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Arrogance and the Current Event


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And no mention of me in ages, this is a thread about arrogance after all.


That's probably my fault. I do apologize for my arrogance. It is bound to happen again. :t_wink:


And... we need you to pick up your wit, drag it over, and drop it right here in this thread.

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One could even see it as a little nod to the people who are not interested in playing the event, but want a chance for some of the items. Works fine for me... I would only have done the event for the packs anyway. I'm never going to have the time to earn the companion or anything like that. At least this way I can sell the crap items that I have no use for.

The "event" actually happened just as I was getting ready to create my first Smuggler...which I can't stand btw (story is surprisingly good but fun of the class is a D)...so I'm doing the "event", but not for any rewards...well...NOW I am, but it's not like I went and created 8 new toons for it...

Edited by TUXs
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You do realise good and bad things are often highly subjective? This event is godsend to new player, who will probably see it as positive thing and chance to get all the shiny stuff while exploring parts of game previously untouched. I'm mostly indifferent to it, becouse I decided not to participate at all. Some people, who already did all this but see the need to participate, will see it for horrible chore and uninventive recycling.


OP presents more balanced view becouse he obviously enjoys some parts of event, even if only in theory. Other people don't. Why are they instantly bashed as negative and toxic? What is the misterious "constructive citicism" that is in so high demand? Are we supposed to give suggestions to EA on how to do the event properly? Constructive criticism is fine when criticised side listens and takes notes, but here? It's just feedback sent to black hole. "**** this event is ****" followed by reasons is no better or worse feedback than "Oh, event is fine, but..."


I agree.


Frankly I don't really understand the rage presented in these LvD threads. This event was clearly meant to celebrate the upcoming 5th year anniversary of the game launch by inviting us to replay content that *most* of us loved or try features that we've avoided. The rewards are nice but not necessary to have in order to excel in higher level content.


It gives new players a chance to participate which is always a good thing. More new players = healthier game population.


If you don't want to level up another new character, then don't. It won't hamper your game one way or the other. I myself have played since launch and have 40 + characters on 3 servers, however I've found that playing through the storyline again is entertaining. I don't space through cut scenes and have found things about the story that I've missed before. I will *not* be completing all that's required to get the new companion but that's ok. It's still a fun event.

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You do realise good and bad things are often highly subjective?


Yes I do. And while I prefer objectivity, it's unrealistic to demand it in a gaming forum. It is reasonable to expect honesty, IMO... which is what I was discussing in my comment that you quoted. Someone being persistently negative yet feigning objectivity. It's absurd.


This event is godsend to new player, who will probably see it as positive thing and chance to get all the shiny stuff while exploring parts of game previously untouched. I'm mostly indifferent to it, becouse I decided not to participate at all. Some people, who already did all this but see the need to participate, will see it for horrible chore and uninventive recycling.


I don't know if it is a godsend for new players or not. I'll let new players comment in that regard.


I do however know that the event is in no way negative to veterans. It is an event with specific parameters to participate.. like all events. Each player can look at the rewards and challenges and decide if they wish to play the event or not.. and how deeply into the tiers to play it. It's just that some veterans are 100% bent about not being allowed to play a veteran character through the event, and others are 100% bent that the event does not credit prior effort on a veteran account (which is beyond me do understand really).


OP presents more balanced view becouse he obviously enjoys some parts of event, even if only in theory. Other people don't. Why are they instantly bashed as negative and toxic? What is the misterious "constructive citicism" that is in so high demand? Are we supposed to give suggestions to EA on how to do the event properly? Constructive criticism is fine when criticised side listens and takes notes, but here? It's just feedback sent to black hole. "**** this event is ****" followed by reasons is no better or worse feedback than "Oh, event is fine, but..."


If you don't know the difference between constructive criticism and simple ranting and complaining for the sake of complaining... I cannot help you.


The Op presents a more balanced view because unlike some others that simply categorically condemn this optional event, the OP took the time to look at things from both sides of the equation and came to the conclusion that there is both good and bad in the event in his view. Something that most players with any level of objectivity can understand, even if what precisely is good and what precisely is bad may very well differ for different players.

Edited by Andryah
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The Op presents a more balanced view because unlike some others that simply categorically condemn this optional event, the OP took the time to look at things from both sides of the equation and came to the conclusion that there is both good and bad in the event in his view.


Objectivity does not mean to look at everything and see good and bad. It doesn't mean that at all. It means to consider it from all sides.


Of those that do consider the entirety of an instance, some will conclude positives. Some, negatives. Some both.


You are implying some insight into the development of someone's opinion. You have none. You can simply weigh it on its merits. You're entitled to disagree. You're entitled to ignore it. Nothing more.


If you disagree with anything someone says it is far more constructive to address the post, not the poster.

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I agree.


Frankly I don't really understand the rage presented in these LvD threads. This event was clearly meant to celebrate the upcoming 5th year anniversary of the game launch by inviting us to replay content that *most* of us loved or try features that we've avoided. The rewards are nice but not necessary to have in order to excel in higher level content.


It gives new players a chance to participate which is always a good thing. More new players = healthier game population.


If you don't want to level up another new character, then don't. It won't hamper your game one way or the other. I myself have played since launch and have 40 + characters on 3 servers, however I've found that playing through the storyline again is entertaining. I don't space through cut scenes and have found things about the story that I've missed before. I will *not* be completing all that's required to get the new companion but that's ok. It's still a fun event.


The anger from vets comes from a few things:

1) event contained no new material. Now for some, this is chance to do things they may not have done in game, but for others, it was repeating content they may have already done.

2) Event excludes existing characters. (add in BOP rewards (can't go to their favorite character unless pay to unlock in collections- provided get full set) and this is a double hit)

3) If no free server slots existed, players would have to buy additional slots to participate.

- Didn't help to have Musco say in thread the solution was to buy another slot, move to another server or delete an existing character.

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That's probably my fault. I do apologize for my arrogance. It is bound to happen again. :t_wink:


And... we need you to pick up your wit, drag it over, and drop it right here in this thread.


A successful post is not made of what is in it, but what is left out of it.

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The "event" actually happened just as I was getting ready to create my first Smuggler...which I can't stand btw (story is surprisingly good but fun of the class is a D)...so I'm doing the "event", but not for any rewards...well...NOW I am, but it's not like I went and created 8 new toons for it...


Dude, I feel the exact opposite about the smug. I just finished mine a couple of weeks ago. I thought the story was terrible, but I really liked the character I created and how the class worked.

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Back on topic: How do y'all feel about those new CM packs vs. the Event packs? :t_angel:


I'm not sure I see it as issue-worthy. If it makes more stuff available to more people what's the problem? It's all cosmetic/vanity stuff.


If there's really something someone wants, they are far more likely to get it now.


I guess I can see people miffed if they've spent dollars doing collection unlocks but... money spent in a video game should probably be pretty high on the disposable income list.

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Objectivity does not mean to look at everything and see good and bad. It doesn't mean that at all. It means to consider it from all sides.


Of those that do consider the entirety of an instance, some will conclude positives. Some, negatives. Some both.


You are implying some insight into the development of someone's opinion. You have none. You can simply weigh it on its merits. You're entitled to disagree. You're entitled to ignore it. Nothing more.


If you disagree with anything someone says it is far more constructive to address the post, not the poster.


Well-put. :t_cool:

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Dude, I feel the exact opposite about the smug. I just finished mine a couple of weeks ago. I thought the story was terrible, but I really liked the character I created and how the class worked.

Well...I do spacebar a lot and just read subtitles, and I expected it to be terrible, but it wasn't (isn't...still finishing it) as bad as I thought it would be...so maybe it's just that it wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be biasing my opinion...but as for the class, the lack of mobility is driving me NUTS (Gunslinger)!!! How do you avoid stupid when you're forced to crouch so damn much?

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Well...I do spacebar a lot and just read subtitles, and I expected it to be terrible, but it wasn't (isn't...still finishing it) as bad as I thought it would be...so maybe it's just that it wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be biasing my opinion...but as for the class, the lack of mobility is driving me NUTS (Gunslinger)!!! How do you avoid stupid when you're forced to crouch so damn much?


I crouched about 5 times in the whole **** story. It drives me nuts to have my quick bars change because I'm a clicker. And, there's no reason to crouch in story mode.


Obviously, I chose not to engage group content on this particular character.

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I crouched about 5 times in the whole **** story. It drives me nuts to have my quick bars change because I'm a clicker. And, there's no reason to crouch in story mode.


Obviously, I chose not to engage group content on this particular character.

Sweeping Blasters is terribly OP for trash mobs though - and it can only be used from squatting (appropriate word given my feelings for the class :p ). But I'll try not squatting tonight and see what I think...

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I crouched about 5 times in the whole **** story. It drives me nuts to have my quick bars change because I'm a clicker. And, there's no reason to crouch in story mode.


Obviously, I chose not to engage group content on this particular character.


I crouch all the time on my smuggie mcsmugkins, but then again I'm just lobbing grenades and area attacks and not paying attention. So yeah, it's easy to stay put and let them run through AoE and die while watching Mr Robot.

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I crouched about 5 times in the whole **** story. It drives me nuts to have my quick bars change because I'm a clicker. And, there's no reason to crouch in story mode.


Obviously, I chose not to engage group content on this particular character.


Try putting crouch on the "non cover" bar in the same spots as your cover abilities (which are on the cover bar) and just double tap for cover abilites. Non-cover stuff keep the same on both bars. Then you never ever have to think about cover again.

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Try putting crouch on the "non cover" bar in the same spots as your cover abilities (which are on the cover bar) and just double tap for cover abilites. Non-cover stuff keep the same on both bars. Then you never ever have to think about cover again.


I just disabled the cover bar, because it was driving me nuts...

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OP essentially stated that upon reflection he now holds a high opinion of this event, for the following reasons:


-snip- Oh joy another entire wall of text to try explain what you really meant by your original wall of text. :rolleyes:.


I guess I'm not sure what you found in this to be so offensive.


I don't recall saying anything I found anything outright offensive? You are making a subjective argument ( a strawman one at that since I'm not implying offense anywhere, more annoyance ) in that you feel I perceive it this way.


Here is my respose to your wall of text though that spawned any reply between yourself and I:




From there I'll leave it upto you to follow the whole trail of posts since it then boiled down to you basically trying to justify how your original post was fully objective ( even though originally I only had a go at your use of "being bored" as justification for your whole post in reference to the game itself, not exactly objective is it? ).


Now I'm going to cherry pick your post here a wee bit because a lot of it comes across as you endeavouring to justify your original post in a more objective manner which is fine if you feel you didn't do a good enough job the first time.

As I said I didn't even initially have issue with your whole post - more the negativity of it, the statement around being bored ( read my replies around the boredom issue, I feel I made a fair response to people who think they are bored or the borderline self confessed masochists and you never tried to respond to these ) and the off hand nature of trying to sway the OPs views back to the negative because you personally felt a positive view had him on the wrong side of the fence.


Also one thing I'll point out now to stop me having to repeat it ad nauseum ... you seem to take this view that everyone is going for legendary tier like it's the only thing that exists. I doubt that's the case at all because I know in my own personal experience it's not the case, many of my guildies it's not the case, the OP it's not the case, Andryah another post off the top of my head it's not the case. So you see there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support it's not the case at all.


In short: Legendary != the entire event. Keep this in mind when you keep speaking of people having to do crafting or level 8 classes etc. etc. as though that is all there is to this event.


But - when you have things that literally some people will not be able to do at all.... I think it's not good design. I'm fine with having to invest time.


Sorry but what can they not "literally" do? I was under the impression everyone could in essence do everything and no one was locked out?


I also pointed out that speedrunning 8 characters through the more "impressive parts of the game" is perhaps not doing it justice. I believe the 1-50 planets are amazing and participants in this event will likely miss half of it. For vets - no big deal. But for the 60 token people he described - I think it's a shame.


A rather huge leap for you to assume the 60 token folk will just rush all content don't you think? This isn't what so ever objective and just a rather massive assumption on your behalf. Especially the newer players who actually have the story there to experience for the first time, less reason for them to rush.


But hey, I'm "doing" stuff. Problem is, what am I doing?

I'm killing time.


Key word "I'm" - this is your experience, again totally subjective view.


Are players doing what they truly want to do? If so, why isn't Tython always at 150 players on a Wednesday night?


Because that's not where the lure is, if the games old content didn't need a lure they wouldn't make events like this?

Are they doing what they want? Yes otherwise why would they be doing it? You'd have to be some sort of masochist ( I bring this up often because to push yourself to do things you don't want to do is to ideally punish yourself ) to do these things if you didn't want to do them ... in your own subjective example in your wall of text you admitted to not even knowing what the rewards were so you left yourself even less justification for doing the event and thus made your entire reasoning in your post even more flawed because you came from such an uneducated position.


Do you really believe that this is a suitable alternative to player retention? New content?


More strawman and this proves you really aren't paying attention. No one is saying they would prefer this to new content - what a silly thing to say.


To touch on the whole "I'm bored" ...


I think there are far better ways to get people playing this game again. I'm not sure how any of this isn't clear if you read beyond "I'm bored".


But WHY are you doing those things if you are bored? Lets go back to your original post for a minute shall we and truly see the utterly subjective and borderline spiteful nature of it shall we?


Honestly dude I don't even know what the rewards are.


I ask again then, why are you doing the event? You didn't know the rewards but did it anyway? That's rather short sighted.


Companions I think. I know there's one I'll get if I hit one of the thresholds (dunno which). I don't know when I'll get it either. And to be totally honest, I doubt I'd even use it. It'll probably stay in my mailbox, like Nico did (until this event FTW). I really can't think of anything I could possibly need another companion for.


The reward you did think you got you didn't want ... see where my masochist view is starting to creep in here of you?


Spacebarred through DK to get a ship, then proceeded to do nothing but tacticals until level 55 when I did SoR then Ziost. Grabbed HK for 1M then killed the first 50 things I saw in Oricon. Did my Gree. Did KotFE 1-9 full spacebar. Realized I was still only Dark III so I grabbed Diplomacy and have been doing that in spare moments.


Had some armor so I threw it onto a new sniper. got him to 10, put some mod/enhs in it. implants + relics. All in about 250k on the GTN. Realized that Solo BT is the fastest leveling for me and ran that repeatedly until 50. About 5.5 hours. Repeat on a sorc. All in level 10 gear. Started my Sage.


Are you finding any of that fun because to me it reads like you are purposely trying to make the event mundane and boring for yourself for a companion reward you don't want whilst not knowing what the other rewards are.


I could go on but at this point it's fairly blatantly obvious your entire original post was utterly subjective.


I get it. You believe that "nudging" people into areas they might not otherwise try is a positive. I don't disagree with that on principle. However this "event" doesn't nudge - it shoves.


People haven't tried flashoints? Here, do all of them. In both difficulties.


People haven't tried crafting? Max them all out.


You can't use the out "You don't have to do it all" and state how great it is people are doing all this stuff at the same time.


It's great people are trying things they haven't tried before. People don't HAVE to do those things you harp on about because not everyone is going for legendary tier - this should be clear to you by now.

There are tiers to cater to everyone pretty much.


But beyond that - The event could have at least respected that some of us have been here for 4+ years and maybe we have tried this stuff. Maybe we don't do PvP or FPs or Ops because we genuinely don't like doing them - not because we haven't had the chance to experience them. Personally, I can do everything so I will. But I am far from alone in pointing out that "everything" includes a lot of stuff I'd never - ever - otherwise do. I'm not buying that is a good thing.


You can so you will even though ... "Maybe we don't do PvP or FPs or Ops because we genuinely don't like doing them - not because we haven't had the chance to experience them" ... can you even be more subjective in your views of this event?

Not only that but you come across as though you actually have to punish yourself to do an event you don't know what the rewards are and have no interest in the one you do...

The whole post is rather ludicrous when you really boil it down.


I dunno man, rereading it I really don't see what your problem is. I think you read "I'm bored" and decided to try to go nuclear.


My point was you're bored, we get it ... between you and numerous other posts we've heard it over and over and over again. Coming in to a topic that is based around the more positive aspects of the event to put across your obvious subjective, negative views achieves nothing other than just to annoy people.


The fact you justify it all with a post that basically implies how you have to force yourself through content you don't want to do for rewards you don't want only justifies the point you shouldn't be doing this event, it's not for you ( at least legendary tier anyway ) heck you probably shouldn't even be playing this game anymore with how much of a chore you make it sound.


Otherwise why not actually be objective for once? Why not stick to the facts. You are annoyed over this event because it's not new content, you are disillusioned with the status of the game because there is no decent new end game content announced or to be seen on the horizon.

Those are fair arguments I fully agree with and I am too frustrated by these points but however I've made my views on the flaws of the event clear in other topics that addressed those, this is not that topic.


Point is if you are so bored and frustrated vote with your wallet, it's what I would do otherwise why not enjoy what you enjoy doing and ensure you actually do put forward objective arguments when attacking the state of the game or aspects of the game because subjective arguments like you have been making just do nothing than set you up for: "If you FEEL this way why don't you do something else?".

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Pathetic? LOL! I don't need to justify to you why I enjoy this game. You can ask nicely if you're sincerely curious as to what I enjoy, but you're not...you're simply ranting and on a personal vendetta against me for whatever wacky reason you have.


No you really don't but then don't be surprised when people view you in a light that speaks the opposite of "enjoying the game" and that most of your posts are nothing but unfounded whinging.


I'm far less negative than you are. If you'd like to begin paying for my sub and cartel coins, you're welcome to tell me how I should be posting...but until that time, you should probably just add me to your ignore list since you're so personally effected and annoyed by my posts.


Heh "No I'm way more positive than you!" Wow dude, what a solid argument. Pathetic sums that sort of post up nicely me thinks.

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No you really don't but then don't be surprised when people view you in a light that speaks the opposite of "enjoying the game" and that most of your posts are nothing but unfounded whinging.


Heh "No I'm way more positive than you!" Wow dude, what a solid argument. Pathetic sums that sort of post up nicely me thinks.

You're very good with personal attacks...care to toss a few more out?

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No you really don't but then don't be surprised when people view you in a light that speaks the opposite of "enjoying the game" and that most of your posts are nothing but unfounded whinging.




Heh "No I'm way more positive than you!" Wow dude, what a solid argument. Pathetic sums that sort of post up nicely me thinks.


What is even the point of this post? If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, please leave. :csw_fett: It's ok to not reply to things.


"Don't make me pull this car over!"

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What is even the point of this post? If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, please leave. :csw_fett: It's ok to not reply to things.


"Don't make me pull this car over!"


Oooh, oooh, ooh, please pull the car over, we're right next to the 'Giant Kor'slug Museum', I've always wanted to see it! Then can we go to the Nerfherder Motel and Ranch on Alderaan?

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Isn't that also off topic? ;) If anything arguing with people over their "arrogance" either for or against the event is more on topic. ;)






Might as well keep that debate to one source.


Don't you sass me, boy. How arrogant of you to try to shift my thread elsewhere.


"I'll give you something to keep to one source!" :t_tongue:

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