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Arrogance and the Current Event


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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.



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People who are so offended by this event will stop subbing. There will be enough people who enjoy it, don't care, forget to unsub, etc. that the disappearance of some vets won't matter.


Game as usual. More than enough people will just suck it up.

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I have a lot of disappointment with the event, but have never been against it. But that's because I view things almost purely with pragmatism.


I do think there has been a BOATLOAD of arrogance, but I do think there's been a lot of players with a backbone demanding better treatment from Bioware too.


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.


TBH I hope this is what happens. Bioware has launched this event to get people who left/new people playing so they can announce some endgame content of some kind. I hope so, at least, although in the end I doubt that's what they're doing.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I admit, I have grumblings about this event as well, but I do appreciate what it is doing with the game as a whole as well.


*grumble*I just wish our individual characters could choose which of the two comps we get instead of every newly rolled character deciding, and for a few achievements to be retroactive, but other than that, I am enjoying the event as well.

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I have a lot of disappointment with the event, but have never been against it. But that's because I view things almost purely with pragmatism.


I do think there has been a BOATLOAD of arrogance, but I do think there's been a lot of players with a backbone demanding better treatment from Bioware too.




TBH I hope this is what happens. Bioware has launched this event to get people who left/new people playing so they can announce some endgame content of some kind. I hope so, at least, although in the end I doubt that's what they're doing.


~ Eudoxia


I get it about demanding better treatment. That's where I was at before. But, stepping back to look at the big picture, this all makes sense. I have to assume BW will capitalize on this opportunity.


Face it, if they introduced a new OP, the long-time vets would get excited and play it and then be complaining again in, what, 2-3 months? There will be no way to win with the hardcore raiders. Face it, we ain't getting new FPs and OPs 3 or 4 times per year.


But, a player who has been timid about doing this content could get invested in a character, play through, do TEC and gain some confidence and start raiding. Or realize that WZs are fun and continue queueing for those. These players will be entertained much longer than those who have done all the current content.


I just hope the event does what BW intends it to. Even if that's just keeping people online through the next season of story.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




A well written post.


I'm willing to accept that this event is mainly aimed at new players, but even then I think it is poorly executed because of one reason, the ticking clock.

If a new player without the resources of a vet wants to achieve the legendary level he won't have the choice to experience all of that content at his own pace and really take it in. He'll have to rush through it just like everyone else and in the worst case feel burned out after he finishes.

Edited by Knorlac
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People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


For all the talk around the boards about how BW is just using the "event" as a cynical ploy to skew their metrics or artificially inflate their numbers, if this promotion accomplishes these two things to a reasonable extent, then I think it will be a legitimate success.


I don't necessarily disagree with those who believe there are things about the "event" that could have been handled better either on a concept level (e.g. finding a way to incorporate existing characters rather than categorically excluding them) or on an implementation level (BoP / BtL qualms with the LvD boxes). But, even so, I think it will likely end up falling into an "it was decent, it could have also been better" category rather than the "it's compete crap!" category some want to set it in.


(I also continue to maintain that going so far as to label it an "insult" or a "slap to the face" to veterans or to those who aren't interested in rolling alts, as some seem to do, is... an overreaction to say the least.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm glad to hear more people looking at it this way. The event itself is actually quite clever.


The mistake BW made was, as it usually is, in the communication department. Had they shared the details earlier, the usual "new stuff" backlash would have gotten out of the way before the event itself started, and so there wouldn't be the ridiculous attempts by players to sabotage it for other players.



Still, I'm seeing a mass of players slowly moving up through the planets, and slow enough where a lot of them are likely not veterans, which is the best thing that can happen right now.

Edited by MadDutchman
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A well written post.


I'm willing to accept that this event is mainly aimed at new players, but even then I think it is poorly executed because of one reason, the ticking clock.

If a new player without the resources of a vet wants to achieve the legendary level he won't have the choice to experience all of that content at his own pace and really take it in. He'll have to rush through it just like everyone else and in the worst case feel burned out after he finishes.


I thought of this, but I think most people will just realize that the upper tiers are out of reach. Honestly, very few people have the time to reach them. My hope is that people will play to reach tier 1 or tier 2, but realize all the great content they have to play and continue whether the event is active or not.

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I thought of this, but I think most people will just realize that the upper tiers are out of reach. Honestly, very few people have the time to reach them. My hope is that people will play to reach tier 1 or tier 2, but realize all the great content they have to play and continue whether the event is active or not.


I hope you're right about this.

Maybe I'm projecting my own feelings towards this on others too much. I wouldn't have started with the event if I knew that there was no chance to see it through all the way.

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I'll leave a few things in your post unanswered, seeing that there really isn't anything against a grey approach to things. I've mentioned before that some things about this event can work, and some things (like the inclusion of old characters and the reliance on character slots) missed the mark quite horribly, but that's that. It's one of those averages things, and subjective opinions might be different as to where you stand in this entire thing. As I was meaning to play two female characters for a long time, and finally put those Togruta/Cathar unlocks to good use, I will take the additional rewards, but I don't feel overly blown away by it.


But there are two things I need to answer here. The first one is...


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


First full stop is right there. I don't mind when people want the Zabrak. I dislike it for being yet another Darth Maul ripoff, just like Savage Oppress was, but I digress. The issue stems from the fact that others get to decide what kind of companion my character can acquire. And there is the full stop. You might not be that much into roleplaying or getting the characters of your toons just right, but that is a huge deal to some people. From what kind of gear they are wearing, to what kind of companion they are using - it's all in the headcanon.


That said, I don't mind when the decisions some other people make have the consequence of achieving something later. The issue here is that, as things stand, the decisions of others decide whether I can acquire a certain piece of ingame reward at all. That's the entire issue. It was proven time and time again that assuming what somebody else can have, despite him saying otherwise, is a bad idea. It's a kind of majoritarianism that splits communities.


Let me put that into an example: Let's assume your favourite character is Jaesa. The community votes in favour of removing Jaesa from the game. 52% of the people don't want her back, and that's that. No objections. 52% have decided they don't need Jaesa. Assuming that majoritarianism, you don't need her either. We just said so. This would cause the same kind of outrage. I think it would cause even more issues.


There's a basic rule: Never make a player feel as if the progression of his own character is not his own decision to make. Blizzard realized that with the Azeroth Chopper promotion, and they put in a way to acquire both choppers. This is why I support and completely understand the outrage at this feature. If you want to decide what companion is easier to get, that's fine. If you want to decide which companion gets deleted without any access to it, I can only say it's a horrible decision.


If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.


That entirely depends on the amount of player retention and the length of the waiting period in question. If the player retention is high, it might work. Couple that with a short gap inbetween the release of new endgame content and the actual DvL event, and it could work.


The issue arises when the player retention is not high enough, and the gap is too long. The new endgame content would need to follow shortly after the event. We're also only one week into a four month event. It's essentially still the release rush hour. We should wait to judge this events player retention and overall success until we're at least halfway through.

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I hope you're right about this.

Maybe I'm projecting my own feelings towards this on others too much. I wouldn't have started with the event if I knew that there was no chance to see it through all the way.


IMO one of the things they did right with this "event" was putting the Companion reward on the second-highest tier. I'm okay with the "Legendary" tier requiring legitimately exceptional effort to reach, since that tier is not required for the Companions that are being presented front-and-center as the face of the promotion. Legendary tier is the "Wings of the Architect" for this event, and I think that's ultimately something that it's okay for it to have (although they might have avoided some blowback by packaging it as a 'bonus' tier or 'super-special achievement' instead of as the highest tier).

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I'll leave a few things in your post unanswered, seeing that there really isn't anything against a grey approach to things. I've mentioned before that some things about this event can work, and some things (like the inclusion of old characters and the reliance on character slots) missed the mark quite horribly, but that's that. It's one of those averages things, and subjective opinions might be different as to where you stand in this entire thing. As I was meaning to play two female characters for a long time, and finally put those Togruta/Cathar unlocks to good use, I will take the additional rewards, but I don't feel overly blown away by it.


But there are two things I need to answer here. The first one is...




First full stop is right there. I don't mind when people want the Zabrak. I dislike it for being yet another Darth Maul ripoff, just like Savage Oppress was, but I digress. The issue stems from the fact that others get to decide what kind of companion my character can acquire. And there is the full stop. You might not be that much into roleplaying or getting the characters of your toons just right, but that is a huge deal to some people. From what kind of gear they are wearing, to what kind of companion they are using - it's all in the headcanon.


That said, I don't mind when the decisions some other people make have the consequence of achieving something later. The issue here is that, as things stand, the decisions of others decide whether I can acquire a certain piece of ingame reward at all. That's the entire issue. It was proven time and time again that assuming what somebody else can have, despite him saying otherwise, is a bad idea. It's a kind of majoritarianism that splits communities.


Let me put that into an example: Let's assume your favourite character is Jaesa. The community votes in favour of removing Jaesa from the game. 52% of the people don't want her back, and that's that. No objections. 52% have decided they don't need Jaesa. Assuming that majoritarianism, you don't need her either. We just said so. This would cause the same kind of outrage. I think it would cause even more issues.


There's a basic rule: Never make a player feel as if the progression of his own character is not his own decision to make. Blizzard realized that with the Azeroth Chopper promotion, and they put in a way to acquire both choppers. This is why I support and completely understand the outrage at this feature. If you want to decide what companion is easier to get, that's fine. If you want to decide which companion gets deleted without any access to it, I can only say it's a horrible decision.




That entirely depends on the amount of player retention and the length of the waiting period in question. If the player retention is high, it might work. Couple that with a short gap inbetween the release of new endgame content and the actual DvL event, and it could work.


The issue arises when the player retention is not high enough, and the gap is too long. The new endgame content would need to follow shortly after the event. We're also only one week into a four month event. It's essentially still the release rush hour. We should wait to judge this events player retention and overall success until we're at least halfway through.


I get what you're saying.


As to the companion, I guess I'm interested to see how the implement it. If it's just an email thing like Nico, it doesn't matter which one they choose. If you are unhappy with it, just don't collect/summon it. There are plenty more and either one would make little sense to some people from an RP perspective, I imagine. Could also be that if you don't think the companion is a good reward/choice, don't aim for that tier. It's not worth it to everyone. That includes me.


For player retention, yes, I agree. We're working on assumptions. The point is that BW is likely going for that, so I support it. I can only go by what I assume the goals are. I can only go by what I would like to see happen. I can only comment on where things (and I) stand at this moment in time.

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I never had a problem with the premise of the event... just most of its implementation is a slopfest and lacks any and all professionalism, of the level that you'd expect out of a AAA game. I've seen more professionalism out of an indie developer.


My take on this is similar to Eudoxia's:

I have a lot of disappointment with the event, but have never been against it. But that's because I view things almost purely with pragmatism.


I do think there has been a BOATLOAD of arrogance, but I do think there's been a lot of players with a backbone demanding better treatment from Bioware too.

If the event does well, then good for BW and good for the health of the game. But it will be an event that did well despite its giant flaws, in my mind. I have no intention of backtracking on any of the criticisms I've leveled at it and given that I haven't been here long enough to feel all that invested, if the glaring criticisms are not properly addressed, my finger may just fumble with the renewal button and accidentally unsub from the game.


My intentions are good, but my finger might slip. I'm just saying, ya know. Sometimes you're trying to do a good thing and it goes wrong. Your finger slips. Oops. :p

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STO did a similar event- the "Delta Recruit" event. This required new characters (from my understanding, I discovered I joined while it was going on, so I have no prior knowledge) and had some special quests with the main storyline ones and some cutscenes. I was fine with it, assuming it was the basegame until I rolled a new character to replay a faction after the event ended to discover that the event was ... an event like this one here. The event was over but the ones I was still leveling could still play through the DR story stuff regardless.


That peeved me a little because Delta Recruit characters got extra little cutscenes and missions that non-DRs did not get in the game (they could get the rewards items, I think, but just not the DR story stuff). And this event we have makes me think of the Delta Recruit STO event, but gone a bit wrong- as far as I know, DR characters didn't decide stuff for the whole game, but LvD characters do decide.


I would like a choice between the two to be more personalized. And maybe have a way to get both, one as the freebie, the other purchasable.


Yeah, I'm settling into the "Could have been done better" camp. *goes back to PvP queue and playing her JC*

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I never had a problem with the premise of the event... just most of its implementation is a slopfest and lacks any and all professionalism, of the level that you'd expect out of a AAA game. I've seen more professionalism out of an indie developer.


My take on this is similar to Eudoxia's:


If the event does well, then good for BW and good for the health of the game. But it will be an event that did well despite its giant flaws, in my mind. I have no intention of backtracking on any of the criticisms I've leveled at it and given that I haven't been here long enough to feel all that invested, if the glaring criticisms are not properly addressed, my finger may just fumble with the renewal button and accidentally unsub from the game.


My intentions are good, but my finger might slip. I'm just saying, ya know. Sometimes you're trying to do a good thing and it goes wrong. Your finger slips. Oops. :p


I feel ya. I hope they learned something from the standpoint of communication, but I won't hold my breath. They also fumbled rewards, which should have been BoL.


But the premise is good and the rewards are enough to keep people playing for boxes. I also wish they would give boxes for each character that reaches 25 or 50, not just once per tier.


There is always room for improvement.

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As to the companion, I guess I'm interested to see how the implement it. If it's just an email thing like Nico, it doesn't matter which one they choose. If you are unhappy with it, just don't collect/summon it. There are plenty more and either one would make little sense to some people from an RP perspective, I imagine. Could also be that if you don't think the companion is a good reward/choice, don't aim for that tier. It's not worth it to everyone. That includes me.


The issue isn't so much with the people who decide against obtaining the companion at all, but with the people who achieve that tier and are constantly greeted with a companion they didn't want in the mail/companion window, while the companion they did want is completely unobtainable in any way imagineable. Those people will be the people who'll be upset the most. The people who don't go for that tier won't care at all. I don't very much care for any changes to the legendary tier, seeing that I don't intend to actually do it, but I can see how people might be upset with it. I will do exactly what you said: I will delete the Zabrak companion on all characters straight out of the mailbox. I don't care for it.


If the second companion disappears forever, I see it as a gross missuse of development capacity and resources. The second companion could be used as a pack item. It could be put onto the CM just like Treek. It could be used as a major credit sink with a vendor. All those things are possible. Some are less favourable than others (the CM thing), but that profit is keeping the game afloat. A necessary evil.


Subjectively, I think it doesn't really matter how they implement it. It could be the worst companion we've ever seen. My issue is with the "51% seem to think that the Darth Maul companion is more favourable, thus the 49% can't have theirs." It simply grinds the wrong spot. Admittedly, it is a very childish and selfish spot, but it does exist.

Edited by Alssaran
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The item I enjoyed most out of this event was finding the adaptive gear vendor on courascant. It was insanely awesome to see something at last for new players, that did not revolve around the cm. As for any toons I am making not sure what the point is. Once I reach fallen empire, there really is no point to playing the game. For now its ok just not going to shoot for 8 or even 3 new toons, as I still hold it is a major ingredient for burn out mode.


I really hope they got something fun/interesting planned for this fall, because if its more chapters well.... you know the rest.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




Fair enough. :)


But I have to say.. you appear to have left all your prior negative rhetoric all over the forum. Any plans to go back and rework any of that, or at least put a pointer to this thread?


I ask because newer players do browse the forums, and what we (the collective community) say does make impressions on them. Which is one of the primary reasons I tend to post contrasting opinions to some of the harsh negativity that slathers the forum from time to time.

Edited by Andryah
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The item I enjoyed most out of this event was finding the adaptive gear vendor on courascant. It was insanely awesome to see something at last for new players, that did not revolve around the cm. As for any toons I am making not sure what the point is. Once I reach fallen empire, there really is no point to playing the game. For now its ok just not going to shoot for 8 or even 3 new toons, as I still hold it is a major ingredient for burn out mode.


I really hope they got something fun/interesting planned for this fall, because if its more chapters well.... you know the rest.


Paul Harvey? Is that you?

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What have vets gotten in almost 2 years now?


Which is why there is a lot of passive anger in this forum lately. Nobody can actually dispute that doing something for new players isn't good for the game. It's very supportive to do that. The aggressiveness arises when, for almost two years now, parts of the community are ignored or fed with half-done content. Look at the PvP playerbase. They received a warzone and a "surprise" ranked season, but check their forum. Check the crafting forum. Or the Operation forum. Some of them haven't seen a single developer post in two and a half years.


The amount of content aimed at supporting new players has, sadly, shifted too much into one direction in the past two years. That's the cause of all this negativity towards an event which seems to try and attract new players yet again. Is this how it's going to be from here on? Do we take the fountain approach? We get some new players, keep them for three or four months, and then just start another event to wave the next group of new players right through?


A lot of this negativity could be killed if Bioware would finally try to take a more balanced stance - try to make events that involve veterans and new players alike.

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I feel that I must start by paraphrasing Anakin:


I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of the game. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with BW.


Ok, I can admit when I make a mistake. I've been thinking about this event, BW, and the things I've been posting lately. The funny thing is, I was wrong. The event. BW. All of it. It was all wrong.


Seriously, though: I think the event is a good thing and I'll tell you why. People are chasing after rewards that many people have saved credits over long periods of time, or spent CCs on, These people are getting a taste of things that were previously out of reach. This is a great incentive for them to complete sets, which will require either paying or playing more.


People are participating in an event and their actions directly affect the outcome and the reward that many people will receive. That's great! No more complaining about which on BW went with because it was decided by people just like you and me!


People get to experience more. Those who were drawn to the game by KotFE and instant-60 tokens now get to see the truly impressive part of the game. I hope they don't just spacebar through it. Unless you're a vet who has done the stories before. In that case, spacebar away and get your rewards that much faster!


And, finally, the best part of the event. People are doing things again. People are playing. Any world I go to, there are plenty of people online, asking questions, recruiting for guilds, and just generally having a good time. This is what it's all about.


I'm willing to sacrifice a new WZ or a FP for that last point. I want to see people out in the worlds. I've already done the thing where no one was on. It was cool, but the world is better with other people in it.


I hope BW takes advantage of this opportunity and expands endgame content for all these people running the event and for long-time vets who are ready for more. If we have to wait a few extra months because BW is trying to bring in more people... well, I think that's worth it.




Nice to see you've taken the time to think things over and seen light through the darkness ( providing this isn't all some sarcastic post - yet to read rest of the thread ;) )


The event has obvious faults but from my point of view it's better than nothing and the best we could expect from the team as it stands in this sort of time frame.


I will point out though that the collection thing is an issue because people can't even play or pay to get a lot of that rare stuff ... even the super expensive items are very limited in numbers now.

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