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Arrogance and the Current Event


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To keep it simple I'll just address this last part. I believe you are characterizing my post incorrectly. I do not believe I ever once suggested he (or anyone) is/wrong in finding enjoyment in this event. In fact, I'm pretty sure he never even expressed his enjoyment in the first place.


I addressed his premise (and, apparently yours, so I get where this is all coming from) that participation = enjoyment. I also specifically tried to explain why I disagree with his premise that "the best part" is that people are doing things they would otherwise not be doing.


I am sorry you chose to view it however you did, but you were incorrect for doing so.



Well if I am mistaken in how I've taken the attitude of your post you only have statements like this to blame:


Come back to us man. Please!


Listen, I can see how you fell for it. The Koolaid is strong. I get it. Look at all the people on Tython! Look at how fast PvP is popping with my level 19 in lolo! Holy cow I got GSF to pop!


Bro I totally see how you fell for it but... you fell for it. Come back. The sky is blue in our world. We miss you.


Rather condescending as I see it thus I view much of what you have to say in the rest of your post to be quite that.


Now whether or not he was infering he himself was getting enjoyment from the event I think it was clear he was pointing out that it's good to see others are even if he didn't literally type those words.



As far as ripping my tone: I think you may want to consider that my post was not meant to be - nor would it be interpreted as by someone without an agenda - in any way rude. You just disagree with me so you're making it sound like a rant.


Read what I quoted above and actually re-read your entire post. It's completely a rant, you even come across as though you put yoruself out by trying the event to get on board and still it failed to live up to the hype others put forward:


Here's what I've done for the event so far. Created an AP Powertech. Spacebarred through DK to get a ship, then proceeded to do nothing but tacticals until level 55 when I did SoR then Ziost. Grabbed HK for 1M then killed the first 50 things I saw in Oricon. Did my Gree. Did KotFE 1-9 full spacebar. Realized I was still only Dark III so I grabbed Diplomacy and have been doing that in spare moments.


It's like you purposely set out to make it a chore or something. Why though? When ...


Now - I may be (probably am, actually) in the minority but let me tell you why I did this stuff.


I'm bored. Honestly dude I don't even know what the rewards are. Companions I think. I know there's one I'll get if I hit one of the thresholds (dunno which). I don't know when I'll get it either. And to be totally honest, I doubt I'd even use it. It'll probably stay in my mailbox, like Nico did (until this event FTW). I really can't think of anything I could possibly need another companion for. It's not like they are going to go back and add cool dialogue for when my new comp sees Tatooine for the first time.


You have no interest in the rewards to the point you don't know what they are yet you subject yourself to this "boredom" anyway?


You justified as doing it because you're bored? Bored of the game that you subjected yourself to more boredom/


You say you enjoy the end game raiding etc. yet you said you did this because you are bored? I just don't get why you are here.


As to my agenda go over my post history, I'm far from some white knight and I pretty much call it as I see it. In defense of the game and Bioware and more often then not on the opposing view.


Like I said I try to be objective. I admit when I am wrong, and I try to show my opinions are reasoned. Perhaps "reasoned" would have been a better word for me to choose than "objective".


Yes your opinion is indeed reasoned to your personal experience within the game, no one cal tell you whether or not you're enjoying the game and you've demonstrated your reason well to show that you aren't.


As much as some people cry that some of us have a lot of negative stuff to say, IMO it's far more tiring to keep reading "quit the game" or some half baked **** about how we're all just miserable because it implies we're not making valid points - and yet I see no where did you actually try to refute a single point in the post you quoted. You simply characterized it, which seems pretty pointless to me.


See I'm not like "well if you don't like it just leave" - I get annoyed by such people too even when I'm having a constructive whinge about the game. I'm saying this because the likes of yourself and TUXs generally don't seem to be enjoying the game from your post history ( especially TUXs ) currently.

I think it would actually be beneficial for yourself to give something else a go - I've done it in the past and came back maybe 3-6 months later and everything felt just so much fresher again.

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With the bolster from 50 to 65 it's really not that bad.


What is needed to assist players such as yourself is a huge 16 man carrot.


I once was like yourself and wouldn't set foot in MMO content like a raid for various reasons but when I gave it a go it was 16man and it was very forgiving that I could learn on the job without a bunch of elitists yelling at me for why we wiped etc.

Now raiding is my favorite part of this game with the marketing side.


Back in those days no one hardly ever bothered with 8 man, we need to get back to those days to take advantage of the new blood as 8 man is quite daunting for new players as you are expected to really carry your weight.


I don't expect to be carried, but watching Ops videos can only get me so far before I fall asleep because I'm not experiencing it for myself. A 16-man would be far more forgiving, I admit. But this is not the era of the 16-man Ops anymore, so for now I should really look into finding a group/guild that's willing to teach. Or just find people in a guild who're willing to teach. Once I get a better hang on what it is my class is doing (all hail Dulfy and co for her/his guides, even if they aren't up to date to the current patch) than my current "well, this works when I'm on my own, and the guides say this is a good way to set up".


But I suspect Ops might be getting a few more people into queues because of the event, so that's a perk of the event. (Again, I support the "could have been done better" and "why can't my mains participate with the non-story stuff" camps regarding the event)

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I don't buy the "I complain because I want the game to be better" meme either. If that were true.. then they would present their concerns objectively, and then offer possible solutions objectively, followed by objective discussion with differing viewpoints. Instead, they more commonly focus on comments designed to be pejorative to the studio, the game, and to other players who dare to disagree with them.


Sadly that last part is all too true, and perhaps one of the sole reasons that the two way communication between the developers and the community sometimes seems like it doesn't exist.


Some of us have seen the result of the developers attempting to communicate more effectively going sour (think class balance passes during 3.0), and I'll be honest, I was ashamed to be part of the games community when one or two individuals let all of the community down like that. I'm not saying the developers are perfect, however I think there are a fair few unsung heroes among them that don't get recognized or appreciated in the right way.


I think part of the problem comes down to how passionate some players can get about the game as well as the setting for the game, communicating effectively sometimes gets thrown out of the window while showing that passion.


It is what it is though I guess. Different parts of the community will always be at odds with something or another, instead of taking a step back and looking at things objectively.

Edited by Transcendent
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See I'm not like "well if you don't like it just leave" - I get annoyed by such people too even when I'm having a constructive whinge about the game. I'm saying this because the likes of yourself and TUXs generally don't seem to be enjoying the game from your post history ( especially TUXs ) currently.

I think it would actually be beneficial for yourself to give something else a go - I've done it in the past and came back maybe 3-6 months later and everything felt just so much fresher again.


I can't speak for TUX. I can speak for me. I enjoy aspects of what I do in this game. I do not like the direction the current management team is taking the game.


I cannot understand why there are people here so narrow minded they cannot understand these two sentiments can co-exist. Since you do not - or - more likely, choose not to as a mechanism to strengthen your point, I'm not sure what else to say to you.


To be clear, If you're looking through my post history, perhaps it is you that needs a break from these forums. I post far less than many of you and I try to ensure I do not post without thinking. I believe this entire exchange we're having is exclusively a result of you choosing to be pointlessly confrontational. And you're not even doing a good job of it.


If you truly interpret the opener as confrontational you simply must have confrontation on your mind.

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I can't speak for TUX. I can speak for me. I enjoy aspects of what I do in this game. I do not like the direction the current management team is taking the game.


I cannot understand why there are people here so narrow minded they cannot understand these two sentiments can co-exist. Since you do not - or - more likely, choose not to as a mechanism to strengthen your point, I'm not sure what else to say to you.


To be clear, If you're looking through my post history, perhaps it is you that needs a break from these forums. I post far less than many of you and I try to ensure I do not post without thinking. I believe this entire exchange we're having is exclusively a result of you choosing to be pointlessly confrontational. And you're not even doing a good job of it.


If you truly interpret the opener as confrontational you simply must have confrontation on your mind.


Yeah, I don't understand the "all or nothing" viewpoint, either. I have things I like very much about the game (story, including KotFE) and things I'm annoyed with (crazy prices for unlocks, lack of PvP development). But, overall, I have fun with the things I do and ignore things that I don't like (Ops, FPs, crafting) but I I get that other people like those things have a right to be disappointed in the lack of attention they are currently getting.

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A well written post.


I'm willing to accept that this event is mainly aimed at new players, but even then I think it is poorly executed because of one reason, the ticking clock.

If a new player without the resources of a vet wants to achieve the legendary level he won't have the choice to experience all of that content at his own pace and really take it in. He'll have to rush through it just like everyone else and in the worst case feel burned out after he finishes.


Be careful what you wish for because someone reading that will think "Repeat the Event" While I'm fine doing the event just shy of the last achievement of 8 toons/HM FP's I agree the OCD players doing it all will be burnt out on leveling content.


I wish the devs had resouces to make original side game content like a Pazaak event. Plenty of empty cantinas all over the game to have people collecting pazaak cards and winning items from the various bartenders from Hutta to those hidden space station cantinas we only see when leveling a particular class story. Tons of real estate people only see once in a toons lifetime.

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I can't speak for TUX. I can speak for me. I enjoy aspects of what I do in this game. I do not like the direction the current management team is taking the game.


I cannot understand why there are people here so narrow minded they cannot understand these two sentiments can co-exist. Since you do not - or - more likely, choose not to as a mechanism to strengthen your point, I'm not sure what else to say to you.


To be clear, If you're looking through my post history, perhaps it is you that needs a break from these forums. I post far less than many of you and I try to ensure I do not post without thinking. I believe this entire exchange we're having is exclusively a result of you choosing to be pointlessly confrontational. And you're not even doing a good job of it.


If you truly interpret the opener as confrontational you simply must have confrontation on your mind.


OK well this post is more or less a cop out to what could have been a reasoned discussion, you don't seem interested in addressing any of the points I've posted against you and your rather derogatory post.


Based on that alone it seems you are here for no more reason than to stir up negativity towards the game rather than improve it and, as I implied before, you post history attests to this.

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Yeah, I don't understand the "all or nothing" viewpoint, either. I have things I like very much about the game (story, including KotFE) and things I'm annoyed with (crazy prices for unlocks, lack of PvP development). But, overall, I have fun with the things I do and ignore things that I don't like (Ops, FPs, crafting) but I I get that other people like those things have a right to be disappointed in the lack of attention they are currently getting.


Which would be fine to agree with the poster you quoted had their original wall of text post not basically gone over nearly every aspect of the game in a negative light.


But hey, I'm probably wrong ... must be that Kool-Aid I'm drinking if I can ACTUALLY think objectively over the event ( both for and against as I've done since it was announced ).

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Be careful what you wish for because someone reading that will think "Repeat the Event" While I'm fine doing the event just shy of the last achievement of 8 toons/HM FP's I agree the OCD players doing it all will be burnt out on leveling content.


I wish the devs had resouces to make original side game content like a Pazaak event. Plenty of empty cantinas all over the game to have people collecting pazaak cards and winning items from the various bartenders from Hutta to those hidden space station cantinas we only see when leveling a particular class story. Tons of real estate people only see once in a toons lifetime.


I wish the devs had resources to do pretty much anything new in the game that would be a good time burner ( KoTFE just isn't - 1 time wonder unfortunately and that's only if you enjoy the story ).

Alas they don't seem to and this is what we have and for now I find it enjoyable and it has merits based on the limited resources they no doubt have.


I figure enjoy it while we can because if the downtrend in content continues we'll be getting nothing at all new within a year or 2 one could assume.

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OK well this post is more or less a cop out to what could have been a reasoned discussion, you don't seem interested in addressing any of the points I've posted against you and your rather derogatory post.


Based on that alone it seems you are here for no more reason than to stir up negativity towards the game rather than improve it and, as I implied before, you post history attests to this.


Bro, if you really want a reasoned discussion, PM me. I'd be happy to have one. I think this back and forth doesn't belong in this thread.

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Bro, if you really want a reasoned discussion, PM me. I'd be happy to have one. I think this back and forth doesn't belong in this thread.


Yet you still just had to make that reply right. ;)

Could have taken your own advice right there and messaged me that response since you feel it doesn't belong right? :rolleyes:

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I wish the devs had resources to do pretty much anything new in the game that would be a good time burner ( KoTFE just isn't - 1 time wonder unfortunately and that's only if you enjoy the story ).

Alas they don't seem to and this is what we have and for now I find it enjoyable and it has merits based on the limited resources they no doubt have.


I figure enjoy it while we can because if the downtrend in content continues we'll be getting nothing at all new within a year or 2 one could assume.


No way it'll be that long.


For starters, Season 2 is coming up. That's not going to be a year away. Maybe just a few months until the start.


But, also have to figure they have one or two small things to drop that have been worked on recent. No, nothing huge, but there'll be "something."


But, I don't disagree at all to enjoy what we have while we can. That's why I'm trying to finish the class stories. I figure the game will be around for a while, but I'm still not sure if I will be. Depends on what they do next.

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No way it'll be that long.


For starters, Season 2 is coming up. That's not going to be a year away. Maybe just a few months until the start.


But, also have to figure they have one or two small things to drop that have been worked on recent. No, nothing huge, but there'll be "something."


But, I don't disagree at all to enjoy what we have while we can. That's why I'm trying to finish the class stories. I figure the game will be around for a while, but I'm still not sure if I will be. Depends on what they do next.


Honestly I wouldn't look for Season 2 to start until Q1 of 2017.

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No way it'll be that long.


For starters, Season 2 is coming up. That's not going to be a year away. Maybe just a few months until the start.


But, also have to figure they have one or two small things to drop that have been worked on recent. No, nothing huge, but there'll be "something."


But, I don't disagree at all to enjoy what we have while we can. That's why I'm trying to finish the class stories. I figure the game will be around for a while, but I'm still not sure if I will be. Depends on what they do next.


earliest season two starts is November but realistically it will be december or even january if its bug free. given its another 16 ish chapters that takes us to the same point in time as our current event. which means it will be DvL event season 2, same achievements different rewards.

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earliest season two starts is November but realistically it will be december or even january if its bug free. given its another 16 ish chapters that takes us to the same point in time as our current event. which means it will be DvL event season 2, same achievements different rewards.


*bursts out laughing as she flashbacks to SoR* Bug-free by January! *snicker snicker* *deep breaths* Sorry, sorry. But SoR wasn't mostly bug-free until February, and if I remember right, its opening sequence is still bugged for Imperials to not acknowledge any romances. And Firebrand was in February (and still bugged until Marc) because of a vague "Starting in 2016 we will be having a chapter released every month" letting them delay until Feb, so I suspect Firebrand might have been worse bugged in January.


I'm with Holocron, on not expecting anything to be released until Q1 of 2017. Though I'm more willing to predict that Season 2 will be starting in February.

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No way it'll be that long.


For starters, Season 2 is coming up. That's not going to be a year away. Maybe just a few months until the start.


But, also have to figure they have one or two small things to drop that have been worked on recent. No, nothing huge, but there'll be "something."


But, I don't disagree at all to enjoy what we have while we can. That's why I'm trying to finish the class stories. I figure the game will be around for a while, but I'm still not sure if I will be. Depends on what they do next.


OK I meant new in reference to my first paragraph i.e. a good time burner. Sorry for the confusion. ;)

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Everyone has there own vision of what this game should be... how many developers are actually working on this game anymore? Some speculate 8.


8 people to meet the demands of so many different types of players. I feel sorry for the people that actually have to wake up in the morning and code this game :X Which should be a labor of love is probably just a dreaded mess for them, specially if they read these forums.

Edited by DenariusJay
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I'm with Holocron, on not expecting anything to be released until Q1 of 2017. Though I'm more willing to predict that Season 2 will be starting in February.


Who knows at this point exactly what is going to happen. They may even release 9 chapters right at the offset if there actually is a season 2 (has it been confirmed anywhere?). I'm guessing that there may be a brief pause and perhaps some group content added. Probably new heroics. Or HSF.


Personally I'd like to see some flashpoints or operations as group content, following in the tradition of what has come before, and to actually have some storyline included, maybe even tying it into the event in KotFE and leading into a new season. I mean, the lead into SoR did this quite well, so who knows. The capability is certainly there on the part of the development team to do this.



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I don't have a problem with the event.


I have a problem with BW insulting my time and effort over the past 5 years. Telling me that my characters, my main character, that I've been playing (and paying for) for the entirety of this game's life, is not qualified for their "celebration" event. Telling me that I'm apparently not playing their game properly and they need to correct that mistake.


I don't care if the objectives aren't retroactive. I understand how the event works and I'm fine with that; make a new toon for the objectives that my old characters can no longer achieve. But there are still objectives I CAN do with my old characters. There are still choices I can make and alignment points I can earn on my old characters. So for what purpose is there to deny them eligibility?


This is what has me annoyed. Not the event itself, but BW telling me that I'm playing their game wrong.

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I don't have a problem with the event.


I have a problem with BW insulting my time and effort over the past 5 years. Telling me that my characters, my main character, that I've been playing (and paying for) for the entirety of this game's life, is not qualified for their "celebration" event. Telling me that I'm apparently not playing their game properly and they need to correct that mistake.


I don't care if the objectives aren't retroactive. I understand how the event works and I'm fine with that; make a new toon for the objectives that my old characters can no longer achieve. But there are still objectives I CAN do with my old characters. There are still choices I can make and alignment points I can earn on my old characters. So for what purpose is there to deny them eligibility?


This is what has me annoyed. Not the event itself, but BW telling me that I'm playing their game wrong.


I have to say that seems to me like a legitimate complaint.

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I don't have a problem with the event.


I have a problem with BW insulting my time and effort over the past 5 years. Telling me that my characters, my main character, that I've been playing (and paying for) for the entirety of this game's life, is not qualified for their "celebration" event.


Usually, it is the other way round, and you know it : Newbies just cannot enter


- The Gree Event

- barely the Rakghule event

- barely the Bounty Hunt event

- barely the NIght Life event because they don't have that much money ...


The NORMAL way is, to exclude all NEW players. Just with the Chevin event : Not repeatable. With the *original* Rakghule Event : Not repeatable. Just take a look at OPS : Open only at end level. ( I've heard level 50, but I doubt that. ) Flashpoints : You's be insane to attain to it with your level 16 character even although you're allowed to do it ! There's so much end-game exclusive stuff out there. How do Newbies feel ? Oh, yes, people don't care about Newbies. They don't want ANY new player to ruin THEIR game. Who needs Newbies who do so many mistakes and do not have that many requuired abilities on their quick access bar ? Elitists do not want them to enter ANY part of their game ... People don't care whether Newbies feel locked out by insane GTN prices, too.


Now, it is the other way round : Usually Newbies, who are locked out from everything interesting, get something special. What happens ? Veterans want them to remain / kept locked out.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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No way it'll be that long.


For starters, Season 2 is coming up. That's not going to be a year away. Maybe just a few months until the start.


But, also have to figure they have one or two small things to drop that have been worked on recent. No, nothing huge, but there'll be "something."



That's optimistic,

If the bonus chapters and other events ending or dropping in Sept\Oct I would say season 2 won't happen till after the first of the year. But with the devs communication skills of late it's anyone's guess

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Everyone has there own vision of what this game should be... how many developers are actually working on this game anymore? Some speculate 8.


8 people to meet the demands of so many different types of players. I feel sorry for the people that actually have to wake up in the morning and code this game :X Which should be a labor of love is probably just a dreaded mess for them, specially if they read these forums.


True enough it has been speculated that a total of 8 people currently work on the game. with that its s wind fall for EA and cost going out vs earnings.


And with just 8 or so people working on swtor you get what we have now a turd nugget of reused content because man power might be low but more to the case those that are leading within the 8 have no clue what an mmo is nor can they actually tell a good story.

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That's optimistic,

If the bonus chapters and other events ending or dropping in Sept\Oct I would say season 2 won't happen till after the first of the year. But with the devs communication skills of late it's anyone's guess


I think October or November, with the smart money on November. They'll have something for people to do during the holiday season.

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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Now, it is the other way round : Usually Newbies, who are locked out from everything interesting, get something special. What happens ? Veterans want them to remain / kept locked out.




Unfortunately, it seems to be strongly ingrained in many MMO veterans to look down upon new players as inferior and not worthy of a speed ramp into an MMO with multiple years under it's belt. This comes with some also feeling that new players need to "do the time" that the veterans did back at launch and post launch.... which is very flawed business plan in today's market IMO.


I honestly do not get this mind set at all. It's divisive, exclusionary, and hinders the long term health of the MMO. New players, and them being end game viable in a reasonable amount of time IS the life blood of MMOs in the modern era. Veterans come and go in MMOs all the time. It is new players that bring fresh blood and interest into an MMO.. so any studio that takes new players into consideration is ahead of the curve IMO.


The only thing harmed by this event is some veterans egos and sense of desire to be elite and separate from newer players. Sure.. they couch this behind the "why to I have to repeat content" meme... when in fact.. they could just keep doing whatever they were doing before the event and simply ignore the event completely. That is the beauty of being a veteran... you have every option open to you in terms of content in the game.

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