class.


Question though. Love the gameplay but hate the class weapon. Something about the massive autocannon strikes me as weird. Just cant make my toon equip it. Ive been using mods in various Custom guns that Ive gotten. I dont feel like Im giving anything up, but I didnt know if someone had number crunched it yet. Am I gimping myself by not using an autocannon (other than the two skills I cant use, not that I would use them anyway...)

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There are other skills coming that require the assault cannon, they are all damage skills i believe. You can probably get away with sticking with rifle if the only thing you want to do is healbot, but as soon as you start adding some of out damage abilities to the mix (and there will be plenty of situations where you need to do damage) you will really be fighting with one hand tied behind your back in my opinion.
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I'm in the exact same position as you. I like the idea of being a healer, but I hate the Assault Cannon. I wonder why they didn't make the abilities useful to either weapon the class can use (I wondered this about other classes too - like forcing Marauders into two sabers)?


I think I may go Commando regardless. I'll just be more comfortable that way.


I can always switch to an Assault Cannon when I need to, and use the Rifle at other times. I still wonder why I can't use a Pistol, though, since we see it in use in all kinds of cutscenes...

Edited by Vego_Mohenjo
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What I noticed is that all of the abilities that Ive lost by using a blaster rifle (so far, only lvl 20) require you to be rooted. If Im fighting I prefer to be moving. It ends up consuming a lot of ammo to use your instant skills (sticky nade, explosive round, high impact bolt, stock strike), but so far I havent run into serous issues.


Im sure Vanguard has more options in terms of moving and fighting, but I like healing in PvP, thus the CM build (Sawbones use the AWFUL cover system and Sage healers melt like butter in Hades when melee closes in).


ETA: one thing I did notice...I dont get pegged as a CM instantly when using a blaster rifle. Unless I use hammer shot for the laser pointer to the healer effect I get mostly ignored. Guess they think Im a vanguard or something. I was racking up serous medals in most warzones, getting a handful of KBs and being the #1 or 2 healer for my team.

Edited by JayneKobb
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What I noticed is that all of the abilities that Ive lost by using a blaster rifle (so far, only lvl 20) require you to be rooted. If Im fighting I prefer to be moving. It ends up consuming a lot of ammo to use your instant skills (sticky nade, explosive round, high impact bolt, stock strike), but so far I havent run into serous issues.


You also lose about 20% of your damage flat on most of your attacks when you use a rifle. This has been done to death: yes you are gimping yourself. You are reducing your damage output and shut off some of your tactical options entirely. This would be ok if you were a healer in pve. Nobody would care about your burst then, but in pvp this is a serious setback.

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I do semi understand where you guys are coming from about not loving the auto cannon (most of them do look pretty gay) but remember you are "specialising" when you pick your advanced class so are stuck with your auto cannon or you will be disadvantaged in dealing damage.
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Why pick the class with the big gun just to hate on the big gun. I've seen more people of this generation making characters based on stats and less on what they really want to be in game.


It's how you get folks that hate elves playing dark elves in skyrim. "But it had great sneak! I just can't stand to look at myself!"

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Why pick the class with the big gun just to hate on the big gun. I've seen more people of this generation making characters based on stats and less on what they really want to be in game.


It's how you get folks that hate elves playing dark elves in skyrim. "But it had great sneak! I just can't stand to look at myself!"


True but people want to be a trooper in heavy armor and a healer. trooper story is fun, healing is fun, heavy armor is pro. its the autocannon that i just find odd. It dosnt feel right to be a healer with a massic cannon imo.


I love trooper and wish to be a MS healer, so i plan on using rifles instead of the cannon. gimped or not rifles just "feel" right for a trooper healer ^^

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Why pick the class with the big gun just to hate on the big gun. I've seen more people of this generation making characters based on stats and less on what they really want to be in game.


It's how you get folks that hate elves playing dark elves in skyrim. "But it had great sneak! I just can't stand to look at myself!"


True but people want to be a trooper in heavy armor and a healer. trooper story is fun, healing is fun, heavy armor is pro. its the autocannon that i just find odd. It dosnt feel right to be a healer with a massic cannon imo.


I love trooper and wish to be a MS healer, so i plan on using rifles instead of the cannon. gimped or not rifles just "feel" right for a trooper healer ^^

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